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NuttBoxer says
So that guy in Argentina was legit. Cut a shit-ton out of the government so far, causing communist protests. Also, pulled Argentina out of BRICS..
Why pull out of BRICS?
What unites all of these things, is an elite political orientation that has almost totally abandoned the national context. Western nations today are controlled by a political class that claims to govern on behalf of the whole world rather than for their own people. Our rulers believe it is their responsibility to defend the rights and the prosperity of foreigners even to the extent of resettling them en masse in the West, to redress supposed imbalances in atmospheric gases across the globe, and to enforce their liberal beliefs everywhere. Because they have arrogated to themselves a scope of responsibility (the world) that massively exceeds their scope of accountability (their citizenries), they are forced to adopt a harsh programme of domestic political enforcement as they strive to free themselves from the constraints of their own nation states.
"Hold on there chief. If you suppress free speech and lock up all your political opponents, or just kill them, the state sponsored media will of course give you a high popularity rating."
You are confusing Joe Biden with Putin. Besides,the American main stream media is in fact state sponsored media - they are all reading from the same propaganda sheet.
Story at a Glance:
•The upper class has gradually shifted to controlling the populace through economic enslavement, the fear of an ecological disaster, and the fear of a disastrous pandemic which must be stopped at any costs.
•An immensely profitable industry has been built around these fears. Many notorious career scientists (e.g., Fauci and Hotez) depend upon this grift. Worse still, those fears have been used to create the justification we need to perform an endless amount of bioweapons research to “prevent” the next pandemic.
•That research is extremely dangerous and regularly leads to disastrous lab leaks which sicken and sometimes kill those exposed to the pathogens. While COVID-19 was the most consequential lab leak, many more preceded it, and prior to the pandemic (where everything got censored), the lab leak issue was widely discussed within the scientific community.
•Rather than acknowledge the problem (and stop the lucrative bioweapons research), the industry has doubled down on the importance of their research. This is analogous to how they actually discovered ways to treat these diseases with existing technologies (e.g., hydroxycholoroquine for SARS), but threw all of that to the wayside so more lucrative therapies could be sold to the public once an actual pandemic (COVID-19) started.
•Since the public is gradually becoming aware of what COVID cartel has done to us, they are switching to far more totalitarian methods to ensure they can continue their grift. We are at a pivotal moment to stop that, and that is why this series was written.
Since the pandemic industry had remained mostly out of sight and out of mind, no one really paid attention to the fact they were taking the public’s money and failing to produce results. However, since COVID-19 affected everyone and the public was forced to listen to their lies over and over while simultaneously not being allowed to challenge them, this motivated many people to begin looking into what was really going on.
In turn, a vast network of independent journalists (funded by citizens who were understandably concerned about what was happening) gradually unearthed all the evidence which showed just how dangerous and unethical the pandemic grift was. The public (who were thirsting for the truth) listened, and gradually, the trust that industry had long depended upon was broken.
As a result, much of what had initially been project to occur (and a lot of money was spent to ensure) never came to pass. For example, the plan was to always have everyone take annual COVID boosters, yet three years out, only a small fraction of the population is continuing to boost.
This loss of trust is a huge problem for the industry as so many of their future plans are depended upon the public retaining their trust in them. In turn, I would argue that if the pandemic industry wants to regain the trust of the people it needs to demonstrate it will actually do its job and prevent future pandemics.
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How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?
Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".
I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.
Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?