Who exactly is pulling the strings?

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2021 May 15, 8:29pm   125,390 views  1,030 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

OK, as soon as it starts to become apparent to everyone that Fauci is responsible for creating the CCP/Wuhan virus then suddenly the whole world is dropping mask mandates.


How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?

Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".

I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.

Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?


Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial
independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no
independent influence.

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626   Patrick   2023 Dec 15, 10:44am  


The financialized economy was primed to blow up in September of 2019 when symptoms of severe distress materialized in an arcane corner of the system known as the reverse repo market where banks loan each other money on extremely short term, usually overnight, to provide so-called “liquidity” — meaning the appearance of solvency. The crisis expressed itself as a dangerously sharp rise in interest rates. The Fed came up with enough liquidity to paper over the crisis, and then, miraculous to relate, the Covid-19 “emergency” a few months later gave them cover to “print” trillions of dollars and distribute the “money” rapidly into the on-the-ground economy where people bought the things of daily life.

The result of that monetary mischief was today’s inflation. Inflation, of course, is one way of going broke. You have a lot of money that is increasingly worthless. The other way of going broke is deflation, where you have no money. In the aggregate of a deflation, nobody will have any money, so at least you’ll have company in the misery of being broke. My guess is that a grievous deflation is where the current situation is headed. Deflations are provoked when people and companies can’t meet their debt obligations — can’t “service” their loans (pay interest), or pay back contracted sums of borrowed money, or simply can’t pay their bills. Every loan that goes bad causes some money to disappear — poof! — and when a whole lot of that happens there is no money.

The Federal Reserve digital currency is a kind of last resort way around that. It is a simple way for the system to pretend there is a lot of money around when there really isn’t any. It has the huge additional advantages, by way of computerized accounting, to allow the authorities to control what everybody spends their money on, especially the ability to block the purchase of this or that: a train ticket, gasoline, meat, if the authorities feel like it. It also enables the authorities to extract taxes, duties, and penalties at will, without any cooperation from the citizen. A Fed digital currency would be a giant step into the worst kind of exquisitely targeted tyranny. The excuse, of course, would be a “national emergency.”

A digital currency would likely first be tested among the most indigent in society, those with little or no income. It already is, actually, in the debit cards currently issued to illegal border-jumpers. Their card accounts are refilled monthly, making this the equivalent of a guaranteed basic income. Next, this privilege will be extended to the lower economic ranks of American citizens, and so on upward, until the whole middle-class and even the higher levels are enlisted, and then the authorities will have the ability to push everyone around.

That’s the hypothesis, anyway. I don’t believe it’s going to work. The authorities have underestimated the number of citizens who know what it means to be sovereign individuals. They will decline to be pushed around. They might even push back, start stomping on the blob’s tentacles as it reaches across the land. The citizens of one region or another of our country might go so far as to establish their own money, which would make them sovereign regions of sovereign individuals. That is going to be a problem that the blob and blobism cannot overcome.

We should all start using silver by weight with each other once again, as was done for millennia.

627   The_Deplorable   2023 Dec 16, 7:41pm  

The World Enslavement Forum (WEF) presents Christmas hits with Klaus "Mr. Reset" Schwab.

Vaxxmas Hits...

628   The_Deplorable   2023 Dec 17, 4:38pm  

Isn't There Anyone Who Knows What Christmas Is All About?

638   Patrick   2023 Dec 25, 12:42pm  


🎯 Dave Smith on Why the Culture War Was Socially Engineered

“The people did not wake up one day and decide we want to have a national conversation about chicks with d*cks.”

639   Patrick   2023 Dec 25, 12:59pm  


You may have noticed that our country, formerly a republic of sovereign individuals, has become one great big racketeering operation run by a mafia-like cabal with Marxist characteristics — or, at least, Marxist pretenses. That is, it seeks to profit by every avenue of dishonesty and coercion, under the guise of rescuing the “oppressed and marginalized” from their alleged tormenters. Apparently, half the country likes it that way.

Much of the on-the-ground action in this degenerate enterprise is produced by various hustles. A hustle is a particularly low-grade, insultingly obvious racket, such as Black Lives Matter, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and “trans women” (i.e., men) in women’s sports. Some of the profit in any hustle is plain moneygrubbing, of course. But there’s also an emotional payoff. Hustlers and racketeers are often sadists, so the gratification derived from snookering the credulous (feelings of power) gets amplified by the extra thrill of seeing the credulous suffer pain, humiliation, and personal ruin. (That’s what actual “oppressors” actually do.)

Categorically, anyone who operates a racket or a hustle is some sort of psychopath, a person with no moral or ethical guard-rails. Hustles are based on the belief that it is possible to get something for nothing, a notion at odds with everything known about the unforgiving laws of physics and also the principles of human relations in this universe. Even the unconditional love of a mother for her child is based on something: the amazing, generative act of creating new life, achieved through the travail of birth. Have you noticed, by the way, that the birth of human children is lately among the most denigrated acts on the American social landscape? ...

The mental pain endured by the Harvard bigwigs must be excruciating, and of course they have themselves to blame because they walked right into the Woke hustle with their eyes wide shut. They bargained away their dignity, and the university’s honor, for mere brownie points in a fool’s game called Win big prizes pretending to care about your fellow man. The cognitive dissonance must be like little nuclear reactor meltdowns burning through the lobes of their brains. They’ve run out of a safe space to play “victim” in. The world sees them for the coddled, malicious fakes they are.

Cutting Claudine Gay loose is the unavoidable play now or Harvard will be stung by so many lawsuits from students previously punished for academic mischief that all the alumni lawfare attorneys in the cosmos standing snout to tail will not be able to staunch the hemorrhaging of the school’s endowment and then the fire sale of its chattels to satisfy the aggrieved plaintiffs’ pain and suffering. The Harvard board is just trying to ride out the holidays. Their prized participation trophy is coming off the mantlepiece. There really is no other way. Now, stand by and watch the rats rat each other out. And so ends the era of pretending about everything.
640   HeadSet   2023 Dec 25, 3:27pm  

Patrick says

Cutting Claudine Gay loose is the unavoidable play now

Let's see if that actually happens. Her plagiarism was known by many for years, but no one cared until it became a tool to attack her for being pro-Palestinian.
641   Bd6r   2023 Dec 25, 3:35pm  

She has too many oppression points to be fired.
642   HeadSet   2023 Dec 25, 3:54pm  

Bd6r says

She has too many oppression points to be fired.

True, it will depend on who Harvard fears more, the Jewish donors or the woke students/faculty.
643   Patrick   2023 Dec 25, 5:02pm  

Good summary of their dilemma.
644   Patrick   2023 Dec 26, 3:04am  


... America is dying and it is being replaced with a business-driven system of command and control – virtual enslavement of the people by high tech systems of command and control. ...

The centerpiece of health care reform in the U.S. was universal health insurance (Obama Care). Preauthorization transfers patient care decisions from the physician to the insurance company. It shifts the physician’s focus from patient care to reimbursement for services. Insurance companies use statistical data to determine treatment protocols that define what they will pay for and what they won’t. The preauthorization system is the perfect place to insert artificial intelligence in the practice of medicine. The preauthorization system will be used to say – we won’t pay for what you recommend but we will pay for this course of treatment – adding on at this location which serves as a triage function for research candidates.

With the redesign of the American health care system, there is no way to prevent human medical research and no way to oversee it. They’ve turned the American people into a flock of sheep surrounded by wolves who will simply cut a few out of the herd for experimental purposes. Because of the nature of networked systems, research populations can be distributed so there are no pockets of death or injury. If a family was suspicious, it would take serious time and money to investigate – not to mention the barriers to medical records (at least to those outside the health care system). In my opinion, the redesign of the American system of health care is perfectly evil designed for an evil purpose.

It was a misrepresentation to call the international agreements trade agreements. They were about harmonization of laws and building the economic side of world government. The power to negotiate international agreements was the power to sell out our country and our people and that’s exactly what they did - sector by sector. Nobody votes for the U.S. Trade Representative and his teams of trade negotiators. Despite the fact that Congress gets an up or down vote on trade agreements, the voices of the representatives from the respective states are effectively nullified by design. I found a quote on the internet attributed to Henry David Thoreau – true or not doesn’t matter. The quote is: ‘if you steal the means by which I live, you’ve stolen my life’. That’s what the international trade regime has done. It has stolen our lives – not just individually but for the country as a whole. ...

Representative government is effectively extinguished. What we have is a facade of a democratic system because corporations have been empowered through various means to override the public voice. The people can elect a candidate who promises to “fix the system”, but he can’t do it. The problems are structural. The internationalization of our economy has made the problems too big for any politician to fix. ...

What are your main concerns about the current refugee resettlement programs in the United States?
First, the people being imported are not refugees in the original meaning of the word. They are economic migrants and the importation is a business serving business. The Idaho Office for Refugees is the lead agency. Even though Idaho was included in the title, the Office for Refugee Resettlement is a function of the federal HHS/ACF (Administration for Children and Families). The social programs for refugees are managed through the Public Health Districts. The Public Health Districts are not part of the state government. The state government was only responsible to manage the federal funding to the districts. The Districts are independent, corporate and political. The corruption doesn’t end there. It only begins there. The entire system is a corrosive insurgent operation.

Numerous groups are involved in the various resettlement activities. So-called refugees get preferential job placement, housing, medical care – all at the expense of taxpayers many of whom are victimized by the resettlement programs whether they know it or not. The resettlement groups are connected to local government through community relations offices and they all work together as a syndicate up to and including providing media narratives to avoid negative publicity and to drown out criticism. Federal and corporate money for resettlement buys a lot of cooperation and silence.

How do you propose to balance humanitarian needs with national interests in the context of refugee resettlement?
I don’t intend to balance humanitarian needs with national interest because national interest comes first. What’s happening to our country in the name of humanitarianism is not humanitarianism. It’s only marketed that way. The system is in fact, business serving business. Charity begins at home. We have a lot of social problems with drug abuse, homelessness, mental illness, delinquency, poverty, etc. The social service needs of the American people should be met first before worrying about people in other countries. America isn’t responsible for the whole world. Let other countries step up for a change. If that sounds harsh, too bad. I don’t care. I’m tired of Americans taking second place in our own country.
645   Patrick   2023 Dec 26, 9:36am  


Narrative is story.

Helpfully, everything is a story: Your job is a story. Your family, well, that’s a real story. Your friends, your religion, your political party, your house, your car, your gym membership, your hatred of eggnog and your wife’s fear of hairy spiders — all stories. To have any meaning at all, every conceivable notion must be suspended on an existing story the way a dust mote clings to a spiderweb.

Our minds process stories every conscious moment. People even dream in stories.

Unsurprisingly therefore, the wicked security state psychologists who design manipulative memes and mind control tools start with a story. Story is both their toolbox and their most useful tool. Consider a conflict happening in some far-off country, and suppose our current political leadership wants us to choose their preferred side. The mind controllers first need a good story.

If Narrative is story, then Story is characters in conflict.

The most effective characters are colorful ones engaged in an unambiguously-good versus perfectly-evil conflict. Think cerebral vaxxers versus Cave Man anti-vaxxers, trans people yearning to be free versus theocratic Christians, suppressed black folks versus systemic racists, and old-fashioned Republicans versus open-minded democrats.

The best conflicts are those for high stakes: such as if Putin isn’t soundly beaten in Ukraine, then he will attack Poland and the rest of the World. So if you load a Ukrainian flag in your social media bio picture you are helping save the World.

Since “Narrative” is the security state’s main manipulative tool, the deep state has a long-standing love affair with Hollywood. It’s also why spooks constantly use celebrities, who are handy, compelling, pre-mixed characters right on the shelf: in other words, celebrities are an easy way to rapidly publish a new Narrative and demonstrate its core conflict for the audience (us). ...

So: Vladimir Putin as the cold, clean-shaven, calculating, evil dictator who always wears a dark blue business suit. Think of a Russian version of Mr. Smithers from The Simpsons. On the other hand, cast Vladimir Zelensky as the nerdy, short-bearded, naive underdog, a man of the people, a French-resistance type who always wears a military-green t-shirt. No beréts though; too metro. ...

Effective narrative manipulation avoids ambiguity. Moral ambiguity is anathema to a useful capital-n Narrative. In our running example, it’s not good for the two countries to share blame for the conflict. Whose fault it is mustn’t even be arguable. The two sides must be black and white. One country must be clearly in the wrong, and the other country one hundred percent justified. Thus, anti-vaxxers cannot be permitted to have any kind of a point, however minor, because it would muddle the Narrative.

If there’s any wiggle room for reasonable argument about a conflict’s morality (who should “win”), then the Narrative crumbles as any kind of useful mind-control tool.

In fact, they can unravel a Narrative when it is no longer useful just by introducing a little moral ambiguity. For example, two days ago corporate media reported the possibility of compromise in the Ukraine Proxy War — maybe giving Russia a little land could be a good thing — and it’s a good sign the security state is winding up that tired old Narrative:

A related sign that the Proxy War in Ukraine might be ending is they’re now treating Putin as a rational leader with whom a ceasefire could possibly be brokered. Putin used to be a demonic instrument of pure evil who could never ever be trusted, but must be removed.

For the spook shrinks, the characters in an effective Narrative must be drawn as cartoons, not as real people. Real people are too messy and introduce moral ambiguity. There must be nothing good whatsoever about Putin (he is not worried about U.S. biolabs!) and nothing bad at all about Zelensky (he is not enriching himself with aid money!).
650   SoTex   2023 Dec 27, 6:02pm  

I keep hearing that the "string pullers", have plans in the works for us useless eaters in 2024 right before the election. "Kill-ware", that will crash cars into poling stations, hack traffic lights to kill people, some banking crisis internet hack that will be so devastating we'll all be begging for internet ids, "for our protection", and crap like that. (what does that cunt Nikki Haley, er, I mean Nimrata Randhawa know?)

The internet will become regulated and won't be anything like it is now after that. Censored, managed by the government. And yeah, CDBCs, but really if they have all of that they really don't need CBDCs to control us.

Whitney Webb discusses some of it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYyTyXpdQRI (she's a good investigative reporter hiding out in Chile)

Apparently the liberal corporate media was discussing it recently and freaked a bunch of people out.

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