How to fight super-racist "critical race theory"

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2021 Apr 25, 9:45am   4,155 views  202 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Critical race theory is fast becoming America’s new institutional orthodoxy. Yet most Americans have never heard of it—and of those who have, many don’t understand it. This must change. We need to know what it is so we can know how to fight it.

To explain critical race theory, it helps to begin with a brief history of Marxism. ...

Its supporters deploy a series of euphemisms to describe critical race theory, including “equity,” “social justice,” “diversity and inclusion,” and “culturally responsive teaching.” Critical race theorists, masters of language construction, realize that “neo-Marxism” would be a hard sell. Equity, on the other hand, sounds non-threatening and is easily confused with the American principle of equality. But the distinction is vast and important. Indeed, critical race theorists explicitly reject equality...

UCLA law professor and critical race theorist Cheryl Harris has proposed suspending private property rights, seizing land and wealth, and redistributing them along racial lines. Critical race guru Ibram X. Kendi, who directs the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, has proposed the creation of a federal Department of Antiracism. This department would be independent of (i.e., unaccountable to) the elected branches of government, and would have the power to nullify, veto, or abolish any law at any level of government and curtail the speech of political leaders and others deemed insufficiently “antiracist.”

One practical result of the creation of such a department would be the overthrow of capitalism, since, according to Kendi, “In order to truly be antiracist, you also have to truly be anti-capitalist.” In other words, identity is the means; Marxism is the end.

An equity-based form of government would mean the end not only of private property but also of individual rights, equality under the law, federalism, and freedom of speech. These would be replaced by race-based redistribution of wealth, group-based rights, active discrimination, and omnipotent bureaucratic authority. Historically, the accusation of “anti-Americanism” has been overused. But in this case, it’s not a matter of interpretation: critical race theory prescribes a revolutionary program that would overturn the principles of the Declaration and destroy the remaining structure of the Constitution. ...

In Cupertino, California, an elementary school forced first-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities and rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.” ...

There are three parts to a successful strategy to defeat the forces of critical race theory: governmental action, grassroots mobilization, and an appeal to principle. ...

We already see examples of governmental action. Last year, one of my reports led President Trump to issue an executive order banning critical race theory–based training programs in the federal government. President Biden rescinded this order on his first day in office...

I have organized a coalition of attorneys to file lawsuits against schools and government agencies that impose critical race theory–based programs on grounds of the First Amendment (which protects citizens from compelled speech), the Fourteenth Amendment (which provides equal protection under the law), and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which prohibits public institutions from discriminating on the basis of race). ...

On the grassroots level, a multiracial and bipartisan coalition is emerging to fight critical race theory. Parents are mobilizing against racially divisive curricula in public schools and employees are increasingly speaking out against Orwellian reeducation in the workplace. When they see what is happening, Americans are naturally outraged that critical race theory promotes three ideas—race essentialism, collective guilt, and neo-segregation—that violate the basic principles of equality and justice. Anecdotally, many Chinese-Americans have told me that, having survived the Cultural Revolution in their former country, they refuse to let the same thing happen here. ...

In terms of principles, we need to employ our own moral language rather than allow ourselves to be confined by the categories of critical race theory. For example, we often find ourselves debating “diversity.” Diversity as most of us understand it is generally good, all things being equal, but it is of secondary value. We should be talking about and aiming at excellence, a common standard that challenges people of all backgrounds to achieve their potential. On the scale of desirable ends, excellence beats diversity every time. ...

Similarly, in addition to pointing out the dishonesty of the historical narrative on which critical race theory is predicated, we must promote the true story of America—a story that is honest about injustices in American history, but that places them in the context of our nation’s high ideals and the progress we have made toward realizing them. Genuine American history is rich with stories of achievements and sacrifices that will move the hearts of Americans, in stark contrast to the grim and pessimistic narrative pressed by critical race theorists.

Above all, we must have courage, the fundamental virtue required in our time: courage to stand and speak the truth, courage to withstand epithets, courage to face the mob, and courage to shrug off the scorn of elites. When enough of us overcome the fear that currently prevents so many from speaking out, the hold of critical race theory will begin to slip. And courage begets courage. It’s easy to stop a lone dissenter; it’s much harder to stop 10, 20, 100, 1,000, 1 million, or more who stand up together for the principles of America. Truth and justice are on our side. If we can muster the courage, we will win.

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77   Patrick   2021 May 22, 3:54pm  


DeSantis on Critical Race Theory: ‘Offensive’ to Expect Taxpayers to Pay to Teach Kids to ‘Hate Their Country’
BY TOM OZIMEK May 22, 2021

Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said Friday that he opposes teaching critical race theory in the state’s public schools, calling the ideas pushed by its advocates as “based on false history” and “teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other.”
78   Patrick   2021 May 22, 3:54pm  

So at least the governors of Georgia, South Dakota, and Florida are still sane.
80   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 May 22, 5:14pm  

Patrick says

Winning: Popular radio host quits live after being told he needs to stop joking about Demi Lovato's pronouns. His desperate boss reached out to offer him his job back.

Naturally, I'm very excited to see such a fine bit of a story floating around on the internet. Let's sum this up real quick:

Wednesday morning, Demi Lovato did that thing people talked about for like 12 hours where she changed her pronouns or something like that.
This "news" hit while "Matty In The Mornin...

That’s great
81   AmericanKulak   2021 May 22, 5:28pm  

Boycott Chicago until the Mayor apologizes.

Have the state legislature ban the collection of all racial information, except where required by federal law, and put it in a lockbox when it is collected, so nobody can see it except specific individuals charged with filing it, and make revealing of that information a felony on privacy grounds.
82   Patrick   2021 May 22, 5:33pm  

I think we could improve on that by adopting the French model: the government may never under any circumstance collect racial information.

Everyone is simply a citizen with the same rights as anyone else. The government should have zero interest in what race we are.

Medical professionals may need that info though, because race is an objective medical fact, not socially constructed. This has important implications for treatment.
83   WillPowers   2021 May 22, 11:46pm  

Fortwaynemobile says

Ignoring lgbt crap just got them to run cancel culture on everyone. People didn’t speak up for 4 years, and now leftist nazis running around cancelling people for wrong think.

Yeah, this nonsense has been going on for years, since the '60's when the left infiltrated our University college system and since then the CIA has up'd its' game on mind programming students to be dumb failures and worthless zeros so they can be low paid factory workers. The establishment bureaucracy/corporations are not going to be satisfied until nonunion workers are earning what they get in China. That's what they mean by "one world government," and "A new world order," George Bush, another globalist who sold out the middle class and George Bush 2 put America well on the way to losing all our precious civil liberties.

The Republicans, Mitch McConnel, Ted Cruz, Mitt Romey, John (may his soul rest in hell) McCain all Republican globalists who stabbed Trump in the back the first chance they got, are just as bad as Pelosi, Schummer, AOC, and the squad, as well as most Dems, with the possible exception of Tulsi Gabbart. The globalists have all been working hand in hand with the deep state to dumb the population down, and if the dummies fall for critical race theory, then they are too dumb for words. I doubt this will work in the long run. People don't like to think of themselves as a racist. This is the kind of thing that will drive white classical liberals right out of the party. Just keep heaping it on Dems... give them enough rope...
84   HeadSet   2021 May 23, 1:25pm  

WillPowers says
This is the kind of thing that will drive white classical liberals right out of the party.

True, that will drive out the remaining grown-up male classic liberals that have not already moved toward Trump. However, the females and adolescent attitude male libs will still be clinging to what gives them meaning - "atonement" and "virtue signaling." If you know everything you have came from dad or hubby, then you can admit your guilt and disparage those that do not. Beats giving away you inheritance, or putting in the effort to actually become productive.
87   HeadSet   2021 May 23, 5:58pm  

However, police said there is 'nothing to suggest' that the woman shot was the subject of a targeted attack.

???? Are there random shootings in London now? I thought guns were virtually non-existent among the public in Britain.
88   RC2006   2021 May 23, 6:20pm  

HeadSet says
I thought guns were virtually non-existent among the public in Britain.

Criminals have all the guns.
89   AmericanKulak   2021 May 23, 6:41pm  

90   Ceffer   2021 May 23, 7:06pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says


I bet she has white slaves now, keeping her alive in intensive care. Black assailant(s)? Too bad, no targets for a Cuckoo Bird lawsuit.
91   Hircus   2021 May 24, 9:08am  

Looks like obvious hate speech and calls to action. But, these tweets are 3/4 yr old now, proving twitter doesn't care. They love this shit.
92   Patrick   2021 May 25, 5:16pm  


DeSantis to Critics of CRT Ban: Florida Students Will Learn ‘Historical Fact,’ Not ‘Non-Empirical Ideology’

Now that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned Critical Race Theory from public schools, his critics are on notice that Florida’s students will learn “historical fact,” not “non-empirical ideology.”
93   EBGuy   2021 May 25, 5:28pm  

Hircus says

Looks like obvious hate speech and calls to action. But, these tweets are 3/4 yr old now, proving twitter doesn't care. They love this shit.

Looks like account was finally suspended as someone, just maybe, thought it was bad for optics...
94   Hircus   2021 May 25, 5:51pm  

EBGuy says
Hircus says

Looks like obvious hate speech and calls to action. But, these tweets are 3/4 yr old now, proving twitter doesn't care. They love this shit.

Looks like account was finally suspended as someone, just maybe, thought it was bad for optics...

woot! I reported her right as I posted that. It may have been me.
96   AmericanKulak   2021 May 25, 7:55pm  

HunterTits says
I'm so fucking old I can remember when CRT meant 'Cathode Ray Tube'

I'm so old I remember that if a parent dressed a kid in the opposite gender, CPS would take the kid away.
97   Patrick   2021 May 25, 10:29pm  


Perhaps the most powerful – and most frightening – of the notes I have received are the several dozen from those who identify themselves as having immigrated to America from the former Soviet Union or from countries in formerly communist Eastern Europe. These emails are never political in nature and are nearly identical in message: These first-generation Americans all write that they have “seen this movie before.” They are familiar with the propaganda, the tactics of indoctrination and the pervasive fear of speaking up that plague today’s United States. Simply put, they cannot believe this is happening here.
98   Patrick   2021 May 26, 9:13am  


BOSTON, MA—According to sources, local parents Dale and Cherie Woodall are shelling out over $100,000 to send their son Dillan to college and utterly destroy every good thing they have tried to teach him for the last 18 years.

"What these parents don't know," said one expert, "is that pretty much all kids who go to college end up more dumb when they graduate than they were when they went in. We're honestly surprised people are still paying for this stuff!"

Studies show that most universities ceased being places of higher learning many decades ago, and are instead Marxist indoctrination centers designed to turn students into mindless activists for radical social revolution.

At college, Dillan's faith will be assaulted on a daily basis, and every value he's been taught will be deconstructed until there's nothing left. When he graduates, he will be a lost, miserable soul who won't be able to get a job and will wander aimlessly through life for 10 years until he rediscovers God again and finds the meaning and purpose he long left behind.

$100K well spent!

One way to fight super-racist CRT: don't pay tuition to universities that teach hate.
99   Patrick   2021 May 26, 9:11pm  

I've been reading "Beyond Good and Evil" by Nietzsche, and while it's pretty hard to comprehend, it has some points which seem to apply to the present problem of wokeness.

In section 201:

Finally, when conditions are very peaceful, all opportunity and necessity for cultivating one's feelings for rigor and hardness disappear; now any rigor, even in the operations of justice, begins to disturb men's conscience. Any superior and rigorous distinction and self-responsibility is felt to be almost insulting; it awakens mistrust; the "lambs" and even more the "sheep" gain respect. There is a point of pathological hollowness and over-indulgence in the history of social groups where they even side with those who harm them, with their criminals -- and they feel this way seriously and honestly. Punishment seems somehow unfair...

This reminds me a lot of the weakening of America under our long peace, and the eventual siding with criminals like George Floyd who harm people.
100   Onvacation   2021 May 27, 1:01pm  


"If your not evolving into an antiracist educator your becoming obsolete".
Notice all the woke teachers are nodding.
102   PeopleUnited   2021 May 28, 3:08am  

Patrick says
This reminds me a lot of the weakening of America under our long peace, and the eventual siding with criminals

Like Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, George Bush, Tony Fauci and so many others, who harm them.

Fixed it for you.

The popular false narrative of martyrdom of petty criminals by excessive police force is to distract us from that fact that corrupt people run our country.
103   Patrick   2021 May 28, 9:58am  


‘Critical Race Theory Is the New Racism,’ Says Texas Public Policy Foundation Scholar
BY TOM OZIMEK May 28, 2021

...Thomas Lindsay, a distinguished senior fellow of higher education and constitutional studies at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, said that there are CRT-inspired programs “being instituted down to the third grade, where they’re telling third-grade children that because of the color of their skin, they are oppressors, meaning that because of the color of their skin, they’re bad.”

“That used to be called racism,” he said. “And unfortunately, critical race theory is the new racism.”

CRT—which espouses the idea that race is not natural, but socially constructed to oppress and exploit minorities—is an offshoot of the quasi-Marxist critical theory social philosophy that was promoted by the Frankfurt school of thought.

Then-President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning CRT training in federal agencies in September 2020, with the White House describing it as “anti-American propaganda.”

After taking office, Biden reversed Trump’s September 2020 executive order and has pushed CRT training on a number of fronts.

Proponents of Critical Race Theory have argued that it’s needed to demonstrate what they say is “pervasive systemic racism” and to facilitate rooting it out.

The Biden administration’s efforts have triggered widespread pushback from federal and state Republican lawmakers, conservatives, and related organizations, as well as parents.

“Parents are incredibly upset that their children are being told that if they’re white, they are by definition oppressors, and if they’re black, they’re by definition oppressed,” Lindsay said in the interview.

He also praised House Bill 3979, which passed the state Senate on May 22 but, as of Thursday, had not yet been finalized as some amendments continue to be scrutinized. While the bill doesn’t mention CRT by name, it apparently aims to ban the quasi-Marxist ideology in public and open-enrollment charter schools.

According to the bill text, teachers, administrators, and employees from state agencies, school districts, and open-enrollment charter schools are prohibited from teaching students that one race is inherently superior to another race or sex or that an individual is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive by virtue of his or her race or sex.

Lindsay said the bill “prevents any teaching of students and any teacher training that uses racial scapegoating or racial stereotyping or sexual scapegoating or sexual stereotyping.”

He added that the measure also does several things “on the positive side,” namely requiring all Texas students to study the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Federalist Paper essays 10 and 15, excerpts from Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America,” and the first Lincoln-Douglas debate.

“That’s going to give them that information about our founding principles that they’re going to need to understand current events,” Lindsay said.

He said the Texas bill came in response to the Biden administration’s April proposal to fund history and civics programs that promote Critical Race Theory or related curricula.
104   Patrick   2021 May 28, 12:57pm  

PeopleUnited says
Patrick says
This reminds me a lot of the weakening of America under our long peace, and the eventual siding with criminals

Like Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, George Bush, Tony Fauci and so many others, who harm them.

Fixed it for you.

The popular false narrative of martyrdom of petty criminals by excessive police force is to distract us from that fact that corrupt people run our country.

And especially to prevent us from talking about how Chinese imports destroy American industry and make us dependent and weak in order to profit oligarchs like Bezos.
105   Patrick   2021 May 28, 1:29pm  


This is the heart of the CRT movement's cultural strategy – deceive society into embracing a fundamentally dishonest premise about human dignity, and build a prejudiced, neo-racist kingdom from there.

Rufo demonstrated how to defeat it, and we'd all be wise to learn.

106   Hircus   2021 May 28, 1:55pm  

Does anyone think it might be somewhat effective if a trend of "mirror comments" started to take place, where whenever we see a black make an anti white racist statement, we make the same statement right back to them, but flip the words black w/ white?

It would highlight the fact that extreme racial double standards exist in both whats social acceptable, as well as social media banning / enforcement.
107   Bd6r   2021 May 28, 2:15pm  

Patrick says
Perhaps the most powerful – and most frightening – of the notes I have received are the several dozen from those who identify themselves as having immigrated to America from the former Soviet Union or from countries in formerly communist Eastern Europe. These emails are never political in nature and are nearly identical in message: These first-generation Americans all write that they have “seen this movie before.” They are familiar with the propaganda, the tactics of indoctrination and the pervasive fear of speaking up that plague today’s United States. Simply put, they cannot believe this is happening here.

Yes, I have absolutely seen this before...in USSR
108   Patrick   2021 May 28, 2:31pm  

Hircus says
Does anyone think it might be somewhat effective if a trend of "mirror comments" started to take place, where whenever we see a black make an anti white racist statement, we make the same statement right back to them, but flip the words black w/ white?

It would highlight the fact that extreme racial double standards exist in both whats social acceptable, as well as social media banning / enforcement.

Yes, I think this might help.

But please, in every response, also mention how race distracts us from the half-trillion dollars of Chinese imports which kills US manufacturing jobs to make the US elite richer.
110   Patrick   2021 May 28, 6:01pm  

Lawsuits are the answer.
111   AmericanKulak   2021 May 28, 6:41pm  

Patrick says
I feel there is an element of karma here.

Liberal Jews promoted hatred of white people, because most liberal Jews still blame all white people for the Holocaust. All white people. Not just Germans. Not just Nazis in particular.

Yep, Jewish Currents is the newest form of Morgen Freiheit, which backed the Hebron Massacre (b-b-but, Jews were fine under Arabs) and of course the Molotov-Ribbentropf Pact.

However, it's the right wing Hassidics who pay for the Commijews.
112   AmericanKulak   2021 May 28, 8:00pm  

Patrick says

@MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou Tell me more about this.

I thought the Hasids were not particularly wealthy because they have so many children and because they shun the secular world. And I was under the impression that they didn't like Communists.

They're obviously Jewish with the hats and burns, etc. Red Diaper (Grand)babies Secular Rad Leftists are not.

Better article on the subject:
113   Patrick   2021 May 28, 8:10pm  

Good article, but I don't see a connection to the Hasidim.

Not that the Hasidim are very nice people. They probably won't talk to you except to tell you to fuck off (unless you're Jewish and might join their cult). But they do sincerely believe in Judaism and live very conservative lives.
114   AmericanKulak   2021 May 28, 8:24pm  

@Patrick - Hassidim are readily identifiable by their get-up. Secular Jews aren't. That was the point I was making "Hassidim pay the Price"
116   Patrick   2021 May 28, 8:36pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
That was the point I was making "Hassidim pay the Price"

Doh! I get it now, thanks.

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