Good summary of Biden presidency

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2021 May 13, 1:13pm   42,972 views  587 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Well, that didn’t take long. Less than four months into the Biden-Harris deep-state maladministration and we have roaring inflation, the most disastrous jobs report in recent memory, rising unemployment, spiking gas prices, an imploding stock market, devastating cyber attacks on critical infrastructure and a janus-faced crisis on our Southern border in which tens of thousands of disease-ridden illegal migrants are huddled into cages while thousands more fan out across the fruited plain taking jobs from Americans even as they infect us with COVID. Quick work, Joe!

And of course that is just the tip of the proverbial North Atlantic iceberg into which His Senileness is steering the ship of state. When Donald Trump left office, the economy was rebounding, millions of doses of the COVID vaccines he had brought into being in record time were being distributed — and peace was breaking out all over the Middle East. The so-called Abraham Accords precipitated the impossible: comity among various Arab nations and Israel. All that is in tatters now as Hamas bombards Jerusalem nightly. Meanwhile sanctions on Iran, the world’s largest exporter of terrorism, are being dropped or pared back and the theocratic, anti-Semitic backwater is charging ahead with its plans to build a nuclear arsenal. China rudely lectures our secretary of state while pushing forward with the militarization of the South China Sea, oppression of the Uighurs and theft of our intellectual property.

More than a hundred retired flag officers — decorated admirals and generals — have issued a public letter questioning the Venerable One’s mental fitness and raising questions about the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Too late, chaps! You had your chance. Even as the audit in Arizona raises red flags, the media-industrial complex, echoed by yapping chihuahuas like Liz ‘I-used-to-be-a-congresswoman’ Cheney, covers their collective ears and shouts that anyone questioning the election is guilty of perpetrating The Big Lie™, hoping thereby to get their opponents branded as ‘domestic extremists’ by an out-of-control FBI and CIA.

What is clear now, a hundred-odd days into to this steaming pile of ordure, is that the Marxist-inspired apparatchiks behind the Biden wheeze are working overtime not only to dismantle all the many achievements of the Trump administration but also to poison the wellsprings of our economy and our freedom.

It’s only mid-May 2021. In a matter of weeks, and with 60-odd executive orders behind him, Biden has largely unraveled all that Trump accomplished and more. This is the reality: Biden has set us on a collision course with tyranny and immiseration at home and armed conflict abroad.

He has denominated his political opponents ‘domestic terrorists’ and directed the FBI to harass and arrest them. He has done everything in his considerable power to surrender the country to the woke mob. Meanwhile, the rest of the world isn’t standing still. Look for a kinetic incident with Russia, China or Iran soon. It’s coming to a theater near you by the end of this summer — and I do not mean a movie theater. Enjoying the Biden-Harris administration so far? There’s a lot more where that came from. Expect the velocity of our declivity to increase — the gauge is set to move from ‘gradually’ to ‘suddenly’ now — and there will be plenty of shock and awe when it does.

Is this alarmist? Maybe, but that is appropriate when the situation is alarming.

Expect also to hear many people quoting the poet Delmore Schwartz: ‘Even paranoids have enemies.’

Meanwhile, as Americans line up for their suddenly expensive gasoline and realize that that house their were going to build is suddenly out of reach, they will also find their pay check has been whittled away by higher taxes as well as circumscribed buying power due to inflation. All the pundits told them that voting for Joe Biden was a vote to restore ‘normality’. Too late they learned that it was a way to put Vladimir Lenin in office. ‘The way to crush the bourgeoisie,’ Lenin observed a long time ago, ‘is to crush them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.’

But look on the bright side: at least Joe Biden doesn’t tweet mean things about Jim Acosta or Stacey Abrams.

Wow, that's even more negative than I would have put it, but I can't say it's wrong.

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24   Onvacation   2021 May 14, 3:59pm  

Donald says
I was also against Trump winning a 2nd term because I fell that he did not care about being president and wanting to help the country. His primary concern for getting re-elected was to get another 4 years of immunity from criminal prosecution and being indicted by Cy Vance.


What about the racism and Russian collusion? Do you believe that too?
25   Onvacation   2021 May 14, 5:22pm  

Donald says

Not unless there is evidence that the Russians hacked into voting machines and changed votes. I was never a strong believer in Russian interference.

What about racism? Do you think Trump is a racist?
27   Patrick   2021 May 14, 5:50pm  

Donald says
Plus holding super spreader campaign events throughout the country or SCOTUS nominee announcement super spreader events at the White House did not help either.

@Donald Did you know that there has not been even one documented case of casual outdoor transmission anywhere on earth?

The "super spreader" hoax is up there with the Russia hoax, and the "fine people" hoax.

But when people hate Trump, that overwhelms all other considerations: reason, country, family, everything. All they have left is a burning intense hatred of Trump. There is literally nothing else in such people anymore. They immolated their own souls with hatred.

Meanwhile, Trump managed to produce a resoundingly booming economy, the lowest black unemployment rate in history, record levels of peace the Middle East, and on and on. That's probably why they hate him. He is living proof of the abject failure of the "educated" classes to do anything other than enrich themselves by selling Chinese imports and importing illegal workers.
28   SpacePatriot   2021 May 14, 6:08pm  

Huh, things just happen instantly. No recourse.... Everyone on here should just lean over and let me ram my junk into their cornhole.........

ME: In Germany, US Citizen, Military.

Take a breather and look at the bigger picture amigos. There are a few ass hats who want the $$$$ but are not thinking about the US Empire long term. Yes, I said it..... We are like Rome, but they fucked up.... We have modern language, technolgy and youtube. Just get out of the fucking starbucks line and remeber how we got here fuckups. Blood, sweat, pain......
30   Onvacation   2021 May 14, 7:27pm  

ThreeBays says
There's not been any proof that the big lie was anything but a Trump fabrication.

Have you looked at the evidence?

If you don't look for evidence of explosives you can't say there isn't any.
31   Onvacation   2021 May 14, 8:07pm  

Donald says
Now who here wants to volunteer to get infected with Covid?

Me. But I don't know any symptomatic people to get it from. I am bombarded by viruses daily but my immune system keeps me healthy.

And mass jabbing with an experimental biologic agent does not equal herd immunity.

What's your opinion on "Vaccine" Passports?
32   clambo   2021 May 14, 8:08pm  

Several members of the Supreme Court thought there was sufficient evidence of fraud as did many states.
I’m certain that there was fraud for several reasons.
The election in 2016 was called a fraud for years; yet any discussion of fraud in 2020 was censored everywhere. This is proof.
33   Onvacation   2021 May 14, 8:09pm  

ThreeBays says
Burden of proof is on the prosecutors. I've read the court materials for several of the more than 50 cases Trump's team put forward in state and federal courts. They have nothing.

Have you read this?
34   clambo   2021 May 14, 8:18pm  

Guys who say they were okay with Trump except for his “Corona response” are making up reasons.

One of the important responses was to stop people from entering the USA from China.
Another response was mobilizing the invention of a vaccine with “Operation Warp Speed.”

It’s a Democrat talking point that Trump mishandled anything.

I’m certain a senile politician who has zero executive experience can’t handle a real problem.
36   Onvacation   2021 May 14, 9:40pm  

Donald says
if you really wanted to get infected.

NO I don't really want to get infected. But if I did I am confidant that my immune system could handle it. Sick and fat people die from cold and flu viruses. Herd immunity is when enough healthy people have developed NATURAL IMMUNITY and the population can no longer support a specific virus. Herd Immunity is NOT when 80% or 90% or even 100% of the population has got a jab of an experimental biologic agent.

As for the rest of your fascist ideas of government demanding (coercing) the jab. Fuck That!
37   Onvacation   2021 May 14, 9:42pm  

C'mon Man! You supporters of this vast scientific experiment aren't that stupid!
38   Onvacation   2021 May 14, 9:43pm  

So it must be the fascist daddy state thing that you're into.
39   AmericanKulak   2021 May 14, 9:45pm  

2016-2020 "Russia interfered with the election. Serious new allegations from anonymous whistleblowers including under $1M Russia may have spent influencing the Election."

2020- "This Claim of election fraud is disputed. Learn how our election systems are safe and secure."
40   Patrick   2021 May 14, 9:59pm  

SpacePatriot says
Huh, things just happen instantly. No recourse.... Everyone on here should just lean over and let me ram my junk into their cornhole.........

I wonder if this is a paid agent, or a bot.
41   Ceffer   2021 May 14, 10:03pm  

Biden is just another signatory of arrogant psychopathic contempt for the American people. Not just a stolen election, but a loathsome and idiotic figurehead to boot to catalyze the destruction, and to add to the demoralization along with all the nonsense rituals around Covid.

It's like every evil aristocrat you've seen in the movies hitting you across the face with the riding crop.
42   PeopleUnited   2021 May 15, 4:36am  

The Republic is a facade when there is no election integrity.

The unprecedented numbers of mail in voting without proper controls and checks in place and enforced is the largest breach of election integrity in American history. In many locales a “ballot harvester“ can simply fill out an unlimited number of ballots with no signature verification or ID needed. There is no way to determine the legitimacy of a mailed in ballot and/or more votes come in than even registered voters but we are supposed to believe that there is not significant fraud? Worse, we should not even discuss the possibility that Democrats would deliberately destroy the rule of law with last minute election year changes that removed the very controls needed to reduce widespread voter fraud?

But even if you believe voter fraud is not significant (that there are not enough fraudulent votes to change the outcome of any of the races), what would you think of an election where “voters” are spoon fed ballots along with 4 years of 24/7 media propaganda designed to demonize one candidate while giving the other candidate little to no scrutiny? That is what literally happened. Mainstream media including big tech, even collaborated to suppress information that was damaging to their puppet candidate. An uninformed or misinformed voter pool means that there is no integrity in this election. A voter pool that includes people who did not even request a ballot means there is no election integrity. People who are spoon fed ballots delivered right to their homes with a 4 year helping of lies and given weeks on end to fill them out and mail them back are not voters, they are victims of abuse being exploited by their abusers to steal power and solidify their control. This is the state of the Union.
43   clambo   2021 May 15, 5:52am  

The CDC says 6% of healthy were in the 500,000 dead, so really 30,000 people died from the Wuhan virus, the rest were sick, obese, etc.
The tens of thousands of dead voters, illegal voters, underage voters, multiple state voters, computer algorithm created voters, etc. are facts.
I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you.
44   NDrLoR   2021 May 15, 8:35am  

ThreeBays says
A hacker attack on private companies
And the company pays a ransom--that sends a message loud and clear.
45   mell   2021 May 15, 9:01am  

Donald says
No I don't think Trump is a racist. And yes, I agree that outdoor transmission of Covid is very rare. But many Trump rallies were indoors, such as the one in Tulsa that Herman Cain went to.

Trump could have been a great President. Had he had a more aggressive response to Covid he would have won in a land slide. He would have had record high approval ratings like Bush 43 did after 9/ 11 or Bush 41 had after the Gulf War.

Instead he was more concerned with things like "Liberate Michigan" or wanting packed churches for Easter.

Trump's goal was herd immunity... letting people gain immunity through infection. Now who here wants to volunteer to get infected with Covid? If herd immunity is so great, why has not a single one of its supporters voluntarily and deliberately gotten themself infected with Covid?

Actually it's the opposite. Giving into the hysteria cost him. Governors who kept their states open fared much better. Novody is forced to go outside or see their children or friends if they chose to potentially live a few years longer in fear and isolation. Or they could have waited out til herd immunity. What Trump should have is never close anything, not interfere with the vaccine authorization process at the fda and instead distributed vitamin D, zinc, selenium, ivermectin, turmeric, hcq and a steroid inhaler to every household and tell people to go out and exercise each fucking day, no matter what their condition. Until covid home tests are available the instructions should have been to immediately take a dose of ivermectin and zinc + hcq daily until symptoms subside. If inflammation is severe take the steroid daily as well until symptoms subside. Also even without symptoms it should have been a personal choice to take prophylactic doses of ivermectin or hcq and ask for more if necessary. All the other supplements mentioned should be taken daily. Now that would have probably saved 400k out of the 500k, even if they only died on paper of covid as that regimen is good for most if not all respiratory infections. Plus all of these drugs and supplements are 1000 times safer and more efficacious than those experimental agents called "vaccines". And best is you only need to take them if you get sick. Now that would have been crowning a truly great presidency.
46   AmericanKulak   2021 May 15, 12:56pm  

47   Onvacation   2021 May 15, 1:19pm  

ThreeBays says

In practice being male is a higher risk factor than having a comorbidity.

48   AmericanKulak   2021 May 15, 1:29pm  

It's so enjoyable watching "Huh, you trust the Corporate Meeeedia?" Leftists become "How come you don't trust the Holy Expert Media?" over the past decade.

Absolutely delicious that the moment the Left got control of the Media, it's reputation, never that great, tanked shortly after. Not an accident, of course.
49   AmericanKulak   2021 May 15, 1:32pm  

"Don't impose your morality on me."

*Runs through Leftist Translator*

"Let me impose my immorality on you."
50   clambo   2021 May 15, 2:05pm  

I was not making any argument, just pointing out the 500,000 number is vastly exaggerating the effects of Wuhan virus in the USA
the CDC said that 94% of the dead had 2+ co-morbidities.
Biden lost, he's senile, he's corrupt and the Chinese have blackmail material from Hunter, they have Biden over a barrel.
51   clambo   2021 May 16, 7:02am  

Looks like threebays employs illegals or is a foreigner or muslim, but the rare possibility is he’s just a liberal.
52   clambo   2021 May 16, 10:51am  

Now I'm supposed to read the Navarro summary of the election steal?
Out of 139 million registered voters about 159 million votes were counted.
53   richwicks   2021 May 16, 7:13pm  

ThreeBays says
clambo says
Out of 139 million registered voters about 159 million votes were counted.

Whose ass did that number come from?

Is there a point in explaining it to you? If somebody goes through the effort of demonstrating that Biden wasn't elected, but the country was actually overthrown by the intelligence agencies, would it make a difference? Would you spread that information, or just deny it at the end - are you just wasting people's time by constantly demanding proof?

We just had 4 years of the intelligence agencies lying to the FISA courts to get illegal warrants, they weren't prosecuted, they will never be prosecuted, and they lied to the country about Trump being essentially a Russian spy. Of course they stole the election.
55   richwicks   2021 May 16, 7:55pm  

ThreeBays says
What's kept somebody from demonstrating it? So far you're doing great at demonstrating that Trump and his campaign made up the allegations about the stolen election. Keep going, I'll spread what you demonstrate.

Look, Biden simultaneously is the most popular presidential candidate in all of US history - a senile, fucking pedophile pervert, who is completely corrupt who has supported every fucking war the US has entered including the last Iraq war and:

He won the lowest percentage of counties in history.

Here's our most popular (supposedly) president in history:


Go ahead and try to find a single video where he has more likes than dislikes. Commenting is now disabled (wasn't under Trump).

Because you know, the country was aching, just itching, for another fucking Neocon piece of shit that will drag us into war after after war, and has supported every fucking war this country has been in since he entered politics 50 years ago.

You know how goddamn simple it is to have a fair election, that is easily audited and checked for veracity?

The election was stolen, we have yet another meat puppet as "president", when it's just the MIC controlling him - he's so goddamned senile he can't read a teleprompter speech for the state of the union. We just have George W. Bush 3.0 - Obama was 2.0. If you're happy with that, well, I'm glad for you. I just see this nation moving steadily toward fascism.
56   PeopleUnited   2021 May 16, 7:59pm  

mell says
Giving into the hysteria cost him. Governors who kept their states open fared much better.

So true, lockdowns did not save lives. The non lockdown states prove it.

mell says
Plus all of these drugs and supplements are 1000 times safer and more efficacious than those experimental agents

And much less expensive too. The CDC could have distributed Ivermectin vitamin D and zinc to every household for less than a dollar a day per person. Would have saved the billions spent on operation warp speed and the trillions spent on so call stimulus payments. Trumps biggest failure is not that he didn’t lockdown and create “vaccines”. His biggest failure was doing those things. But I will give him a pass on that because he is not a health care expert and finding an honest advisor in the health and science field today is like finding an honest realtor.

Besides that, even if Trump had prevented 400,000 deaths, cured cancer, lowered sea levels and restored the glaciers to historic levels the lamestream media would have said he is racist because all those helps benefited white people more than people of color. Trump was never going to do anything that would win over the never Trumpers, Democrats, and Globalists. And the globalists control the media, Democrats and most Republicans especially the never trumpers.
57   richwicks   2021 May 16, 8:21pm  

PeopleUnited says
And much less expensive too. The CDC could have distributed Ivermectin vitamin D and zinc to every household for less than a dollar a day per person.

How does that make money for pharmaceutical companies? The "news" media has had idiots tuning in for a year over this bullshit - what? You want them to have less viewership? And large corporations have been able to remain open, without the panic, they couldn't have closed down all these small companies.

I think I understand your error, that is, you think the CDC gives a fuck about the actual health and general welfare of the general population.
58   AmericanKulak   2021 May 16, 8:28pm  

It's about status signalling, not about the science. The Upper Middle Class, that knows networking is key to their career, is the most sensitive to social pressure. They know they have to say the right things at the Faculty Lunch or they can kiss promotion goodbye.

Wally the Welder and Sandra the Secretary don't have these issues too much. It's pretty rare that a site manager won't use a skillful joiner because he said the wrong thing about the Wu Ping Cough. But very common for the Assistant Dean of Alumni Relations with a Department Supervisor.

THEN, it also becomes part of a persons IDENTITY. "I am one of the advanced Elites. I shall use the lingo of the most Advanced Elites. I shall think outside the box of White Supremacy, leveraging my assets to be moral ally for the oppressed using my reality-based mindset and current best practices."
59   PeopleUnited   2021 May 16, 9:00pm  

richwicks says
I think I understand your error, that is, you think the CDC gives a fuck about the actual health and general welfare of the general population.

No, the CDC is a puppet of the medical industrial complex. The people currently working for them are shills for the drug industry. But in an honest world they could have done exactly what Mel said above and actually do their jobs, saving Americans lives and money rather than serving their corporate overlords.
60   Patrick   2021 May 16, 9:16pm  

You know, it's all kind of the "management problem" or whatever they call it in business school. I think it has some more formal name.

How are the owners of businesses assured that the managers of the business will act in the best interest of the business?

Similarly, how are we citizens assured that the managers of the country (the politicians) will act in the best interest of the country?
61   Patrick   2021 May 16, 9:25pm  

I think the solution may be to make the different government agencies compete with each other. Don't let any of them have monopolies.
62   PeopleUnited   2021 May 16, 9:37pm  

The question is, should we have a federal CDC? If states want to fund it fine, but the constitution does not suggest that the federal government should be involved in disease control.
63   AmericanKulak   2021 May 16, 9:38pm  

I liked a Heinleinian idea, the Sunset of all Regulation.

If a regulation passes, it has an expiration date. To be permanent, it must then pass by an overwhelming majority.

After all, if a law was an unmitigated good, it shouldn't have a problem being renewed with 80% of the vote, right?

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