Globalist Pet Modi = Media censorship ( Jazzy B banned): False Equivalence: Modi(Pro Elite) != Trump(Pro People)

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2021 Jun 8, 9:11am   994 views  16 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Globalist pet Modi have new censorship rules in Hindooo land to ban dissent.
It is a joke some Hindooo cult members compare Modi with Trump.

Two big differences, Trump was pro-american people and free speech.
Modi is installed by globalists to plunder Bharat's wealth and is anti-free speech.

They banned Jazzy B.
They tried banning Ravi Singh, Khalsa aid but failed. I am sure will try again:

“The turbans they tried to rip off and use as shackles,remain on our heads as a symbol of our resilience”

#Sikh #NeverForget1984


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1   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 8, 9:19am  

Elites's pets hate the truth... but Sikhs won't stop.

FACT: After the attack on Darbar Sahib ( Golden Temple ) in June 1984 by Indian military ,1000s of Sikh soldiers mutinied across India ! They were heavily armed but did not target any Hindu or Hindu temple !!!! This proves it wasn’t about religion but about state oppression!
2   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 8, 9:22am  

Sikhs will always speak against tyranny.

Sirdar Kapur Singh’s words are prophetic.

“They will raise armies of Sikhs who will look like you, these Sikhs will be given an illusion of power and they will sell their souls. Stay aware of these for they can only damage the Sikh institutions and brotherhood.”
3   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 8, 9:24am  

Hindoo land is ruled by criminal. Majority of their elected and administrative officials are either convicted murderers or rapists.
It seems "rape" is the initiation process to politics in Hindoo land.

So why are killers of #1984SikhGenocide & #Gujarat2002 killers sitting in parliament? Will you send tanks on parliament as you did on Darbar Sahib ?
4   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 8, 9:28am  

Sikhs respect the people who stand up against tyrants.

This Indian General REFUSED to follow Indra’s orders !!!!!

5   KgK one   2021 Jun 8, 10:27am  

Ungrateful kalistani Sikhs are terrorizing.

Most got killed in pakistan , n India allowed rest of them to take refuge in India now they want to take over. Why not take lands back from Pakistan. Ungrateful . Modis opposing party attacked Sikhs in the temple. And once modi is gone, they will be in Hargett. Then Sikhs will be truly fked.

List of refuges india taken n r happy there


Parsis Zoroastrians: https://youtu.be/gr5AtRrWmJo


Even Europeans

Poverty is the issue, once that get settled will be good.

So many Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, jain. ... all live peacefully. Maybe not muslims, best rest do
6   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 8, 11:27am  

KgK one says
Ungrateful kalistani Sikhs are terrorizing.

Most got killed in pakistan , n India allowed rest of them to take refuge in India now they want to take over. Why not take lands back from Pakistan. Ungrateful . Modis opposing party attacked Sikhs in the temple. And once modi is gone, they will be in Hargett. Then Sikhs will be truly fked.

List of refuges india taken n r happy there


Parsis Zoroastrians: https://youtu.be/gr5AtRrWmJo


Even Europeans

Poverty is the issue, once that get settled will be good.

So many Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, jain. ... all live peacefully. Maybe not muslims, best rest do

@Kgk Hindooo is brainless after taking poisonous yoga medicine filled with lead and arsenic taken with shot of "cow urine".

Hindoo and Muslims are living in Sikh empire which they snatched from middle eastern Islamic attackers and stopped any attacked from happening after.
British colonials cheated Sikhs with help of Hindooo traitors to capture their empire and owe it back.
As always "Hindoo and muslims" will be allowed to live peacefully in Sikh empire once restored to its old glory of prosperity and literacy.
7   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 8, 11:29am  

Sikhs flown flag on "red fort" several times to kick Mughals out while Hindoo were kissing Mughal ass.
8   indc   2021 Jun 8, 3:22pm  

farmer2021 says
Globalist pet Modi have new censorship rules in Hindooo land to ban dissent.
It is a joke some Hindooo cult members compare Modi with Trump.

Two big differences, Trump was pro-american people and free speech.
Modi is installed by globalists to plunder Bharat's wealth and is anti-free speech.

They banned Jazzy B.
They tried banning Ravi Singh, Khalsa aid but failed. I am sure will try again:

“The turbans they tried to rip off and use as shackles,remain on our heads as a symbol of our resilience”

#Sikh #NeverForget1984


What are the new censorship rules that you are crying about.
9   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 8, 3:30pm  

India's New Internet Rules Are a Step Toward 'Digital Authoritarianism,' Activists Say. Here's What They Will Mean

Censor-Happy Twitter Begs Indian Government to Respect Free Speech

This is how non-censorship govt acts.
BOOM! Poland Will Fine Big Tech $13.5 Million Per Case For Removing Ideological Content: “Poland spent 45 years under Communism…It taught us the value of free speech”
10   indc   2021 Jun 8, 7:14pm  

farmer2021 says
India's New Internet Rules Are a Step Toward 'Digital Authoritarianism,' Activists Say. Here's What They Will Mean

I checked the article. It is all about some concerns thought about by "activists". Why dont the companies really explain what is wrong in the laws. Whatsapp has genuine concern about breaking the encryption. Govt just asked for origination of messages. Not the contents so they can work with govt about that.

About having compliance officer in India. That is right decision. India does not need tech-EIC.

Twitter will get a whopping just wait.
11   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 8, 8:28pm  

indc says
farmer2021 says
India's New Internet Rules Are a Step Toward 'Digital Authoritarianism,' Activists Say. Here's What They Will Mean

I checked the article. It is all about some concerns thought about by "activists". Why dont the companies really explain what is wrong in the laws. Whatsapp has genuine concern about breaking the encryption. Govt just asked for origination of messages. Not the contents so they can work with govt about that.

About having compliance officer in India. That is right decision. India does not need tech-EIC.

Twitter will get a whopping just wait.

Point by point rebuttal of censorship is not needed.
Censorship is the refuge of scoundrels like Hindooo ... being criminal cult they have plenty to hide.
If the Sikhs join Hindooo and betray Bhartis, Sikhs can do really well in Bharat... But at that point they will cease to be Khalsa and become Hindooo criminal cult members.

I don't care about individual company like twitter, It is about "censorship".
India Proposes Chinese-Style Internet Censorship
12   KgK one   2021 Jun 9, 10:55am  

"Sikhs flown flag on "red fort" several times to kick Mughals out while Hindoo were kissing Mughal ass."

Sikh empire was short lived, n fully supported by various hindoo from scratch to peak. No matter how much u got brainwashed, muslim never accepted Sikhs. Only india allowed Sikhs growth. They are treated just like others indians.

Shivaji , n other marathas took Delhi multiple times.
Rasputs also gave good fights to muslim invaders.
Alexander couldn't pass Indus river.

Chandragupt n ashoka , n Morya empire was hugh.

Khalistani terrorists will bring end to sikh. If it ever splits, Pakistan will immediately attack. N kill rest of Sikhs. If you truly care for Sikhs, stop this hindu badmouthing nonsense. Don't be ungrateful. So many Sikhs have migrated to India as refugees. Even now they are migrating. Modi gave citizenship to them.
13   indc   2021 Jun 9, 12:09pm  

farmer2021 says
Point by point rebuttal of censorship is not needed.
Censorship is the refuge of scoundrels like Hindooo ... being criminal cult they have plenty to hide.
If the Sikhs join Hindooo and betray Bhartis, Sikhs can do really well in Bharat... But at that point they will cease to be Khalsa and become Hindooo criminal cult members.

I don't care about individual company like twitter, It is about "censorship".
India Proposes Chinese-Style Internet Censorship

Just because you say someone is censoring you doesn't mean shit. Show proof that you are being censored. Modi was not able to ban twitter even after they were playing with indian law. And you complain that he is worst than hitler. Twitter removed all blue ticks of supposed RW in India. And you are fighting for twitter's supposed suppression FOE.
NYtimes is shitty "newspaper" they can complain about anything. It is behind paywall do they have proof in that article or again some "feelings" they have about censorship.
14   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 9, 1:49pm  

KgK one says
"Sikhs flown flag on "red fort" several times to kick Mughals out while Hindoo were kissing Mughal ass."

Sikh empire was short lived, n fully supported by various hindoo from scratch to peak. No matter how much u got brainwashed, muslim never accepted Sikhs. Only india allowed Sikhs growth. They are treated just like others indians.

Shivaji , n other marathas took Delhi multiple times.
Rasputs also gave good fights to muslim invaders.
Alexander couldn't pass Indus river.

Chandragupt n ashoka , n Morya empire was hugh.

Khalistani terrorists will bring end to sikh. If it ever splits, Pakistan will immediately attack. N kill rest of Sikhs. If you truly car...

First I have no use for "Hindoo ass" like you or Khalsitani.
You both are two sides of same rotten coin.

Regarding Khalsa, It will rule India as Gurus has ordained "Raj Karega Khalsa" and bring unity and prosperity to Bhartis and kick "Hindoo" ass back to deserts of middle east , so that they can serve their masters again and can try their subversive agenda of division and superstitions.

Khalsa is never defeated..ever.
15   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 9, 1:56pm  

indc says
Just because you say someone is censoring you doesn't mean shit. Show proof that you are being censored. Modi was not able to ban twitter even after they were playing with indian law. And you complain that he is worst than hitler. Twitter removed all blue ticks of supposed RW in India. And you are fighting for twitter's supposed suppression FOE.
NYtimes is shitty "newspaper" they can complain about anything. It is behind paywall do they have proof in that article or again some "feelings" they have about censorship.

I don't dispute many things you said about western journalism. It has huge corruption and ideological strain running in it.
But Modi not trying censorship.. Give me a break.
Hindooo have no respect for truth.
16   TechBrosWon   2021 Jun 12, 3:42pm  

It is well known that India is under counting COVID death toll by at-least 25x.
India death toll would be around : .5*25 = 12+ million people.
To hide the fact that "cow urine" doesn't work .. They need censorship.

Madhya Pradesh registered 1,74,118 excess deaths in April & May this year.
However, Madhya Pradesh govt‘s data says only 4,081 people died due to Covid in these 2 months.
1,74,118 vs 4,081.

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