Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   770,493 views  7,632 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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211   Patrick   2021 Aug 25, 11:17pm  


I’ve battled over whether to send this post from hospital or not.

But decided after 27 years of being a journalist who’s primary goal is to discover the truth – it would be hypocritical not to.

disclaimer first – I’m NOT anti vax. But I’m really not pro vax either. I’m pro choice – and pro information to make that choice.

above all I’m PRO opening the bloody country up and to do that I don’t see any way around getting the majority of Australia vaccinated.

So I got the Pfizer shot.

The first week was like any vaccine. Feeling off.

But nearing the end of the second week my heart started to race, I was getting pins and needles in the arms, extreme fatigue and a very strange sensation of dizziness. I took nurofen, and I kept working

By the end of the third week i was getting steadily worse – sharp chest pain – cold shivers and chills – and the dizziness was intense.

25 days after the shot and probably a little late to hospital – but here I am – diagnosed with pericarditis – or inflammation of the heart due to the Pfizer vaccine.
Since being here I’ve contacted health professionals I know in Sydney and while It’s rare – it’s certainly not isolated. One hospital has had well over a dozen cases like me.

This is not a post for sympathy – the hospital and staff at the Gold Coast uni hospital have been beyond great and although it’s all new territory I’m told I’ll make a full recovery although I could be like this for months.

Thankfully I have the worlds smallest nurse keeping an eye on my ever present ECG.

But my present thought would be – in the current vaccine frenzy, no one is talking about this but it’s clearly happening – and if you want the vaccine and have any heart history it would be worth talking to your GP about your vaccine choice, especially as AZ is readily available and does not have this side effect.

If you don’t want the vaccine – i don’t have a problem with that either – but life and travel will get difficult for you.

The only thing for me that’s dead certain – if they don’t open Australia up when we reach their milestone of 70% – then there will be a lot more people marching in the street. You want the trust ? Keep your damn promise
214   Ceffer   2021 Aug 26, 4:12am  

Of course, it was 'extremely rare' as the MSM is coached to say in every vaccine disaster.

215   GNL   2021 Aug 26, 5:09am  

Ceffer says
Of course, it was 'extremely rare' as the MSM is coached to say in every vaccine disaster.

He doesn't look very sick.
216   Onvacation   2021 Aug 26, 6:20am  

journalist says
The only thing for me that’s dead certain – if they don’t open Australia up when we reach their milestone of 70%

This next "flu" season will tell us a lot.

I suspect last years January Spike in "Covid" deaths was actually caused by the vax. Who knows?
I don't trust the CDC anymore.
217   Onvacation   2021 Aug 26, 6:23am  

WineHorror1 says

He doesn't look very sick.

Only because he was extremely well.

Give him some time.
218   WookieMan   2021 Aug 26, 6:54am  

Onvacation says
WineHorror1 says

He doesn't look very sick.

Only because he was extremely well.

Give him some time.

That Bob (trainer) guy from the Biggest Loser weight loss TV show didn't look sick either. Worked out daily and was fit. Had a pretty severe heart attack. Heart issues creep up quickly and silently.

It's also probably why they cannot blame the vaccine. Healthy people have heart attacks more frequently than you'd think. Fortunately or unfortunately I won't have to take this vaccine. I'll be able to get a letter for my high BP. I'll still probably have to get tested, but I'll never have to take this. And won't until the massive human trials are done.
219   zzyzzx   2021 Aug 26, 7:21am  

WookieMan says
That Bob (trainer) guy from the Biggest Loser weight loss TV show didn't look sick either. Worked out daily and was fit. Had a pretty severe heart attack. Heart issues creep up quickly and silently.

Did he have another heart attack from the vaxx??
220   Onvacation   2021 Aug 27, 7:08pm  

Yet another victim...
221   Karloff   2021 Aug 27, 10:33pm  

Again with this assumption that everyone who is unvaccinated is seething with disease.

Guilty until proven innocent with this crowd.
222   Patrick   2021 Aug 27, 10:41pm  

The evidence is piling up that it's quite the opposite. It's the vaxxed who are seething with the disease, though they may look healthy for the moment.

Keep an eye on Israel to know how this will play out, assuming the stats from Israel are correct.
223   Patrick   2021 Aug 28, 10:42am  


Robert W Malone, MD
This is a fascinating read just for picking out the damage control messaging and logic.

228   Onvacation   2021 Aug 29, 10:16am  

229   Onvacation   2021 Aug 29, 11:31am  


Maybe it was just hot?
230   Onvacation   2021 Aug 29, 11:31am  

Or CPR practice?
231   Onvacation   2021 Aug 29, 11:33am  

Crisis actors?

Just because young healthy soldiers have heart attacks after taking the vax doesn't mean it was the vax. Correlation does not equal causation.
232   Patrick   2021 Aug 29, 10:52pm  

WELLINGTON (Reuters) -New Zealand on Monday reported what authorities said was the country’s first recorded death linked to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

The information was released by the health ministry following a review by an independent COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring board of the death of a woman after receiving the vaccine. The ministry’s statement did not give the woman’s age.
The board considered that the woman’s death was due to myocarditis, which is known to be a rare side effect of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, the statement said. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle that can limit the organ’s ability to pump blood and can cause changes in heartbeat rhythms.

233   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 30, 5:10am  

New Zealand was worshiped by CATO as ground zero of Libertarian Awesomeness and Deregulation in the 2000s.

The moment they were tested, starting with Kim Dotcom, the facade fell apart.

Now NZ is one of the most oppressive Technocratic Oligarchies on the planet.
236   Ceffer   2021 Aug 30, 10:47am  

MSM declares millions of contaminated Moderna vaccines in Japan 'extremely rare'.
237   GNL   2021 Aug 30, 11:50am  

millions of contaminated Moderna vaccines = rare? Even Orwell couldn't have forecasted that one.
238   Patrick   2021 Aug 30, 11:38pm  


EuSou 
Aug 29
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
This is the disease that doctors are saying that my friend had after getting sick and past away ( 2 pzifer shot ) reality or casualty?

239   Onvacation   2021 Aug 31, 10:50am  

Just informed that one of my colleagues from one of my contracts got pulled off the vent last night. He did not make it. Covid strikes again. He was obese and old. We were not close but it's still sad.

He was fully vaccinated.
240   PeopleUnited   2021 Aug 31, 11:53am  

WookieMan says
Onvacation says
WineHorror1 says

He doesn't look very sick.

Only because he was extremely well.

Give him some time.

That Bob (trainer) guy from the Biggest Loser weight loss TV show didn't look sick either. Worked out daily and was fit. Had a pretty severe heart attack. Heart issues creep up quickly and silently.

It's also probably why they cannot blame the vaccine. Healthy people have heart attacks more frequently than you'd think. Fortunately or unfortunately I won't have to take this vaccine. I'll be able to get a letter for my high BP. I'll still probably have to get tested, but I'll never have to take this. And won't until the massive human trials are done.

@wookieman if your doctor writes you an exemption letter please let me know, I would like to visit him/her. I have spoken with several doctors and they have told me they are not writing exemptions unless their patient has a history of allergic reaction to vaccine or any component of the vaccine, or is currently on chemotherapy. Those are the only exemptions being considered. If you find differently please let us know. Apparently doctors who write for any other exemptions are having their license to practice revoked.
241   mell   2021 Aug 31, 12:07pm  

PeopleUnited says
WookieMan says
Onvacation says
WineHorror1 says

He doesn't look very sick.

Only because he was extremely well.

Give him some time.

That Bob (trainer) guy from the Biggest Loser weight loss TV show didn't look sick either. Worked out daily and was fit. Had a pretty severe heart attack. Heart issues creep up quickly and silently.

It's also probably why they cannot blame the vaccine. Healthy people have heart attacks more frequently than you'd think. Fortunately or unfortunately I won't have to take this vaccine. I'll be able to get a letter for my high BP. I'll still probably have to get tested, but I'll never have to take this. And won't until the massive human trials are done.

@wookieman if you...

Just don't take it or does your job depend on it? I had some MDs (Kaiser) trying to coerce us into it to the point that they said it would make vital care for our newborn more "inconvenient". I'd like to say the nurses and stuff usually do a great job and even the MDs know what they're doing as long as they don't talk about !coivd!. But we''ll switch him over onto my insurance (PPO) and I have started MD hunting and the first thing I tell them is if they try pushing this shite onto us it's not going to work out. I think they need to hear the resistance rather than getting exemptions but I get it, one may not get around that. Good luck!
242   PeopleUnited   2021 Aug 31, 12:33pm  


Everyone in my line of work is under a mandate. There are only three options we were given:
1. Request religious accommodation. (Presumably a tribunal of people who do not necessarily share your faith will determine the validity of your request, which does not sound reassuring)
2. Request medical accommodation (see above for the gestapo approved medical exemptions)
3. Face termination by the deadline if proof of vaxx or accommodation is not granted by then.

By the way, they are coming for me first because they don’t want people like me who know better questioning their narrative. But if they succeed in taking us out, they are coming for you next.

Revelation “ the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark”
243   mell   2021 Aug 31, 12:46pm  

PeopleUnited says

Everyone in my line of work is under a mandate. There are only three options we were given:
1. Request religious accommodation. (Presumably a tribunal of people who do not necessarily share your faith will determine the validity of your request, which does not sound reassuring)
2. Request medical accommodation (see above for the gestapo approved medical exemptions)
3. Face termination by the deadline if proof of vaxx or accommodation is not granted by then.

@PeopleUnited No weekly testing option? That could buy you some time and the tests are very easy today and only go in the lower nasal section for people who are worried about the EO used to sterilize the swabs. If no testing option I heard you can go to a priest of your faith and they could make a strong case, but if it's a tribunal that sucks. The medical route will be difficult since the everyone will flock to any MDs who are sympathetic to it and they may lose their license. So I would say no matter what route you try, you should in the meantime buy as much time as possible and look for another job in parallel, no matter if it works out or not. If you're not customer facing apply for remote opportunities with employers out of state, and consider moving to another state. If you own a place it may not be a bad time to sell and the profits may buy you decades of cheap rent in say Arizona or Montana. Good luck!
244   mell   2021 Aug 31, 12:48pm  

PeopleUnited says
By the way, they are coming for me first because they don’t want people like me who know better questioning their narrative. But if they succeed in taking us out, they are coming for you next.

While relatively safe here as employer is not in CA (no offices), it may become an issue for my wife once she goes back though her employer is totally against a mandate, should they ram it trough as a statewide mandate. We're willing to move, out of state, out of country if necessary. Hang in there, resistance is growing.
245   Eric Holder   2021 Aug 31, 1:00pm  

mell says
No weekly testing option? That could buy you some time and the tests are very easy today and only go in the lower nasal section for people who are worried about the EO used to sterilize the swabs.

No need to sterilize forged PDF files, bwahahahahaha.
246   Patrick   2021 Aug 31, 1:16pm  

Onvacation says
Just informed that one of my colleagues from one of my contracts got pulled off the vent last night. He did not make it. Covid strikes again. He was obese and old. We were not close but it's still sad.

He was fully vaccinated.

The vaxx itself may have killed him, or the ventilator.
247   Karloff   2021 Aug 31, 1:18pm  

The religious exemption is ridiculous and should never be required.

I don't want to because of my beliefs on safety, benefit, risk vs reward, and trustworthiness of the drug's creators and pushers.


I don't want to because my beliefs are based on a book that says I shouldn't.

Why is the religious reasoning granted any more standing than my own reasoning for not taking some drug/procedure?
248   Patrick   2021 Aug 31, 1:21pm  

I agree, but when it comes down to whether or not you will lose your job because of failure to submit to Pfizer and Moderna, all is fair.
249   mell   2021 Aug 31, 1:23pm  

Karloff says
The religious exemption is ridiculous and should never be required.

I don't want to because of my beliefs on safety, benefit, risk vs reward, and trustworthiness of the drug's creators and pushers.


I don't want to because my beliefs are based on a book that says I shouldn't.

Why is the religious reasoning granted any more standing than my own reasoning for not taking some drug/procedure?

Only because the West has been bending over backwards to accommodate all kinds of religions hostile to the Judeo-Christian "home" culture. So it's harder to grant one faith-based exemption without granting another. Of course normally that shouldn't be necessary in the first place but it's the "new normal" now.
250   PeopleUnited   2021 Aug 31, 1:28pm  

Karloff says
The religious exemption is ridiculous and should never be required.

I don't want to because of my beliefs on safety, benefit, risk vs reward, and trustworthiness of the drug's creators and pushers.


I don't want to because my beliefs are based on a book that says I shouldn't.

Why is the religious reasoning granted any more standing than my own reasoning for not taking some drug/procedure?

Agree with your sentiments, and yet religious liberty is clearly a foundational right in this country.

But regardless of that, these mandates are the real threat, and unless we unite against the enemies who are promoting them we will all suffer the same fate.

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