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One advantage SpaceX has over its much older competitor is that Musk’s company enjoys a leaner, more entrepreneurial corporate culture. That’s a fact, but the main difference between the two companies is that Boeing made DEI its top priority, whereas SpaceX got sued for refusing to hire illegal immigrants, and kept its top priority focused on lowering the per-kilogram price of reliably getting cargo into orbit.
The moral of the story is: Go woke, go broke. But Boeing shouldn’t get all the blame. The religion of Wokeness — along with its sacrament, DEI — were something inflicted on U.S. corporations like Boeing. Nobody wanted DEI.
Investment giants Vanguard and Blackrock, which largely led the DEI revolution, have a lot to answer for. Did they have ulterior motives for undermining corporate America? Motives unrelated to profit?
Who benefits from the controlled demolition and bureaucratization of corporate America? Are Vanguard and Blackrock working for America’s enemies? Just asking.
US Public Health Agencies Show Bias Against Novavax and Janssen While Favoring mRNA Vaccines
It is my view that from the beginning the CDC, FDA, and NIH pushed mRNA vaccines preferentially over the adenoviral (Janssen, now off the market) and antigen-based Novavax. The reasons include CDC favoritism to Pfizer and Moderna marketing via in-house CDC promoting office staffed by Weber Shandwick, a huge government investment in mRNA, royalties to NIH staffers, and a view that mRNA is the future of vaccines for many conditions.
It occurs to me that one thing leads to the other …
AIDS/HIV - which may or may not have been caused by promiscuous homosexual sex at bath houses - led to a massive increase in the budget of the NIH/NIAID, which dramatically increased the power and influence of these “public health” agencies and cemented the power of one Anthony Fauci, the most powerful unelected bureaucrat in Washington D.C. since J. Edgar Hoover.
(As RFK, Jr. notes in The Real Anthony Fauci, when the AIDS crisis occurred, the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases was an obscure government agency with no budget to speak of, best known for embarrassing itself with its Swine Flu fear-mongering and a rushed, aborted Swine Flu “vaccine.”)
A couple of days after the 9-11 attacks, someone (not affiliated with ISIS) started mailing anthrax spores to a few prominent people …
… Which led to The Great Fear that terrorists were going to weaponize viruses … which led to the complete merger of the Military Industrial Complex and the Science Industrial Complex, which gave Anthony Fauci’s agency even more power.
This led to gain-of-function research - aka “mad science” - to protect the troops and, of course, the children.
Gain-of-function mad science led to a new virus being created in a lab, which either escaped or was released …
… Which led to the Mother of All Panics - the Pandemic of the Century, lockdowns, masks, ventilators, remdesivir, virtual work, “essential” and non-essential employees and, eventually, donuts for free “vaccines” for everyone - all paid for by the government.
(Some people say no new virus exists or no virus was created in a lab - or that the virus came from bats in a cave in China. However, none of this perhaps matters, as the Covid response was what mattered most of all).
Fear of respiratory viruses led to myriad table-top planning exercises, brainstorming sessions on how to most-efficiently discard the U.S. Constitution … which led to bureaucrats and experts obtaining complete control.
The world’s august Table Top Planners decided new vaccines would be the magic cure-all. (This had actually been decided way back in the Reagan years when Congress eliminated liability for vaccine manufacturers).
Vaccines the government could mandate and would pay for (and could produce no class-action lawsuits) led to every Big Pharma company deciding to go all-in on the vaccine business.
The astronomical amounts of money that could made from “fighting deadly viruses” led to Bill Gates retiring from the computer software business.
… and deciding he might become the richest man in world history by leveraging his computer money, and deciding to start a Rockefeller-like Foundation to spearhead the effort to save the world (or depopulate it) by pumping even more money into the Global Vaccine Crusade.
This led to Bill Gates effectively taking ownership of the World Health Organization and becoming close buddies and allies with Anthony Fauci, who never stopped trying to create an AIDS vaccine and has never heard of a vaccine he wouldn’t fund with tax-payer money.
Gates and Fauci-controlled money and a few Table Top Fear-Mongering Exercises - plus some “excellence in journalism” grants and non-stop Big Pharma TV commercials - bought the support of the watchdog press …
… Which - with an assist from the new PCR tests - eventually led to non-stop TV scrolls of Covid “cases,” hospitalizations and deaths … which led to millions of citizens in the “home of the brave” cowering in a fetal position underneath the breakfast room table.
Total control of the masses by our non-benevolent rulers led to a record and continuing spike in excess deaths, which led to more fear, more boosters, more funding and future mRNA “vaccines,” including (to come) vaccines for hangnails and hiccups.
Significantly, the Covid Panic led to the non-pharmaceutical intervention of mail-in ballots, which led to the “election” of Joe Biden, which led to vaccine mandates, which led to more deaths and more chronic illness (to be treated by more Big Pharma pills).
As these shots may have exacerbated Biden’s ever-worsening dementia and Parkinson’s symptoms …. It’s quite possible the shots led to the “nomination” of Kamala Harris as Biden’s successor.
While maybe only 7 percent of the population remains terrified of Covid, an even greater number of mail-in ballots will be counted in two weeks, which, very possibly, could lead to President Kamala Harris …
… Which will lead to more vaccine mandates, more new mRNA vaccines and boosters, more censorship and more illegal immigrants … which will lead to more ballot harvesting and will eventually lead to veto-proof majorities of shadow communists and socialists in both houses of the U.S. Legislature.
This will lead to an expansion of the Supreme Court (and more liberal justices) plus statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and more funding for children’s sex change operations and even more bureaucrats majoring in and going to work for all the organizations fighting the scourge of disinformation.
“No dissent allowed” from extremist disinformation spreaders will lead to One-World Government and “One Health” (whatever this means) … which, one suspects, was the objective all along.
Lastly, One-World Government will possibly lead to every society-destroying plan of the communists (or Satan) being brought to fruition. ...
As it turns out …
… It wasn’t the Soviet Union, Brezhnev, Gorbachev or even Putin who got us - it was Anthony Fauci and a famous “capitalist,” Bill Gates.
While we were were worrying ourselves sick about the KGB and the Soviet Union’s Military Industrial Complex (and then Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein), the CIA and our own Military Industrial Complex were apparently working behind the curtain, collaborating with the Global Deep State to bring about our demise … via flu-like viruses!
75 seconds that DEVASTATED the world, and again, we see at seconds 56 & 57, Trump is DISTRACTED (deliberate?) at podium with COVID Task Force, seconds 58 & 59 Fauci says 'shall lock down', second 100 look at Trump's left eye as he returns in front of podium, he is basically signally 'they just screwed my re-election', seconds 1:07 & 1:08, Trump says no mandate as Fauci 58 & 59 sec says lock down
Trump did NOT yet understand that Fauci just said we will be locking down (Trump was distracted DELIBERATELY by someone in the crowd)…he even responded ‘OPPOSITE’ to Fauci when the reporter asked the question at 1.00 to 1.05…he did not yet understand that Fauci and Azar and Birx and Redfield et al. just stole the election from him using COVID…he soon found out and when Trump said they are going to ‘steal’ the election, it was not by votes, ‘steal’ to Trump was via what he knew they were doing with the lockdowns….it was via COVID lockdowns, and coming vaccine…the confusion and pain and suffering it caused. He knew it.
It’s surreal watching the people with all the power sweat their last battle against Trump. They are the team that wants to win so badly they’ve become corrupt, relying on a propaganda press to coddle and protect Harris, as they try to cosplay making history.
But if you’re paying close attention and you’re following the plot, you’ll be able to see who the good guys are in this story and who the bad guys are. The bad guys use Harris as a shield, a symbol of virtue, to hide their own identities. They are mostly white men and women of enormous wealth who desperately need to appear virtuous lest the people rise up and challenge their power. ...
They have built a system that is nearly impossible to defeat. This isn’t Breaking Away. It isn’t a matter of being the best bike rider on the track. This is deep corruption by people who have all the power and don’t want to lose it.
For most of my life, our government has been locked in a deep state, an establishment that is impossible to penetrate. People don’t just come from the outside like Trump. They need institutional backing. A whole generation is now growing up with something I never had - a big, bold challenge to that power.
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How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?
Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".
I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.
Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?