The best way to fight wokeness: Take your children out of government schools

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2021 Jun 9, 5:36pm   111,959 views  784 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


The most frequent question people pose to me is: What can I/we do to fight back against the nihilistic anti-American destruction of virtually all the country’s major institutions?

There is an answer.

The single best thing Americans can do to counter the left-wing attack on America—against its freedoms, its schools, its families, its children, its governmental institutions, its sports, its news and entertainment media, its medical establishment, the CIA, the FBI, the State Department, and the military—is to take their children out of America’s schools.

Other than in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), the vast majority of America’s elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities teach your child or grandchild almost nothing important; prematurely sexualize them, thereby robbing them of their innocence; and harm them intellectually and morally. They rarely teach them, for example, art or music because they are too busy teaching them race-centered hatred of whites, of America, and of America’s values.

Sending your children to most American schools is playing Russian roulette with their values—but unlike the gun in Russian roulette, which has a bullet in only one of its six chambers, the schools’ guns hold four or five bullets.

In many elementary schools, your child is taught that gender is chosen and that there is no difference between boys and girls (in a growing number of schools, the teachers are told not to call their students “boys and girls”); they are taught about masturbation; and many children from first grade on attend “Drag Queen Story Hour,” wherein an obvious man wearing women’s clothing, garish makeup, and a wig entertains them.

Given that all this is well-known, why do any non-left—meaning, liberal or conservative—parents send their children to American schools?

One reason is they are in denial. Many parents don’t want to know what their children are being taught and the consequent damage done to them. They don’t really believe schools will ruin their children, let alone their children’s relationship with them.

These parents should speak to any of the millions—yes, millions—of Americans whose children have contempt for America, for free speech, and for their parents as a result of attending an American college or even high school. I meet such people at every speech I give, and I speak to them regularly on my radio show. Ask these parents, if they could redo their lives, whether they would keep their child in school.

A second reason is they feel they have no choice. If they remove their child from the local public or private school (most private schools are just as committed to anti-American indoctrination over education as public schools), what will they do with their child? They often can’t find a local school that doesn’t harm their child. They can’t necessarily even rely on Christian or Jewish schools. Most of them are as “woke” as most secular schools. And if they do find a school that teaches rather than poisons, they may not be able to afford the tuition.

The only other option, then, is to homeschool one’s child. The problem is that many parents assume this is essentially impossible. For one thing, they assume that one of the parents would have to leave his or her work, which would mean a serious reduction in the family’s income. In addition, homeschooling strikes most people as simply too daunting a task, even if they could afford to take it on.

Neither fear is entirely justified. It’s true that, at least at the outset, a working parent may have to cut back from full-time work, and it’s true that no matter what the family’s financial condition, there are challenges to taking one’s children out of school and homeschooling them.

But given the low intellectual state of most American schools, the damage they do to young children’s innocence, and the anti-American, anti-white, anti-Western indoctrination in most schools, if you are a parent of school-age children, what is your choice?

Other than a) finding a good school that b) you can afford, you have no other choice. You are fooling yourself if you think the odds are that after attending American schools from kindergarten through college (not to mention through graduate school), your child will turn out well-educated, intellectually alive, rational, kind, happy, well-adjusted, grateful to be American, and respectful of you and your values.

While there are some wonderful young Americans who recently attended American schools, and there are some lost souls who were homeschooled, American schools are largely producing the following:

Poorly educated students. Ask your college son or daughter to diagram a sentence; identify Joseph Stalin, “The Gulag Archipelago,” or the Soviet Union; name the branches of the American government; identify—or just spell—Beethoven; date the Civil War; identify the Holocaust; and name which sentence is correct—“He gave the book to my friend and me” or “He gave the book to my friend and I.”

Angry young people. Why wouldn’t they be? First, they graduate college with a huge load of debt, having received almost nothing useful for their money. Second, if they are anything other than a white heterosexual Christian male, they have been taught to regard themselves as victims of oppression. Third, their future is so bleak they may not even have one: They are threatened with extinction by climate change.

The single best thing Americans can do to fight the left-wing destruction of the country is to withdraw from the “educational” system that is actively and deliberately miseducating them by the tens of millions. If millions of American parents did so, the country would turn around as fast as you could say “teachers unions.” If they don’t, their children will continue being used as guinea pigs in the left’s sick and dystopian experiment.

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453   GNL   2022 Nov 3, 12:28am  

Patrick says


HUNDREDS of Muslim Parents Shut Down Dearborn, Michigan School Board Meeting Over Democrat-Endorsed Child Porn Books
By Jim Hoft
Published October 11, 2022 at 6:22pm

For well over a year now American parents have discovered that while they were sending their children to school and trusting them with local school boards and administrators, these same people were pushing porn books in the school libraries.

Many parents around the country were shocked last year when they became aware of the illegal porn books their local schools are pushing on kids in the student libraries.

This phenomenon is...

Sadly, momma bear is wasting her time. No, her time would be better spent campaigning to become a school board member and changing things from there. The evil, and make no mistake about it, this is pure evil, is rampant and purposeful.
454   Patrick   2022 Nov 3, 1:56pm  

Patrick says

I'm not a fan of Islam, but Muslim parents are absolutely right to protest their children being taught perversion in school.


“My name is Khalil Othman. I came all the way from Dearborn, Michigan.

“I am a proud Muslim American who expresses my values and concerns all the time. Dearborn has been voting Democrat blue for the last decade or two decades.

“But not anymore.

“On behalf of myself and my family, I guarantee you for sure that my family and my friends will vote for Republicans.

“Never once did I ever vote Republican.

“However, the situation with the sexually explicit material in the schools was for me a bridge too far.

“When it comes to my kids and my family, I will not budge.”
455   Patrick   2022 Nov 4, 3:05pm  


The largest paper in Michigan, The Detroit Free Press, tracked the man down. It turns out he's real, he talked to Dixon, there are pornographic books in his son's school library, the Democrats did nothing about it, and he's switching from the Democrat party to the Republican party because of it.

The man's name is Khalil Othman, and he had this to say:

To claim that I'm not here, I don't exist, I'm not human, that's absolute ignorance. If this person did his due diligence and start researching or has his team do a little bit of research of who's this person who attended Dixon's rally, they will be able to find my name right away easy on social media. Just Google it.
456   Patrick   2022 Nov 10, 8:51pm  


An alarmed New Jersey parent sent us a video of what appears to be Shawnee High School English teacher, Jon Posch promoting his politically charged worldview of sexuality to a room of students.

"Look, for somebody who identifies as straight, when you walk by two guys holding hands, it just bothers you and you just can't stop thinking about it. And all day you are thinking about it and maybe you feel a little bit tingly. What might be going on a lot of times?”
459   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 1:59pm  


A leading parent activist group has accused Facebook (Meta) CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates of meddling in America’s school system by pushing their own “woke” education agenda.

According to a recent report by Parents Defending Education, the two Big Tech billionaires are spending hundreds of millions of dollars annually in schools in an attempt to reshape America’s education system.

However, the organization warns they are doing it at the cost of students’ academics.

According to a recent report by Parents Defending Education, philanthropic organizations donated over $200 million to about 70 school districts during 2017-2021.

Still, students at these schools are not performing well and failing at math and reading.

The study says grants were being awarded to advance initiatives promoting equitable grading, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), and Critical Race Theory (CRT) instead of academics.


Elon Musk Slams Hollywood: ‘Woke Mind Virus’ Is ‘Pushing Civilization Toward Suicide’

Twitter boss Elon Musk has slammed Hollywood and warned that the entertainment industry has been “penetrated” by “the woke mind virus.”

In a post early on Friday morning, Musk said he believes the left-wing political bias is having a devastating negative impact on society.

He noted that the lack of counter-narrative in entertainment is a major part of the problem.

Musk asked Twitter “What do you think of the culture war?”

A Twitter user responded: “I think the Right needs to start funding more artists, filmmakers, and writers instead of politicians and super-PACs.

“You don’t win a naval war without any ships, and you can’t win a culture war without any culture.

“We’ve been reacting too long.

“Time to go on the offensive.”

Musk said: “I am neither conventionally right nor left, but I agree with your point.

“The woke mind virus has thoroughly penetrated entertainment and is pushing civilization towards suicide.

Musk is right.
460   richwicks   2022 Nov 25, 3:05pm  

NuttBoxer says

Patrick says

I'm pretty sure that Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11, and a zillion other terror attacks.

Then you're pretty mis-informed. I've already mentioned Corbett's documentary on this subject.

@Patrick and @NuttBoxer - it was Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States that did 9/11 - or at least factions within them - and probably MI6 and a lot of others from the "5 eyes".

This was a coordinated attack on US citizens, it was a propaganda attack, and there wasn't just one player involved. US citizens were sacrificed to get a new 100 year war going by the fucking Neocons. The Neocons are our real enemy. If you want to call them Jewish, whatever, they're not. They're just the 4th Reich. Plenty of them ARE Jewish, and plenty are not.

Those are the fuckers that control BOTH our parties, and intelligence agencies, and our "news" media.
462   Patrick   2022 Nov 29, 12:52pm  

Maybe posted before, but still good.
463   Patrick   2022 Nov 29, 8:20pm  


Ian Miles Cheong
Nov 28
Why are preschool teachers talking to toddlers about their genitals and their bodies?


In this particular school, there are AT LEAST 3 preschool teachers all congratulating each other on successfully grooming children into radical gender theory and getting them to talk about gender and sexuality with each other at 4.
464   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 30, 12:02am  

Ask not why kids need to learn about drag queens and queers.

Ask why Drag Queens and Queers need to learn your kids.
466   Patrick   2022 Dec 4, 3:42pm  


In the industrial era, the purpose of public schools was to train children for the drudgery of working in a factory.

In the current era, the purpose of public schools is to poison and maim children so that Pharma can drain all wealth out of their families.

If you want to survive, homeschool.

Well, schools also do serve the purpose of indoctrination into the gay/trans cult.
467   Patrick   2022 Dec 8, 2:28pm  


Dean of Students Brags About Bringing in LGBTQ+ Health Center to Teach "Queer Sex" to Minors

"Passing around dildos and butt plugs...kids are just playing with them...Using lube versus using spit...that's a really like, cool part of my job"

And this is a $40K/year private school.
469   RC2006   2022 Dec 11, 10:53am  

I really thought all of this pedo lgbt shit being pushed in schools and being exposed would trigger a revolt. Every year I have less faith in the US being able to exist. If people will not overwhelmingly stand up for the most innocent of the population then all is lost.
471   HeadSet   2022 Dec 15, 3:44pm  

Patrick says


When Geraghty went to Carter and Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Monica Myers and informed them about her religious beliefs, they allegedly told the teacher that "she would be required to put her beliefs aside as a public servant."

This is not a religious issue. Making it a religious issue allows not calling kids by an assumed gender to be dismissed as something resisted by religious fanatics. No one should have to align their speech with obvious falsehoods, whether religious or not.
472   Patrick   2022 Dec 18, 7:39pm  


Oh look, Biden's cross-dressing, women's-luggage-stealing nuclear waste official also helped craft an LGBT school policy adopted by districts around the country

"Sam Brinton … played a key role in developing a model school policy adopted in multiple states that instructs school districts to keep 'unaffirming' parents in the dark about a potentially suicidal child’s gender identity or sexual orientation.
476   RC2006   2023 Jan 4, 5:00pm  

My oldest got this in the mail today. That ad tells avoid like the plague.

478   Patrick   2023 Jan 19, 8:25pm  


BREAKING: @TeachingLabHQ Director @DrQuintinBostic Admits Violating State Law; Sells Critical Race Theory Curriculum to Schools

'If you don't say the word "critical race theory," you can teach it...I'm an evil salesman...They[State] have no clue...He's [ @GovKemp ] such an idiot'
479   Patrick   2023 Jan 27, 2:44pm  

This is a good idea!
483   gabbar   2023 Feb 11, 4:46am  

Patrick says

Schools and universities are now conditioning Skinner experiments.
484   Patrick   2023 Feb 11, 4:09pm  


Idaho public school districts are being told to adopt policies preventing employees from disclosing a student's name and gender transitions to parents unless first obtaining the student's consent, Fox News Digital has learned.

School districts throughout Idaho have been adopting policies to keep parents in the dark about their children's gender identity and sexual orientation at the instruction of the Idaho School Boards Association (ISBA), according to school district policies and email correspondence obtained through FOIA requests by Parents Defending Education, which were shared with Fox News Digital.
488   Patrick   2023 Feb 18, 9:10pm  

Who is the guy with the whip playing the part of Jesus scourging the moneychangers?
489   Patrick   2023 Feb 25, 7:59pm  


11-year-old confronts school board by reading aloud from 'smut' he found at his middle school library
491   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 1, 11:39pm  

Everybody's favorite, Randi Weingarten.

She's the midget lesbian Goebells of the Education Industry.

Somewhere some dude feeling grateful for nothing he can put his finger on. That's the vibes from the alternate dimension where Weingarten isn't a lesbian

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