by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Tell me more about that dangerous Christian homeschooling cult
Two groups of parents protesting left-wing indoctrination of their children in deep blue jurisdictions. One predominantly Muslim, one predominantly Christian. They don’t demand public schools teach their religion, they only demand the right to raise their kids without their values being directly undermined in schools they pay taxes for.
Pushing gender ideology in public schools is a blatant violation of religious liberty. Think of it this way:
The assertion that a child can be “born in the wrong body” isn’t empirical reality, it is a pseudo-religious belief of the progressive alphabet cult. It also contradicts the teachings of actual religions. It violates parents’ rights to raise their children in their faith tradition.
Public schools must respect religious freedom and serve their communities, not teach progressive state “religion” nor inject ideology that is antithetical to the values of the communities they serve.
Breaking: Glendale (CA) Police beat back the Armenian-American men who want to fight #Antifa outside the school board meeting. The immigrant families oppose pride celebrations in schools. Antifa, communists & far-left protesters gathered to support that.
Campbell wrote that as of June 18, 2021, the school board has posted video of its March 18, 2021, and May 20, 2021, school board meetings on its website, but that the tapes state that they have been “edited due to content” and cites the website and the minute markers.
“What has been cut from the posted tapes is public comment by citizens opposed to critical race theory,” writes Campell.
In his remarks below, Campbell then holds a clinic in Constitutional law over a new attempt by the board to limit public comment.
After relating a past story where a union member during public comment called Campbell a “bastard child of Margaret Thatcher” and how he had kept that tape from being edited, he then lit into the board over their violations of the Constitution.
“Now, you snowflakes apparently have a bigger problem with public comment. It seems to me that you think you can supersede the United States Constitution,” Campbell said to enormous applause and cheers from those in attendance.
Following the publication of this story, The Post Millennial can report that So Cal Antifa member Erik James Boyd had a prior arrest related to felony child sex crimes. In 2008, Boyd was arrested in Los Angeles on suspicion of two felony charges of engaging in sexual contact with a child under 14 years old. He was also charged with assault with a deadly weapon. The child sex crime allegations were ultimately dismissed or not prosecuted after he pleaded not guilty. However, Boyd was convicted for the assault with a deadly weapon charge after pleading no contest. After three years of probation, Boyd had the assault conviction expunged.
One of the Antifa members involved in a violent clash with parents outside a school board meeting in Glendale, California on June 6 has been identified as Erik James Boyd. The childless 35-year-old was arrested for his involvement in the incident and charged with a misdemeanor, however, his $10,000 bail was quickly posted.
The crowd of parents, mostly Armenian, Hispanic, and Christian, were protesting the school board's Pride celebrations and the indoctrination of their children into radical gender ideology when far-left agitators showed up, many in full riot gear. Chaos ensued, and numerous arrests were made. ...
"Basically there's some so-called Antifa, or hoodlums, anti-social folks who were here, 20-30 folks, who segregated themselves with LGBTQ protesters then they moved away and went to a parking lot, they met a group of Armenian men," a father on the scene told The Post Millennial. "One of the Antifa attacked an Armenian man and the men fought back."
Parents of kids at Edison High School in Huntington Beach, California say this video was played to their kids in math class. The kids clearly didn’t want to watch this pride video so the teacher threatened them with Saturday school to get them to watch it.
Parents of kids at Edison High School in Huntington Beach, California say this video was played to their kids in math class. The kids clearly didn’t want to watch this pride video so the teacher threatened them with Saturday school to get them to watch it.
Weird - every time I try to quote a post, the quoted post is the one BEFORE the post I meant to quote. I delete the post, then redo, and it works. Patrick - this seems like a recent (~ 1 week) bug.
stereotomy says
Weird - every time I try to quote a post, the quoted post is the one BEFORE the post I meant to quote. I delete the post, then redo, and it works. Patrick - this seems like a recent (~ 1 week) bug.
stereotomy I did just try to fix a different bug in quoting, where I would abbreviate it if the quote is more than 1000 chars. But that was fucking up the html too frequently, so now I just pop up an alert that the attempted quote is too long and ask for a smaller selection.
I haven't seen the new bug you mentioned, but I totally could have introduced it somehow. You can see how quoting works if you do "view source" in the browser and can read javascript. If anyone sees how this new bug works, please let me know.
The Post Millennial ran an intriguing story this weekend headlined, “BREAKING: Children stomp on Pride flags as Christian and Muslim parents protest LGBTQ indoctrination in Ottawa schools.”
Stomping on the Pride flag; ouch
The fracas, which is growing into something resembling a movement, has united Christian and Muslim parents against the so-called “Pride” phenomenon. Muslim outrage seems to have initially sprouted from a recent viral classroom audio clip, which features an Edmonton high school teacher. In the leaked recording, the harpy-like instructor can be heard berating innocent Muslim students for not being sufficiently enthusiastic about Pride and atypical sexual behaviors that they believe earn you a front-row, reclining seat in the hot place.
The Londonberry School class was discussing Uganda’s new super-strict anti-homosexuality laws. Recently, lawmakers in that African country passed a law criminally prohibiting even identifying as LGBTQ+, upon a wildly lopsided vote of 398 to 2. Ironically, over here in the U.S., if you agree Satanic Pride merchandise should be quietly moved out of the kids’s section to the back of the Target, you’re told you are literally erasing gay people.
Well, how about a law requiring jail time for just SAYING you’re gay? What would that be? Isn’t that more like ‘erasing?’
Anyway, the irate teacher noticed some students expressing sympathy for the Ugandans, and for their right to have their own African culture without it being appropriated by meddlesome, white, female Canadians. Their teacher didn’t like that kind of sympathy for African culture, not one single bit, and it fired her off into a rageful tizzy.
“If you believe that kind of thing, you don’t belong here,” the teacher said shrilly. She continued scolding the students, her voice rising, explaining “That is not what Canada believes; we believe in freedom; we believe people can marry whoever they want. That is in law, and if you don’t think that should be the law, then you can’t be Canadian. You don’t belong here, and I mean it.”
FYI, her saying “you don’t belong here” was a veiled deportation threat, in case that wasn’t obvious.
Here’s the link, listen for yourself.
The sanctimonious teacher also informed the students that, if they wished to be free to worship their Muslim faith without discrimination, they also must effusively participate in Pride events. “That’s how it works,” she said, teaching the students that religious liberties are earned by works of public support for atypical same-sex lifestyles.
The Edmonton parents who listened to the teacher berating kids for not being gay enough felt sort of negative about it. They sort of felt like the teacher was being manipulative, emotionally abusive, and pushing a gay agenda using unjustified threats to deport Muslim families. The parents also questioned the teacher’s understanding of basic civics, since in democratic systems, citizens who don’t agree with laws are supposed to try to effect change, not move out.
Parents were further angered when an Ottawa school board sent out a notice telling staff that, when the new school year began, teachers should use “they/them” pronouns for ALL students, by default, to avoid accidentally “misgendering.”
Of course, calling someone THEY when their pronouns are he/him IS misgendering. The mentally-handicapped school board came up with a daft rule guaranteeing that every student would be misgendered. Parents are objecting.
It’s not just happening in Canada, either.
Those people are NOT from Idaho. I have two aunts that have lived up there forever. No way either of them would ever go for shit like this.
Stop Classroom Grooming
Young children in elementary school are being asked to disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity for a school survey in Ontario. ...
Some school boards in Ontario are soliciting sexually explicit data on young, school-aged children under the guise of being required by the Ministry of Education.
Cherry Pop Tart,
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