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I agree. I don't see what's bad about gnostics.
Isn't the whole basic point of gnosticism that one should do good works to others, that knowledge should be sought?
Orthodox leaders preached something accessible to almost everybody - do good works, and you are saved.
There's a pretty good book by Elaine Pagels, "The Gnostic Gospels," which was the result of scholarship on 4th century texts discovered hidden in a Nag Hammadi cave in upper Egypt. It's well worth the read. In particular, the Gnostics believed that there was a false god, Ialdaboth, who pretended to have created the universe, and that most people worshipped. Instead, they believed that there was a true god of creation, and it was one's purpose to come to know this god in the face of massive disinfo by the the false impostor god.
The Evanston/Skokie School District has adopted a radical gender curriculum that encourages PK-3 students to celebrate the transgender flag, break the "gender binary" established by white "colonizers," and experiment with neo-pronouns such as "ze," "zir," and "tree."
Libs of TikTok
Teacher shows slideshow they played for students to come out as trans non-binary. Students were taught that people can be born in the wrong bodies and sometimes aren’t a boy or girl
Oil apparently has a lot of markers in it that makes it appear that is has a biologic origin - probably not dinosaurs, but something that was once alive.
At the end of this school year, I will no longer have a teaching job. My employer has decided not to renew my contract for next school year. Not because of my abilities as a professional educator. Nope. My teaching is sound. In fact, my principal has told me on more than one occasion that he believes I’m a great teacher. And it’s not because I lack the capacity to form positive relationships with students either. My students really enjoy my class, and I have a great rapport with all of them. Several parents have lauded my instruction during parent-teacher conferences, too.
I lost my chance at teaching at my current school next year because I pushed back against the barbaric and inhumane Covid containment measures, and because I taught my students to think critically about this palpably insane “new normal.”
Virginia dad goes nuclear on teachers' union boss: They require 'permission slips' for 'snacks,' 'field trips' but not to 'talk about my son’s penis'
self-perpetuating bureaucrat-experts protected from criticism by banning 'misinformation'
Libs of TikTok
The Maine Dept of Education has resources for teachers on their website. This resource is for kindergartners and it discusses the LGBT acronym. For trans, the teacher explains that doctors decide a baby’s gender and are sometimes wrong.
The official Maine DOE is promoting this.
In other words, schools are applying for and receiving funding for following federally dictated health decisions, not local.
Most schools applied for this “grant,” which requires a school to implement illegal mandates that deny a child and their parents the right to “informed consent” and medical freedom. Have you wondered how school boards adopted the arrogance of medical dictators? Have you wondered at the same time why some school boards sit despondent, disinterested and sometimes bored at the parental theatrics? This may be why.
Scottsdale parents who discovered secret dossier compiled to silence their speech announce lawsuit
The school board president kept a dossier on 47 parents who dared speak out against his policies, a dossier with Social Security numbers, kids' pictures, background checks, mortgage documents, and more
Baltimore student misses 140 days of school, still marked present, somehow passes classes (including Physics)!
Libs of TikTok
A parent in @Adams12 school district attempts to read from the book “Gender Queer” and gets silenced by board members.
This graphic book containing pornography can’t be read in front of adults yet is available for kids to read in schools across the country.
Libs of TikTok
This questionnaire for exploring sexual orientation was handed out in a Montana high school.
It's Canada, but pretty much the same as WA and OR in this respect.
If Erin Lee had known what her 12-year-old daughter would be exposed to during an afterschool “art club” last May, she would have never allowed her to go.
It began innocently enough. Lee received a text from her daughter asking if she could stay late for an “art club” at Wellington Middle School near Fort Collins, Colorado.
What happened next, though, would change their lives forever.
The “art club” was actually a meeting of the school’s Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) club, a group dedicated to supporting homosexuality, transgenderism, and other nontraditional ideas about gender and sexuality.
When the leader told Amanda (name changed to protect the minor) she must be “queer” if she didn’t feel sexually attracted to anybody, and that she must be “transgender” if she didn’t feel fully comfortable in her own body, the shy little girl suspected something wasn’t right.
According to Amanda, that same leader told her not to tell her parents about what would be discussed that day.
The woman in charge, Kimberly Chambers, who works as a “health equity initiatives coordinator” for Larimer County and director of the pro-LGBT organization SPLASH Youth of Northern Colorado, also handed out her personal contact information to the children and urged them to contact her anytime.
Chambers’s organization has boasted of teaching children ages 12 to 16 about “polyamory”—relationships with multiple sexual partners simultaneously—and other controversial ideas.
During the afterschool GSA club, according to Amanda, Chambers explained to the children that their family homes may not be a “safe space,” but that there were “resources” available. She also handed out transgender flags and stickers that Amanda understood were supposed to represent the children in the club.
As soon as Lee picked up her daughter at school, it was clear that something was “off,” the mother told The Epoch Times in a series of interviews about the incident.
Amanda, looking confused, showed her mother the transgender paraphernalia she had received from Chambers. The transgender flag represented her, Amanda told her mom.
“My heart started racing and my mind blacked out,” Lee recounted. “I was in so much shock that I struggled to get out any words.”
Even though the GSA leader at school had told Amanda it was OK to lie to her parents, Amanda knew better. Over the days that followed, she told her parents everything, Lee said.
Amanda’s parents could hardly believe what they were hearing. Lee, who has described herself as an “ally of the LGBTQ community” and said she has a history of voting “pretty progressively on social issues,” was appalled.
But that would be just the beginning of an ordeal that continues to haunt the family.
Amanda never went back to the school after that. Instead, her parents put her in a local Christian school, even though it meant Lee would have to work nights to afford it. But as Lee and her husband saw it, there was no other choice.
Despite that Amanda was pulled out of Wellington Middle School, the family’s difficulties grew.
After the lesson, Amanda began to wonder whether she might truly be queer and transgender. Her mental state began to rapidly deteriorate, her mother said.
Multiple family members confirmed to The Epoch Times that prior to what Lee describes as the “grooming” of her daughter at school, Amanda never showed any signs of “gender dysphoria,” the term used by psychiatrists to describe discomfort with one’s biological sex.
Afterward, though, it was hard for the girl to shake the idea.
Lee and her husband, who was outraged by the ordeal, struggled for months with how to talk to their daughter about what had happened.
“We didn’t want to say something that would push her further into this dark hole or further into this transgender label,” Lee said. “And we did exactly what the trusted adults who indoctrinated her told her we would do. We played right into their narrative.”
Weeks after the incident, as her mental state got worse, the parents decided to take Amanda to a therapist. The therapist also ended up being “queer” and sought to affirm the young girl’s confusion about her gender.
Libs of TikTok
This is unreal. A Wisconsin school district filed a Title IX complaint against 3 middle school students, accusing them of sexual harassment for using incorrect pronouns when addressing another student.
This is at @KielAreaSchools and @ChadRamminger, the elementary principal is reportedly the one who filed the complaint.
Update: the principal deleted his account
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