Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   868,236 views  8,015 comments

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Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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5362   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 12:33pm  

GNL says

richwicks says

Kind of pisses me off that somebody's kid has to die before people start to question their filthy fucking government.

Never trust your government.

I just finished watching "The Stanford Experiment". I wish everyone I knew would watch it.


@GNL - This is FAR off subject, but one documentary I would recommend is The Thin Blue Line (1988) by Errol Morris. A lot of people say it's tedious, but it's a favorite of mine.


Spoilers ahead:

Errol Morris was looking to do a documentary on a psychologist known as "Dr. Death" who was brought in as an expert on criminal cases who always suggested the death penalty for anybody that was on trial. Morris found one of his victims and decided to reconstruct all the evidence against Randal Dale Adams (the convicted) and discovers who the real murderer is in the process. The film got Adams' case over-turned. You may reconsider your position on the death penalty, and you almost certainly may reconsider your position on how good our judicial system has ever been.
5363   GNL   2023 Jun 12, 12:50pm  

richwicks says

This is FAR off subject, but one documentary I would recommend is The Thin Blue Line (1988) by Errol Morris. A lot of people say it's tedious, but it's a favorite of mine.

I'll look for it. Sounds interesting. The reason I mention the Stanford experiment was the takeaway I got from it....The one particular guard, at the end, said he was purposely being sadistic because he was shocked how much the prisoners put up with EVEN when the prisoners knew it wasn't real. This is how I view our overlords and why we ALWAYS have to push back.
5364   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 12:57pm  

GNL says

The one particular guard, at the end, said he was purposely being sadistic because he was shocked how much the prisoners put up with EVEN when the prisoners knew it wasn't real.

People are fucked up. I'm rather disgusted with most people. Our society is run by a bunch of sadistic sociopaths, and what pisses me off, is people don't recognize it.
5365   Karloff   2023 Jun 12, 1:15pm  

richwicks says

I think Hank Aaron was killed by his vaccine, however, it's ambiguous. I can find anything showing he had a long running health condition but he was 86.

Boxing legend Marvin Hagler was another one who died not too long after the shot. This quote from the wikipedia article is almost laughable:

On March 13, 2021, Hagler's wife, Kay, announced that he had died of natural causes at his home in New Hampshire at the age of 66. His son James said his father was taken to a New Hampshire hospital after experiencing chest pains and difficulty breathing.

"Natural causes"
5367   Patrick   2023 Jun 12, 2:16pm  


Episode 10 of Health Freedom for Humanity’s newest podcast series, Voices of The Victims.
This episode features Laura Kaczmarski, a recent widow who shares the story of her late husband who received one of the CVD shots.
Nov 24, 2021

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: As of May 2023 the webpage of Health Freedom for Humanity is down, however, I managed to view the video of this podcast via archive.org's Way Back Machine. The hosts are Alec Zeck and Dr. Devin Vrana. For more about Alec Zeck, a West Point graduate and medical freedom activist, see his interview by Dr. Stanton Hom, episode 076: https://thefuturegen.com/podcast/episode-076-alec-zeck-be-free/
and for more about Dr. Vrana see https://www.devinvrana.com/


ALEC ZECK: Welcome back to Health Freedom for Humanity's newest podcast series, Voices of the Victims. In this episode we interviewed Laura Kaczmarski, whose husband died after receiving the Moderna shot.

These episodes are obviously unbelievably difficult to listen to, to record and probably even more difficult for the person who's having to express what they've experienced after their loved one died or they themselves were injured after receiving these products. But they are so important for people to hear.

The fact that the train is continuing on in continuing to push forward with mandates, and these real stories exist, is just disgusting. It's, it really is a crime against humanity that, at the least, given the context of of all the things surrounding these products, the full spectrum of easily verifiable, verifiably true information, the fact that this is being mandated and it's not at the least just a choice on whether someone wants to receive it or not, is unbelievable. It's unbelievable.

We so appreciate your willingness to continue to listen to these and watch these and share. If you find that these episodes are are helpful, or you think that they're helpful for people to hear or watch, please send them to a loved one, to a family member, so that they at least understand you know the position that we're coming from. We're really just advocating for choice here. That's the purpose of this organization is, we're uniting people from all walks of life for the right to choose what is best for our own health. And these these stories make that, make that reality all the more true and and make this fight more important. So with out further ado, here is the episode with Laura.


ALEC ZECK: Laura, I always start these episodes by commending the person that we're interviewing for their bravery because, I mean, death is a tough subject to talk about in and of itself, especially the death of a loved one, but especially with the the controversy surrounding discussing something like this. Obviously, conversations about vaccines, vaccine injury and vaccine-related death are sort of just stuffed down in the mainstream. And so, having to face the reality of a loved one dying but also having to face the reality of a loved one dying potentially caused by this product, and then having the having the bravery to speak about it, speaks volumes of your character. So I so commend you and appreciate you for your for your willingness to speak on this.


ALEC ZECK: So I want to start with, prior to, prior to him receiving the first dose, where you both were at in your life, where was his health level, and what were your perceptions of everything going on in the world?

LAURA KACZMARSKI: We're both retired, my husband and I were both retired, and we would just spend our days together. Last October we rescued a dog and we would walk the dog and just, we would just, we just would sit together and spend time together. I would do a lot of research and stuff on the computer, I spent like a lot of time on the computer, and my husband would watch a lot of TV. And then he always wanted me to sit with him and then you know we would hold hands, you know, he, I'd be sitting in the chair and he'd be sitting on the couch, and there was an end table between us, and we would always hold hands and just talk and have conversations about current events.

And I would go on and on about the vaccine, and how he shouldn't get it because I wasn't going to get it, and you know, to him I'm like, I was a conspiracy person. And he, he believed what the government was telling him. He believed, like, well, not the government but Fauci, what Fauci was saying, what the news channels were saying, that you have to get the vaccine, and the more people that get the vaccine, the better you're going to be, and — [sighs]

We were just in a really good place, just enjoying the retirement, enjoying being together, enjoying the new dog, just, just enjoying life. He was, he was, he was a, he was sharp, he was, he was just wonderful. And then he decided he would go along and get the vaccine. And he waited for the Moderna vaccine, based on his niece who works for a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic, based on her recommendation. So he waited. And that vaccine became available in March. He got the first injection on March 26th. And immediately, he started sleeping more, immediately.

And then on April 23rd he got the second injection. But his cognitive abilities immediately changed. Within the first 30 days he was, he was sleeping constantly, I mean, it was like up to 18 hours. And I'm like, Jeez! And then after the second shot, he started sleeping up to 22 hours. And his cognitive abilities were just plummeting. It's like, he couldn't remember anything that he wanted to say, and he kept asking me, what the words were that he wanted to say. So, because he couldn't even have a conversation, he couldn't complete a sentence without forgetting what he needed to say, what he wanted to say. And I would get frustrated because, I, it's like, I just didn't understand what was going on. And then he just started sleeping more. And all he would do is sleep.

And he had a problem with his one knee and he thought that he needed a knee replacement surgery. It's like he blew every little ache, every little pain out of proportion, something that he hadn't done in the past. So we got him an appointment with an orthopedist. He went to the orthopedist, and the orthopedist said there's nothing— [Alec Zeck's live image disappears from screen] Are you there?

ALEC ZECK: Yeah. Sorry, keep going.


ALEC ZECK: I'm sorry, I don't know why.

LAURA KACZMARSKI: OK, there you are. And so the orthopedist says that it looked more like a neurological problem. And that was in June. So we immediately made an appointment to see his primary care physician.

When his primary care physician saw him, he was literally in a state of shock. Because my husband was, he weighed like 200 pounds in April. And by the time we took him to see his primary care physician, had lost over 40 pounds. So he went from a size 40 and now he was like a size 36. His clothes were falling off him. His face, it's like, it's like he had no life in his face. He wasn't joking. He was always the jokester. He wasn't joking anymore.

So the doctor immediately started scheduling blood work and head scans and brain scans, and and referred him to a neurologist to to rule out Parkinson's. Because he had a tremor in his hand which was, well, both hands, I mean he used to have a tremor, just a slight tremor that wasn't even noticeable, but after his second injection both of his hands had severe tremors. And he could barely walk. I had to out him in a wheelchair once we got to the doctor's office to wheel him up to see the doctor because he could barely walk. He couldn't walk more than like 15 feet without having to sit down and and take a rest.

So he went for the head scans and the brain scans and the blood work, and all of that came back normal. Everything came back normal for a person his age. There was no abnormalities in the brain, nothing.

And then we saw the neurologist. The neurologist scheduled what was called a DAT scan where they inject nuclear medicine into you and that's a, you know, a good way to tell if a person has Parkinson's or if there's any other kind of brain issues going on. And absolutely everything came back normal.


LAURA KACZMARSKI: And the neurologist said, I'll just give you a pill for the memory. Because I had documented everything, because I kept notes on everything with the documentation of things that he couldn't remember, I mean, he, just everything. And so the doctor said, Oh, that's a good gauge to keep and let's see if the memory pills work.

We never got the prescription because we knew it wasn't, we knew it wasn't the memory pills you know. A person doesn't go from having fluid conversations, being well aware of everything that's going on around them, and within a couple of months they can't remember anything, they can't walk, they can't think, they can't have a normal conversation, and then all they do is sleep. Because it's like, by the time he had the second shot in April, after he had that, within 10 days, he wasn't able to drive anymore. I I'm just, like, I took his keys away. I says, anyplace you need to go, anything you need, I will take you. So I started taking him if he had a doctor's appointment or whatever.

But then after that, he couldn't even— We live in a ranch house and to get to the garage where the cars are, you, there's two steps down to the door, then another step into the garage to get to the car. He couldn't even step down those. I mean, and from the kitchen to the family room it's a one step, like a 9 inch in height step to step into the family room, he couldn't do that unless he was holding onto me to help him step down that one step.

You know, and then all he did was he would sit and he would just watch the TV. He would put on CNN, and I was like, you can't watch that poison, you can't watch the poison, it's poison TV, so then he would put Fox News on, and I'm like, that's just as bad. You know, you can't watch TV, you just can't watch it, you can watch anything else. So then he would watch mind-numbing TV shows that he had watched, you know, repeats after repeats. And it was all new to him because he just, he didn't remember that he saw it yesterday—


LAURA KACZMARSKI:— with all the different cable stuff, he just he just didn't remember. I I, it was to the point where I had to do everything for him. I mean, it was, it's like, he couldn't carry a cup of coffee because the tremors were so bad in his hands, so I would have to make his coffee a half a cup, because otherwise it would slosh out of his hand while he tried to drink it. His appetite, he he lost his appetite, he would eat just a little bit here and a little bit there. But he, it got to the point where he just slept. All he did was sleep. You know and he— [starts to cry]. It's, it's, he was sorry that he got the vaccine because it's like, in the end he knew, I mean, at one point at the end of April, beginning of May, he talked to his niece and he told his niece, Oh, I I got the Moderna shot, but I waited until it was available based on your recommendation. And he always talked on speaker phone because of the feedback he would get from his hearing aids, so I heard every conversation he ever had on any telephone. And just, Oh, Uncle Danny, I never recommended that, I got the Pfizer shot. And he was, he was surprised that she denied making the recommendation, as was I. So we just let that go.

And ah, we lived our life, you know, I mean, it's like, he just slept. All he did was sleep. And as the time progressed, he got worse. You know? His memory got worse, the tremors got worse, he slept more. He would get up, if he'd sleep 18 hours he'd get up, he'd go in the family room nap sit on the coach and he'd nap, you know, for four hours, then get up and go to bed. It's like... [starts to cry]


LAURA KACZMARSKI: It's like, I just lost him. I lost my best friend! He was supposed to be around at least another 20 years. You know? Because we had planned our life together like that. And when I told the doctor, I told the neurologist, I says, he, his symptoms started immediately after the covid vaccine, and he didn't even acknowledge that I said that.


LAURA KACZMARSKI: Didn't acknowledge it. His primary care physician didn't acknowledge it when we were in the office.

And then, at the beginning of August, I knew he wasn't going to be around much more, so he had a defibrillator and I called his cardiologist, and I said, I need to know, when he passes, that the defibrillator's not going to keep going on shocking him. And they no, you don't have to worry, they can turn it off. But they won't turn it off unless I get a doctor's orders. Well, the doctors didn't believe that he was dying.

And so I sent his primary care physician a letter, I had faxed it, and I said, this is his, my husband's status, this is Danny's status, and I listed two pages of everything that was wrong with him. And I says, I said, he's dying. The covid [vaccine] did this to him, I need to know what to do when he dies.

So the doctor immediately called me and he again he didn't acknowledge that I'd said it was the covid shot, and he asked me to bring Danny in, and I said, I can't bring him in, he can't, he can't move. This was in August, probably by mid-August. And so he told me what I would need to do when he died. And I says that I'm taking care of him until he dies. And then, and then every week the doctor would call.

And it's like, by the third week when he called, that was like the end of August, he says, now what did you say caused this? And I said, all of the symptoms started immediately after the vaccine. And all he would say is, Laura, I'm sorry I can't comment on that. I just, I'm not allowed to comment on it.

So I said, OK. And I just started taking care of him, and then at the very end when I couldn't take care of him, it was getting too hard because he kept falling, he wasn't eating, they, I called the doctor and that same day they sent hospice out to help. And so hospice came. And then he died. He just, you know, he took a deep breath, exhaled, took a second deep breath and never exhaled. And then he was gone. So that happened on September 20th.

5368   Patrick   2023 Jun 12, 2:20pm  


ESPN Director, 42, Dies Suddenly at NCAA Baseball Tournament

June 12, 2023

An ESPN director has died suddenly after suffering a “medical emergency” at the NCAA Baseball Super Regional tournament.

42-year-old Kyle Brown died on Saturday while working at the tournament in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, ESPN announced Sunday.
5369   Patrick   2023 Jun 12, 3:08pm  


The vaccines unequivocally cause blood clots through the mechanism of producing the Wuhan spike protein. The spike protein, which is now in the bodies of everyone who’ve taken these vaccines, promotes blood clots — large blood clots.

A paper from the FDA by Wu and colleagues from the US FDA, published in the peer-reviewed literature, described thousands of blood clots that they had in a sample going from the ankle to the hip. The largest blood clots we’ve ever seen, shooting to the lungs. 11% of cases in the Wu paper were fatal. My experience with these blood clots are they’re enormously resistant to blood thinners. We’re using all different types of blood thinners, adding additional drugs, and they are not going away like characteristic blood clots.

Studies show the Wuhan spike protein is inside the blood clots, and it’s folding, forming what’s called amyloid structures. Amyloid structures are like rubber in the human body. They look like rubber, and the blood clots are large and rubberized, and they are not being dissolved. A very disturbing paper recently published by Lee and colleagues, with a sample of millions and millions of patients from 2021.

They had unvaccinated and vaccinated. They did careful retinal scans. This is astonishing. They found astronomical rates of blood clots in the retinal arteries and retinal veins in those vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. And that was only with two shots back in 2021.

Two years later, these still exist; they’re still there. The risk is there. So, what I’m telling you is these vaccines have a very long effect in the human body. And when we see blood clots in the arteries, small arteries, and veins of the eyes, they’re reflecting what’s going on in the body. The blood clots are coming from elsewhere.

And so, they certainly can be a cause of blindness, but is a general reflection of blood clotting occurring through the body — throughout. This is a very large study and the longest study showing that there is a tail, at least a two-year tail of risk and concern of anyone who’s taken one of these vaccines back in 2021.
5371   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 3:33pm  


I don’t think this is normal. These experimental Covid vaccines are deadly. 💉☠️

5372   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 3:35pm  


Festival performer dies 'suddenly' after arriving at site
The man was treated by the festival's medical team as well as the Scottish Ambulance Service and Police Scotland.

A performer at a music festival died on Sunday after arriving at the site in Dumfries and Galloway.

Police Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service were called to the Eden Festival in St Ann’s, Moffat at around 1.45pm on June 11 after being made aware of a concern for a person.

Emergency services attended and assisted the festival’s on site medical team but the 49-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene.

There were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death and police confirmed that a report would be sent to the Procurator Fiscal.
5373   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 3:36pm  


Godfather of Harlem writer and co-creator Paul Eckstein has died aged 59.

Eckstein “unexpectedly passed peacefully in his sleep” on Tuesday in Jamaica, where he recently led a screenwriting workshop, according to a statement on his social media accounts. ...

“We are deeply shocked and saddened by the sudden passing of our brilliant colleague, Paul Eckstein, the co-creator and executive producer of ‘Godfather of Harlem’ and a beloved member of the MGM+ and ABC Signature families,” the companies said in its statement.
5374   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 3:36pm  


A Dunedin principal from Logan Park High School has died suddenly.

The school shared the news of co-principal Kristan Mouat’s unexpected death with the local community after her family informed the school.

The board of trustees at Logan Park High School said they are deeply saddened by the unexpected loss and shared their condolences in a post on Facebook.

“We remember her as a warm, vibrant, nurturing, invaluable educator, and an inclusive leader.”
5375   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 3:37pm  


Man dies suddenly next to The Galleries shopping centre in Bristol
Story by Alex Ross • Yesterday 04:04

The death is not being treated as suspicious

A man died suddenly near the car park entrance to The Galleries shopping centre in Bristol yesterday morning (June 12).

Police closed off Newgate, which runs from Broad Weir to Wine Street between the shopping centre and Castle Park, following a call-out just before 10am. An ambulance vehicle was also seen at the scene.

Today, Avon and Somerset Police said a man had died suddenly at the scene, and that his death was being investigated - although it wasn’t being treated as suspicious.

A spokesperson said: “We are currently carrying out enquiries on behalf of the coroner following the sudden death of a man in Newgate, Bristol, at around 9.50am yesterday (Sunday 11 June). The death is not being treated as suspicious.”

It came before a woman’s body was found in the river near Bedminster Bridge this morning at 5.30am. Fire crews, ambulance staff and police were called to the incident. Enquiries are currently on going to establish the woman’s identity.
5376   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 3:38pm  


Byron Shire grieving after Uncle Toms Pies legend Dave “Motty” Mott of Mullumbimby dies Suddenly in his sleep
5377   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 3:39pm  

Karloff says

richwicks says

I think Hank Aaron was killed by his vaccine, however, it's ambiguous. I can find anything showing he had a long running health condition but he was 86.

Boxing legend Marvin Hagler was another one who died not too long after the shot. This quote from the wikipedia article is almost laughable:

On March 13, 2021, Hagler's wife, Kay, announced that he had died of natural causes at his home in New Hampshire at the age of 66. His son James said his father was taken to a New Hampshire hospital after experiencing chest pains and difficulty breathing.

"Natural causes"

It's a terrible thing isn't it?

We watch all this death, and it's all because people just blindly trust. We're the madmen on a soapbox screaming madly at people.

I can see how people just lose their mind. I'm dropping my filter slowly and I know the consequences of doing this. It's a moral obligation.
5379   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 5:01pm  


Right, how many 29 year olds die from falling down stairs? None.

But quite a few 29 year olds have died from the toxxine. Then they would fall down stairs.
5381   Patrick   2023 Jun 14, 1:39pm  


As it turns out, I recently came into casual contact with an editor at one of these top American newspapers (who I will give the pseudonym “Ben” for privacy) who continually suppressed all my vaccine-myocarditis reporting because of their pro-vaccine position. For context, when I pitched one of their other editors, he responded with the following:

Rav, sorry but we’re not going to run any anti-vaccine pieces.

I think the risk is totally overblown and amplified by right-wing pundits who have no concern for public health. These are the safest vaccines we’ve ever had and virtually everyone seeks to benefit.

Off-record, I started chatting with Ben about how he diverged with his colleagues’ authoritarian pro-mandate positions:

My views differed a lot from the other editors there. They were all pro-vaccine passports. I remember being stunned when my colleagues said that these were the "safest and most effective vaccines we’ve ever seen.”

After some extended communication, he revealed to me how he had a terrifying experience after the second Pfizer vaccine shot:

About 7 hours after my 2nd shot I was in bed and started shaking. My heart began to pound. Then the shaking for worse and my heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to explode.

Every beat hurt. I continued shaking and heart pounding like that for hours. Hot and cold sweats.

None of this will come as a surprise to anyone who has tracked and reported on the vaccine-induced myocarditis issue. Ben predictably happens to be a young man — 32 years of age — in great shape who exercises regularly. Anyone who sees photos of him can tell he rarely skips gym day.

He further explained,

I would have gone to the hospital but I was honestly also delirious and wasn't in my right mind. It was extremely scary. Woke up and my heart was still noticeably racing, but not super bad. My entire body was sore and I could barely walk.

This lead to him to the following rational conclusion:

I decided that would be my last COVID shot.

5382   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 14, 3:08pm  

Yesterday, I ran into a casual acquaintance of mine at the post office. During our little talk, he told me that he has "no energy, has trouble breathing and gets dizzy quite frequently." He blamed all of this on having COVID Pneumonia. That was two years ago. He also told me that he had been vaccinated twice prior to coming down with COVID.

I came away from our short discussion thinking this: getting vaccinated didn't prevent him from getting invected, and, maybe, just maybe, this guy's problems are due to the 'vaccine' and not COVID?
5383   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 15, 7:55am  

Former Georgia football player dies suddenly at 34

One-time Bulldogs linebacker Akeem Hebron passed away UNEXPECTEDLY

The Georgia football family is mourning the loss of former Bulldogs linebacker Akeem Hebron, who died unexpectedly over the weekend, as several of his friends and the football program all confirmed.

"Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the loss of a beloved member of the Bulldog family, Akeem Hebron," Georgia football said in a statement.

"His dedication to Georgia Football will always be remembered. We send out deepest condolences to his family and loved ones during this difficult time."
5387   Patrick   2023 Jun 15, 10:49am  


You might not have heard it in the news, but in recent months, Pfizer’s pharmacovigilance documents requested by the European Union’s drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, have been released. They show that Pfizer knew about a sickening level of injury early on. An August 2022 document shows that the company already had observed the following scope of vaccine injury:

508,351 individual case reports of adverse events containing 1,597,673 events;
One-third of the AEs were classified as serious, well above the standard for safety signals usually pegged at 15%;
Women reported AEs at three times the rate of men;
60% of cases were reported with either “outcome unknown” or “not recovered,” so many of the injuries were not transient;
Highest number of cases occurred in the 31-50 year age group, and 92% did not have any comorbidities, which makes it very likely it was the vaccine causing such widespread, sudden injury.

These numbers alone suggest that all COVID shots should be defunded and Congress must immediately remove liability protections from the manufacturers. But a more recent document released by the Europeans is even more devastating, because it breaks down the 1.6 million adverse events observed by Pfizer by category and subcategory of ailment and injury.
5388   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 15, 11:35am  

Patrick says
" https://twitter.com/USMortality/status/1669223539105488897

Question: What happened in January 2021?
Answer: The toxin vaccines were forced on We The People.
5390   GNL   2023 Jun 15, 2:27pm  

The_Deplorable says

Meteorologist Collapses On Live TV

Terrifying clip of LA meteorologist collapsing on live TV goes viral
https://www.foxnews.com/media/terrifying-clip-la-meteorologist-collapsing-live-tv-goes-viral (Deleted).

This is oooooooooooold. In fact, I haven't seen any new videos of people collapsing in a long time.
5391   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 15, 2:44pm  

I wrote"Meteorologist Collapses On Live TV"

GNL says
"This is oooooooooooold."

Nonsense. People are dropping dead everyday from the toxin vaccines. And the above clip is less that than 3 months old.
5392   Patrick   2023 Jun 15, 8:46pm  


Analysis comparing Japanese and German mortality once again finds substantial spike in deaths corresponding to the mass administration of Covid vaccines

And no, virus deaths cannot explain the numbers.
5393   Patrick   2023 Jun 15, 9:01pm  


💉 Florida Politics ran a story earlier this week headlined, “Florida Native Journalist Aimee Sachs Dies At 38, But Leaves A Courageous Legacy Of Giving Life To Others.”

Aimee Sachs, 38, was one of Florida Politics’ own reporters, apparently well-liked. She went to the hospital on May 20th with “symptoms of discomfort,” which were soon diagnosed as a mild stroke. A week later, while she was still recovering from her first stroke, on Sunday, May 28th, she “suffered a powerful second stroke that shockingly and completely debilitated her body’s physical capabilities.”

It happens all the time. These days.

After her second, stronger stroke, the healthy 38-year-old reporter was informed by her doctors that she would never walk again. She would never talk again. She would be completely unable to care for herself — in a bleak condition the doctors described as “locked in” to her own body.

Aimee could only communicate with her family by blinking her eyes.

One can only imagine the tortured thoughts racing through Aimee’s panicked mind. She must have believed the doctors, believed that no recovery would or could ever be possible, no matter what, not even with mRNA drugs, and there was no reason to even give it a few days to see what would happen. So Aimee blinked “yes” at her father and sister when they asked if she wanted them to pull the plug. And the article reported that surgery teams rapidly recovered Aimee’s organs for donation.

Hopefully not donated to Harvard.
5394   richwicks   2023 Jun 16, 2:32am  

Patrick says

So Aimee blinked “yes” at her father and sister when they asked if she wanted them to pull the plug. And the article reported that surgery teams rapidly recovered Aimee’s organs for donation.

I'm suspicious of this. This is in Florida, and I don't think euthanasia is allowed anywhere in the United States still.
5395   DhammaStep   2023 Jun 16, 6:22am  

richwicks says

Patrick says

So Aimee blinked “yes” at her father and sister when they asked if she wanted them to pull the plug. And the article reported that surgery teams rapidly recovered Aimee’s organs for donation.

I'm suspicious of this. This is in Florida, and I don't think euthanasia is allowed anywhere in the United States still.

Last I checked, passive euthanasia is mostly legal in the USA.
5396   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 16, 8:28am  

Are you Prepared for the COVID Tsunami of Deaths? Dr. Philip McMillan - UK

View here:


More videos available at McMillan Research: https://mcmillanresearch.com/media/
5397   GNL   2023 Jun 16, 8:35am  

RayAmerica says

Are you Prepared for the COVID Tsunami of Deaths? Dr. Philip McMillan - UK

Covid or jab deaths?
5398   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 16, 8:40am  

GNL says

Covid or jab deaths?

Jab deaths.
5399   HeadSet   2023 Jun 16, 9:06am  

richwicks says

Patrick says

So Aimee blinked “yes” at her father and sister when they asked if she wanted them to pull the plug. And the article reported that surgery teams rapidly recovered Aimee’s organs for donation.

I'm suspicious of this. This is in Florida, and I don't think euthanasia is allowed anywhere in the United States still.

That famous Terry Schiavo case took place in Florida, and that was a while ago.
5401   richwicks   2023 Jun 16, 1:55pm  

DhammaStep says

Last I checked, passive euthanasia is mostly legal in the USA.

Was she on a ventilator or something?

I know the REALITY of it. Somebody in my family had mesothelioma and became a TEST SUBJECT for some experimental surgery that removed his plenum. The surgery of course failed, he was euthanized by an OD of morphine with his consent. He was given 2 weeks left, he was in incredible pain. This was in the early 1990's and during Dr. Kevorkian's time. When I think about it, I'm probably the only one outside of the direct family that knows this was done. I think only his kids and wife are the other ones that know.

It wasn't that long ago there was all that controversy over Terri Schiavo but she was ruled essentially brain dead.

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