Early Study of Pfizer Covid Shot Shows 99% Graphene Oxide

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2021 Jul 7, 11:19am   12,216 views  80 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

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The FDA knows graphene oxide is toxic, and will not approve it for human consumption:

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16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Oct 6, 9:32pm  

Bd6r says
nano-garbage is used only to extract money from granting agencies, almost no practical applications as of now.

So why did one of the leading researchers suddenly have IRS problems right around the start of the plandemic, then just disappear?
18   Bd6r   2021 Oct 7, 1:50pm  

NuttBoxer says
So why did one of the leading researchers suddenly have IRS problems right around the start of the plandemic, then just disappear?


what is the name and affiliation of the researcher? I can check on this
19   Rin   2021 Oct 7, 2:00pm  

Graphene in essence, is a two-dimensional diamond lattice, Carbon-to-Carbon bonded sheet, which is why its extremely strong and highly durable.

The problem, esp with Graphene Oxide, even if its total electrical charge is 'neutral', is that it's been known to polymerize and once it's past some 7 nm size, the kidneys wouldn't be able to dispose of it like all the other trash in the blood stream.

Then, you're up the creek because you have something which the body has little way of enzymatic-ally eliminating and at best, it could be stored in fat cells in a type of a matrix so that it doesn't affect the body as a whole.
20   Bd6r   2021 Oct 7, 2:12pm  

Rin says
two-dimensional diamond lattice

diamond does not have multiple C-C bonds
22   Rin   2021 Oct 7, 2:51pm  

Bd6r says
diamond does not have multiple C-C bonds

Here's graphene ...

Here's diamond ...

The same basic idea of the strong Carbon-to-Carbon bond lattice but change the dimensions from 2 to 3.
23   Bd6r   2021 Oct 7, 2:52pm  

not that it matters, all carbons in diamond are sp3-hybridized, but in graphite/graphene sp2-hybridized
24   Rin   2021 Oct 7, 3:05pm  

Bd6r says
not that it matters, all carbons in diamond are sp3-hybridized, but in graphite/graphene sp2-hybridized

This is why so many researchers, not just in biopharma (and separation technologies), but also electronics, are interested in graphene because unlike diamond, it's more malleable and able to offer the same benefits of diamond's strength but w/o the limitations of a hardened 3-D crystal.
25   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Oct 7, 3:15pm  

Bd6r says
what is the name and affiliation of the researcher? I can check on this

It was all over the real news networks when it happened, but I do not remember his name, and in a scrubbed internet, it may be hard to find. I believe he worked for Standford, and was accused of being a Chinese spy, then it was IRS, then he vanished. I invite you to do your own research if you're seriously interested. You could start with many of the posts I've made here. Or just search bio-digital convergence, nano-particles, re-engineering humans, and similar.

While I don't believe in aliens, I do believe the the black-ops that have been in operation in this country since the 50's have developed technology we are not aware of, and "space ships", are an example. Nano technology is not new, there has articles even in the public space going back more than 10 years talking about it's applications.

But maybe you have a better explanation for why graphene oxide is in these shots, that has nothing to do with implanting wires and transistors, despite that being a perfect application of graphene oxide, 5g, and The Shot. Maybe you just believe in a LOT of coincidences..?
26   Rin   2021 Oct 7, 3:39pm  

NuttBoxer says

But maybe you have a better explanation for why graphene oxide is in these shots, that has nothing to do with implanting wires and transistors, despite that being a perfect application of graphene oxide, 5g, and The Shot. Maybe you just believe in a LOT of coincidences..?

Here's my explanation ... laziness, idiocy, and looking for a quick fix.

The mRNA fragment, roaming the body or even the cell itself, gets chopped up by restriction enzymes which prevent your latest broccoli or avocado meal, from expressing its genes in your body. This is why we don't develop green skin nor grow sprouts on our skin, whenever we eat these vegetables. This is why most mRNA vaxxes will fail w/o a lot of biomedical engineering.

Therefore, the mRNA vax needs ways of shielding against this as well as being able to slide around the body at will. First the phospholipid and cholesterol wrapping makes the mRNA look like 'food stuff', then the graphene oxide coating, allows it to move from the shoulder injection point and into anywhere else in the body, without resistance as the carbon lattice protects it from all the body's defenses (as well as the general kinetics of degradation during mass transport) until the mRNA arrives at let's say the Spleen, the Pancreas, the Liver, the Heart, you name it.
27   Bd6r   2021 Oct 8, 6:31am  

NuttBoxer says
But maybe you have a better explanation for why graphene oxide is in these shots, that has nothing to do with implanting wires and transistors, despite that being a perfect application of graphene oxide, 5g, and The Shot. Maybe you just believe in a LOT of coincidences..?

I don't see any reason for putting graphene oxide in vaccines. My suspicion is that chemically illiterate people confuse something else for graphene oxide.

This is what Malone says: https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD/status/1430916614258561026

Regarding the Japanese / Moderna contamination issue. The probability is that this is a fill/finish problem due to machines not being properly adjusted. This is a surprisingly common problem. If true, then this also exposes a larger underlying quality control problem. small glass chips, metal chips, and stopper material chips in the vialed product are all signs of this type of issue.

In an older tweet he said that people confuse the aggregation of mrna in vaccine with graphene oxide.

Just as bad, but as Rin says above result of incompetence and laziness. Also, I think it is PEG derivatives, not graphene oxide that is added to vaccines.

Most of these "articles" contain shocking lack of chemistry knowledge. Forced vaccinations are bad enough, and we don't need to invent additional scary stories. If they are untrue, that gives arguments to vaccine mandate supporters.
28   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Oct 8, 12:32pm  

Rin says
Here's my explanation ... laziness, idiocy, and looking for a quick fix.

A quick fix for what? The quick part is contradicted by the numerous patents around covid going back to the turn of the century, and to the DARPA funded of Moderna MRNA research around 2013. The fix part stands is contradicted by everything that's happening from a health perspective, but maybe you think it's to "fix" something unrelated to health? And in this case what would you propose?

Rin says
Therefore, the mRNA vax needs ways of shielding against this as well as being able to slide around the body at will. First the phospholipid and cholesterol wrapping makes the mRNA look like 'food stuff', then the graphene oxide coating, allows it to move from the shoulder injection point and into anywhere else in the body, without resistance as the carbon lattice protects it from all the body's defenses (as well as the general kinetics of degradation during mass transport) until the mRNA arrives at let's say the Spleen, the Pancreas, the Liver, the Heart, you name it.

This is exactly what it's NOT supposed to do. It's supposed to remain in the arm. This is the main cause of damage to the body(the fact that it moves). Again, not seeing a lot of evidence contradicting what I'm saying.
29   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Oct 8, 12:38pm  

Bd6r says
I don't see any reason for putting graphene oxide in vaccines.


Bd6r says
The probability is that this is a fill/finish problem due to machines not being properly adjusted.

Causing the contents of the shot to be almost entirely graphene oxide? And that not being intentional!?

Bd6r says
If they are untrue, that gives arguments to vaccine mandate supporters.

So consent is only relevant as long as everyone tells the truth? The minute one person tells one lie, you now have the right to line 'em up and inject 'em?
30   richwicks   2021 Oct 8, 12:41pm  

NuttBoxer says
Bd6r says
The probability is that this is a fill/finish problem due to machines not being properly adjusted.

Causing the contents of the shot to be almost entirely graphene oxide? And that not being intentional!?

It could very well be that the claim that "the vaccines are filled with graphine oxide" are simply false. That's most likely the case.
31   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Oct 8, 12:42pm  

So from the above, it sounds like your both saying because you don't want to believe in a larger plan at work here, that's your sole reason for rejecting bio-digital convergence, despite the plethora of government sponsored documentation praising it's potential uses and benefits. Well, I don't want to believe it either, but just because it makes me uncomfortable, doesn't mean I'm going to stop my ears, close my eyes, and pray it all starts making sense soon.

I would invite you to be a little uncomfortable, dig a little deeper into the many connections that point towards this being very planned, very intentional, and very much your future if you don't face it and fight back.
32   Bd6r   2021 Oct 8, 12:57pm  

NuttBoxer says
So consent is only relevant as long as everyone tells the truth? The minute one person tells one lie, you now have the right to line 'em up and inject 'em?

That is not what I said and meant, you are extrapolating. If "our side" is producing easily refutable nonsense, we will be listened to much less, and baby will be thrown out with bath water. People who waver in their doubts will be more difficult to convince. There was a video on rumble, shared on Patnet, where a lady was going off about graphene oxides and PEG's made from ethylene oxide, and did not know the difference. We should listen to people such as Malone, and not random persosn who have little knowledge of chemistr and biology.

NuttBoxer says
Causing the contents of the shot to be almost entirely graphene oxide? And that not being intentional!?

I don't think it is graphene oxide. I don't even think it contains graphene oxide. Malone himself has said that people confuse the aggregates of mrna with graphene oxide. Perhaps "graphene oxide" contaminant story is a plant by our beloved gubbermint to discredit vaccine sceptics.

NuttBoxer says
So from the above, it sounds like your both saying because you don't want to believe in a larger plan at work here, that's your sole reason for rejecting bio-digital convergence, despite the plethora of government sponsored documentation praising it's potential uses and benefits. Well, I don't want to believe it either, but just because it makes me uncomfortable, doesn't mean I'm going to stop my ears, close my eyes, and pray it all starts making sense soon.

I would invite you to be a little uncomfortable, dig a little deeper into the many connections that point towards this being very planned, very intentional, and very much your future if you don't face it and fight back.

Blackrock owns most media. Blackrock owns most pharma company stocks. Blackrock profits if our gubbermint forces everyone to perpetually vaccinate, and takes OUR money and gives it to pharma companies. Nearly all media support this because they are owned by Blackrock. That seems to me like the simplest explanation. May be there is something else, but I don't have proof for it. Perhaps we are being trained to be obedient; perhaps there are more unknown unknowns. They are unlikely related to non-existent graphene oxide in vaccines and 5G death rays.
33   Ceffer   2021 Oct 8, 5:06pm  

Would you believe 95 percent graphene oxide?
34   BoomAndBustCycle   2021 Oct 8, 6:58pm  

There is more garage and bad stuff in the food and drink the general population consumes on a daily basis that adds up to be far worse for our health than any once a year vaccine shots.

Almost every adult I know over 30 has some form of IBS or stomach issues… skinny or fat from the seed oils and crap in basically everything in the grocery store.
35   Bd6r   2021 Oct 8, 7:40pm  

Ceffer says
Would you believe 95 percent graphene oxide?

Absolutely not
36   Rin   2021 Oct 9, 7:59am  

NuttBoxer says
This is exactly what it's NOT supposed to do. It's supposed to remain in the arm. This is the main cause of damage to the body(the fact that it moves). Again, not seeing a lot of evidence contradicting what I'm saying.

Bd6r says

Just as bad, but as Rin says above result of incompetence and laziness.

Here's a comment on the above, don't you think ... that for the most part, a lot of micelles (phospholipid complexes) with mRNA fragments inside them, wouldn't survive in the body for very long?

Along with the cell interpreting the mRNA as a foreign organism, there are also intracellular shearing forces which can break up the micelles over time.

So thus, it's conceivable that w/o the wrapper of Graphene Oxide, that there's little chance of a critical mass of mRNA fragments surviving (as in the billions), to pull off the heist of taking over ribosomal complexes in mass across multiple organ systems.
37   Ceffer   2021 Oct 9, 11:01am  

Would you believe 85 percent graphene oxide?
38   Bd6r   2021 Oct 9, 11:08am  

Rin says
So thus, it's conceivable that w/o the wrapper of Graphene Oxide, that there's little chance of a critical mass of mRNA fragments surviving (as in the billions), to pull off the heist of taking over ribosomal complexes in mass across multiple organ systems.

I have seen no proof of graphene oxide in the vaccines. I have not seen graphene oxide used for stabilizing any vaccines. I do not know what type of mechanism would stabilize micelles and if graphene oxide, which is a huge aromatic surface, would wrap around those particular micelles.
39   Bd6r   2021 Oct 9, 11:11am  

Ceffer says
Would you believe 85 percent graphene oxide?

absolutely not. I would not believe also 75, 65, 55, 45, 35, 25, 15, or 5%
40   Bd6r   2021 Oct 9, 11:28am  

Analysis of the report in OP: https://www.sgtreport.com/2021/07/whitney-webb-interview-is-there-graphene-oxide-in-the-covid-19-injections/

Two hrs, but they trash it and say that this graphene stuff is made up to take heat off problems cause by spike protein which are well-documented
41   Ceffer   2021 Oct 9, 12:03pm  

Would you believe 3 percent graphene oxide?
42   Bd6r   2021 Oct 9, 12:22pm  

Ceffer says
Would you believe 3 percent graphene oxide?

nope, keep going down below detection limit
43   Ceffer   2021 Oct 9, 10:30pm  

44   Patrick   2021 Oct 9, 10:34pm  

Bd6r says
Two hrs, but they trash it and say that this graphene stuff is made up to take heat off problems cause by spike protein which are well-documented

With spike proteins like that, who needs graphene oxide?

There's plenty to worry about in the vaxx, and plenty of actual conspiracy to force mass injections.
45   Patrick   2021 Oct 26, 5:46pm  

But let's say that there is graphene oxide in the vaxx.

Then when subjected to a strong electro-magnetic field, they would perhaps assemble like this:


original link

And what would happen to a person when that happens in their bloodstream? Probably sudden death due to blood clots.
46   Patrick   2021 Nov 29, 9:39am  

This doctor does sound convinced that graphene hydroxide is in the vaxx:


And... now he's dead, supposedly.
47   richwicks   2021 Nov 29, 10:41am  

Patrick says
And... now he's dead, supposedly

Obituary or it didn't happen.

What pisses me off is that it's EASY to link today to anything, and when that link is missing, it raises flags immediately.
48   Patrick   2021 Dec 4, 9:16pm  


Claims that there are nano-chips in the vaxxes. Not sure what the point would be though.
49   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Dec 5, 9:17am  

Patrick says
Claims that there are nano-chips in the vaxxes. Not sure what the point would be though.

Read my posts on bio-digital convergence. This is the ONLY reason they want health passports. There are many pieces to create the perfect slave system, but they hide their connection, because obviously if we saw, we stop them, and the people building the systems, would all quit.

If you only think in compartmentalization, you won't see the shackles until it's too late.

There are many sources who have studied the shots, and seen graphene oxide. It is the most likely explanation for the magnets, blood clots, and headaches. If you believe that bullshit about shards of metal contaminating the Japanese shots, I've got some boosters to sell you, guaranteed to work!

Mandates are dead, but central bank digital currencies continue. IRS staff up is real. $600 reporting law is coming. Taxing unrealized gains is coming. Vanguard will buy up all the property. Bill Gates will grow all your "food". Taking the US down to 3rd world through "climate change" laws, and packing the country with illegals continues.

If you think this is only about the scamdemic, you will end your life in slavery. If you disagree with these realities, it's because you've accepted a narrative from the very people running the scamdemic. Not the scamdemic narrative, but one of the many others they've been pushing for over a century. You took the red pill, but you spit it back out when the metal spread from your hand to your arm. The Matrix still has you Neo.
50   Patrick   2021 Dec 5, 10:39am  

I just can't believe that technology to actually control thoughts with non-chips works yet.

But I could believe that the vaxx contains a machine-readable "bar code" of sorts, proving you took the vaxx and which lot number.
51   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Dec 6, 10:57am  

Patrick says
I just can't believe that technology to actually control thoughts with non-chips works yet.

Watch some interviews with Catherine Austin Fitts. She was on the other for some time, and according to her, the deep state has far surpassed anything you see today. If you look at Tesla's inventions, it's not that hard to believe. He had a way to remote control a ship at the turn of the century. Also, pretty much debunks all the alien bullshit, but provides an explanation for what UFO sightings really are. And provides an explanation for why tens of trillions of dollars have gone missing over the decades.

Or just look at the patents around this technology, they go back at least 20 years. If you read the document from the Canadian government on this, where they paint a picture of how the future could look, they mention dream analysis done by AI. Doesn't get more invasive than that.

If you do the research, you'll have no problem believing.
52   Patrick   2022 Mar 23, 2:29am  


2021 Jul;10(7):666-671. doi: 10.1002/open.202000200. Epub 2021 Apr 7.
A Novel Graphene Quantum Dot-Based mRNA Delivery Platform

53   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Mar 23, 9:30am  

I watched a video discussing the shot ingredients recently, and while the guy wasn't really onboard with the graphene angle, his guest mentioned some people she really trusted who had started studying the shots and confirmed there is at least some graphene.
54   Patrick   2022 Mar 24, 8:37pm  


Compilation of Evidence

On November 2nd, a prominent Professor at the University of Almeria, Dr. Pablo Campra, revealed his detection of Graphene in multiple Covid-19 “vaccine” vials, using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. The Dr. Campra’s University of Almeria report demonstrated the detection of Graphene and Graphene Oxide in 8 samples from various “vaccine” manufacturers.

In response, Dr. Andreas Noack released a scathing video commenting on Dr. Campra’s report. Dr. Noack is a chemist and the world’s leading expert in activated carbon engineering and GRAPHENE. Dr. Noack did his PhD doctoral thesis on how to turn Graphene Oxide into Graphene Hydroxide.

The video is of crucial importance. Dr. Noack said that two of the frequency bands that Dr. Campra detected were of Graphene Hydroxide. Graphene Hydroxide (GHO) is a mono-layer activated carbon, 50nm long and 0.1nm thick (an atom layer thick). Thus, the injections contain nano-razorblades of exceptional stability, which are non-biodegrable (a fact that every chemist knows).

In effect, these nano-razorblades cut up and destroy the heart, brain and cardiovascular system. The epithelial cells become rough so things stick to them. He says that toxicologists cannot find them in a petri dish by normal methods as they do not move and they don’t expect to discover nano-sized razor blades. Moreover, any doctor who injects them with knowledge of this issue, is a murderer.

Graphene Hydroxide is a new material and toxicologists aren’t aware of it yet. This is why people are dropping dead from these lethal shots, especially athletes, Dr. Noack explains. This is a “highly intelligent poison”.

What’s even more horrifying is that if you perform an autopsy you will not find anything. This stealth weapon is even untraceable after death. The Graphene Hydroxide nano-razerblades cause people to bleed to death internally.

I hope this isn't true.
55   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Mar 24, 11:55pm  

This is newer info, but second time I'm hearing of it. Would definitely like to have more confirmation of the facts.

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