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The global banking system is as real as it gets and most leaders aren't leaders of superpowers or economic powerhouses and any sanctions may cause them to lose their job and money, so they go along with whatever they're pressured into
Jeff Bezos Just Donated $100 Million (!!!) To The Obama Foundation 👀
Jeff Bezos Just Donated $100 Million (!!!) To The Obama Foundation 👀
I personally never buy anything from Amazon anymore.
Pfizer's CEO is Greek.
#11 is fake news as well. It is a large team that creates any vaccine, not "a joo". And naming the "evil joo" would be good as well. Since they don't name him, they likely have no idea.
Also, I am not sure if J&J CEO is a Jew.
Let's not make a bankster scam into an "evil joo" thing again. It wouldn't surprise me if the banksters are behind the "evil joo" propaganda because statistically Jews have higher savings (Israel has average savings rate around 24% of their income, compared to 8% for most of Europe and 6.8% for the US) therefore promoting hate towards Jews and then killing average middle class and upper-middle class Jews en masse (i.e. another Holocaust) would benefit the banksters, who then don't have to pay back the deposits or life insurance policies. Bernie Madoff was Jewish himself, but his scam was a bankster scam and a large cross-section (if not a slight majority) his victims were Jewish; calling Madoff's scam or todays Covid-Vaxx scam an "evil joo" thing would only side-track the topic and benefit the real scammers (including the Swiss bankers behind the WEF) who are out to kill average (and above-average) Jews along the average middle-class and upper-middle class in every nation/ethnicity.
Robert W Malone, MD
Coordinated censorship and propaganda are getting worse. "Balanced" data-based evaluation and discussion concerning COVID-19 Rx and vax are now banned. There is no objectivity allowed. Only "the word" according to Oligarchs, Investment funds, Big Pharma and servile politicians.
3:01 PM · Dec 8, 2021
During the pandemic, the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer quadrupled its revenues from vaccines, and is now looking at $33.5 billion in 2021 from Covid vaccine sales alone (for comparison, a normal pre-pandemic year Pfizer averaged around $50bn in revenue, across all its products). The Covid vaccines indeed look like a juicy boost.
Rebecca Robbins and Peter Goodman report for the New York Times that the U.S. paid Pfizer around $20 per dose delivered, with Israel even worse with $30 per dose. Pfizer expects to deliver about 2 billion doses this year, at somewhere between $10-$15 in revenue per dose (as it shares revenue with BioNTech) for a neat $20 or $30 billion of revenue – a 40-60% boost to pre-pandemic revenue. ...
What’s most disturbing, of course, is that the very media outlets least likely to approve of pharmaceutical companies making billions – The New York Times, The Guardian, MSNBC etc – are the ones loudest shouting for vaccine mandates. On the other hand, they run articles denouncing the many billions that pharma companies are making from Covid vaccines (here, here, or here). ...
All they had to do for the chips to fall where they did was to convince enough people and politicians that this was a terrible disease, that no other protection works, and that recurring booster shots are the only “scientific” way out.
Of the many odd events in the last 20 months is that the CDC still refuses to offer practical advice that seems to work well – go outside, get exercise, ensure you’re not Vitamin-D deficient. To quote Bret Weinstein, a pariah of the corporate press, why are we not picking the low-hanging fruit before we go after excessively complicated and poorly working medical interventions like rushed and experimental vaccines?
Why should we unquestioningly believe a government that has routinely, incessantly, and carelessly hid information, issued faulty claims, and at every step of the way prevented truthful and accurate information from reaching the public?
Plenty of other medications seem to have a protective effect against Covid-19 and many of its consequences. The laughable “horse dewormer” debacle over Ivermectin is a good example. A recent study in The Lancet shows that Fluvoxamine, another cheap and readily available drug, seems to work well against Covid. What do these treatments have in common? They’re cheap, off-label, widely accessible – and don’t massively boost the revenue of Big Pharma.
None of this is proof of foul play, but it sure feels like the circumstantial evidence is piling up. I’m not saying we have a smoking gun. I’m not saying there were dark rooms with despicable people smoking cigars and dreaming about billions of new pharma dollars. But given the corruption in American politics, in its bureaucracy, and most importantly in its media and academic establishments, is it inconceivable to suggest that maybe Big Pharma wanted its share of the as-a-Service-revolution?
Lots of them are Jewish, but more of them are not.
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have created a formidable public-private partnership that wields incredible power over the American public, along with global health and food policies.
Inspired by Rockefeller’s business model, Bill and Melinda Gates donated $36 billion worth of Microsoft stock to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) between 1994 and 2018.
Gates also created Bill Gates Investments (BGI), which predominantly invests in multinational food, agriculture, pharmaceutical, energy, telecom and tech companies with global operations.
Gates strategically targets BMGF’s charitable gifts to give him control of the international health and agricultural agencies and the media, allowing him to dictate global health and food.
Fauci and Gates met in person, shaking hands in 2000 in an agreement to control and expand the global vaccine enterprise.
You can read all of the details in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s best-selling book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” which contains more than 2,200 footnotes of referenced data.
Wow, so much just wrong in that.
Think about it. No one named "Xavier" is Jewish.
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How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?
Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".
I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.
Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?