The best way to fight wokeness: Take your children out of government schools

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2021 Jun 9, 5:36pm   116,222 views  815 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


The most frequent question people pose to me is: What can I/we do to fight back against the nihilistic anti-American destruction of virtually all the country’s major institutions?

There is an answer.

The single best thing Americans can do to counter the left-wing attack on America—against its freedoms, its schools, its families, its children, its governmental institutions, its sports, its news and entertainment media, its medical establishment, the CIA, the FBI, the State Department, and the military—is to take their children out of America’s schools.

Other than in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), the vast majority of America’s elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities teach your child or grandchild almost nothing important; prematurely sexualize them, thereby robbing them of their innocence; and harm them intellectually and morally. They rarely teach them, for example, art or music because they are too busy teaching them race-centered hatred of whites, of America, and of America’s values.

Sending your children to most American schools is playing Russian roulette with their values—but unlike the gun in Russian roulette, which has a bullet in only one of its six chambers, the schools’ guns hold four or five bullets.

In many elementary schools, your child is taught that gender is chosen and that there is no difference between boys and girls (in a growing number of schools, the teachers are told not to call their students “boys and girls”); they are taught about masturbation; and many children from first grade on attend “Drag Queen Story Hour,” wherein an obvious man wearing women’s clothing, garish makeup, and a wig entertains them.

Given that all this is well-known, why do any non-left—meaning, liberal or conservative—parents send their children to American schools?

One reason is they are in denial. Many parents don’t want to know what their children are being taught and the consequent damage done to them. They don’t really believe schools will ruin their children, let alone their children’s relationship with them.

These parents should speak to any of the millions—yes, millions—of Americans whose children have contempt for America, for free speech, and for their parents as a result of attending an American college or even high school. I meet such people at every speech I give, and I speak to them regularly on my radio show. Ask these parents, if they could redo their lives, whether they would keep their child in school.

A second reason is they feel they have no choice. If they remove their child from the local public or private school (most private schools are just as committed to anti-American indoctrination over education as public schools), what will they do with their child? They often can’t find a local school that doesn’t harm their child. They can’t necessarily even rely on Christian or Jewish schools. Most of them are as “woke” as most secular schools. And if they do find a school that teaches rather than poisons, they may not be able to afford the tuition.

The only other option, then, is to homeschool one’s child. The problem is that many parents assume this is essentially impossible. For one thing, they assume that one of the parents would have to leave his or her work, which would mean a serious reduction in the family’s income. In addition, homeschooling strikes most people as simply too daunting a task, even if they could afford to take it on.

Neither fear is entirely justified. It’s true that, at least at the outset, a working parent may have to cut back from full-time work, and it’s true that no matter what the family’s financial condition, there are challenges to taking one’s children out of school and homeschooling them.

But given the low intellectual state of most American schools, the damage they do to young children’s innocence, and the anti-American, anti-white, anti-Western indoctrination in most schools, if you are a parent of school-age children, what is your choice?

Other than a) finding a good school that b) you can afford, you have no other choice. You are fooling yourself if you think the odds are that after attending American schools from kindergarten through college (not to mention through graduate school), your child will turn out well-educated, intellectually alive, rational, kind, happy, well-adjusted, grateful to be American, and respectful of you and your values.

While there are some wonderful young Americans who recently attended American schools, and there are some lost souls who were homeschooled, American schools are largely producing the following:

Poorly educated students. Ask your college son or daughter to diagram a sentence; identify Joseph Stalin, “The Gulag Archipelago,” or the Soviet Union; name the branches of the American government; identify—or just spell—Beethoven; date the Civil War; identify the Holocaust; and name which sentence is correct—“He gave the book to my friend and me” or “He gave the book to my friend and I.”

Angry young people. Why wouldn’t they be? First, they graduate college with a huge load of debt, having received almost nothing useful for their money. Second, if they are anything other than a white heterosexual Christian male, they have been taught to regard themselves as victims of oppression. Third, their future is so bleak they may not even have one: They are threatened with extinction by climate change.

The single best thing Americans can do to fight the left-wing destruction of the country is to withdraw from the “educational” system that is actively and deliberately miseducating them by the tens of millions. If millions of American parents did so, the country would turn around as fast as you could say “teachers unions.” If they don’t, their children will continue being used as guinea pigs in the left’s sick and dystopian experiment.

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155   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 20, 9:12am  

HeadSet says

Vouchers and School Choice are too big a threat to leftist for them to allow it:
1. It ends the workfare that leftists use when hiring sub-standard teachers and administrators, since the bad schools would be vacated
2. It allows the minority/lower income kids to go to the same schools the lefties send their own kids to in order to.

Most important,

#3. It ends EduAdmin/Teacher Org/Union control over education
156   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 20, 5:43pm  

Middle School Teacher arrested for various charges after jumping on an SUV with a Thin Blue Line Sticker and kicking in the windshield.


Don't hold your breath for his NJ School District to fire him. And if they do, expect the Teacher's Guild to defend him to the hilt.
157   Patrick   2021 Nov 21, 10:23pm  


Teachers in California have been targeting students for recruitment into LGBTQ clubs
159   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 22, 1:49pm  

Patrick says

Teachers in California have been targeting students for recruitment into LGBTQ clubs

These single cat ladies gossip INCESSANTLY about their students.
160   Patrick   2021 Nov 30, 9:26am  


The GOP must remain the party of parents
The Democratic motto could be ‘safe spaces in classrooms and rape in bathrooms’ ...

In its brilliant anti-CRT primer, the Chinese American Citizen Alliance of Greater New York called this ideology, “a hateful, divisive, manipulative fraud.” The civil-rights group added, “Hate groups, with allies in politics, the press and education, pass CRT off as anti-racism and diversity, equity and inclusion, but CRT is exactly the opposite. From its very roots, CRT is racist, repressive, discriminatory and divisive.”

The primer further warns, “Parents need to watch for CRT in schools, talk to each other, and organize.” It urges parents “to speak with their kids to anti-indoctrinate (or un-doctrinate ) them at home. This needs to start early because CRT indoctrination also starts early. Don’t trust schools and teachers blindly.”

Warning: Democratic salivation for universal pre-kindergarten is about much more than mere childcare.

Not content merely to ruin children’s minds, these radicals threaten their bodies. A fourteen-year-old boy in a skirt sexually assaulted a fifteen-year-old girl in a female bathroom at Stone Bridge High School in Loudoun County, Virginia.

Superintendent of Schools Scott Ziegler told an audience including Scott Smith, the girl’s father: “To my knowledge, we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms.” When the understandably irate father tried to complain at a school board meeting, cops wrestled him to the ground and arrested him. The NSBA then used the rightfully enraged Smith as the poster boy for the so-called potentially lethal parental menace from which their members desperately needed FBI protection.

Virginia’s parents became even angrier when they learned that Ziegler knew about Miss Smith’s rape and casually lied about it. Even worse, rather than call the cops, administrators transferred the young rapist to Broad Run High School — where he raped another girl! ...

With Democrats now soft on school rape and hard on mothers and fathers who want to shield their children from sexual assault and bigoted, far-left propaganda, the Republican Party must assert itself morally and politically as the party of parents. Democrats have created a vacuum that Republicans have no choice but to fill.
161   Eric Holder   2021 Nov 30, 11:12am  

Patrick says
The Democratic motto could be ‘safe spaces in classrooms and rape in bathrooms’ ...

"Segregation in classroms and rape in bathrooms"
162   Patrick   2021 Dec 4, 10:03pm  


Chicago Public Schools will soon be opening its girls' restrooms to anyone who "feels comfortable" using them
Article Image

Daniel Payne
Dec 3rd, 2021 10:43 am
Pro tip: If you are in Chicago and you have daughters in the public school system, consider jumping out of your chair right now and running down to the CPS office and pulling them out immediately

163   Patrick   2021 Dec 4, 11:30pm  


Recovering victims of woke abuse have had enough. ...

Various school libraries have been caught carrying books featuring sex-positive portrayals of pedophilia and pornography including, among other things, boy-on-man fellatio. “Educational” materials such as Gender Unicorns and the Gender Bread Person aim to rewire younger minds by introducing gender fluidity and polymorphous perversion into their minds and imaginations, all out of the reach of parental supervision.

This is not about tolerance or anti-bullying. It is about grooming pliable minds and bodies in ways that create the tumult needed for cultural revolution in service of hastening “historical progress.” ...

What we saw in Virginia can serve as a road map moving forward. When dealing with an abusive narcissist, the only response is to marginalize him, to not give him an ounce of credibility, and to hold fast to the clarity of one who has seen him for what he is. Our response to manipulation should be simple and plain: we see it, we see through it, and it has no power over us.
164   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Dec 5, 9:03am  

AmericanKulak says
Patrick says

Teachers in California have been targeting students for recruitment into LGBTQ clubs

These single cat ladies gossip INCESSANTLY about their students.

That is child abuse, but parents put up with this shit.
166   Patrick   2021 Dec 9, 8:13pm  


Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸
CHILD ABUSE: Kindergartners are forced to eat lunch outside in 40 degree weather at Capitol Hill Elementary School in Portland, Oregon.

They sit on buckets to social distance from their classmates.
167   Patrick   2021 Dec 12, 9:39am  


Parents Avoiding Mandates by Not Sending Children to School in Greece Face 2 Years Jail

By Maria Zeee

Athens has cracked down on parents who do not send their children to school because of Spicy Flu measures.

Parents will face a two-year prison sentence and a fine in the latest move by the government in Greece which appears to target people who deny mandates such as getting the juice, mask-wearing or testing.

Here’s what others had to say:
So get your kids out of the system before it happens here..

Nuremberg 2.0 is going to be a great watch.

I have no words anymore to describe how I feel

This is not a decision made by the Greek government. Remember that Germany (EU) own and control Greece since GFC 2008. No mention in recent years of this massive debt to EU? This is an example of how it’s being paid off. If it was up to Greece alone, they would never mandate this vax! The majority of people in Greece especially the old people are against vax and don’t want it. Hence why they have mandated for over 60 year olds. The prime minister admitted he didn’t want to go down this road but felt ‘he had no choice’. Greeks are no fools, and now being controlled by ‘nazi Germany’!

There was a photo I saw last week of the Greek prime minister receiving an award of some sort from Klaus Schwann many many years ago… at least 20 I suspect. All planned!

Madness total madness so juice yr kids or go to jail fair options wow

Lord have mercy. I’m homeschooling my four now. My eldest was enrolled for kindy next year but I refuse to have them vaccinated. How long until homeschooling is illegal?

This is absolutely bonkers. Who on earth are these people dictating parents on how to raise their children. Don’t they have bigger issues, children in welfare? Seriously. It’s utter madness!

Again, I don’t advocate violence. But these measures will all but confirm that more lives will be lost by the actions of government than what covid could of ever done. We are in for a big fight.

At all costs, we protect the kids hope this wakes up even the pro jabbed. This is so wrong …

So who looks after the child/children if the parent goes to jail ?? That is just ridiculous

What the actual eff?? Greece was really good at burning the shit down when the banks stole their money, why aren’t they doing it now?

Original Source: https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/p/CXSbGKwBjbz/?utm_medium=patrick.net&utm_campaign=patrick.net&utm_source=patrick.net

168   Patrick   2021 Dec 12, 8:08pm  

Patrick says
CHILD ABUSE: Kindergartners are forced to eat lunch outside in 40 degree weather at Capitol Hill Elementary School in Portland, Oregon.


Jen Psaki defends schools forcing children to eat outside in frigid weather due to COVID fears: "I think the vast majority of parents appreciate that"
170   Patrick   2021 Dec 18, 9:15pm  


Watch: California mom and dad unleash 🔥 on school board after teachers coached their daughter into a trans identity and threatened to call CPS if they didn't affirm it...

If you haven't realized it, these radical zealots in our school want to indoctrinate your kids into a cult.

This woman's anger is justified. It's her God-given responsibility to protect her child from predators.

Here was the father's speech, where he reveals the school threatened to call CPS if they didn't affirm their daughter's new identity as a boy.

Resign or repent.

Amen to that.

The teachers reportedly coaxed the student into joining an "equality club" that was actually a front for the Gay-Straight Alliance. From there, they were able to get the girl to doubt her identity and put her on a path toward being transgender.

Last month, someone leaked audio of a California Teachers' Association conference where teachers mocked parents' concerns over LGBT indoctrination and discussed how to quietly get kids plugged into LGBT groups without parents knowing.

Protect your kids from these predators!
171   Patrick   2021 Dec 19, 8:30am  


ark J. Perry
28 Nov 2020
@OhioState Now Employs More Than 100 "Diversicrats" at a Cost of More Than $10M/Year, Which is Equal to In-State Tuition for >900 Students.

172   Patrick   2021 Dec 19, 8:43pm  


California superintendent of equity resigns amid controversy
Politico first reported that Daniel Lee lives across the country, has no background working in any school system, and is close friends with Superintendent Thurmond.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California schools superintendent of equity handed in his letter of resignation Tuesday night. This news comes after Politico first reported that Daniel Lee lives across the country and has no background working in any school system.

WTF is a "superintendent of equity"?

Another reason to flee from public schools.
173   Eric Holder   2021 Dec 20, 11:33am  

Patrick says

WTF is a "superintendent of equity"?

[ sahy-ni-kyoor, sin-i- ]
an office or position requiring little or no work, especially one yielding profitable returns.
174   richwicks   2021 Dec 20, 11:55am  

Patrick says

None of that text is readable.
175   WookieMan   2021 Dec 20, 1:55pm  

Patrick says
The teachers reportedly coaxed the student into joining an "equality club" that was actually a front for the Gay-Straight Alliance. From there, they were able to get the girl to doubt her identity and put her on a path toward being transgender.

I think this is mostly a CA problem. Probably OR and WA as well. East of the Rockies I have a hard time believing this shit is going on. It's not in my kids school as one of the few parents that reads minutes and attends board meetings. I also just flat out ask my kids.

I messaged the county DA and had our school board investigated for issues that would dox me if you searched it. Three board members left voluntarily after they were investigated.

Remember if you're a parent or tax payer, you are the customer. Too many people think government is the boss and you just have to fall in line. If you don't like the service, say and do something about it. Too many tax payers just turtle and do nothing. It's a shame.
176   Patrick   2021 Dec 23, 11:42pm  

richwicks says
None of that text is readable.

Original is here:

177   Patrick   2021 Dec 23, 11:43pm  

WookieMan says
I think this is mostly a CA problem.

It's a definite problem in CA.
180   Patrick   2021 Dec 28, 9:16pm  


Jennings writes 15 hr ago

We homeschooled our kids - I’ve been “retired” now for nearly a decade. I had one graduate at 15, one at 16. Both were in Honors at college. (While they’re bright they aren’t geniuses or anything!) Both have been excellent employees - one is now an entrepreneur with her husband, the other (the youngest) still working but he’ll end up an entrepreneur too, if the government doesn’t totally disincentivize it. My son in law was also homeschooled. My kids never went to public school, and even though our property taxes went to the system, weren’t allowed so much as a school library book. It was worth it.

Rob DWrites The Rumble Strip 13 hr ago

Beautiful. My family has similar stories. It is very difficult financially and in other ways, but well worth it in the long run.
182   Patrick   2022 Jan 2, 8:37pm  

chadi nabhan MD, MBA, FACP
Regarding school closures: an observation:

Public schools go virtual
Private schools stay open .

This virus is fascinating. It affects teachers only in public schools. Somehow it spares private schools.

Jan 3, 2022 · 3:22 AM UTC
184   Patrick   2022 Jan 5, 10:59am  


Chicago Public Schools are closed today after the teachers union voted last night (73% approving) to return to remote learning. So, after two days back in the classroom, parents of the 340,000 kids in the nation’s third-largest district are left scrambling to accommodate having their children back at home in front of a screen. But hey, at least the union did it with “a heavy heart and a singular focus on student and community safety.”


The singular purpose of a union is to advance the interests of its members.
185   Patrick   2022 Jan 5, 11:57am  


Since last week we saw a rise in school disruptions driven by Covid 19 cases, in particular among staff. In this report we introduce a new "disruptions by day" chart that gives a more precise look at the post-vacation dynamic of the school year.
186   HeadSet   2022 Jan 5, 3:00pm  

Patrick says
The singular purpose of a union is to advance the interests of its members.

Where have you been? The singular purpose of a Union is to exploit management and workers for the benefit of Union leadership. If Unions cared about workers, the Unions would be demonstrably anti-illegal immigration.
187   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 12:16pm  


Empty classrooms: Every room must be hermetically sealed for a minimum of 3 months and flooded with bleach daily. Those cesspools of germs known as “kids” must not be allowed within 100 feet of a physical school. Let’s be honest-- the fact that children are gross is undisputed. We teachers simply cannot risk being exposed to actual children and their grossness.

Teleportation machines: We all know that for us young teachers dying from a traffic accident is a thousand times more likely than dying from COVID. So what kind of insane maniac would drive a vehicle? Teleportation must be available to all possible destinations a teacher may need to go-- like the coffee shop, or the yoga pants store.

Dance lessons: Dancing is one of the most important parts of a union protest. Teachers are being harmed by people mocking our dancing all the time. They don’t seem to get that we’re professional teachers who are supposed to be teaching, not dancing. We need to become professional dancers to adequately express our feelings, and so everyone will stop making fun of us.

End all science classes: But if kids take science classes, they might start listening to actual scientists. If they listen to actual scientists, they might find out that there they are at an almost 0% risk for contracting or spreading viruses. Then we might look bad.

Triple-masking at all times during Zoom calls: Seeing children's actual faces on Zoom would cause tremendous anxiety. Triple-masking is a must until we are sure the virus cannot be spread through the World Wide Web.
189   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 1:07pm  


Biden gave schools $130 BILLION for health measures so they could stay open... now a bunch are spending it on CRT and closing anyway for Omicron 🙄

It's never been about your kids.

Joe Biden gave schools – and their very hungry teachers' unions – $130 billion of your dollars last year so they could put measures in place that would mitigate the spread of Covid and help them make schools "safer" for children who are already not statistically at risk from the virus.

All $130 billion of those dollars were greedily devoured, disappearing into a black hole from whence they shall never emerge.

... It's almost like Covid became a coordinated excuse to use tax dollars to fight against the wave of angry parents who don't want their kids to become racist communists!
191   Patrick   2022 Jan 11, 8:52am  


College is hard enough without having your progressive values challenged. It’s important to make sure that your learning space is a safe and equitable environment. There’s nothing worse in life than a micro-aggression under the guise of an opinion.

Here are eight things to keep an eye out for when starting a new class. If you have a professor who exhibits any of these behaviors, report them to the Dean of Diversity immediately!

1) They just got fired: If your professor just got canceled by a woke mob and fired, he's probably a conservative. Great news! You won’t have to drop their class, but you should still keep tabs on their social media and dox them as soon as they let their guard down.

2) Can have a normal conversation: If someone can go more than five minutes without mentioning how many trans women of color are being murdered then they are part of the problem.

3) Doesn’t wear a giant yellow pin with his pronouns on them: There’s nothing more offensive than demanding people assume your own gender.

4) Did not cancel class on January 6: I had to get out of bed and do things!

5) Classroom missing requisite 36 posters and slogans related to BLM and Trans Activism: Flags are acceptable in place of posters.

6) Teaches you in-person: This is tantamount to murder. He might as well be committing war crimes in Iraq.

7) Uses outdated grading system: Education experts agree that grading systems need to move away from the ‘pass/fail’ concept and be replaced with a ‘racist/also racist’ system.

8) They treat all students with dignity and respect regardless of race or gender: I just threw up in my mouth a little.
193   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 13, 11:38am  

$10k Annual K12 Scholarships for kids. Will end up saving tax bucks vs. Public Schools where I think the average spending is $12k+ per student. In NY and CA probably closer to $15k.

Don't call it a voucher, call it a "Community Scholarship" to own the Left and fuck with their terms.

"Why don't you want a $10k Scholarship for the Children, you heartless bastard?"
194   Patrick   2022 Jan 14, 1:20pm  


And the worst part is that Dr. Wen is right. Evidence continues to amass that shows not only was remote learning as a full-time substitute for in-person learning (rather than a temporary stop-gap for snow days, deep cleans, or even for "two weeks to stop the spread") a colossal failure academically, it has resulted in a mental health crisis of generational proportions...

Of course they should. Plenty of scientific evidence now proves without question that schools are not a major facilitator of community COVID spread. The few stories of teachers and counselors actually dying of the virus invariably end up revealing that school wasn't even in session when they fell ill.

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