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After their first attempts with the Weather Underground's mass bombing campaign in the late 60's failed, they consciously changed tactics to a "Long March through the Institutions", modeled on Mao's Long March. The idea was that the radicals would take decades to infiltrate universities and government agencies, and work from those positions of power to destroy America.
... There were those who noticed, and tried to do something about the infection – Senator McCarthy, for example. It is a symptom of the total control of the left over the popular consciousness that despite having known for years now that McCarthy was absolutely correct that the United States federal government was being infiltrated at every level by agents of the communist party, his name has remained a byword for hysterical, unjustified witch hunts. ...
But a counter-revolutionary long march through the institutions was always a doomed project.
The left understands the method quite well, having perfected it themselves, and its defences against counter-infiltration were well advanced. It was never enough merely to say the right things, and not say the wrong things – the left knows how easily such signals are faked, as these are mere words, and words have no meaning to an egregore which sees in discourse nothing but the currents and tokens of power. Much of the seeming insanity of the Cancelled Years is best understood as the imposition of elaborate, difficult to fake displays of loyalty: offering your child’s genitals to the hungry gender gorgon, opening your veins for the gene therapy injection. Then of course there is DEI, whose explicit intent was to simply deny opportunity to those most likely, on a demographic basis, to oppose the left. ...
On J6, the American government teetered on a precipice. Had Trump applied so much as the gentlest pressure with his baby finger, it would have toppled over. The other side would then have screamed that he was a tyrant who had seized power by force; his own supporters would have rallied to the cause that the election had been stolen; America, and the world, would have been bathed in blood. So Trump pulled back, allowed the heroes of J6 to be imprisoned, and permitted the sclerocracy to impose four years of malevolent mismanagement on the American people.
Many were furious with Trump. He’d lost his nerve; he was a coward.
As it turned out, they were all wrong. It was a strategic withdrawal.
And now, instead of a Long March, we are getting a blitzkrieg. ...
They are executing a detailed, thorough plan. They’ve identified the enemy nerve centres and are neutralizing them precisely, rapidly, and ruthlessly. Handpicked squads of very competent young men have been turned loose inside the Beltway. It is clear that they are not being micromanaged, but are being left to develop their own action plans on the fly as the tactical situation evolves. This is manoeuvre warfare, with small, nimble, lethal teams dropped into the heart of enemy territory and being given maximum latitude to pursue the campaign’s strategic objectives.
Describing administrative reform via auditing as a form of warfare might seem hyperbolic but that is, I think, precisely the correct metaphor. Armoured by iron-clad job security, the permanent bureaucracy has squatted for decades behind an impenetrable fortification built out of administrative, regulatory, and financial complexity, which they defended using procedural manipulation, slow-walking of unwelcome reforms, and diffusion of responsibility through opaque committee structures. Figuring out who made what decision or which dollar went where was simply impossible for outsiders. From this impregnable position they could then sally forth like feudal lords to loot the serfs using the IRS. ...
Infuriating as the meme war could often be, there was also a sense of comradeship within the Society of Frens. When your account got banned, or your friend got doxxed, people would come together, offering solidarity, even helping out financially. We were all in this together, after all. More, the meme war was fun, and over the years we became expert in our trade. There’s a thrill to piling into the replies of a hapless libtard, a fierce joy in dismantling their pseudo-intellectual paramoralisms to the point that they ragequit the interaction by blocking you...
Decades of preference falsification have come apart, as they always do, in a preference cascade – people admitting that they don’t actually believe the things they pretended to believe because everyone else was pretending to believe them and they didn’t realize everyone was pretending, only now they do know, so they’re saying what they really believed all along, and so is everyone else. It’s an Emperor’s New Clothes moment, a Fall of the Berlin Wall moment. The invulnerability conferred by the appearance of monolithic consensus has been cracked; the illusion having been dispelled, the spell is impossible to cast again. They’re done.
How Soros Controled Biden’s White House
We keep hearing ad nauseam from the shills over at CNN and MSNBC how Elon Musk runs the government and how someone who is unelected is in control.
Strangely none of those people wanted to tell you the influence that George Soros had in the Biden Administration.
So to recap, the media has a really big problem with transparency, and the fact that Elon Musk is looking for waste fraud and abuse, but they are silent about the fact that George and Alex Soros secretly guided the White House agenda behind the back of the American people?
Even before Biden was inaugurated, he had Transition Review Teams assembled for every department within the government. Those teams had to understand all the operations of the specific government agencies so that the administration will be ready on day one.
17 picks for those transition teams worked directly for Soros organizations. And he could call them and direct them on what policy to push in each department.
The following are examples of agencies had a transition team member directly working in a Soros organization:
State Department
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
United States Mission to the United Nations
Department of Defense
Department of Labor
Department of the Treasury
Banking and Securities Regulators
National Security Council
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How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?
Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".
I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.
Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?