Good summary of Biden presidency

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2021 May 13, 1:13pm   42,988 views  587 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Well, that didn’t take long. Less than four months into the Biden-Harris deep-state maladministration and we have roaring inflation, the most disastrous jobs report in recent memory, rising unemployment, spiking gas prices, an imploding stock market, devastating cyber attacks on critical infrastructure and a janus-faced crisis on our Southern border in which tens of thousands of disease-ridden illegal migrants are huddled into cages while thousands more fan out across the fruited plain taking jobs from Americans even as they infect us with COVID. Quick work, Joe!

And of course that is just the tip of the proverbial North Atlantic iceberg into which His Senileness is steering the ship of state. When Donald Trump left office, the economy was rebounding, millions of doses of the COVID vaccines he had brought into being in record time were being distributed — and peace was breaking out all over the Middle East. The so-called Abraham Accords precipitated the impossible: comity among various Arab nations and Israel. All that is in tatters now as Hamas bombards Jerusalem nightly. Meanwhile sanctions on Iran, the world’s largest exporter of terrorism, are being dropped or pared back and the theocratic, anti-Semitic backwater is charging ahead with its plans to build a nuclear arsenal. China rudely lectures our secretary of state while pushing forward with the militarization of the South China Sea, oppression of the Uighurs and theft of our intellectual property.

More than a hundred retired flag officers — decorated admirals and generals — have issued a public letter questioning the Venerable One’s mental fitness and raising questions about the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Too late, chaps! You had your chance. Even as the audit in Arizona raises red flags, the media-industrial complex, echoed by yapping chihuahuas like Liz ‘I-used-to-be-a-congresswoman’ Cheney, covers their collective ears and shouts that anyone questioning the election is guilty of perpetrating The Big Lie™, hoping thereby to get their opponents branded as ‘domestic extremists’ by an out-of-control FBI and CIA.

What is clear now, a hundred-odd days into to this steaming pile of ordure, is that the Marxist-inspired apparatchiks behind the Biden wheeze are working overtime not only to dismantle all the many achievements of the Trump administration but also to poison the wellsprings of our economy and our freedom.

It’s only mid-May 2021. In a matter of weeks, and with 60-odd executive orders behind him, Biden has largely unraveled all that Trump accomplished and more. This is the reality: Biden has set us on a collision course with tyranny and immiseration at home and armed conflict abroad.

He has denominated his political opponents ‘domestic terrorists’ and directed the FBI to harass and arrest them. He has done everything in his considerable power to surrender the country to the woke mob. Meanwhile, the rest of the world isn’t standing still. Look for a kinetic incident with Russia, China or Iran soon. It’s coming to a theater near you by the end of this summer — and I do not mean a movie theater. Enjoying the Biden-Harris administration so far? There’s a lot more where that came from. Expect the velocity of our declivity to increase — the gauge is set to move from ‘gradually’ to ‘suddenly’ now — and there will be plenty of shock and awe when it does.

Is this alarmist? Maybe, but that is appropriate when the situation is alarming.

Expect also to hear many people quoting the poet Delmore Schwartz: ‘Even paranoids have enemies.’

Meanwhile, as Americans line up for their suddenly expensive gasoline and realize that that house their were going to build is suddenly out of reach, they will also find their pay check has been whittled away by higher taxes as well as circumscribed buying power due to inflation. All the pundits told them that voting for Joe Biden was a vote to restore ‘normality’. Too late they learned that it was a way to put Vladimir Lenin in office. ‘The way to crush the bourgeoisie,’ Lenin observed a long time ago, ‘is to crush them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.’

But look on the bright side: at least Joe Biden doesn’t tweet mean things about Jim Acosta or Stacey Abrams.

Wow, that's even more negative than I would have put it, but I can't say it's wrong.

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276   Booger   2021 Aug 21, 6:39pm  

Well, zero covid may be unachievable but zero rights is a success.
278   Patrick   2021 Aug 22, 12:11am  

Lol, failed on all of them already.
280   zzyzzx   2021 Aug 25, 11:39am  


Biden to Abandon High School Students and Parents on Summer Trip to Afghanistan
281   mell   2021 Aug 25, 11:47am  

zzyzzx says

Biden to Abandon High School Students and Parents on Summer Trip to Afghanistan

That's fucking disgusting by the leftoid cowardly admin, a new low. But one has to ask what they were doing there in the first place. I traveled though a large part of Morocco, and while it's one of the more fascinating and beautiful countries I would not even recommend school "summer-trips" to Morocco. If you don't yield to donkeys, take pictures without explicit permission or don't pay the "toll" demanded by suddenly appearing flocks of "small" kids in the countryside you may find out about "cultural diversity and differences" fairly quickly. And Afghanistan is like any North African Islamic country on steroids. No country for school kids.
287   NDrLoR   2021 Aug 30, 8:29am  

zzyzzx says
Summer Trip to Afghanistan
Of all the wonderful, beautiful places they could have gone on a summer trip and they chose this place?! One of the downsides of living in a rich country where people have money to burn.
289   Patrick   2021 Aug 30, 10:24am  


Joe Biden has no interest in your facts. Those are from four or five days ago. Or, actually, two.

In his contentious interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos — his sentences jumbled together, alternately rambling and insisting with vociferous certainty things that were not true — Biden came across as an image of incompetent frailty.

For a man who promised a restoration of American unity after years of intense political conflict, Biden has achieved this goal: Everyone now thinks he failed. No matter your feelings about Afghanistan — whether you thought we should get out now, or 10 years ago, or never — Americans all agree this exit is a debacle, an embarrassment of logistical planning that has left our fellow citizens and our allies in the lurch.

The clot shot mandates for the government and military while exempting White House staff are the last straw for millions.

Biden is murdering people for the profits of Pfizer and Moderna. The young men and women in the military have essentially zero risk from Fauci Flu, but now have massive risk of clots and ADE because of Biden's corrupt senility.

He was not even elected.
290   Patrick   2021 Aug 30, 10:31am  


What if the Biden team is every bit as bad as it looks?

Having been in office eight months, its successes are so minimal and its mistakes so glaring that doubts exist across the political spectrum about whether the president is up to the job. The doubts recall warnings about Biden from two people who know him best.

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f- -k things up,” Barack Obama reportedly said. ...

Such devastating views take on added significance in light of Biden’s obvious frailties and cognitive decline. The resulting leadership vacuum is so apparent that a well-connected Dem who asked a White House confidant how Biden could have chosen such an uninspiring roster of top aides was told Biden didn’t make the choices. ...

Moreover, The Post’s Saturday story by two journalists from Zenger News depicts another chilling result of the hasty withdrawal. Reporters Siddharthya Roy and Richard Miniter show how a Taliban death squad is using American hand-held scanners and an American biometric database to identify Afghans who worked with our military or NATO.

The devices and database, which the military failed to destroy, give Afghans no way to hide their identities, making them easy targets for execution.

As the reporters note, that operation is separate from one where the US gave Taliban officials a list of Americans and Afghans it wanted to get through checkpoints so they could be evacuated.
292   Booger   2021 Aug 30, 7:10pm  


BREAKING: Taliban Sources Claim Joe Biden “Illegitimate Ruler” of U.S. Gov — Will Only Negotiate w/ Former Trump Presidency
293   Patrick   2021 Aug 30, 9:00pm  



The dignified transfer of the 13 service members killed in Afghanistan took place over the weekend. Joe Biden, the president and the man some call responsible for the 13 service members being killed, was there. Though reports are he had somewhere else to be. Afterward, Biden met with the families of our fallen heroes. Not all of the meetings went well.

Jiennah McCollum is the pregnant widow of Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum and made the trip with McCollum's father and his sister Roice. McCollum's mother Kathy was not there. Unclear is whether her absence had anything to do with her calling Joe Biden "dementia-ridden."

Rylee and her father did not want to meet with the man they hold responsible for Lance Corporal McCollum never meeting his soon-to-be first child. Jiennah agreed to talk to Biden. It sounds like she regrets doing so.

Only Jiennah, who is expecting the couple's child next month, stayed. But she left disappointed, Roice said. The president brought up his son, Beau, according to her account, describing his son's military service and subsequent death from cancer. It struck the family as scripted and shallow, a conversation that lasted only a couple of minutes in "total disregard to the loss of our Marine," Roice said.
Roice went to say that every life is on Biden's hands and that "You can't f*ck up as bad as he did and say you're sorry."

The White House, naturally, refused to comment, citing it as a private conversation.

I talked earlier about the gross incompetence of Biden's communication team. Thinking that Biden bringing up his dead son makes him "empathetic" proves most of them are nincompoops. Beau Biden served in the military, and later he died. Two separate things. He didn't die while serving the military. He wasn't killed by a terrorist while in service. He isn't dead due to the incompetence of Joe Biden and the alleged "adults in the room."

Joe Biden has no idea what these families are going through. He'd be better off just letting them yell at him.
294   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 30, 9:28pm  

Beau was a fucking JAG for like 6 months in Bosnia filling out legal documents. His death had nothing to do with his service.
295   richwicks   2021 Aug 30, 9:37pm  

Booger says

BREAKING: Taliban Sources Claim Joe Biden “Illegitimate Ruler” of U.S. Gov — Will Only Negotiate w/ Former Trump Presidency

Haha, I can't believe it.

Would be absolutely hilarious if it's true, but .. no.
296   Patrick   2021 Aug 30, 10:15pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says

What's a JAG?

297   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 31, 5:29am  

Patrick says

What's a JAG?

Military Lawyer.

Basically, Beau's job was to investigate and prosecute US Soldiers for mostly trivial violations that in earlier times would have been some KP duty and a dressing down by an Officer.
299   richwicks   2021 Aug 31, 8:57am  

mell says
zzyzzx says

Biden to Abandon High School Students and Parents on Summer Trip to Afghanistan

That's fucking disgusting by the leftoid cowardly admin, a new low. But one has to ask what they were doing there in the first place.

I was curious about that as well, so I started searching:


"District officials said 16 adults and 24 children had traveled to Afghanistan to visit their extended families during summer break and were left without a flight back home following the Taliban’s rapid takeover of Kabul.".

They are basically "refugees" that our nation created and live for free on the US taxpayer's back.

I say don't bring them back. They're home now.

Further on in the article:

"The district is one of the most ethnically diverse in San Diego County with many students having ties to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other Middle Eastern countries."
300   RWSGFY   2021 Aug 31, 9:03am  

richwicks says
They are basically "refugees" that our nation created and live for free on the US taxpayer's back.

If you are a refugee, WTF are you doing back in the country you've fled from? Wasn't your argument for asylum "it's dangerous for me to be there"? Are you traveling there because it's safe now? So move the fuck back home! Oh, it's unsafe again? What the fuck were you thinking?
301   richwicks   2021 Aug 31, 9:09am  

FuckCCP89 says
richwicks says
They are basically "refugees" that our nation created and live for free on the US taxpayer's back.

If you are a refugee, WTF are you doing back in the country you've fled from? Wasn't your argument for asylum "it's dangerous for me to be there"? Are you traveling there because it's safe now? So move the fuck back home! Oh, it's unsafe again? What the fuck were you thinking?

I follow a simple rule of thumb now.

The government is just fucking lying until proven otherwise.
302   mell   2021 Aug 31, 9:48am  

FuckCCP89 says
richwicks says
They are basically "refugees" that our nation created and live for free on the US taxpayer's back.

If you are a refugee, WTF are you doing back in the country you've fled from? Wasn't your argument for asylum "it's dangerous for me to be there"? Are you traveling there because it's safe now? So move the fuck back home! Oh, it's unsafe again? What the fuck were you thinking?

100% agreed. Europe, esp. Germany has been taking in assholes from the middle east who take multiple welfare checks per month via fraud, run "side businesses" and then go back to their home country for VACATION. The fucking leftoids are ruining whole countries with that shit. Taxpayers need to revolt and throw their bums, out, run those traitors out of town with pitchforks and torches.
303   Patrick   2021 Aug 31, 1:26pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Patrick says

What's a JAG?

Military Lawyer.

Basically, Beau's job was to investigate and prosecute US Soldiers for mostly trivial violations that in earlier times would have been some KP duty and a dressing down by an Officer.

Thanks, did not know this.

The Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG Corps), which encompasses the career path for military lawyers, has been popularized by the television show JAG, the film A Few Good Men...
304   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 31, 5:52pm  

Most of the time a Politician, esp. the son of a Politician, brags about military service, it's usually as a JAG.
308   Patrick   2021 Sep 3, 11:40am  

Not to mention the jab mandates which will certainly kill some perfectly healthy young people in the military who had no risk from Fauci Flu.

But hey, Pfizer and Moderna will reap bigger profits from these deaths, so those people will die.
309   Patrick   2021 Sep 3, 11:41am  

Another Trump ad about Biden, perfectly accurate:
310   Patrick   2021 Sep 3, 11:43am  

40% of Democrats surveyed think Biden should be impeached! That's a huge number!

313   Patrick   2021 Sep 4, 10:09am  


Just a few years ago Biden believed human lives begin at conception. Now he doesn't. Weird.

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