The best way to fight wokeness: Take your children out of government schools

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2021 Jun 9, 5:36pm   111,956 views  784 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


The most frequent question people pose to me is: What can I/we do to fight back against the nihilistic anti-American destruction of virtually all the country’s major institutions?

There is an answer.

The single best thing Americans can do to counter the left-wing attack on America—against its freedoms, its schools, its families, its children, its governmental institutions, its sports, its news and entertainment media, its medical establishment, the CIA, the FBI, the State Department, and the military—is to take their children out of America’s schools.

Other than in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), the vast majority of America’s elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities teach your child or grandchild almost nothing important; prematurely sexualize them, thereby robbing them of their innocence; and harm them intellectually and morally. They rarely teach them, for example, art or music because they are too busy teaching them race-centered hatred of whites, of America, and of America’s values.

Sending your children to most American schools is playing Russian roulette with their values—but unlike the gun in Russian roulette, which has a bullet in only one of its six chambers, the schools’ guns hold four or five bullets.

In many elementary schools, your child is taught that gender is chosen and that there is no difference between boys and girls (in a growing number of schools, the teachers are told not to call their students “boys and girls”); they are taught about masturbation; and many children from first grade on attend “Drag Queen Story Hour,” wherein an obvious man wearing women’s clothing, garish makeup, and a wig entertains them.

Given that all this is well-known, why do any non-left—meaning, liberal or conservative—parents send their children to American schools?

One reason is they are in denial. Many parents don’t want to know what their children are being taught and the consequent damage done to them. They don’t really believe schools will ruin their children, let alone their children’s relationship with them.

These parents should speak to any of the millions—yes, millions—of Americans whose children have contempt for America, for free speech, and for their parents as a result of attending an American college or even high school. I meet such people at every speech I give, and I speak to them regularly on my radio show. Ask these parents, if they could redo their lives, whether they would keep their child in school.

A second reason is they feel they have no choice. If they remove their child from the local public or private school (most private schools are just as committed to anti-American indoctrination over education as public schools), what will they do with their child? They often can’t find a local school that doesn’t harm their child. They can’t necessarily even rely on Christian or Jewish schools. Most of them are as “woke” as most secular schools. And if they do find a school that teaches rather than poisons, they may not be able to afford the tuition.

The only other option, then, is to homeschool one’s child. The problem is that many parents assume this is essentially impossible. For one thing, they assume that one of the parents would have to leave his or her work, which would mean a serious reduction in the family’s income. In addition, homeschooling strikes most people as simply too daunting a task, even if they could afford to take it on.

Neither fear is entirely justified. It’s true that, at least at the outset, a working parent may have to cut back from full-time work, and it’s true that no matter what the family’s financial condition, there are challenges to taking one’s children out of school and homeschooling them.

But given the low intellectual state of most American schools, the damage they do to young children’s innocence, and the anti-American, anti-white, anti-Western indoctrination in most schools, if you are a parent of school-age children, what is your choice?

Other than a) finding a good school that b) you can afford, you have no other choice. You are fooling yourself if you think the odds are that after attending American schools from kindergarten through college (not to mention through graduate school), your child will turn out well-educated, intellectually alive, rational, kind, happy, well-adjusted, grateful to be American, and respectful of you and your values.

While there are some wonderful young Americans who recently attended American schools, and there are some lost souls who were homeschooled, American schools are largely producing the following:

Poorly educated students. Ask your college son or daughter to diagram a sentence; identify Joseph Stalin, “The Gulag Archipelago,” or the Soviet Union; name the branches of the American government; identify—or just spell—Beethoven; date the Civil War; identify the Holocaust; and name which sentence is correct—“He gave the book to my friend and me” or “He gave the book to my friend and I.”

Angry young people. Why wouldn’t they be? First, they graduate college with a huge load of debt, having received almost nothing useful for their money. Second, if they are anything other than a white heterosexual Christian male, they have been taught to regard themselves as victims of oppression. Third, their future is so bleak they may not even have one: They are threatened with extinction by climate change.

The single best thing Americans can do to fight the left-wing destruction of the country is to withdraw from the “educational” system that is actively and deliberately miseducating them by the tens of millions. If millions of American parents did so, the country would turn around as fast as you could say “teachers unions.” If they don’t, their children will continue being used as guinea pigs in the left’s sick and dystopian experiment.

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546   AmericanKulak   2023 May 7, 7:25am  

NuttBoxer says

Got our grant approval for Arizona next year, $1,900 a quarter to not attend public school. All they require is your proof of your Arizona address, and your kid is over over five years old, that's fuckin it.

547   HeadSet   2023 May 7, 11:34am  

NuttBoxer says

Got our grant approval for Arizona next year, $1,900 a quarter to not attend public school. All they require is your proof of your Arizona address, and your kid is over over five years old, that's fuckin it.

No receipt for private school tuition? How do they stop people from collecting $1,900 a quarter just to keep their kids at home?
548   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 7, 7:21pm  

The money goes into some virtual "wallet", and payments have to go from there directly to an approved institution of activity. The one other requirement, you CANNOT enroll in public school. They are paying you what it costs them to educate your kid in the federal system, so no double dipping.
549   HeadSet   2023 May 7, 7:47pm  

NuttBoxer says

The money goes into some virtual "wallet", and payments have to go from there directly to an approved institution of activity.

It seems private schools may be soon filled to capacity and will just up the tuition by $1900 per quarter and have the same students they had before. Do the parents whose kids do stay in public schools get a choice of which public school?
550   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 8, 8:54am  

If you go to a charter, you get a choice, but otherwise, no, have to go to the one in your district. There's only one large private school in Yuma, they haven't raised tuition, and they are already full. The other two are quite small, also haven't changed their tuition, neither is full, or seems like it will fill up.
551   HeadSet   2023 May 8, 10:36am  

NuttBoxer says

If you go to a charter, you get a choice, but otherwise, no, have to go to the one in your district. There's only one large private school in Yuma, they haven't raised tuition, and they are already full. The other two are quite small, also haven't changed their tuition, neither is full, or seems like it will fill up.

So, it seems most people prefer their local public school?
553   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 8, 1:37pm  

HeadSet says

So, it seems most people prefer their local public school?

Yuma is made up mostly of migrants, snow-birds, and military. It's a pretty specialized case, you if you want to know what most people do, better look to Phoenix. The one school everyone knows about is completely full. The other two have class sizes of 20 per grade, and 20 for all of high school. I had to really search to find them.
557   Patrick   2023 May 17, 9:05pm  


This Illinois teacher tried to recommend books with gay themes to kids in order to indoctrinate them into the modern leftist religion and the media treats her like she's a hero.

And this isn't just a book that has some gay characters in it, that would be bad enough. She recommended the book called "This Book is Gay," which is an extremely graphic book describing homosexual sex acts to kids.

One of those books was Juno Dawson's "This Book is Gay." It's a bestselling nonfiction book that's billed by its publisher as an entertaining and informative "instruction manual" for anyone coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans.

"By Wednesday, I received notice that parents had gotten a hold of pictures from that book that their child had taken in class," Bonner says. "By Friday, I was told that parents had filed a police report against me for child endangerment."

She hasn't been back to school since because SHE feels unsafe.

Sure, she's handing out gay porn books to kids, but SHE's the one who feels endangered.

The book she tried to push on students includes graphic descriptions of sex and encourages children to explore their sexuality and join homosexual dating apps like Grindr.

A perfectly reasonable excuse to contact the cops.

This teacher is a groomer.

Hopefully, the child endangerment charges stick.

Teachers need to know that sexualizing children and grooming them into the LGBT lifestyle is completely unacceptable.
558   RC2006   2023 May 17, 10:10pm  

Teacher is a pedo groomer.
560   Patrick   2023 May 19, 9:13pm  


Based pastor embarrasses school board by reading pornographic book available in school library

562   Patrick   2023 May 22, 7:20pm  


MSU Professor Forces Students to Purchase Annual Subscription to Her Own Website; Claims Proceeds Will Be Donated to Planned Parenthood

Amy Wisner, a professor at Michigan State University, is on temporary leave after requiring students enrolled in her Marketing Communications course to purchase annually renewing subscriptions to her personal “Patriarchy Rebellion Community” website.

The leftist professor, who has taught in the business school at MSU since 2011, included the $99 membership requirement in the course’s syllabus.

A landing page from which students were required to purchase platform access describes the website as a “virtual community” that “exists far, far away from the internet bullies and trolls.” Wisner offered a more frank description of her “community” in a now-deleted June Facebook post, writing, “The Rebellion community is a safe place to coordinate our efforts to burn everything to the fucking ground.” She added that “100% of membership fees are donated to Planned Parenthood.”

Behind the paywall, she posted PDF files and YouTube videos that promoted her social justice agenda rather than anything remotely relevant to the subject matter of the business course.
564   Patrick   2023 May 30, 8:00pm  


ALL of these people should go to prison for crimes against humanity.
566   Patrick   2023 May 31, 8:57am  


A group of parents are saying they'll boycott a Los Angeles elementary school's gay pride day set for next Friday and will keep their children "home and innocent" instead.

What are the details?
An Instagram page — Saticoy Elementary Parents — went up about a week ago in opposition to planned gay pride activities at Saticoy Elementary in North Hollywood, which includes kindergarteners through fifth-graders, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“Keep your kids home and innocent,” a flier created by the parents group reads, the Times said. “Videos will be shown to the students including one where it says, ‘some kids have 2 mommies, some have 2 daddies.' This has caused outrage among parents.”
568   Patrick   2023 Jun 2, 9:00am  

I have a cousin in Olympia who is seriously ill with the woke disease.
569   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 2, 2:18pm  

On May 17, the Oakland, California, teachers union ended a two-week strike—the union’s third strike in five years. The district offered a substantial salary increase for teachers before the strike even began, but negotiations remained deadlocked for days over the union’s other demands. The Oakland Education Association (OEA) put forward several “common good” proposals that included drought-resistant shrubs, a Climate Justice Day, reparations for Black students, and converting unused school and office buildings into housing for homeless kids and their families.

Most of these “common good” issues were outside the legal scope of teachers’ contracts, but as The Wall Street Journal editorial board pointed out, OEA is not a rogue branch of the teachers union. The National Education Association (NEA)—the largest labor union in the U.S. representing teachers and other school faculty—explicitly tells teachers to bargain for the “common good,” advising union branches that, “When we expand the continuum of bargaining, we build power, and go on the offense in order to fight for social and racial justice.”

What makes the NEA’s bargaining approach so remarkable is the fact that this union and its counterpart, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), have recently inflicted profound racial and social injustice on the country’s school children in the form of extended school closures.

As an Oakland public school teacher, I was a staunch supporter of the teachers union and was a union representative at my school for three years. In 2020, however, I began to disagree with the union when it prevented me from returning to my classroom long after studies proved that school reopening was safe, even without COVID-19 mitigation measures. In my experience, the union’s actions were not motivated by sincere fears, but rather by a desire to virtue-signal and maintain comfortable work-from-home conditions.

Although union bosses like Randi Weingarten continue to obfuscate their role in school closures, the historical record is clear: The union repeatedly pushed to keep schools closed, and areas with greater union influence kept schools closed longer. Politicians, public health officials, and the media certainly had a hand in this fiasco, but the union egged on dramatic news stories, framed school reopening as a partisan issue, and directly interfered in CDC recommendations. Teachers saw firsthand that virtual learning was a farce and that children were suffering. While there may be plenty of blame to go around, teachers’ abandonment of their own students was a special kind of betrayal.
571   Patrick   2023 Jun 3, 11:16pm  


Yesterday, Moms for Liberty retweeted a local report from El Dorado High School, where a student had published to YouTube a secret recording of their teacher giving her kids an explicit lesson on gay anal sex techniques, and how wonderful she thinks prostate stimulation feels, along with smart-shopper suggestions as to which stores — she mentioned Target (of course) — where students can discreetly purchase sex toys for, er, related uses. ...

It was pretty bad. In case you need to see and hear it for yourself to believe it, and I won’t blame you, here’s the link. Other folks may wish to just take my word for it and skip the experience altogether:


It was so bad, in fact, that even in Southern California, the teacher has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.

Now, you might say, well Jeff, the system’s working, the teacher has been removed from the classroom. I would answer, we’ll see. And I would also say: we need cameras in classrooms. But both answers miss the point.

The point is, there is a wicked zeitgeist, a demonic spirit of the age, encouraging teachers like this El Dorado booty instructor to constantly push the boundaries of what can only be described as LGBTQIA++ indoctrination. It seems to be some kind of a transgressive achievement for white, virtue-signaling female teachers to tell their students all about atypical sexual matters.

Here’s the thing: Straight parents DO NOT WANT their kids being taught about gay sexual techniques. Period. They want their kids to experience normal, traditional human lives, earning the gratifying fulfillment of the joys of parenthood, and achieving the full complement of adult maturity than can only be fully realized through natural childrearing. ...
573   Patrick   2023 Jun 5, 9:12am  


Tell me more about that dangerous Christian homeschooling cult

576   Patrick   2023 Jun 7, 9:02am  

Two groups of parents protesting left-wing indoctrination of their children in deep blue jurisdictions. One predominantly Muslim, one predominantly Christian. They don’t demand public schools teach their religion, they only demand the right to raise their kids without their values being directly undermined in schools they pay taxes for.

Pushing gender ideology in public schools is a blatant violation of religious liberty. Think of it this way:
The assertion that a child can be “born in the wrong body” isn’t empirical reality, it is a pseudo-religious belief of the progressive alphabet cult. It also contradicts the teachings of actual religions. It violates parents’ rights to raise their children in their faith tradition.

Public schools must respect religious freedom and serve their communities, not teach progressive state “religion” nor inject ideology that is antithetical to the values of the communities they serve.

Pantyfa thought they could intimidate the Armenians because Armenians are Christian. Nope, the LA Armenians in particular are pretty tough people.
577   Patrick   2023 Jun 7, 9:14am  


Breaking: Glendale (CA) Police beat back the Armenian-American men who want to fight #Antifa outside the school board meeting. The immigrant families oppose pride celebrations in schools. Antifa, communists & far-left protesters gathered to support that.

I am very proud of these based Armenian men. Masked violent leftists promoting sodomy to children must not be allowed to intimidate parents.

My wife is half Armenian. She said that they probably feel that what the schools are teaching their children conflicts with their Orthodox Christian beliefs. That's a mild way to put it, but she's less confrontational than I am.
579   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 7, 9:22am  

Just want to point the obvious here that Andy Ngo is GAY, and he doesn't support this bullshit. That speaks volumes.

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