Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   911,227 views  8,529 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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8121   Ceffer   2024 Nov 4, 7:37pm  

My older libbyfuck friend who was vaxed but survived but finally yielded that the vaccines were no good. He won't get any more. However, he still spins denials about the results because he couldn't talk his daughter out of them: 1. daughter's husband died last year 'suddenly' in Germany post vax at age of 58. She still doesn't register it and got boosted anyway. 2. Neighbor across the street dead of brain cancer, now his widow has cancer, too, vaxxed 3. Another neighbor across the street, kind of an asshole realtor, had a sudden 'widow maker' heart attack but survived, about 60 years old, vaxxed. Some people I had met when he first moved in to his current place, he just told me recently a couple of them dead since Covid fraud.

I know that he is in an older park (over 55) but still, that's quite a cluster around one person.
8122   Patrick   2024 Nov 5, 6:37pm  


Huge list of scientific studies showing harm and death from the mRNA injections.
8123   Patrick   2024 Nov 5, 8:23pm  


James Van Der Beek, Who Pushed AstraZeneca Flu Shots on Public, Reveals Cancer Diagnosis

“I have colorectal cancer. I’ve been privately dealing with this diagnosis and have been taking steps to resolve it, with the support of my incredible family,” said Van Der Beek in a statement. ...

In 2014, James Van Der Beek appeared in numerous TV interviews across the U.S., promoting AstraZeneca’s flu vaccine and urging people to get vaccinated.

During one interview, he dismissed concerns about vaccine side effects, stating that “getting sick” from vaccines was simply a “myth.”

Van Der Beek also engaged in fear-mongering, trying to convince parents to vaccinated their young children with the flu shot every year.
8124   Patrick   2024 Nov 7, 3:54pm  


Data were collected from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 2023. CTE AEs after COVID-19 vaccines were compared to those after influenza vaccines and after all other vaccines using proportional reporting ratio (PRR) analysis by time. Results: There are 5137 cerebral thromboembolism AEs reported in the 3 years (36 months) after COVID-19 vaccines compared to 52 AEs for the influenza vaccines over the past 34 years (408 months) and 282 AEs for all other vaccines (excluding COVID-19) over the past 34 years (408 months). ...

Conclusions: There is an alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis AEs after COVID-19 vaccines compared to that of the influenza vaccines and even when compared to that of all other vaccines. An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age.
8126   Patrick   2024 Nov 8, 12:42pm  


Background: The effects of myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (mCV) on myocardial tissue, and the association between cardiomyocyte injury and clinical presentation, are not fully understood. ...

Conclusions: Our histological examination of patients with myocarditis after mCV revealed varying degrees of cardiomyocyte injury, ranging from pronounced to absent, along with various types of myocarditis. Cardiomyocyte injury was strongly associated with the severity of myocarditis.
8127   Patrick   2024 Nov 8, 1:35pm  


The SV40 Promoter and the mRNA Jabs

An undisclosed "contamination" that has tainted the blood of millions, if not billions...

There’s a reason cancer is on the rise, anomalous, aggressive, and hitting young otherwise healthy people at rates that “baffle” the “experts.”
Well actually, there’s countless reasons and one of the biggest is the SV40 Promoter that has ‘contaminated’ many of these mRNA vials. In short, we’ve been lied to and deceived. Information has been redacted, information has been obfuscated.

Hell, information has been made up out of whole cloth. ...

Not surprisingly, the DNA that McKernan and his colleagues sequenced did not match what Pfizer gave regulators. In fact, the SV40 Promoter was not mapped (even though the software automatically labels it during annotation).

That means it had to be manually removed before the map was turned over to regulatory agencies. The FDA, The EMA, Health Canada - you name it.

In other words, fraud. Intentional deception.

And sadly, the SV40 Promoter is but one piece of a glaring oncogenic puzzle…

It’s bad for people who got the shots, but I also think it’s going to end up bad for those who pushed these things, whether out of greed, blindness, or a deeper malevolence. With estimates now putting the number of people dead worldwide at ~20 million or more, it’s about damn time something gets done.

Will the incoming Trump administration alongside RFK Jr. be able to do something about this?

Can they take down Goliath? Will they cave after stern words and big promises? Are they merely more cogs in the same gargantuan machine?

Will they fight valiantly only to find a Hydra with endless heads?
8130   Ceffer   2024 Nov 9, 12:21pm  

Fort Detrick is creating ground zero for a virulent new lab generated pandemic to punish the Republic for voting for Trump?

8131   Ceffer   2024 Nov 9, 12:50pm  

Breaking ranks and scrambling for personal survival? BRSPS.
8132   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Nov 9, 1:23pm  

Patrick says

The SV40 Promoter and the mRNA Jabs

About 2 weeks ago my aunt was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with brain cancer. Prior, she had a skin cancer lesion removed but they apparently didn't get it all.

Two weeks ago it didn't look too bad. Spirits were up, she received an antibody infusion a week ago and right now she was supposed to be going through 3 rounds of chemo.

Well, 5 days ago things changed. It had exploded with new tumors all over her brain, all over he body. She's been comatose for the past 5 days at home/hospice. No liquids or food since then.

I'm heading to a funeral soon.

I'm pretty sure she had at least one mRNA jab but I'm not sure. Seems it could be one of these 'turbo cancers' I keep reading about. She's about 75 years old though so who knows.

Apparently the docs were shocked at the sudden turn for the worse though.
8133   Blue   2024 Nov 9, 2:48pm  

Ceffer says

Fort Detrick is creating ground zero for a virulent new lab generated pandemic to punish the Republic for voting for Trump?

They found 1/43 ;)
8134   Patrick   2024 Nov 9, 7:17pm  


COVID-19 vaccination increased the risks of depression, anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders, and sleep disorders while reducing the risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Therefore, special cautions are necessary for administering additional COVID-19 vaccinations to populations vulnerable to psychiatric AEs.
8135   Patrick   2024 Nov 10, 5:22pm  


Between June 6th and Jun 7th 2024, approximately 2.3 million obituaries disappeared from the running tally that has been kept by Legacy.com since 1998. This represents a deletion of approximately 5% of the tally. ...

Deleting Covid vax-related deaths

Given the intense interest in death rates and causes following the rollout of the Covid mRNA injections in 2021, whoever is in charge of Legacy.com, or someone with decision-making power over the company, could be deleting the records of people who might have died as a result of receiving the shots.

At first, I thought this was a likely explanation. However, csofand has also been researching obituaries with keywords that might be linked to vax-related deaths, including “sudden,” “brief illness” and “sudden” + “cardiac.” This research is described here...

What csofand discovered is that, while there was not a big change in the frequency of those keywords between February and June 2024, there was a big decrease in the overall tally. So the deletions seem to not encompass just deaths that are known or suspected to be related to the shots. Furthermore, such targeted removals would be difficult to carry out and might attract the notice of family and friends whose loved ones died recently.

Deleting random records to reduce the overall count

Given the intense scrutiny of various databases to try to figure out the numbers of excess deaths around the world after the rollout of the mRNA shots, someone might be deleting large numbers of obituary records simply to lower the overall death count. ...
8136   Patrick   2024 Nov 10, 5:26pm  


Georgina Cooper died 'after suddenly falling ill on holiday': Supermodel, 46, passed away in hospital while on trip to Kos with her husband just months after they got married, friend reveals ...

Georgina was staying in Kos at the Marianna hotel apartments with her husband when she was taken ill on October 21 and staff called an ambulance.

She was initially taken to the island's main hospital but her condition was so serious doctors arranged for an air ambulance to fly her to Crete which has better facilities.

Staff rushed her to intensive care where she stayed for five days before passing away and her body was flown back to England last week.
8137   RayAmerica   2024 Nov 10, 6:31pm  

Woman Fired For Refusing COVID Vaccine Wins Record $12 Million From Rogue Employer

A woman fired for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine has won a record $12 million settlement from her employer.

Lisa Domski, who worked at the insurance company Blue Cross Blue as an IT specialist for over three decades, was fired from her position for refusing to take the jab, which has since been proven to have been neither safe nor effective.

After suing the company for religious discirmination against her Catholic faith, Domski was awarded significant damages by a federal jury in Detroit, according to the Associated Press.

The ruling included $10 million in punitive damages against Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, as well as $1.7 million in lost wages and $1 million in noneconomic damages.
8138   Patrick   2024 Nov 10, 7:15pm  


Obituary: Soprano Patricia Burda Janečková Dies at the Age of 25

On Oct. 1, 2023, Patricia Burda Janečková died of breast cancer. She was 25.

An official statement on Facebook said, “The opera and musical singer lost her courageous fight with an aggressive disease. She passed away on October 1, 2023, surrounded by the tender care of her husband, Vlastimil Burda, and her loved ones. She left a lasting legacy through her audio and visual recordings, ensuring she will stay with us forever.”

The soprano first announced her diagnosis on social Feb. 9, 2022, when she took to social media and said, “Dear friends, this year was supposed to be full of beautiful concerts and theater performances. ...
8139   Patrick   2024 Nov 10, 7:20pm  


Rex: Hi my name is Rex just for everyone out there, what these guys are saying is total truth. I had cancer back in 1994. Leukemia. They told me I was going to die, very long story but I beat it.

Then the covid thing came out. I’m a teacher. I was forced to get it or was told I’d be unemployed. So I got the first shot like in November of 2021, then the second. After the second I felt a little sick but they said you still gotta do it for work or you’ll be unemployed. Got my third jab in the end of Jan 2022, then what happened – hospital and was dead.

Heart failure.

And when I went in, what they said was ‘oh, no, no, it’s not from the boosters…it’s from your cancer treatment! When you had your chemo it damaged your heart so that’s coming out now.’

How can I be 24 years cancer free, get three jabs and right after the next jab: heart failure?

And it’s been two years and they won’t admit to anything, and its affected my life dramatically as you can imagine because you can see I’ve got a beautiful seven-year-old daughter. And they’ll do nothing. They refuse. Even my medical records they won’t put it. They said ‘no, we have no proof of that because you don’t have inflammation of the heart you just have heart failure it doesn’t meet our criteria.’

So they actually have specific criteria for that, that only qualifies, so just heart failure is not good enough to be dead.

And that was 2022 so fight on!

Host: So Rex, come back. Did this all happen in WA?

Rex: Yeah! Yeah! Here! Here in Royal Perth Hospital! Yeah! Yeah, I’ve been in WA since 2001, yeah. And it’s just been a nightmare ‘cause I’m trying to get lawyers and everything but they can’t because the doctors will not put it on my record. Even though I said ‘put it on my record’ they refused to. They said ‘technically we can’t do that.’

Host: So when was the last time you actually had cancer treatment?

Rex: 1997.

Host: So you have been in total remission since then?

Rex: Yep. Yep. Absolutely no problems because I had to have all the regular medical checkups – nothing. But they still want to blame it on that.

Host: So you’ve had no treatment –

Rex: No-

Host: -for over 23-4 years.

Rex: Exactly right.

Host: And then your heart failure which occurred pretty much soon after the booster-

Rex: -yep, after the booster, exactly, and then they said ‘it’s not that.’

Host: So my daughter is in a similar situation. So…she held off getting the jabs, she’s a teacher as well. And then she was stuck…she wanted to not take the booster and she left it until about a week before they did it, and then a week later they said ‘we’re going to scrap the whole thing.’ And is that your situation?

Rex: A hundred percent. I didn’t want to but they threated to fire me and then after the third, exactly what you said. After that, when a lot of people started suffering they said ‘oh you don’t need to do it now it’s optional now for the fourth, fifth and sixth.’ So exactly.

Host: And how do you feel about that?

Rex: My daughter is here so I can’t say the words [looks at daughter]. I’ve been teaching her vocabulary so don’t – [to daughter] cover your ears!


Lots more cases in that article.
8140   Patrick   2024 Nov 10, 7:58pm  


EXCLUSIVEEllie was the 'happiest she'd ever been' until she lined up for her Covid vaccines. Now she's living a nightmare - and doctors agree the jabs are to blame

Mother left in agony by Covid vaccines
Pain drove her to wanting to end her life ...

Ellie Sutton, from the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, told Daily Mail Australia that before getting AstraZeneca shots in September 2021, she was the happiest 'she had ever been'.

'I was at the peak of my career, had an active social life and was fit and healthy,' the 34-year-old said.

'I did a bodybuilding competition. I loved lifting weights at the gym.

'I lived in the city and was always jetsetting around doing things. I went to classes, I went to music festivals. I experienced life in all its full richness.

'I previously always believed vaccines were safe, so when my employer mandated that I be vaccinated or lose my job, it seemed an easy enough decision.'

After getting her second AZ shot in December 2021 Ms Sutton suffered an alarming episode.

'Not long after that, the entire right side of my body went numb,' she said. ...

'He said it was probably a strained muscle that would quickly heal.

'Instead, over the coming weeks, the tingling worsened and slowly spread up my entire arm, then across my upper back, then down my back, my legs, feet, hands and face until my entire body was covered and incredibly painful,' Ms Sutton said.

'The nerve pain progressed into painful spasticity and 'banding' where areas of muscle in my body would tense up as hard as a rock, squeeze and stay like that for anywhere from a few minutes to hours.

'I started having internal tremors, migraines, muscle fasciculations, heart palpitations, food sensitivities, debilitating chronic fatigue, muscle weakness and intense vertigo.
8141   Patrick   2024 Nov 10, 8:04pm  


A beloved young father has tragically died suddenly after suffering an unexpected cardiac arrest at just 33 years old.

However, a leading cardiac specialist has revealed that Gregory Carr, a lawyer from Wigan in England, had a “structurally normal heart.”

The family of a young dad still don’t know why he died.

Carr felt unwell on May 7 this year and went to bed before waking up “distressed” in the early hours.

The father-of-one became unresponsive before his fiancée attempted CPR and called for an ambulance.

Paramedics attended the couple’s home but the 33-year-old died on May 8, reports the Manchester Evening News.

A coroner concluded at an inquest on Wednesday that Carr’s death was as a result of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).

Bolton Coroners’ Court heard there was no explanation as to how or why Carr went into cardiac arrest.

At the inquest, evidence from his fiancée Rachael Cartwright was heard that Greg was active, didn’t drink to excess, didn’t smoke, played soccer, and went to the gym.

Gosh, what could have caused it?
8142   Patrick   2024 Nov 10, 8:06pm  


Introduction: This population-based retrospective cohort study assesses rates of adverse events (AEs) involving cerebral thromboembolism (CTE) after COVID-19 vaccines.

Methods: Data were collected from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 2023. CTE AEs after COVID-19 vaccines were compared to those after influenza vaccines and after all other vaccines using proportionalreporting ratio (PRR) analysis by time.

Results: There are 5137 cerebral thromboembolism AEs reported in the 3 years (36 months) after COVID-19 vaccines compared to 52 AEs for the influenza vaccines over the past 34 years (408 months) and 282 AEs for all other vaccines (excluding COVID-19) over the past34 years (408 months). The PRR’s are significant when comparing AEs by time from COVID-19 vaccines to that of the influenza vaccines (p < 0.0001) or to that of all other vaccines (p < 0.0001). The CTE AEs PRR by time (95% confidence intervals) for the COVID-19 vaccine AEs vs influenza AEs is 1120 (95% confidence interval (723-1730), p < 0.0001) and for COVID-19 vaccines vs all others is 207 (95% confidence interval (144-296), p < 0.0001). Cerebral venous thromboembolism AEs are female predominant with a female/male odds ratio of 1.63 (95% confidence interval (1.52-1.74), p < 0.0001). Conversely, cerebral arterial thromboembolism has a nonsignificant male preponderance. Cerebral venous thromboembolism is far more common than cerebral arterial thromboembolism over 36 months with an odds ratio (OR) of 14.8 (95% confidence interval 14.0-15.5, p < 0.0001). Atrial fibrillation, the most common identifiable cause of cerebral arterial thromboembolism, occurs far more commonly after the COVID-19 as compared to all other vaccines with a PRR of 123 (95% CI 88.3-172, p < 0.0001).

Conclusions:There is an alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis AEs after COVID-19 vaccines compared to that of the influenza vaccines and even when compared to that of all other vaccines. An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age.
8143   Patrick   2024 Nov 10, 8:19pm  


Adam Rowland to the BBC: "you're full of absolute sh#t, you evil bastards"
January 13, 2023

Note: As of 2024 this video is no longer online at the link, however it was captured by the Wayback Machine:

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Lying in bed, too weak to sit up, Adam Rowland addresses the camera.

ADAM ROWLAND [1]: I'm a 48 year-old man. Multiple PEs in my lungs. Nonsustained VT in my heart. Severe vaccine-mediated thrombolitic vasculitis. Severe, widespread vascular neuropathy. I require carers now to wash me. I'm going to need carers to make food for me and dress me. Before your vaccine I had a successful career. I could row 5K on the rowing machine in under 19 minutes, I could do 20 K on a walk bike in under half an hour. I was fit as any man. And this is what your safe vaccine has done to me. And you are colluding together with the media, covering it up. You're absolutely disgusting what you've done to me and what you've done to all the others. And all the BBC what you're up to there's going to be another article coming out to discredit us next week because this is what you do you have people working for you to discredit us and shut us up. Don't think I don't know what you're up to. So bring your article out next week. Bring your interview out next week, and try and discredit us, because you're full of absolute sh#t, you evil bastards.

[1] The speaker is not identified in this video clip, however, I recognize him as Adam Rowland, who gave an interview in December 2022 to Debi Evans at UK Column about the injury he suffered after his AstraZeneca jab. See:
"Vaccine Damage: Real People - Adam"
by Debi Evans, UK Column, Published December 1, 2022
Note: A transcript of an excerpt from this interview can be found at https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/35353.html
8144   stereotomy   2024 Nov 10, 10:04pm  

God I hope the new administration rounds up all those fuckers who killed and maimed upwards of 100 million people worldwide.
8146   Ceffer   2024 Nov 11, 2:18am  

Trump has gone head on declaring war on the fake climate change stuff as well. Wow. The tunnel dracos might be pretty upset at their euro bloodlines and their abortive frauds and start having them for breakfast.

8147   Ceffer   2024 Nov 12, 9:27am  

Another from the annals of 'we killed the wrong guy'?

8149   Patrick   2024 Nov 12, 1:37pm  


Popular social media health and fitness influencer Jaxon Tippet has tragically died suddenly of a heart attack, according to reports.

Tippet had just turned 30 when he passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, his family have confirmed.

The Australian health influencer and fitness coach was on vacation in Turkey when tragedy struck.

The family of the single dad-of-one and popular podcaster is now trying to return his body to his home in Queensland.
8150   RWSGFY   2024 Nov 12, 4:34pm  

Ceffer says

Another from the annals of 'we killed the wrong guy'?

Yeah, "relase". Who writes this shit?
8151   Patrick   2024 Nov 12, 8:09pm  


A 47-year-old British Airways pilot has collapsed and died suddenly, according to the airline.

The Senior First Officer was resting at a luxury hotel during an overnight layover in between flights on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia.

However, the pilot, who has not been named by British Airways, dropped dead in the airport lobby in front of horrified vacationers.

The airline was forced to cancel the flight which was due to leave for London early the following morning.

According to British Airways, the pilot of Flight BA2158 died on Sunday, November 3.
8152   Patrick   2024 Nov 12, 8:29pm  


"My Father Needs Multiple Limbs Amputated After Taking The Covid-19 Vaccine 💉(2021)"
CovidBC, posted April 11, 2023

WOMAN STANDING IN GARDEN: For everyone wondering why there are so many of us against the vaccine, maybe there's some of whose father is actually in the ICU right now about to have his arm amputated due to so many blood clots in his arm, on top of the double pneumonia, congestive heart failure, a blood clot in his heart. And he may lose both legs due to the blood clots.

This is a perfectly healthy man who worked this whole garden all season long, plus two more that we have, was consistently working on cars and everything. He gets the vaccine, his energy has been cut in half. And for the past month he has basically been fighting for his life.

So before you come after an unvaccinated person, think about what you're saying. Some of us have done our research. Some of us have to live with this every day. Because right now doctors don't know if my dad is going to fu#king make it.
8153   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Nov 13, 7:41am  

I recently stayed at a nice B&B in Savannah, GA. Beautiful city. Designed in a grid pattern by an English city planner. Lots of local parks (with homeless).

(The Oglethorpe Plan is an urban planning idea that was most notably used in Savannah, Georgia, one of the Thirteen Colonies, in the 18th century. The plan uses a distinctive street network with repeating squares of residential blocks, commercial blocks, and small green parks to create integrated, walkable neighborhoods. - Wikid)

Anyway, after a few NPC Democrat couples from Maryland left the breakfast table, the discussion turned to the Covid scamdemic. A fellow from St. Augustine, FL remarked how he asked his doctor to prescribe ivermectin but the doc refused, saying it was not FDA approved. He did wind up sourcing it, and took it with vitamin D supplements. Didn’t take the mRNA transfection product, needless to say. A couple from Sweden remarked how it was a government plot to control citizens, and yes, I complimented Sweden on their approach to the scamdemic. Just everyday people who were aware. It restored my faith in humanity.
8154   AmericanKulak   2024 Nov 13, 8:31am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

(The Oglethorpe Plan is an urban planning idea

Interesting! Thanks for that.

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Just everyday people who were aware. It restored my faith in humanity.

Awesome - I feel like we turned a corner.
8155   Patrick   2024 Nov 13, 6:50pm  


And whatever the mysterious, enigmatic, cryptic, arcane, unfathomable, puzzling, inexplicable, obscure, inscrutable, secretive, shadowy, elusive, surreal, mystifying, uncanny problem is, it doesn’t appear to be abating…

I wonder if it has anything to do with…

“As of Thursday, 30 November 2023 a total of 11,404,669 COVID and 16,190,661 flu vaccinations have been reported as administered by the NHS in England since the start of the autumn campaign including 61.5 percent of people aged 65 and over having received a COVID jab. Over 4.5 million COVID and flu vaccinations have been administered at the same time.”
8156   Patrick   2024 Nov 13, 6:57pm  


Celebrity Fitness and Yoga Guru Sharath Jois Dies Suddenly at 53

Yoga guru Sharath Jois, a health and fitness coach to the stars, has tragically died suddenly.

R. Sharath Jois, a fitness educator who had gained a legion of famous clients including Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, was just 53 when he died.

Jois passed away on Monday in Virginia, The Hindu has reported.

8157   Patrick   2024 Nov 13, 6:59pm  


The new faces of cancer: Tragedy of young, fit women in their 20s and 30s being struck down by killer disease

While cancer has long been considered a disease of old age, a surge in cases among Gen Z and millennials is gradually turning that trend on its head.

Since 1990, cases of some types of cancers in young people have almost doubled in the US, even as rates have slowed or fallen in their parents and grandparents.

Sydney Towle, from California, was just 23 when she was diagnosed with bile duct cancer in early August 2023 after doctors discovered a 'sizable mass' in her stomach that had been growing for four months.

'I'm typically an active person but suddenly I started feeling short of breath, and this strange burning sensation took hold in my tummy,' she shared.
8158   Patrick   2024 Nov 13, 7:18pm  


"Danielle Baker FDA Testimony"
react19org, posted January 28, 2023
See also:

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This public comment was delivered to the FDA's VRBPAC /Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) Open Hearing on January 26, 2023. Because of her injuries, Baker's speech is painfully halting throughout.

DANIELLE BAKER, RN: I am Danielle Baker and I have no conflict of interest. Hear me. The vaccine injured are real.

In June of 2021 I reluctantly received the Pfizer injection after being coerced by my former employer. I had a 17 year career as a certified in hospice and palliative care registered nurse that I loved and was part of my identity.

I had a fall within 12 hours of receiving the second injection. 24 hours later my symptoms progressed and I sought care at the ER. Agonizing in pain in my right injected arm, it radiated into my face causing me to scream out in pain. I asked if this was a direct result of the injection, but because of the safe and effective narrative I didn't get the care that I needed. And I was dismissed within 30 minutes without answers.

By the end of July I was hospitalized, unable to readily walk, muscle spams contorting my body in constant excruciating pain, and the humiliation of losing my bowel and bladder function.

My immune system attacked my spinal cord and I was diagnosed with transverse myelitis. My physician documented this as a direct result of the shot.

My family is unable to plan events because I don't know what I can tolerate each day. Will the spasm be so bad I can't even rest in bed, or will I be in such unbearable pain I can't have human touch? Even speaking is hard because of the damage done.

I willi—, unwillingly traded being a caregiver for medical equipment receiving care in bed sores.

We are in financial ruins because ironically I took the shot to keep the career that I loved, and I no longer have.

I submitted a VAERS[1] as well as a Med Watch on August 4, 2021. My VAERS report disappeared from the system and I heard nothing from the FDA.

Is it because you take your marching orders from Pfizer or Big Pharma while you continue to pretend I, we the vaccine injured don't exist? The only thing more humiliating than losing my bodily function is your complete disregard for the vaccine injured. Shame on every single one of you!

My former employer doesn't care. My PCP [primary care provider] doesn't care, and it seems the FDA certainly doesn't care.

FEMALE VOICE: Thank you, Daniella for sharing your experiences.
8159   Patrick   2024 Nov 13, 7:44pm  


15-24 Year Old Medical Deaths up 77%.

25-34 Year Old Medical Deaths up 24%

35-44 Year Old Medical Deaths up 7%

45-54 Year Old Medical Deaths up 12%

# Percentages based on comparison with 2020. ...

... I think it’s fair to say based on the above, that something happened in 2021 to set off an unprecedented increase in Medical deaths in Ireland.

My money is on a combination of the Covid 19 vaccines and soul destroying lockdown policies.

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