My wife drinks, albeit somewhat comically and infrequently. I would never dream of telling her not to, but, then, she never says it is good for her. It's more like when she does it, she pays a price and that price is somewhat worth it to her once in a while.
I drank way more than I should from early college to about my early 30s. I was outgoing, played sports, looked for opportunities to meet new people, was a member of a fraternity at one of the big So Cal UCs.
That all dropped by 90%+ after having kids. I can’t be the dad I should be if I’m drinking enough to result in an irritable hangover. Of course, hangovers come a hell of a lot easier and more intense than they used to.
These days, I may have a couple drinks on a weekend, and not even every weekend.
Once in a while, at social functions like weddings or get together with old friends is the only time I have more than I should. That happens 2-3 times per year now.
Bottom line… there was a time when I wasn’t as busy, had less to lose, and also spent some of my energy pursuing women. I don’t do those things anymore and between work, kids, wife, and investments, I’m stretched and have no room for hangovers unless Im ready to compromise one more more of those things.
Another way to put it is that when I was younger, I was always trying to get into more things… travel, meet new friends, party, take on new hobbies, or spend time with old friends. These days I have WAY too many things to do and look for opportunities to do less because I’m stretched. Alcohol consumption only amplifies the problem when you already have too much on the plate.
Lastly, if I’m at a social function and hosts/friends are having drinks, I will partake. Let’s be honest, being that person that declines social drinks is a buzzkill.
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