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FuckCCP89 saysporkchopexpress saysHeadSet saysMy sister-in law that got a stroke 2 days after her jab is now in rehab and will be for 6 months. She now rocks while sitting and has lost her "filter." That is, she says what is on her mind without any concept of tact. She will not be coming to Christmas dinner with the extended family because of these issues. She also lost use of her left hand but has slowly gained it back. The jab is not safe.Which jab?
All "covid" jabs.
Which vaccine? There's many people that want to know what is the least dangerous.
We are forced to get anecdotal evidence which isn't the best evidence, but it's still evidence.
"Jansen and Jansen" (after Johnson and Johnson were sue...
At this point I don't give a fuck which brand of shit tastes better - shit is shit and I'm not having any of it.
FuckCCP89 saysAt this point I don't give a fuck which brand of shit tastes better - shit is shit and I'm not having any of it.
That may be the case for you, and me, but not for everybody.
I'm expecting to be fired in a few weeks for refusing to give up my vaccination status. I don't need a steady job, although I'm not comfortable with my retirement at this point.
Some people are forced to get a "vaccination".
File an accomodation request on the basis of religious beliefs.My wife just got hers approved. I also know several other people who got theirs approved. The sure bet seems to be objecting on the basis of aborted fetal cell lines being used in development and/or testing of all currently available coof vaxxes.
Which vaccine? There's many people that want to know what is the least dangerous.
FuckCCP89 saysFile an accomodation request on the basis of religious beliefs.My wife just got hers approved. I also know several other people who got theirs approved. The sure bet seems to be objecting on the basis of aborted fetal cell lines being used in development and/or testing of all currently available coof vaxxes.
People I think just want to generally know what vaccines are most detrimental.
I'm absolute. I will not claim a religious exemption, the demand that is being made upon me is both irrational and illegal. I think logic trumps a religious belief. I have no religious belief in my government. I can stand up to this shit and will right up until my death.
I have nothing to lose other than my life, what vaccine did your sister-in-law take?
A NY Times editor has died of a heart attack at 49, one day after receiving a Moderna Covid “booster” shot
Alex Berenson 2 hr ago
Carlos Tejada was married and had two children; he spent his career at the Wall Street Journal before joining the Times in 2016.
In July, he received a Johnson & Johnson DNA/AAV Covid vaccine. He was thankful to get it, per his Instagram page. ...
RIP Carlos Tejada, Dec. 7, 1972 - Dec. 17, 2021.
If this does not wake the Times nothing will.
If this does not wake the Times nothing will.
RIP Carlos Tejada, Dec. 7, 1972 - Dec. 17, 2021.
Carlos Tejada: 49-year-old Wall Street Journal and New York Times writer posts booster shot photo on Instagram, dead hours later
Four Young Soccer Stars from Four Different Countries Die This Week After Suffering Sudden Heart Attacks
By Jim Hoft
Published December 26, 2021
298 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 170 Dead, After COVID Shot
Four Young Soccer Stars from Four Different Countries Die This Week After Suffering Sudden Heart Attacks
By Jim Hoft
Published December 26, 2021
LOL! Dr. Robert Malone is now giving us propaganda lessons! I remember when he was wide eyed believing TPTB were going to come to their senses in the face of rational, informed facts.
Malone was up for Nobel prize but now he has chances similar to those of Assange in winning it
Malone was up for Nobel prize but now he has chances similar to those of Assange in winning it
The CDC still claims no deaths, yet cannot explain how Schirmacher and others goofed
Bd6r saysMalone was up for Nobel prize but now he has chances similar to those of Assange in winning it
Had he gone along he would have got it. He seems to care more about people than prizes.
Carlos Tejada: 49-year-old Wall Street Journal and New York Times writer posts booster shot photo on Instagram, dead hours later
Pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine
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