Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   888,952 views  8,279 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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1642   Patrick   2022 May 25, 9:22am  


6 of 9 people vaccinated in Palo Alto nursing home die within a week

It's very unlikely that this happened by chance. SOMETHING killed these people. I bet this isn't the only Black Swan. Have you heard similar stories in other nursing homes? ...

All 6 died within a week after the shot. Perfectly normal for a safe vaccine right?

The chance that this was simply “bad luck” is less than 1 in 12 billion.

Which means something caused all those people to die. They didn’t die normally. This is data in YOUR community. Something killed these people and it is precisely correlated with the time of the vaccine administration.
1643   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 May 26, 10:06am  

Growing concerns of fraud in Pfizer vaccine trial.

OU may have heard the disturbing story of Maddie de Garay, who in July 2020, aged 12, participated in Pfizer’s Covid vaccine trial of adolescents aged 12-15. Within 24 hours of receiving the second dose in early January 2021, Maddie experienced ‘zapping pain up and down her spine with severe abdominal pain . . . her toes and fingers turned white and were ice cold’. She now can barely see, suffers from tinnitus, mobility issues, vomiting, blood in her urine, numbness in her body and has at least 10-20 seizures a day. Yet her injury was recorded in the vaccine trial data as ‘abdominal pain’ and it was asserted without investigation to be not related to the vaccine.

Another case, similarly disturbing, has now emerged of an adverse reaction during a Pfizer trial that was not recorded in the trial data, raising concerns about the integrity of the trial data and the possibility of fraud.

Augusto Roux is a 35-year-old lawyer from Buenos Aires, Argentina who volunteered for Pfizer’s Covid vaccine phase 3 trial. He did so to protect his mother, who has emphysema.

Straight after his second dose on September 9, 2020, he developed a high fever and felt very ill. He fainted on September 11 and went to hospital on September 12. The hospital ran tests, including a CAT scan of his chest, which showed an abnormal collection of fluid around the outside of the heart, indicating pericarditis (a form of heart inflammation).

On September 14 he was discharged, with the doctor writing in his discharge note that he had suffered an adverse reaction to the vaccine. Roux was also told by hospital staff that there had been a considerable number of people from the clinical trial coming to the hospital – one nurse estimated around 300 – so his experience was not new to them. Around 3,000 trial participants had been enrolled before Roux, so, if the nurse’s estimate is accurate, this would be a hospitalisation rate of 10 per cent.

Following his adverse reaction, Roux asked to see his trial clinical records, but those running the trial refused. Being a lawyer, Augusto went to law to get access to his records, which took over a year. Once he saw them, he could well imagine why someone might not want them to be released.

In hospital, he had tested negative for Covid, and the doctor had noted that his condition was due to the vaccine. However, when Roux contacted the trial site on September 14 to notify the investigators he had been in hospital, they wrote in his clinical trial record that he had been admitted for a ‘bilateral pneumonia’ that had nothing to do with the vaccine, even though that was not what he told them or what the doctor who examined him had stated.

For obvious reasons, Roux was keen to know whether he’d had the vaccine or a placebo. However, the principal investigator for the trial, Fernando Polack, inaccurately claimed that he could only be unblinded if his life were in danger. Roux appealed to ANMAT, the Argentinian equivalent of the FDA, and following a formal hearing on October 9 2020 it forced the trial investigators to tell Roux that he had, indeed, received the vaccine.

The clinical trial notes reveal that two days prior to this hearing, on October 7th, “at the request of the sponsor” (Pfizer), the adverse event code was updated from pneumonia to “COVID-19 disease”. This is despite Augusto testing negative at the time of his admission. (Conveniently for Pfizer, the COVID-19 ‘diagnosis’ would not be included in the trial vaccine efficacy calculations due to the negative test.)

Even more disturbing, on October 8, Polack wrote in Roux’s clinical trial records that he had had an attack of ‘severe anxiety’ starting on September 23 (not caused by the vaccine, naturally). Polack added that Roux suspected a conspiracy between the two hospitals, described his anxiety as ‘constitutional’, and noted that it was ongoing, evidenced by his pursuing his appeal to ANMAT. On October 11, Polack had this mental health diagnosis added to Roux’s medical records.

Dr David Healy, who has interviewed Roux and seen the medical records in question, comments that ‘there is nothing in any record that indicates that Dr Polack or any other doctor attempted on September 23 to establish whether Augusto had a mental disorder’. He adds: ‘Augusto points to the notes of October 8 and 11 as evidence that this idea was invented just around the time the ANMAT hearing was about to happen. He states that it is in breach of Argentinian law for Dr Polack to have diagnosed someone with a medical condition that the person does not have – and to have entered it into his medical record.’

Note that Polack is a paediatrician, so lacks qualification to make mental health diagnoses, especially without any formal assessment.

Polack is a key player in the Pfizer Covid vaccine trials. He was the lead author on the December 2020 NEJM paper on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Israeli academic Josh Guetzkow notes that he is also one of the directors of i-trials, the site management organisation ‘paid handsomely by Pfizer to run the trial in Argentina (the largest site of the trial by far)’. Guetzkow adds: ‘If he raised an alarm about the vaccine safety, his company would have lost a ton of money and would be an unlikely choice by any company to run any trials in the future. So to say that he had an interest in achieving a positive trial outcome would be quite an understatement. There may be other conflicts we’re not aware of.’

The evidence of malpractice and possible fraud in the Pfizer Covid vaccine trials is certainly stacking up now. But very few people are aware of it as it is mostly only being reported in alternative media. When will mainstream outlets start following up properly on this potentially massive story?

1644   Patrick   2022 May 26, 11:28am  

Just saw this in our local paper:

I've read that traffic accidents went way up after the vaxx was rolled out, because so many people dropped dead at the steering wheel. Dr. Malone mentioned this.
1645   Ceffer   2022 May 26, 12:03pm  

Now, second person dead and 15 hospitalized at this 'vaccine mandatory' event. Are we having fun yet?
1646   Ceffer   2022 May 26, 1:42pm  

"Ray Liotta Dies in His Sleep at 67" How's all that Hollywood promotion of the vax goin' for ya?

1647   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 May 26, 1:54pm  

Ceffer says
"Ray Liotta Dies in His Sleep at 67"
Damn that Putin!
1648   Patrick   2022 May 26, 4:09pm  


As this unprecedented global spike in “sudden deaths” grows ever harder to conceal—with Ray Liotta, and TWO famous British drummers, Andy “Fletch” Fletcher of Depeche Mode, and Alan White of Yes, all having their untimely “unexpected deaths” reported just today—“our free press” struggles, ever more transparently, to make it seem as if this (real) pandemic isn’t happening.
1649   Ceffer   2022 May 27, 12:09am  

"Police Charge Big Pharma Boss With Falsifying His Covid Vaccination Status"
Lol! Again, as if we didn't already know the elites and vaccine promoters often fake their shots;
"Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar, has been charged by police with being falsely vaccinated against Covid-19. Dr. Sousa-Faro has been caught up in a scandal in Europe involving people being added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for large sums of money, with many of them familiar faces and household names.

More at the link below:
Dear RM Agents and Readers,
How many more are there with the same or similar story? I bet most of them!
Those that did the fake shots on camera, pushing folks with fear,

they should be held accountable. Making money from the death of others.
Many Blessings,
1650   richwicks   2022 May 27, 12:26am  

Patrick says
I've read that traffic accidents went way up after the vaxx was rolled out, because so many people dropped dead at the steering wheel. Dr. Malone mentioned this

Excess death rates is all that matters - everything else is anecdotal unless you want to go through years of categorization, and it will be years.

You can't know for certain, people whose job it is to know won't do the research, so don't knock yourself out.

If the vaccines are killing people, we'll see it within subgroups and the overall population.

I call on @Onvacation for this information. He has compiled this information before from the CDC.
1652   GNL   2022 May 27, 9:48am  

richwicks says

Patrick says
I've read that traffic accidents went way up after the vaxx was rolled out, because so many people dropped dead at the steering wheel. Dr. Malone mentioned this

Excess death rates is all that matters - everything else is anecdotal unless you want to go through years of categorization, and it will be years.

You can't know for certain, people whose job it is to know won't do the research, so don't knock yourself out.

If the vaccines are killing people, we'll see it within subgroups and the overall population.

I call on @Onvacation for this information. He has compiled this information before from the CDC.

What's to keep "them" from not reporting the excess deaths?
1653   mell   2022 May 27, 10:56am  

richwicks says

Patrick says
I've read that traffic accidents went way up after the vaxx was rolled out, because so many people dropped dead at the steering wheel. Dr. Malone mentioned this

Excess death rates is all that matters - everything else is anecdotal unless you want to go through years of categorization, and it will be years.

You can't know for certain, people whose job it is to know won't do the research, so don't knock yourself out.

If the vaccines are killing people, we'll see it within subgroups and the overall population.

I call on @Onvacation for this information. He has compiled this information before from the CDC.

Excess deaths have been up everywhere since the jabbing started. You can find the data easily - it gets progressively worse the younger the age group (down to 5 or below the death jabs haven't been approved yet), i.e. larger number of excess death percentage. There is zero benefit only risk for anybody under 60 in taking the clot shots, statistically speaking.
1654   Patrick   2022 May 27, 1:04pm  


Robert Snow, a pilot for American Airlines, one of the top 3 largest airlines in the country, has 31 years of commercial airline experience and additionally seven years of experience as a U.S. Air Force pilot.

Snow says that he might not be able to fly again after he suffered a cardiac arrest only 6 or 7 minutes after landing a plane he piloted from Denver to Dallas Fort Worth (DFW).

He still had two more flights scheduled on April 9.

He believes that his cardiac arrest is connected to the Johnson and Johnson COVID vaccine he was forced to take in order to keep his job on Nov. 4, 2021, even though he already had natural immunity from previously contracting the virus.

Dr. Peter McCullough, a world-renowned cardiologist, told Newsmax that Snow’s case fits a “pattern.”

“There is no other explanation,” McCullough said about Snow’s case since Snow has no coronary disease.

“The MRI pattern is consistent,” the doctor said. “Indeed, it may have been vaccine-induced myocarditis with a late manifestation of cardiac death.”
1655   Onvacation   2022 May 27, 10:11pm  

richwicks says

I call on @Onvacation for this information. He has compiled this information before from the CDC.

I have not downloaded the CDC's numbers for a while because I don't trust them.

I downloaded the latest death by cause from the CDC and took a quick look but nothing really pops out. Overall deaths are up and the gap between natural and other (accident, homicide, etc.) is definitely up. The number of deaths from heart problems is up 4,000 a month from last January (the heartbreak month) and 8,000 a month from pre-Wuhan levels.

We've been hearing that "A million have died from Covid" It's actually 897,000 and who knows what kind of comorbidities they must have had to die from a bad cold.

I don't trust the numbers that the CDC puts out and don't have time to analyze manipulated data right now. Maybe later.
1656   Onvacation   2022 May 27, 10:15pm  

The Wuhan was a dud. It was supposed to kill 2 million if we don't lockdown to "flatten the curve". Two years later and the bioweapon has only killed 897,000. Cancer and heart disease have killed four times as many.
1657   Patrick   2022 May 30, 10:23pm  


Marsha Gee used to be a happy, healthy 37-year-old ICU nurse working at UCSD without a care in the world. Her life was fantastic.

She was honored to be selected as one of the first people at UCSD to receive the COVID vaccine.

Big mistake. In less than an hour after her first Pfizer dose, her face was paralyzed.

That’s all it took to change her life forever: just one shot, Dec 16, 2020.

But that was just the beginning.

Today, Marsha is one of the most severely vaccine injured people on Earth. She has experienced 78 out of slightly over 100 symptoms that I had identified as commonly experienced by the vaccine injured.
1659   Patrick   2022 Jun 1, 10:08am  


Heartbreak as young Irish woman who 'went to gym and walked 10k steps every day' dies in sleep
The heartbroken mother of Catherine Keane who died suddenly aged just 31 has urged parents to get their children screened for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
1660   Patrick   2022 Jun 1, 6:29pm  


John Fetterman, the overweight 52-year-old man who suffered a stroke just days before winning the Democratic nomination for Senate in Pennsylvania, thinks politicians ought to punish poor people who don't make healthy choices.

The massive Democrat, whom some doctors believe is at risk of "sudden cardiac death" following his mysterious stroke, supports punitive soda taxes like the one enacted by the Philadelphia city council in 2016. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), the self-avowed socialist, denounced the tax as a "regressive" policy that would harm "low income and working people." Fetterman disagreed, explaining in an op-ed for Philadelphia magazine that the tax was not "regressive" if it increased the cost of soda so much that poor people could no longer afford it.

I think I approve of mandatory vaxxing of leftists.
1661   MAGA   2022 Jun 1, 6:34pm  


1662   HeadSet   2022 Jun 1, 6:43pm  

MAGA says

I remember VAX. Used to use a Commodore 64 as a remote terminal.
1663   Ceffer   2022 Jun 1, 7:38pm  

Vaxxed rooster:

1664   Patrick   2022 Jun 2, 9:12am  


Edward Dowd

Insurance Companies continue to see a rise of disability claims into 2022. The below chart is Labor dept stats. No it’s not “long Covid”. Notice the steep rate of change beginning in January of 2021. What happened then?🤔…the 💉happened then. This is not rocket science people. You think this might have something to do with labor shortages? The Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition recently cited disability for pilots & you can see that in the real world as flying has become a logistical nightmare. Now imagine this throughout the economy…part of the inflation we are seeing.

1665   Patrick   2022 Jun 2, 9:27am  


Marion Barber, a former running back for the Dallas Cowboys and Chicago Bears, was found dead in his apartment in Texas, according to multiple reports.

According to the the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, which broke the news, a cause of death was not immediately clear.
1666   Ceffer   2022 Jun 2, 9:39am  

Another from the 'Great Unattributed':
1668   GNL   2022 Jun 2, 11:38am  

I don't know anyone who is jab injured. I live in northern VA. I bet 90%+ of these fucks are jabbed and double jabbed.
1671   Patrick   2022 Jun 2, 6:00pm  


Lol, he was a big complainer about "misinformation". May he enjoy the results of his beloved vaxx.
1672   Patrick   2022 Jun 2, 6:02pm  


Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, photographed during the U.S. Senate candidates debate at Dickinson College on Apr. 25, suffered a stroke on Friday. ...

Fetterman is vaccinated and boosted

Gosh, another one.

I am really enjoying seeing these politicians drop after they murdered so many people with the dangerous and utterly ineffective vaxx.
1673   richwicks   2022 Jun 2, 6:06pm  

HeadSet says

MAGA says

I remember VAX. Used to use a Commodore 64 as a remote terminal.

I'd say good riddance. VAX/VMS claimed superior security, it just was a bitch to understand the damned thing, but once you did, there was no security.

You could increase their priority of your process by just running a script in the background that continually tried to do it (forget the numbers now) - what would happen is some privileged program or library would run in your account, and for that split second you had the highest possible priority, at that point, you could switch your main process priority to that and keep it.
1674   GNL   2022 Jun 2, 6:07pm  

How old is he?
1675   GNL   2022 Jun 2, 6:08pm  

WineHorror1 says
Gov. John Fetterman

NVM, he's 52.
1678   Patrick   2022 Jun 4, 9:27am  


A couple of days ago, West Coast legend Peter Matera became the latest current or former sportsman to suffer a heart attack since the introduction of vaccine mandates. Yesterday his brother and fellow footballer Phillip Matera broke the Code of Silence regarding adverse reactions to Covid vaccines:

Finally… after endless heart attacks amongst sporting elites in Australia… Phil Matera finally questions wether it has anything to do with the vaccines 🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/9AZymgGELj

— Pelham (@Resist_05) May 31, 2022

“There’s been quite a few of these bolts out of the blue, we had Campbell from the cricket and then Warnie and Marshie. We have all had the Covid jab, what does any of that play in all this, I’m starting to question how this all comes about.”
1680   Patrick   2022 Jun 5, 10:32am  


Towards the emergence of a new form of the neurodegenerative Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Twenty six cases of CJD declared a few days after a COVID-19 “vaccine” Jab

Jean Claude Perez, PhD Maths§Computer Science Bordeaux University ; Retired (IBM European Research center on Artificial Intelligence Montpellier France) ; Bordeaux metropole France; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6446-2042 France jeanclaudeperez2@gmail.com Claire Moret-Chalmin, MD. Neurologist, 13 rue Roger Martin du Gard 60600 Clermont France clmoret@gmail.com Luc Montagnier RIP MD. Virologist, Fondation Luc Montagnier Quai Gustave-Ador 62 1207 Genève, Switzerland KEYWORDS Creutzfeldt-Jakob desease (CJD), Prion protein, SARS-CoV2 Variants, Spike, COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, survival, Neuropsychiatric disease, Evolution.

ABSTRACT We highlight the presence of a Prion region in the different Spike proteins of the original SARS-CoV2 virus as well as of all its successive variants but also of all the “vaccines” built on this same sequence of the Spike SARS-CoV2 from Wuhan. Paradoxically, with a density of mutations 8 times greater than that of the rest of the spike, the possible harmfulness of this Prion region disappears completely in the Omicron variant. We analyze and explain the causes of this disappearance of the Prion region of the Spike of Omicron. At the same time, we are analyzing the concomitance of cases, which occurred in various European countries, between the first doses of Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccine and the sudden and rapid onset of the first symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which usually requires several years before observing its first symptoms. We are studying 26 Creutzfeld Jakob Diseases, in 2021, from an anamnestic point of view, centered on the chronological aspect of the evolution of this new prion disease, without being able to have an explanation of the etiopathogenic aspect of this new entity. We subsequently recall the usual history of this dreadfull subacute disease, and compare it with this new, extremely acute, prion disease, following closely vaccinations. In a few weeks, more 50 cases of almost spontaneous emergence of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease have appeared in France and Europe very soon after the injection of the first or second dose of Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneka vaccines. To summarize, of the 26 cases analyzed, the first symptoms of CJD appeared on average 11.38 days after the injection of the COVID-19 "vaccine". Of these 26 cases, 20 had died at the time of writing this article while 6 were still alive. The 20 deaths occurred only 4.76 months after the injection. Among them, 8 of them lead to a sudden death (2.5 months). All this confirms the radically different nature of this new form of CJD, whereas the classic form requires several decades.

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