Who exactly is pulling the strings?

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2021 May 15, 8:29pm   128,627 views  1,170 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

OK, as soon as it starts to become apparent to everyone that Fauci is responsible for creating the CCP/Wuhan virus then suddenly the whole world is dropping mask mandates.


How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?

Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".

I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.

Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?


Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial
independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no
independent influence.

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157   richwicks   2022 Apr 21, 7:23pm  

AmericanKulak says
90% of the whole Jew thing, I'd bet $20 on it, is Agency distraction. It serves to create the threat ("White Supremacy") that justifies the budget as well as the political control of media.

I'm entirely open to that. I've argued that the intelligence agencies are the most vile and evil organizations on earth, filled with vile and evil people.

AmericanKulak says
The very first thing "Khazarian Mafia" advocates need to explain is the communication and reward mechanism. Where are the emails? Or do they use Jew Telepathy? In all these decades of Jewish dominance, not one email leaked?

It wouldn't require direct communication, just shared goals.

If white people just ignored the crimes of white people against everybody EXCEPT for white people, you'd get a similar dynamic. If the rule was "here are all the rules you have to follow, but ONLY when it's a white person you're dealing with - with everybody else, there are no rules and white people will generally protect you if you get caught" - you'll end up with a dynamic. It's said Madoff only got nabbed when he fucked over Jewish people.

I'm not saying that's "how it is" - I'm saying, it's something to consider.

Racism in every group exists.
159   GNL   2022 May 10, 3:36pm  

richwicks says
@Patrick @richwicks - do you really think the Internet is making people slaves more than we once were, or do you think it's liberating humanity?

I believe the definitive answer will come if/when humans can be controlled/enslaved by those who control it.
160   Patrick   2022 May 10, 3:55pm  

I think it's doing both at the same time. It offers unprecedented ways to spy on people and to censor.

But on the other hand, it offers an unprecedented way for us to communicate directly with each other in spite of the censors.
161   GNL   2022 May 10, 5:51pm  

Patrick says

I think it's doing both at the same time. It offers unprecedented ways to spy on people and to censor.

But on the other hand, it offers an unprecedented way for us to communicate directly with each other in spite of the censors.

Yep, and the question is, "which will be dominant"? If the evil ones become dominant, all bets are off on how injurious it could ultimately be. Think social scores and blockchain. We need a physical world, not a virtual one.
163   Patrick   2022 May 19, 10:26pm  


The Biden regime has proposed “amendments” to the so-called WHO Pandemic Treaty—changes granting that supremely dirty global body dictatorial control over health policy in 194 countries. Should those “amendments” be approved at the WHO’s upcoming conclave next week (May 22-28), the WHO will have the quasi-legal power to declare pandemics, and then impose on all the world whatever “measures” they deem necessary to “keep us safe,” whether you like it or not, and, if you don’t (as you definitely won’t), there will be no way for you to vote them out.
164   Patrick   2022 May 23, 8:48am  


antonio moniz, inventor of the lobotomy, won the nobel prize in medicine for this breakthrough in treating everything from mental health issues to nervous indigestion.

i mean, sure, there were a few side-effects, especially with the early versions where they drilled a hole in your skull and poured in alcohol to kill brain tissue, but omelets, eggs, you know how it goes!

this was cutting edge treatment for the day, widely performed, and lauded by doctors and medical boards alike.

trust the science and it will all be OK in the end, right?


oddly, this once prolific practice has now fallen into disuse and disrepute.

and it’s possible that we may want to have another look at it as i honestly think it could wind up being a huge life saver if repurposed.

these antediluvian medicos were simply seeking to cure the incorrect disorders.


“anti-social megalo/monomaniacal narcissistic biofascism complex” has been pandemic for years and cures remain elusive. there is no approved treatment and it’s obviously highly contagious and life threatening to everyone around you. seems like a prime candidate for an EUA.

if only we had had it earlier

Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.substack.com
The Globalists: Here is the full roster of Davos 2022 attendees

I want to make sure you know who is attending the WEF's invite-only gathering.

USA group includes 25 ppl. Gina Raimondo & John Kerry are WH reps. They will be joined by 12 Dem+10 GOP pols.

take this list of people in 2019 and inoculate them against ASMMNBC with a little instrument up the old schnozz, one quick pinch in the frontal lobe (barely even a fauci ouchie) and imagine the suffering we could have saved the world!

billions of person years of misery alleviated. ...

honestly, it would be unethical NOT to run this trial.

the benefits speak for themselves, and the risks and side effects? well, i’m pretty sure the cost/benefit on a societal level is excellent and honestly, who even worries about that stuff these days anyhow? we probably would not even need an FDA panel.

zero ASMMNBC is clearly the way to go.

one really cannot argue.

165   Patrick   2022 May 31, 9:38am  


What we’re seeing isn’t just a divergence in policy preferences between the political class and the rest of America. It’s a chasm of values. Members of the political class derive a substantial part of their meaning from elections and policy wins, comporting themselves year in and year out the way rabid sports fans only behave on game days. Ninety-seven percent of Americans, in contrast, choose something other than political party when asked to name the most important factor in describing who they are. While nearly all Americans point to their families, their religions, and their occupations as being most essential to who they are, our political class — the people bandying about accusations of un-Americanness — defines itself chiefly by partisan allegiance.
166   Patrick   2022 Jun 8, 11:03am  


Reports published on Tuesday indicate that an agreed-to sale of Radio Mambí, a Spanish-language talk radio station in Miami, to a George Soros-backed leftist group has prompted a potential mass exodus of its employees.
167   Patrick   2022 Jun 15, 8:20am  


Edward Dowd
Japanese MPs tell the truth behind the pandemic
Japanese MPs pointed out that what is happening now is an information warfare. And international capital manipulates technology giant companies to block the truth. The Japanese government works hand in glove with the the medical association to fabricate the covid-19 pandemic and create panic. They use administration power to make vaccines compulsory. The separation of powers in a democracy, the independence of the executive and the independence of the judiciary, have completely failed, and the law only served the authoritarian power. In order to avoid more victims, people should stand up and fight, and believe that through everyone’s efforts, the current dark situation can be changed.

Has video.
168   Patrick   2022 Jul 5, 1:30pm  


Someone gave the puppets new words to say, like "rules based order".
169   Patrick   2022 Jul 5, 1:34pm  


this whole gang all over the world that ran on “being the adults in charge” appear to need some serious babysitting because they are not serious people.

they are serious problems.

from the netherlands to norway to canada to the UK, people are reaching the breaking point with the concatenated calamity of carnival misrule by entitled technocrats and deluded demagogues.

even their own inner circles are starting to bail.

is this trend coming to america? probably.
171   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 5, 4:00pm  

Medicis, Fuggers, Hansa, the same Central European Authoritarians as always.

EU2 is the same as EU1 under Philip II Hapsburg, or the 3rd Reich under Hitler: Unifying from Central Europe and doing away with all local laws and imposing a one-Europe state, eventually a one-world state.

And they always have scapegoats handy... this time it's Populists.
173   richwicks   2022 Jul 7, 12:19pm  

WineHorror1 says

richwicks says
@Patrick @richwicks - do you really think the Internet is making people slaves more than we once were, or do you think it's liberating humanity?

I believe the definitive answer will come if/when humans can be controlled/enslaved by those who control it.

@WineHorror1 - it's liberating those that want to be free. I know more about the world and government than would be possible just 50 years ago, unless I was extremely well connected AND corrupt. I understand how the world works because of the Internet.

I know our government is just a criminal syndicate. I know our "news" media is just public relations for this criminal syndicate. I know the criminal syndicate is either indirectly or directly controlled by the Federal Reserve - either through bribes or extortion. I know corporations are controlled the same way - access to debt, we have many zombie corporations, I would say Twitter is one of them, they aren't profitable and never have been, but they are a ~40 billion dollar company. I know how propaganda works and that it DOES work. I know every war the US has been in over the last 20 years were based on complete lies, I suspect that's been true for 50 years, at least. I understand that we have a two tiered justice system, and that laws simply aren't enforced when it pushes a particular agenda the government favors. I recognize our government isn't a republic or a democratic system at all.

There's no way I could have know this 50 years ago, and I think it was the same 50 years ago.

30 years ago, I was constantly frustrated that "reporters" kept getting information on the Iraq War wrong. I tried to correct them. I would even track them down, and find their email, and explain what they were wrong about complete with sources and links and so on. I figured they never read it because they NEVER corrected themselves. I thought they were actual reporters at one time, because "we have a free press" - we do not have a free press.

It's enormously frustrating to think people are wrong and are erroneously spreading incorrect information that has the effect to start a war we shouldn't be in. It's paradoxically a lot more comforting to realize it's just propaganda. It's a lot more comforting to realize that Joe Biden WASN'T elected than to think my fellow Americans are so fucking stupid they elected this Neocon warmonger criminal scumbag.

There's a lot of freedom in understanding and KNOWING what is really going on. It used to feel dangerous, doesn't anymore, because too many people know. I suspected this crap 20 years ago, today, I know it for certain. What would have gotten me called a conspiracy nut 20 years ago, I just get people nodding their heads in agreement.

You want to fix a problem, you have to know it's there, and this communication device allows you to know ANYTHING you want. They can try to control it, they are trying to control it with Facebook, Google, Youtube, Twitter - it will fail. It's just taking a lot longer than I imagined.
176   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 18, 4:37pm  

Almost every anti-Jew canard applied first to the Jesuits, right down to "Expelled out of so many countries".

How do all these countless thousands of refugees show up fat after 1000s of miles of travel to our border?

Solidarity with Asylum Seekers - Jesuit Refugee Service Mexico

Soros backs Jesuit Illegal Immigrant Programs:

Promoting Pronouns and Transgenderism - at High School

Jesuits - Accept Same Sex Marriage, No Chaste behavior required for Gays:

Jesuit Colleges - No exemptions for Catholics with Jab
177   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 18, 4:51pm  

By the way JACK T. CHICK, like the John Birch Society, no longer seems so out there, eh?


Remember when these tracts were considered over the top, beyond the pale, worth only of laughter at how crazy they were?

Do you still think so? I don't.

The Great Evidence of a theory is in predictions coming true
178   richwicks   2022 Jul 18, 5:26pm  

WRT to what Booger said

Hey - quit thinking those double plus ungood thoughts.

Remember, stereotypes have no basis in fact, we are repeatedly told this over and over and over and over again, because it's true, not because we're being brainwashed to upset our neural network learning systems.
179   richwicks   2022 Jul 18, 5:32pm  

AmericanKulak says

Almost every anti-Jew canard applied first to the Jesuits, right down to "Expelled out of so many countries".

This is a common error in my opinion.

Think of a mafia. Now think of a mafia that openly hides behind a racial group, with most of those idiots into that racial group too stupid to realize a mafia is putting them on the front lines to hide behind. This racial group is too stupid to realize that by protecting the mafia that is in their racial group, they are sticking their necks out for them, and are similarly punished when their mafia is finally dealt with.

Christians criticize other Christians all the time. They criticize Catholics, Jesuits, Evangelicals, the Moonies - happens all the time. How many Jews will ever criticize the Jewish mafia? Zionists are just openly racist Jewish supremacists, who openly predate on other groups. I can count on one hand the number of Jewish people who will point that out, but there are Jews that will. They're the smart ones, recognizing how they're being used.
180   richwicks   2022 Jul 18, 5:39pm  

AmericanKulak says

By the way JACK T. CHICK, like the John Birch Society, no longer seems so out there, eh?

No, Jack Chick was either legitimately insane, or was a parody of Evangelical Christianity. The Chick Tracts ALWAYS taught that faith ALONE led to redemption, and good works, being good, being kind, being a moral person, NOT being a criminal, NOT being a rapist, yadda yadda yadda didn't matter a bit.

Just faith. You could be an completely evil piece of shit, but at long as you accepted Jebus into your heart, you were saved. Meanwhile, a genuinely good person that didn't know of Jebus or believed he was a parable or whatever - they burn in hell for eternity.

In the Chick Tracts, god is legitimately evil, objectively evil. It's just a creature that demands subservience, and nothing more. If that's the case, Lucifer was correct to rebel. Jack Chick's "god" is a complete monster.

Remember, the Devil is the King of all lies - what makes you think HE didn't create Evangelical religion or even Christianity itself?

The John Birch Society never seemed out of whack to me though. These are people just saying - here's a bunch of facts, this is what seems to connect them... I've considered joining them.
181   Ceffer   2022 Jul 18, 6:03pm  

Pope Frances, a Jesuit, is arguably a child murderer, political democidist and Satanist, from his olden days in Argentina. There seems to be a convergent evolution for religious and political/economic predators/psychopaths to become devil worshipers when they achieve dynasty. They organize their own religion into a separate religion of exploitation and evil at the top of the pyramid, while promoting charity and love to the suckers at the bottom of the pyramid.

The Jesuit Oath that is part of their final vows is a rather blood curdling document of professed, inexorable murderous intent and lay meddling. The Jesuits were integral to the inception of the Illuminati, and the Inquisition under Jesuits was active past 1900. The militancy and unquestioning obedience, no matter what the heinousness of the act required, is the basis of Hitler's SS which was modeled on the Jesuits. The Church struck a bargain to become Nazi Germany's official religion.

Jesuits have their own internal wealth, and some historians think the French Revolution was caused by Jesuits acting with the nascent Illuminati as an act of revenge for being banished by the Holy See in the late 1700's. Apparently it worked, because they were reinstated in the early 1800's.

Jesuits are probably also responsible for a lot of our Western distortions and masking of true history with a bunch of myths. We really don't know large segments of World history because they have been disguised, hidden, or replaced with convenient myths. I think the true story may be hidden in those vast Papal archives that are heavily guarded. Only a few people a year have ever been allowed in to examine them, and then only with specific approved reasons with specific approved archives.
182   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 18, 6:36pm  

richwicks says

Christians criticize other Christians all the time. They criticize Catholics, Jesuits, Evangelicals, the Moonies - happens all the time. How many Jews will ever criticize the Jewish mafia? Zionists are just openly racist Jewish supremacists, who openly predate on other groups. I can count on one hand the number of Jewish people who will point that out, but there are Jews that will. They're the smart ones, recognizing how they're being used.

The only significant number of Jews who criticize Jews as a group are almost invariably far Left Socialists. There's a pitiful handful of Jews who are a splinter group of a splinter group who consider Israel illegit because it's not a Monarchy. Other than that, only Socialist Jews criticize other Jews generally.

Israel and Transgender are the two issues where if I know where somebody who is a Westerner stands, I can predict their other beliefs with 80-90% Confidence. Like being a type of Socialist and an Atheist.

It was the Ukraine Flag on a username before it was a thing.
183   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 18, 6:42pm  

richwicks says

No, Jack Chick was either legitimately insane, or was a parody of Evangelical Christianity. The Chick Tracts ALWAYS taught that faith ALONE led to redemption, and good works, being good, being kind, being a moral person, NOT being a criminal, NOT being a rapist, yadda yadda yadda didn't matter a bit.

That's what Sola Fide is all about, an important part of most Protestant/Calvinist denominations, and Evangelicalism/Pentecostalism in particular.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: - Not of works, lest any man should boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9
For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.- Romans 4:3 referencing Genesis 15:6

richwicks says

Remember, the Devil is the King of all lies - what makes you think HE didn't create Evangelical religion or even Christianity itself?

We do know from Paul's letters that the earliest Churches had married elders and were selected by the Congregation, not a formal hierarchy of unmarried Priests chosen by central authorities.
184   richwicks   2022 Jul 18, 8:37pm  

AmericanKulak says

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: - Not of works, lest any man should boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9
For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.- Romans 4:3 referencing Genesis 15:6

If there's no morality in a religion, there's no use in religion. I didn't leave the Christian faith because of this, I left it because there was overwhelming evidence that it was false. I became an active opponent to Christianity because of this mindset. Evangelicals, they may as well be satainists to me.

This sort of thinking is evil. Evangelicals deny evil in my viewpoint.

Bad people will do bad things, religion will make good people do bad things. I think Evangelicals are detrimental to our society. They have no belief in morality. Our best understanding of psychology is evolutionary psychology, from this vantage point (if it's correct), is evangelicals, are insane. They are detrimental to society. Reading the Talmud, you can come to the same conclusion for those that believe in it.

Understanding ourselves is not difficult, it's just our masters think it's dangerous for them. There is a real war between good and evil, but it's not accessible via religion. Religion is a sort of bulwark, but a false one. Morality is innate, it's not from a book or a religious doctrine. It's part of us, there's just a million perversions to distract us from it. Our religions is just one of them.
185   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jul 19, 1:53pm  

I don't like watching stuff where little kids are being harmed, it's really hard for me. I pray for the children of this generation. Society has failed them, their parents are starting to fail them, but I know God will not fail them.

Patrick says

It's not a "Jewish" conspiracy, it's just the corporate mafia.

Majority of corporations are owned by just a few hundred people. They are mainly of the old European families. They do inbreed, or selectively breed with other families. They are extremely racist, and for once the term is accurate. They see themselves as better/other than human, and us as less than/sub-human. Fauci, Biden, Macron, these are their lap dogs. The ones pulling the strings you've barely ever heard of.
186   Patrick   2022 Jul 21, 11:07am  

NuttBoxer says

Majority of corporations are owned by just a few hundred people. They are mainly of the old European families. They do inbreed, or selectively breed with other families.

Yes, in particular the old European "aristocracy" which deliberately inbreeds and excludes all outsiders.
190   AmericanKulak   2022 Aug 7, 8:56pm  

richwicks says

Understanding ourselves is not difficult, it's just our masters think it's dangerous for them. There is a real war between good and evil, but it's not accessible via religion. Religion is a sort of bulwark, but a false one. Morality is innate, it's not from a book or a religious doctrine. It's part of us, there's just a million perversions to distract us from it. Our religions is just one of them.

The war on religion is because it's one of the last main forces that can resist Globalization. That and nationalism, which is the final obstacle.

Ideology makes good people do bad things, you don't need religion for that. In fact, judging by history, Ideology is far worse.
192   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Aug 25, 10:05am  

Someone posted recently that one of the Covid related patents is held by a Rothschild.
194   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Sep 2, 1:30pm  

DOJ (4th branch of government) colluded hard with their corporate friends to pull strings.
195   AmericanKulak   2022 Sep 2, 1:34pm  

Just a quick glance:

The Director of the CIA is William Burns, not Jewish. The Director before him was Gina Haspel, also not Jewish.

"Da Joos" charts often mix current and former, assistants with full officials, to make it as Jew-y as possible. As well as including bullshit offices, the Office of Technology and Science or whatever isn't in the same league as CIA director. The FBI Director, Joint Chiefs, etc. not Jewish.
196   Patrick   2022 Sep 2, 3:17pm  

The problem is not that they are Jews, it's that they are wacko leftists who have proven willing to massively cheat in an election to make sure it goes their way.

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