How to fight super-racist "critical race theory"

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2021 Apr 25, 9:45am   4,153 views  202 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Critical race theory is fast becoming America’s new institutional orthodoxy. Yet most Americans have never heard of it—and of those who have, many don’t understand it. This must change. We need to know what it is so we can know how to fight it.

To explain critical race theory, it helps to begin with a brief history of Marxism. ...

Its supporters deploy a series of euphemisms to describe critical race theory, including “equity,” “social justice,” “diversity and inclusion,” and “culturally responsive teaching.” Critical race theorists, masters of language construction, realize that “neo-Marxism” would be a hard sell. Equity, on the other hand, sounds non-threatening and is easily confused with the American principle of equality. But the distinction is vast and important. Indeed, critical race theorists explicitly reject equality...

UCLA law professor and critical race theorist Cheryl Harris has proposed suspending private property rights, seizing land and wealth, and redistributing them along racial lines. Critical race guru Ibram X. Kendi, who directs the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, has proposed the creation of a federal Department of Antiracism. This department would be independent of (i.e., unaccountable to) the elected branches of government, and would have the power to nullify, veto, or abolish any law at any level of government and curtail the speech of political leaders and others deemed insufficiently “antiracist.”

One practical result of the creation of such a department would be the overthrow of capitalism, since, according to Kendi, “In order to truly be antiracist, you also have to truly be anti-capitalist.” In other words, identity is the means; Marxism is the end.

An equity-based form of government would mean the end not only of private property but also of individual rights, equality under the law, federalism, and freedom of speech. These would be replaced by race-based redistribution of wealth, group-based rights, active discrimination, and omnipotent bureaucratic authority. Historically, the accusation of “anti-Americanism” has been overused. But in this case, it’s not a matter of interpretation: critical race theory prescribes a revolutionary program that would overturn the principles of the Declaration and destroy the remaining structure of the Constitution. ...

In Cupertino, California, an elementary school forced first-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities and rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.” ...

There are three parts to a successful strategy to defeat the forces of critical race theory: governmental action, grassroots mobilization, and an appeal to principle. ...

We already see examples of governmental action. Last year, one of my reports led President Trump to issue an executive order banning critical race theory–based training programs in the federal government. President Biden rescinded this order on his first day in office...

I have organized a coalition of attorneys to file lawsuits against schools and government agencies that impose critical race theory–based programs on grounds of the First Amendment (which protects citizens from compelled speech), the Fourteenth Amendment (which provides equal protection under the law), and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which prohibits public institutions from discriminating on the basis of race). ...

On the grassroots level, a multiracial and bipartisan coalition is emerging to fight critical race theory. Parents are mobilizing against racially divisive curricula in public schools and employees are increasingly speaking out against Orwellian reeducation in the workplace. When they see what is happening, Americans are naturally outraged that critical race theory promotes three ideas—race essentialism, collective guilt, and neo-segregation—that violate the basic principles of equality and justice. Anecdotally, many Chinese-Americans have told me that, having survived the Cultural Revolution in their former country, they refuse to let the same thing happen here. ...

In terms of principles, we need to employ our own moral language rather than allow ourselves to be confined by the categories of critical race theory. For example, we often find ourselves debating “diversity.” Diversity as most of us understand it is generally good, all things being equal, but it is of secondary value. We should be talking about and aiming at excellence, a common standard that challenges people of all backgrounds to achieve their potential. On the scale of desirable ends, excellence beats diversity every time. ...

Similarly, in addition to pointing out the dishonesty of the historical narrative on which critical race theory is predicated, we must promote the true story of America—a story that is honest about injustices in American history, but that places them in the context of our nation’s high ideals and the progress we have made toward realizing them. Genuine American history is rich with stories of achievements and sacrifices that will move the hearts of Americans, in stark contrast to the grim and pessimistic narrative pressed by critical race theorists.

Above all, we must have courage, the fundamental virtue required in our time: courage to stand and speak the truth, courage to withstand epithets, courage to face the mob, and courage to shrug off the scorn of elites. When enough of us overcome the fear that currently prevents so many from speaking out, the hold of critical race theory will begin to slip. And courage begets courage. It’s easy to stop a lone dissenter; it’s much harder to stop 10, 20, 100, 1,000, 1 million, or more who stand up together for the principles of America. Truth and justice are on our side. If we can muster the courage, we will win.

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92   Patrick   2021 May 25, 5:16pm  


DeSantis to Critics of CRT Ban: Florida Students Will Learn ‘Historical Fact,’ Not ‘Non-Empirical Ideology’

Now that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned Critical Race Theory from public schools, his critics are on notice that Florida’s students will learn “historical fact,” not “non-empirical ideology.”
93   EBGuy   2021 May 25, 5:28pm  

Hircus says

Looks like obvious hate speech and calls to action. But, these tweets are 3/4 yr old now, proving twitter doesn't care. They love this shit.

Looks like account was finally suspended as someone, just maybe, thought it was bad for optics...
94   Hircus   2021 May 25, 5:51pm  

EBGuy says
Hircus says

Looks like obvious hate speech and calls to action. But, these tweets are 3/4 yr old now, proving twitter doesn't care. They love this shit.

Looks like account was finally suspended as someone, just maybe, thought it was bad for optics...

woot! I reported her right as I posted that. It may have been me.
96   AmericanKulak   2021 May 25, 7:55pm  

HunterTits says
I'm so fucking old I can remember when CRT meant 'Cathode Ray Tube'

I'm so old I remember that if a parent dressed a kid in the opposite gender, CPS would take the kid away.
97   Patrick   2021 May 25, 10:29pm  


Perhaps the most powerful – and most frightening – of the notes I have received are the several dozen from those who identify themselves as having immigrated to America from the former Soviet Union or from countries in formerly communist Eastern Europe. These emails are never political in nature and are nearly identical in message: These first-generation Americans all write that they have “seen this movie before.” They are familiar with the propaganda, the tactics of indoctrination and the pervasive fear of speaking up that plague today’s United States. Simply put, they cannot believe this is happening here.
98   Patrick   2021 May 26, 9:13am  


BOSTON, MA—According to sources, local parents Dale and Cherie Woodall are shelling out over $100,000 to send their son Dillan to college and utterly destroy every good thing they have tried to teach him for the last 18 years.

"What these parents don't know," said one expert, "is that pretty much all kids who go to college end up more dumb when they graduate than they were when they went in. We're honestly surprised people are still paying for this stuff!"

Studies show that most universities ceased being places of higher learning many decades ago, and are instead Marxist indoctrination centers designed to turn students into mindless activists for radical social revolution.

At college, Dillan's faith will be assaulted on a daily basis, and every value he's been taught will be deconstructed until there's nothing left. When he graduates, he will be a lost, miserable soul who won't be able to get a job and will wander aimlessly through life for 10 years until he rediscovers God again and finds the meaning and purpose he long left behind.

$100K well spent!

One way to fight super-racist CRT: don't pay tuition to universities that teach hate.
99   Patrick   2021 May 26, 9:11pm  

I've been reading "Beyond Good and Evil" by Nietzsche, and while it's pretty hard to comprehend, it has some points which seem to apply to the present problem of wokeness.

In section 201:

Finally, when conditions are very peaceful, all opportunity and necessity for cultivating one's feelings for rigor and hardness disappear; now any rigor, even in the operations of justice, begins to disturb men's conscience. Any superior and rigorous distinction and self-responsibility is felt to be almost insulting; it awakens mistrust; the "lambs" and even more the "sheep" gain respect. There is a point of pathological hollowness and over-indulgence in the history of social groups where they even side with those who harm them, with their criminals -- and they feel this way seriously and honestly. Punishment seems somehow unfair...

This reminds me a lot of the weakening of America under our long peace, and the eventual siding with criminals like George Floyd who harm people.
100   Onvacation   2021 May 27, 1:01pm  


"If your not evolving into an antiracist educator your becoming obsolete".
Notice all the woke teachers are nodding.
102   PeopleUnited   2021 May 28, 3:08am  

Patrick says
This reminds me a lot of the weakening of America under our long peace, and the eventual siding with criminals

Like Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, George Bush, Tony Fauci and so many others, who harm them.

Fixed it for you.

The popular false narrative of martyrdom of petty criminals by excessive police force is to distract us from that fact that corrupt people run our country.
103   Patrick   2021 May 28, 9:58am  


‘Critical Race Theory Is the New Racism,’ Says Texas Public Policy Foundation Scholar
BY TOM OZIMEK May 28, 2021

...Thomas Lindsay, a distinguished senior fellow of higher education and constitutional studies at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, said that there are CRT-inspired programs “being instituted down to the third grade, where they’re telling third-grade children that because of the color of their skin, they are oppressors, meaning that because of the color of their skin, they’re bad.”

“That used to be called racism,” he said. “And unfortunately, critical race theory is the new racism.”

CRT—which espouses the idea that race is not natural, but socially constructed to oppress and exploit minorities—is an offshoot of the quasi-Marxist critical theory social philosophy that was promoted by the Frankfurt school of thought.

Then-President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning CRT training in federal agencies in September 2020, with the White House describing it as “anti-American propaganda.”

After taking office, Biden reversed Trump’s September 2020 executive order and has pushed CRT training on a number of fronts.

Proponents of Critical Race Theory have argued that it’s needed to demonstrate what they say is “pervasive systemic racism” and to facilitate rooting it out.

The Biden administration’s efforts have triggered widespread pushback from federal and state Republican lawmakers, conservatives, and related organizations, as well as parents.

“Parents are incredibly upset that their children are being told that if they’re white, they are by definition oppressors, and if they’re black, they’re by definition oppressed,” Lindsay said in the interview.

He also praised House Bill 3979, which passed the state Senate on May 22 but, as of Thursday, had not yet been finalized as some amendments continue to be scrutinized. While the bill doesn’t mention CRT by name, it apparently aims to ban the quasi-Marxist ideology in public and open-enrollment charter schools.

According to the bill text, teachers, administrators, and employees from state agencies, school districts, and open-enrollment charter schools are prohibited from teaching students that one race is inherently superior to another race or sex or that an individual is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive by virtue of his or her race or sex.

Lindsay said the bill “prevents any teaching of students and any teacher training that uses racial scapegoating or racial stereotyping or sexual scapegoating or sexual stereotyping.”

He added that the measure also does several things “on the positive side,” namely requiring all Texas students to study the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Federalist Paper essays 10 and 15, excerpts from Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America,” and the first Lincoln-Douglas debate.

“That’s going to give them that information about our founding principles that they’re going to need to understand current events,” Lindsay said.

He said the Texas bill came in response to the Biden administration’s April proposal to fund history and civics programs that promote Critical Race Theory or related curricula.
104   Patrick   2021 May 28, 12:57pm  

PeopleUnited says
Patrick says
This reminds me a lot of the weakening of America under our long peace, and the eventual siding with criminals

Like Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, George Bush, Tony Fauci and so many others, who harm them.

Fixed it for you.

The popular false narrative of martyrdom of petty criminals by excessive police force is to distract us from that fact that corrupt people run our country.

And especially to prevent us from talking about how Chinese imports destroy American industry and make us dependent and weak in order to profit oligarchs like Bezos.
105   Patrick   2021 May 28, 1:29pm  


This is the heart of the CRT movement's cultural strategy – deceive society into embracing a fundamentally dishonest premise about human dignity, and build a prejudiced, neo-racist kingdom from there.

Rufo demonstrated how to defeat it, and we'd all be wise to learn.

106   Hircus   2021 May 28, 1:55pm  

Does anyone think it might be somewhat effective if a trend of "mirror comments" started to take place, where whenever we see a black make an anti white racist statement, we make the same statement right back to them, but flip the words black w/ white?

It would highlight the fact that extreme racial double standards exist in both whats social acceptable, as well as social media banning / enforcement.
107   Bd6r   2021 May 28, 2:15pm  

Patrick says
Perhaps the most powerful – and most frightening – of the notes I have received are the several dozen from those who identify themselves as having immigrated to America from the former Soviet Union or from countries in formerly communist Eastern Europe. These emails are never political in nature and are nearly identical in message: These first-generation Americans all write that they have “seen this movie before.” They are familiar with the propaganda, the tactics of indoctrination and the pervasive fear of speaking up that plague today’s United States. Simply put, they cannot believe this is happening here.

Yes, I have absolutely seen this before...in USSR
108   Patrick   2021 May 28, 2:31pm  

Hircus says
Does anyone think it might be somewhat effective if a trend of "mirror comments" started to take place, where whenever we see a black make an anti white racist statement, we make the same statement right back to them, but flip the words black w/ white?

It would highlight the fact that extreme racial double standards exist in both whats social acceptable, as well as social media banning / enforcement.

Yes, I think this might help.

But please, in every response, also mention how race distracts us from the half-trillion dollars of Chinese imports which kills US manufacturing jobs to make the US elite richer.
110   Patrick   2021 May 28, 6:01pm  

Lawsuits are the answer.
111   AmericanKulak   2021 May 28, 6:41pm  

Patrick says
I feel there is an element of karma here.

Liberal Jews promoted hatred of white people, because most liberal Jews still blame all white people for the Holocaust. All white people. Not just Germans. Not just Nazis in particular.

Yep, Jewish Currents is the newest form of Morgen Freiheit, which backed the Hebron Massacre (b-b-but, Jews were fine under Arabs) and of course the Molotov-Ribbentropf Pact.

However, it's the right wing Hassidics who pay for the Commijews.
112   AmericanKulak   2021 May 28, 8:00pm  

Patrick says

@MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou Tell me more about this.

I thought the Hasids were not particularly wealthy because they have so many children and because they shun the secular world. And I was under the impression that they didn't like Communists.

They're obviously Jewish with the hats and burns, etc. Red Diaper (Grand)babies Secular Rad Leftists are not.

Better article on the subject:
113   Patrick   2021 May 28, 8:10pm  

Good article, but I don't see a connection to the Hasidim.

Not that the Hasidim are very nice people. They probably won't talk to you except to tell you to fuck off (unless you're Jewish and might join their cult). But they do sincerely believe in Judaism and live very conservative lives.
114   AmericanKulak   2021 May 28, 8:24pm  

@Patrick - Hassidim are readily identifiable by their get-up. Secular Jews aren't. That was the point I was making "Hassidim pay the Price"
116   Patrick   2021 May 28, 8:36pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
That was the point I was making "Hassidim pay the Price"

Doh! I get it now, thanks.
117   Patrick   2021 May 28, 10:42pm  


At the core of this elitist fear of Hillbillies (aka Po White, Rednecks, or Trailer Park Trash) is the elite’s realization that these denizens of rural America enjoy an almost genetic immunity to today’s race-based, politically correct narrative. Yes, the Dukes of Hazzard County folk may not be the brightest bulbs in the chandelier or especially well-informed politically, but when they hear mendacious anti-American lies, they may as well be rocket scientists. They admire America for what it is, not according to some bizarre ideology cooked up in a faculty lounge. Unlike timid elected officials, these people are not afraid of expressing “offensive’ views.

Imagine, for example, if some well-paid “race educator” showed up at Audie Murphy High School in bucolic West Virginia to instruct students on their toxic white privilege. He would be, of course, expensively dressed and paid $5,000 for his efforts. He’d inform youngsters that slaves built America, that black crime is entirely due to systemic white racism, that payment of reparations is a moral obligation, and all the rest of the critical race theory (CRT) religion. Keep in mind that most of these “privileged whites” in this area of West Virgina are dirt poor, have family who have died of drug overdoses, suffer from chronic alcoholism, and face long-term unemployment.

He would not receive a warm welcome. His audience would consist of patriotic Americans who refuse to accept the blame foisted on them by CRT. And, unlike over-socialized Ivy League students, they would express their “hateful” views face-to-face. No doubt, the “educator” would report back that he has uncovered rampant white supremacy, a bastion of the KKK, and all the rest that terrifies the liberal elite. A more accurate assessment is, of course, that our race hustler has uncovered a nest of unbelievers happy to speak the unspeakable truth.

Hillbillies refuse to be placated by the elite’s permission to run wild and grab free stuff. No member of the White Trash Community will have their political grievances satisfied by looting Farm and Fleet or upsetting tables at a Cracker Barrel.

The Hillbilly Community is not easily bought off with elite-supplied goodies such as overpaid jobs as professors of Appalachian Studies or campus directors of outreach dedicated to targeting underserved rural populations. Nor are they willing to sacrifice personal freedom (and self-respect) to qualify as affirmative action hires. Chuck Yaeger would never have enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Forces if they lowered standards to fill diversity quotas.

Participants in the Jan. 6 event are dangerous because they are unbelievers. They cannot be bribed into drinking the fake, racial grievance Kool-Aid at a time when being a “good citizen” means embracing falsehoods, it is this honesty that truly does make them dangerous.
119   Hircus   2021 May 29, 2:01pm  

This young black girl speaks logically about why she hates CRT.


Unsurprisingly, she said she's south african, and moved here to LA 8 years ago, so the toxic black american culture has not destroyed her. Another of many cases I've seen where black immigrants behave totally differently than American blacks, running circles around them and oddly succeeding in the "oppressive systemically raycist american society".
121   Patrick   2021 May 29, 10:24pm  

This guy alone is a good rebuttal to super-racist CRT:


And a Republican of course. Democrats always were and still are the party of slavery.
122   Patrick   2021 May 29, 10:32pm  


NYT Manufactured ‘Racial Panic And Hysteria’ With 1619 Project To Shift From Shattered Russia Hoax

The New York Times manufactured a “racial panic and hysteria” with its 1619 Project to deflect from the collapse of the fraudulent narrative of former President Donald Trump’s “collusion” with Russia, Alex Marlow, Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief and author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, said during a livestream on Facebook and Instagram.

Marlow stated, “The reason why I think [the 1619 Project] came to be as popular as it is was that it was a replacement — it was like that scene in Indiana Jones where he takes the bag of sand … he tries to take the monkey statue and knock it off — for the Russia collusion hoax, and I’ve got the data and the quotes to back it up.”

Breaking the News details the political calculations made by the New York Times in its attempt to frame Trump as some form of Manchurian candidate in service to the Russian state, Marlow remarked. “[The 1619 Project] was a part of a concerted effort by the Times to pivot the newsroom’s focus from the Trump/Russia collusion hoax to race hysteria,” he wrote on Monday.

Marlow remarked, “I show you what I’ve learned in my research looking into the New York Times, looking into their public pronouncements, what they’ve been telling their staff, what they’ve been telling their boardrooms, and they knew that they were on the run after the Mueller report.”

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s failure to identify any evidence of conspiracy or collusion between Trump and the Russian government undermined left-wing news media’s campaign against the 25th president, Marlow determined.

“After the Mueller report came out, they were big trouble, and they had structured their entire newsroom around this hoax that Trump had colluded with Russia to rig an election, and when their beloved hero Saint Robert Mueller let them down by reporting the truth, they were left pretty much rudderless.”

He continued, “[The New York Times] decided .., to make, essentially, a racial reckoning the centerpiece of their newsroom. In 2019, Dean Baquet, who is the editor of the Times, he said that the focal point of the newsroom is going to be ‘what it means to be an American in 2019,’ and that means it ‘requires imaginative use of all our muscles to write about race and class in a deeper way than we have in years.’ Do you need muscles to write about race and class? These guys are so pompous.”

Marlow described the New York Times‘s business model as “not about reporting the truth,” but “guiding their base — the resistance moms, the people [whose] main identity was hatred of Trump — guiding them in a certain direction.”

The New York Times‘ “woke agenda” and “overall business plan” is the development of “racial panic,” “hysteria,” and “neo-racism [as] the focal point of their newsroom,” Marlow concluded.
123   Patrick   2021 May 30, 10:36am  


Loudon County suspended a Christian gym teacher for saying he won't teach modern gender theory: "I love all of my students but I will never lie to them."

This guy has real principles, refusing to promote the sexual mutilation of children, at the expense of his own job.
124   Onvacation   2021 May 30, 2:41pm  


"The time to rat-a-tat-tat.... No good peckerwood!"

They are armed. Did anyone else note the dread lock dude with the Samurai sword?
125   Patrick   2021 May 31, 3:27am  


‘We Are Going to Expose You’: Crenshaw, Cotton Create Military Whistleblower Site to Combat ‘Woke Ideology’

Two Republican lawmakers have begun a campaign that calls on whistleblowers in the military to come forward with their experiences in training programs that promote critical race theory or “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

“We won’t let our military fall to woke ideology,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), a former Navy SEAL, wrote in a tweet on May 28, linking to a website where informants can submit their accounts. “With written permission, we will anonymously publish egregious complaints on social media and tell the country what’s happening in our military. ...

The web page was posted in conjunction with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a former Army captain. They hope that service members “will anonymously publish egregious complaints on social media” in order to “tell the country what’s happening in our military,” Crenshaw said.

“Spineless military commanders have let it happen. Now we are going to expose you.”

Earlier this month, the U.S. Space Force confirmed it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier of his duties after he alleged that Marxism and critical race theory—which draws inspiration heavily from Marxist critical theory—are both being spread in the military via training courses that are required by Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and other high-level officials. ...

Lohmeier last week met with Cotton, who wrote on Twitter after their meeting, “I was concerned by what I heard and will be pressing senior military leaders for answers.”

Critical race theory denounces U.S. and Western culture as a systematic form of oppression that negatively affects minority groups. Critics of the ideology—which is sometimes referred to as being “woke”—have said its proponents apply the Marxist tactic of “class struggle” to divide people along lines of race, gender, and ethnicity to label them “oppressors” and “oppressed.”

At the state level, legislatures and governors have taken action against critical race theory as well as The New York Times’ “1619 Project,” by barring them from being taught or promoted in schools and in government institutions.

The governors of Tennessee, Idaho, Arkansas, and Oklahoma have already signed bans of critical race theory in public schools. In Texas, Arizona, and Iowa, similar measures have been proposed, according to an analysis.

126   Onvacation   2021 May 31, 8:59pm  

127   Onvacation   2021 May 31, 9:00pm  

"Negro children are like roaches. If we let them in the schools we'll never get them out!"
Joe Biden
130   Patrick   2021 Jun 2, 1:58pm  


OK, Barr is saying the right things here, but I still don't trust him because he would not look into the SCREAMINGLY OBVIOUS election fraud at all.
131   Patrick   2021 Jun 4, 10:28am  


Now, Kendi is far from the only person to ever publicly flub a response to an easy question. But what remains inexplicable is that he may be the only one who gets paid millions of dollars to produce this kind of claptrap consistently. ...

But for some reason, Kendi's tongue-tied, "racism is the thing that racists do" definition continually gets applauded as a sort of penetrating insight.

It is staggeringly poor scholarship, but for a man who has become exceedingly wealthy through an elaborate capitalist grift alone, it's galling. If ever a man should be grateful for the excesses of capitalism, it's Kendi. Where else can you make millions by declaring the equivalent of, "Water is a liquid that has the characteristics of water?"

But in the end, my main objection isn't to Kendi himself. He's just financially striking while the cultural iron is hot. ...

... an imprecise, nebulous definition allows for the necessary addition of further offense under the umbrella of "racism" when the victimhood well begins to run dry.

And that's Kendi's main concern. It's why nameless, faceless, systemic racism is the game, rather than specific examples that can be addressed and corrected. The goal of Kendi's anti-racism is not to create fewer victims of racism, it's to create more. And that's exactly what will happen until those being fleeced catch on.

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