Good summary of Biden presidency

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2021 May 13, 1:13pm   41,665 views  587 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Well, that didn’t take long. Less than four months into the Biden-Harris deep-state maladministration and we have roaring inflation, the most disastrous jobs report in recent memory, rising unemployment, spiking gas prices, an imploding stock market, devastating cyber attacks on critical infrastructure and a janus-faced crisis on our Southern border in which tens of thousands of disease-ridden illegal migrants are huddled into cages while thousands more fan out across the fruited plain taking jobs from Americans even as they infect us with COVID. Quick work, Joe!

And of course that is just the tip of the proverbial North Atlantic iceberg into which His Senileness is steering the ship of state. When Donald Trump left office, the economy was rebounding, millions of doses of the COVID vaccines he had brought into being in record time were being distributed — and peace was breaking out all over the Middle East. The so-called Abraham Accords precipitated the impossible: comity among various Arab nations and Israel. All that is in tatters now as Hamas bombards Jerusalem nightly. Meanwhile sanctions on Iran, the world’s largest exporter of terrorism, are being dropped or pared back and the theocratic, anti-Semitic backwater is charging ahead with its plans to build a nuclear arsenal. China rudely lectures our secretary of state while pushing forward with the militarization of the South China Sea, oppression of the Uighurs and theft of our intellectual property.

More than a hundred retired flag officers — decorated admirals and generals — have issued a public letter questioning the Venerable One’s mental fitness and raising questions about the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Too late, chaps! You had your chance. Even as the audit in Arizona raises red flags, the media-industrial complex, echoed by yapping chihuahuas like Liz ‘I-used-to-be-a-congresswoman’ Cheney, covers their collective ears and shouts that anyone questioning the election is guilty of perpetrating The Big Lie™, hoping thereby to get their opponents branded as ‘domestic extremists’ by an out-of-control FBI and CIA.

What is clear now, a hundred-odd days into to this steaming pile of ordure, is that the Marxist-inspired apparatchiks behind the Biden wheeze are working overtime not only to dismantle all the many achievements of the Trump administration but also to poison the wellsprings of our economy and our freedom.

It’s only mid-May 2021. In a matter of weeks, and with 60-odd executive orders behind him, Biden has largely unraveled all that Trump accomplished and more. This is the reality: Biden has set us on a collision course with tyranny and immiseration at home and armed conflict abroad.

He has denominated his political opponents ‘domestic terrorists’ and directed the FBI to harass and arrest them. He has done everything in his considerable power to surrender the country to the woke mob. Meanwhile, the rest of the world isn’t standing still. Look for a kinetic incident with Russia, China or Iran soon. It’s coming to a theater near you by the end of this summer — and I do not mean a movie theater. Enjoying the Biden-Harris administration so far? There’s a lot more where that came from. Expect the velocity of our declivity to increase — the gauge is set to move from ‘gradually’ to ‘suddenly’ now — and there will be plenty of shock and awe when it does.

Is this alarmist? Maybe, but that is appropriate when the situation is alarming.

Expect also to hear many people quoting the poet Delmore Schwartz: ‘Even paranoids have enemies.’

Meanwhile, as Americans line up for their suddenly expensive gasoline and realize that that house their were going to build is suddenly out of reach, they will also find their pay check has been whittled away by higher taxes as well as circumscribed buying power due to inflation. All the pundits told them that voting for Joe Biden was a vote to restore ‘normality’. Too late they learned that it was a way to put Vladimir Lenin in office. ‘The way to crush the bourgeoisie,’ Lenin observed a long time ago, ‘is to crush them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.’

But look on the bright side: at least Joe Biden doesn’t tweet mean things about Jim Acosta or Stacey Abrams.

Wow, that's even more negative than I would have put it, but I can't say it's wrong.

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134   richwicks   2021 May 19, 7:44pm  

Patrick says
I don't think conservatives are happier because they're ignorant.

I think it's because they are solidly based in reality and know what's important in life.

I'll get that question out of you yet and it's only for my personal interest. I won't share it. Let's meet up again if you like, same deal, my treat.

I remain a sort of a child, the only thing important to life to me, still, is knowledge. It's an incredible mystery to me even though I though evolutionary psychology answered all the questions at one time, and perhaps did. It's perhaps impossible for a machine to understand itself.
135   mell   2021 May 19, 9:34pm  

ThreeBays says
Patrick says

Join us and you'll be happier.

Conservatives are consistently happier than liberals.

All of the Trump supporters I've met have been good happy people.

Most of the liberals I meet are quite bitter about something or other.

Leave the dark side, come to the light side.

PS It's not necessary to personally like Trump, only to be pro-America and against cheap Chinese imports and cheap labor imports.

Oh, well I'm fairly happy but thanks. I have my blessings with a family, three lovely kids, a home, ability to travel and work internationally.

Conservatives do tend to be happier on average. So do Hispanics. It has to do with family connections and community, as well as whether you're in our out of the rat race.

In many countries I'd be a conservative. I like conservatives. I just don't like the mix of values that makes...

Sounds a bit like limousine liberalism. If you truly cared about carbon footprint you wouldn't travel for work and for fun. Of course it's stupid to deprive oneself of travel since globull warming is a cult, but if you advocate for others to have a shot at your relatively free and privileged lifestyle then you can't support most leftoid policies which greatly limit mobility. Under Trump mobility was highest among the low and middle wage earners wgo saw the highest organic pay increases (not stimmy checks).
136   Patrick   2021 May 19, 9:46pm  


Sorry, complaints about Trump worship fall flat after the Obamessiah era
137   richwicks   2021 May 20, 9:56am  

ThreeBays says
richwicks says
Click around some videos and try to find any video of the most popular presidential candidate in history that has a net positive like/dislike ratio.

Wow, 5K votes on a video... nobody cares.

Which is rather odd for the most popular presidential candidate in all of American history - don't you think?

That's not the least bit odd to you - that in a country of 330,000,000 people, only 5K people bother to tune in, and out of that, 4K are people just signing in to register disgust?

You don't find it the least bit odd, that 5,000/330,000,000 = 0.00151515% care enough to even pay minimal attention to the most popular presidential candidate in all of American history?

I think it's odd. But I'm not playing dumb, I think you are. We had a coup, it's not been the first, and it won't be the last. It's imperative to the people that actually own this country to have a completely, compliant, meat puppet as president and they need useful idiots to support them.
138   Onvacation   2021 May 20, 10:00am  

ThreeBays says
there's not a single whistleblower

Willfully ignorant, shill, or troll.

You never did tell us why you voted for Biden?
139   Onvacation   2021 May 20, 10:02am  

ThreeBays says
Ok, Boomer.

If you're young and not a liberal you have no heart.

If you're older and not conservative, you have no brain.
140   Ceffer   2021 May 20, 10:19am  

Another embarrassing rigged event, with Biden 'driving' the electric truck. Biden is turning the wheel back and forth, nothing is happening, while a secret service agent is controlling the truck from the passenger's side. All of the idiot MSM reporters ooh and aah as the truck speeds off in a straight line.

They don't even trust the idiot to drive a truck in a straight line. Watch from five minutes forward:
141   richwicks   2021 May 20, 10:54am  

Onvacation says
ThreeBays says
Ok, Boomer.

If you're young and not a liberal you have no heart.


Obama started a war in Syria, brought back slavery to Libya, bombed Afghanistan, and bombed Yemen and Somalia.

What a heart you have... "liberal".

Oh, then you voted for a senile pedophile pervert that supported all those wars, including voting for the Iraq and Afghanistan war.

What empathy and sweetness you have, to side with Neocon mass murderers.

And no wonder you wouldn't vote for somebody like Trump - the first president in 4 decades not to start a new war, and somebody who actually tried to shut down the wars in Syria and Afghanistan.

Because you have such a heart, and such incredible morality.. You're just a paragon of virtue and ethics aren't you?
142   Onvacation   2021 May 20, 11:00am  

richwicks says


Just a saying.
143   Ceffer   2021 May 20, 11:04am  

Another invidious rumor from the invidious rumor mills states the military was already thinking of a coup against the Obama administration, when it became clear that the policies were directed at dismantling the Republic. Too bad, they might have nipped it in the bud.

It also appears that the 2012 election had the rigging mostly in place, so the rigging with machines is a few generations old, now. Literally, as soon as they had computerized voting machines, they were corrupted by design. They were never invented for efficiency, they were invented for rigging.

First, destroy all the voting machines.
144   richwicks   2021 May 20, 11:06am  

Onvacation says
richwicks says


Just a saying.

The people who supported Biden have no ethics or morality at all. That's all I'm pointing out.

These so-called "liberals" that supported that piece of fucking refuse. Biden is probably the second least ethical person I've ever seen run for the presidency, Hillary Clinton was #1 and that's not to say George W. Bush was ethical, or Obama was, or Romney, McCain, Kerry, Gore, were.

I think Biden will have the worst presidency in my lifetime, easily. I expect he will drag this nation into a war with Iran.
145   richwicks   2021 May 20, 11:15am  

Ceffer says
It also appears that the 2012 election had the rigging mostly in place, so the rigging with machines is a few generations old, now. Literally, as soon as they had computerized voting machines, they were corrupted by design. They were never invented for efficiency, they were invented for rigging.

Do you know what Dominion's original name was?

Diebold. Remember Diebold?
146   mell   2021 May 20, 12:37pm  

Onvacation says
richwicks says


Just a saying.

Right it means that you're naive when you're young and out of naive good-heartedness you'll support every shit they throw at you, even if it causes more harm than good in the world. You can package everything nicely so that someone supporting it would think they are doing something good, e.g. "let's rescue the poor kids assad/saddam/ is gassing!" It's just the naiveness of the youth.
147   Patrick   2021 May 20, 7:04pm  

"Dominion" kinda reeks of despotism, so it's fitting.
148   Ceffer   2021 May 20, 7:44pm  

richwicks says
I think Biden will have the worst presidency in my lifetime, easily. I expect he will drag this nation into a war with Iran.
Inevitable Neocon marching orders from the so called National Security Council and the CFR, neither of whom have anything to do with the interests of the American People. Already planned, just needs the pretense, the excuse, and some kind of false flag event(s).
149   clambo   2021 May 21, 7:28am  

Is “ok boomer” supposed to be pejorative?

I’m very comfortable being a boomer.

I had more of everything compared to most younger guys.

I had more fun, more freedom, more adventures, more chicks, more travel, work, more respect than they did.

Younger guys were raised by overprotective parents, driven around, their teachers tried to dope them for being boys, Mexicans took their part time jobs, they had to beg for an allowance, they got liberal brainwashing at their lesbian run schools.

Of course today I have more of everything, including money, balls, and usually brains.

I have less time on earth than they, but what I have had so far has been fun mostly.
150   zzyzzx   2021 May 21, 10:10am  

Biden can't even drive a car!
151   Onvacation   2021 May 23, 9:21pm  

That's why he takes the train.
152   Patrick   2021 May 23, 10:10pm  

clambo says
Younger guys were raised by overprotective parents, driven around, their teachers tried to dope them for being boys, Mexicans took their part time jobs, they had to beg for an allowance, they got liberal brainwashing at their lesbian run schools.

Excellent summary.
153   Patrick   2021 May 23, 10:22pm  

Note Dame disinvites Biden:

Notre Dame cancels Biden! Catholic school will NOT give honorary degree traditionally handed to presidents amid outrage over his pro-choice views
President Biden will not be giving the commencement speech at Notre Dame
It is unclear whether Vice President Kamala Harris was invited to give a speech
It marks the first time in three administrations in which neither a president nor a vice president gave a commencement speech in his or her first term
White House officials said Biden was invited to speak but declined due to a previous engagement
The announcement came after more than 4,000 students, alumni and other community members at the Catholic university signed a petition
They urged Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins not to invite Biden, who is also Catholic, over his pro-choice views

154   Ceffer   2021 May 23, 10:29pm  

Patrick says
They urged Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins not to invite Biden, who is also Catholic, over his pro-choice views

I think pro-choice was a convenient excuse to keep the criminal idiot off the podium. At least Obama could read the fucking teleprompter.
155   Patrick   2021 May 23, 10:43pm  

Joel Pollak
May 13
If there is such a thing as “systemic racism,” @PressSec Jen Psaki is living proof. They took a privileged white woman who did zero for the campaign and elevated her above a more qualified black woman, @SymoneDSanders, who endured months on the trail and physically defended Biden
157   mell   2021 May 24, 8:47am  

Patrick says
Joel Pollak
May 13
If there is such a thing as “systemic racism,” @PressSec Jen Psaki is living proof. They took a privileged white woman who did zero for the campaign and elevated her above a more qualified black woman, @SymoneDSanders, who endured months on the trail and physically defended Biden

But she's willing to repeat obvious lies without the blink of an eye and when all else fails has mastered the "circle-back" trick.. and she probably fucks like a red-headed race horse.
161   AmericanKulak   2021 Jun 1, 4:08pm  

BIDEN: "You turn on the stations... I don't know many commercials you see... two to three out of five have mixed race couples in them. That's not by accident. They're selling soap, man."

162   mell   2021 Jun 1, 5:58pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
BIDEN: "You turn on the stations... I don't know many commercials you see... two to three out of five have mixed race couples in them. That's not by accident. They're selling soap, man."


lol what does this even mean? I need a translation.
163   Patrick   2021 Jun 1, 7:57pm  

I can't quite follow it either.
164   RWSGFY   2021 Jun 1, 8:01pm  

Donald says
zzyzzx says
Biden can't even drive a car!
zzyzzx says
Biden can't even drive a car!

So the Ford F150 Biden is driving has a Lexus steering wheel?

Who said the lower picture is of the actual car? It's a stock picture of a dual-control retrofit kit, dummy.
165   Patrick   2021 Jun 1, 10:03pm  

Biden really is lower than dogshit.

Race baiting, outright lying about imaginary "white supremacy".

All to keep the half trillion a year in Chinese imports flowing for the profit his big campaign donors, killing US jobs and making us dependent on China.
166   AmericanKulak   2021 Jun 1, 10:24pm  

mell says
lol what does this even mean? I need a translation.
Patrick says
I can't quite follow it either.

The way I take this Biden Babble is that he was briefed specifically on Wokeness of Commercials, that it serves some CCP Purpose, and he simply blurted it out of context in a fit of Dementia.
167   Onvacation   2021 Jun 1, 10:41pm  

Patrick says

Race baiting, outright lying about imaginary "white supremacy"

100% projection.

We know Joe doesn't like negroes. Do you really think Fauci, Gates, and all of those other wealthy eugenicists' wouldn't prefer killing POC?
170   GNL   2021 Jun 3, 9:45am  

richwicks says
ThreeBays says
richwicks says
Click around some videos and try to find any video of the most popular presidential candidate in history that has a net positive like/dislike ratio.

Wow, 5K votes on a video... nobody cares.

Which is rather odd for the most popular presidential candidate in all of American history - don't you think?

That's not the least bit odd to you - that in a country of 330,000,000 people, only 5K people bother to tune in, and out of that, 4K are people just signing in to register disgust?

You don't find it the least bit odd, that 5,000/330,000,000 = 0.00151515% care enough to even pay minimal attention to the most popular presidential candidate in all of American history?

I think it's odd. But I'm not playing dumb, I think you are. We had a coup, it's not been th...

3 Bays is NOT intelligent...at all. Waste of time.
171   Patrick   2021 Jun 3, 1:23pm  

I think he would be worth listening to if he didn't obviously have severe TDS.

I don't mean that as a disparagement, anymore than I would disparage anyone else with a disease. But it does make all his comments pretty easy to dismiss as propaganda. It's kinda like North Korean radio. You're not going to get any facts unless they fit a certain very narrow world view.

The left takes it as axiomatic that Trump is bad and anyone who points out good things that Trump did is therefore also bad. No disagreement allowed!

The right is willing to debate Trump's faults and virtues without starting out with a pre-ordained conclusion. The will readily admit to his faults because they see the good he did too.
172   Patrick   2021 Jun 3, 1:37pm  

Patrick says

Lol, I told this to my wife and she said "Good! If white supremacy is America's biggest problem, then we must not really have any problems, because I never met a white supremacist."
173   WookieMan   2021 Jun 3, 2:16pm  

Patrick says
The right is willing to debate Trump's faults and virtues without starting out with a pre-ordained conclusion. The will readily admit to his faults because they see the good he did too.

Trump fucked up covid and keeping Fauci/Birx in their positions. Not sure if he was handcuffed, but he didn't change anything with the deep state or swamp. Both of these points could be linked and probably are. I'll fault him, but maybe there was nothing he could do. We'll never know.

Let me know when the left admits a wrong with Obama. Anything. He was a polished (not Polish) liar who had no real world experience in anything. Law school does not make a good lawyer. If I were to call him out on something I'm a racist. And yes, I made a mistake and voted for him the first time in '06. (edit... lol.. '08, I'm losing it)

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