Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   867,074 views  7,994 comments

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Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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6856   stereotomy   2024 Feb 5, 7:00am  

I'm a pureblood and still alive, why aren't you, Tommy, you dead stupid fucking fuck?
6857   Patrick   2024 Feb 5, 10:03am  


COVID “Vaccine” Victim Calli Varner Tells Her Story [10/23/23]
by Joel Smalley, October 25, 2023

The full video of the session is at: https://www.azleg.gov/videoplayer/?clientID=6361162879&eventID=2023101011

SENATOR JANAE SHAMP: You know when we, when we talk about informed consent, one thing that I want to make sure that everyone understands is, this is something that is very ingrained in medical professionals. Everything needs to be explained because that you have the right to make that decision. And for some reason during the covid 19 pandemic we were not allowed to have that kind of informed consent because we were mandated. And we can never allow that to happen again.

So at the state level we need to discuss what it is that we're going to do. There are, there's been great legislation that was passed and has protected us with, in our liberty. There's still work to be done. And in order to do that work we need to make sure that we're speaking out and that we're educated and we understand the process and we are making our voices heard. So that is the major goal of this committee, and that is the major goal, all of us sitting up here, to get this data to to you, to, to allow you to make that decision because we live in the United States of America.

So with that being said, we do have testimony that I would like to call up a young woman who has personal experience. Because we want to talk about what has happened, right? What, what are the not so great things that we have seen come out of this pandemic?

And so with that I would like to ask Ms. Calli Varner to come up and to, to tell us her story.

You can raise or lower that platform as you need, for the microphone. So you'll just want to speak right into the microphone. OK?


SENATOR JANAE SHAMP: And just state your name for the record.

CALLI VARNER: My name is Calli Varner. And I trusted that the covid vaccine was safe, and now I'll never be the same again. The vaccine destroyed my body and caused irreversible damage physically, mentally and emotionally. I'm only 37 and I went from having zero to 5 specialists in the span of just 2 years. My weeks are full of doctors appointments and medical tests which all come with endless medical bills. It's been 2 years since I was poked and I'm struggling more than ever with medical issues constantly popping up.

I want to be very clear that I was not forced to take the vaccine, but I was misled that it was safe.

I was in one of my best friend's wedding and she wanted us to be vaccinated or to take a covid test. I felt immense pressure from the outside world and from friends to get the vaccine to protect my family and my loved ones. I thought I was doing the right thing because I was told it was safe and effective. I even said to myself before getting it, what is the worst that could possibly happen?

It was odd that I felt very unsure of my decision. It shouldn't have been such an uneasy feeling to get a vaccination, but I remember it feeling like a very big deal. I was so nervous and it just didn't feel right, but a pro-vax friend of mine went with me and she was so proud of me, and I felt like a hero, as silly as that may sound, I felt like I was just doing the right thing. But now I feel like I was a guinea pig to this terrible bioweapon that has destroyed my body and my life.

Sorry. It's very hard.

On September 17, 2021 I had the second dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine, and on November 28th 2021 I had a moderate stroke caused by a blood clot that went to my brain. I was visiting at my parents for a nice Thanksgiving weekend when I woke up about to drive home and I couldn't talk. I couldn't get the words my mind wanted to say out of my mouth and then my face started drooping. I collapsed and couldn't use the left side of my body at all. My parents saw me unable to move, and I was scared to death, thought for sure that this was the end of my life. I was transported to the ER in Lake Havasu City where I was a 14 on the stroke scale.

I was administered TPA[1] and then flown to Las Vegas because I was in such terrible care and was in the hospital for 5 days.

Doctors couldn't find an answer, blaming birth control for the cause, birth control that I was on for 15 years with no problems before.

They mentioned that they found that I had fibromuscular dysplasia[2] which are narrow arteries in my neck, saying that I was born with it, but later I did some research and found out that it's actually something you develop. So more gaslighting by doctors.

I never had any issues at all. Found no hole in my heart, so a loop recorder was placed to check for AFib[3], which has not been found.

Recovery was very difficult. I had numerous trips back to the ER because I kept having short episodes of where I couldn't walk or talk. A severe headache for months, where many thought that I had mini-strokes, but those were ruled out, so I kept being told that it was a normal stroke recovery. But it wasn't. I was scared every single day and felt like I was dying at times.

I then underwent genetic testing for blood clotting which came negative. So again, numerous tests to determine why I had a stroke and no answers.

Six months later, more issues started. I was told at 35 years old that I was pre-menopause and would never have children. I was called a mystery by many. No one could figure out why I had a stroke
and now pre-menopause at just 35 years old.

Then, new issues popped up. As I was getting a yearly checkup on my arteries they found a fibroid nodule that was .6 centimeters. I looked back at my records and they did find it when I had my stroke, but it was very small at the time, just .8 millimeters, so it had doubled in a size in a year. I then had another scan on that just this past summer, and the nodule had grown even bigger, to 1.8 centimeters, and it was now moderately suspicious since it is a mixed cystic and solid nodule and was recommended a fine needle biopsy, which I had done in September but they didn't get enough of the solid part and so now it is nondiagnostic and I'm waiting to see what to do next.

I started to decline over the summer even more with feeling weak on my left side, unable to balance on some days. The left arm of my, the left arm and hand is always completely numb. I have trouble walking some days. My left leg is always numb. Some days are just really bad where I am completely weak, I feel pain my joints, inflammation in my body. So just last week I underwent more testing
and I have now tested positive for an autoimmune disease, which I've never tested positive for before. I will now have to see a rheumatologist to see what is going on there.

So to summarize everything in the past 2 years, a healthy woman in her mid-30s receives the covid
and about 10 weeks later, experiences a moderate stroke, then premenopause, then a growing suspicious fibroid nodule, and now a new autoimmune disease. All with no answers from doctors. Just called unusual and a mystery after undergoing numerous tests.

This all has caused severe depression, having to attend therapy and never knowing if I'm going to have a good or bad day. And probably the worst of it all is that my brain does not work like it used to because of the stroke, and I feel like a completely different person every single day.

I am afraid of tarnishing friendships because many of my friends are pro-vax. But I just can't stay silent anymore. I am not telling people to not get vaccinated, I am trying to prevent what happened to me from never happening again to anyone. Never again will we be misinformed or lied to. And never again will we be pressured. In the future we will always be given proper information to decide what is right for ourselves.

SENATOR JANAE SHAMP: Thank you Calli very much. And I, I, I agree with that, very much so, never again are we not going to not have the decision ourselves. And I am so truly sorry.

I would like to open it up to the panel, especially the doctors if they have any questions or comments they would like to make because this seems to be, what Calli's experiencing, it seems to be
quite common, unfortunately, with the covid vaccine. Would you agree with that?

DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH: Yeah, I had a chance to correspond with Ms. Varner now for quite some time regarding her data, including her CT scans, and it's, it's, it's regretful that we actually can't show slides of her paralysis when she was originally paralyzed in the ER, it was quite obvious clinically that she had a complete left hemiparesis and significant stroke, that was stroke in evolution and the doctors did the best they could to treat it.

But the convergence of a stroke that required thrombolytics, then the development of premature menopause and infertility, then the development of a rapidly growing thyroid nodule, and then the discovery of autoimmunity by blood tests, implies that there is a systemic problem now in her body that all relates to the covid 19 vaccine and the spike protein that is being produced in the body. And I will review the data that we've learned recently in the last two months about how long that is occurring, even after the first two shots.

DR. PETER CHAMBERS: Ms. Varner, I'm a flight surgeon, I was for 20 years of my life, and I empathize with you first of all, and it's hard to hear because I've heard this so many times from my soldiers that did take it and ended up in the ICUs and whatnot and the Veterans Administration would not even look into their cases. So I would imagine, and I'm going to say as a vax victim myself, you feel betrayed by the system that should have been there to step in the gap for you.

But understand, there are many more like us out here on this panel that are on your side, that are standing in the gap for you and will continue to do so.

DR: PETER MCCULLOUGH: I have one additional question, Calli, and I think it would help everyone understand and we're being recorded, can you share with the audience, as you shared with me, what was your life like before the stroke? What did you do professionally, your involvement in many ways as a media and public figure?

CALLI VARNER: Yes, I had an incredible life before. I mean I still love my life some days, but I am a writer in the sports betting field and I've gotten, I had just gotten a new job a month before my stroke. And it was my dream job and I was very fortunate that the company kept me on during my stroke and everything. But I worked out 3 to 4 times a a day, I mean 3 to 4 times week, doing my spin class. I lived a very social life, working and loving my job, very into football and everything and, and I still try to do that, but I just don't find as much joy in things I used to and it is difficult for me to get to spin classes as much as I would like because of the condition my body is in. So it definitely has changed many things in my life, unfortunately.

SENATOR JANAE SHAMP: My biggest concern for you is to not trust diagnoses that you're given, doctors that you see after what has happened, and that's my biggest concern for everyone, that we, that we lose faith in the people we are to trust to help take care of our, of our health. And that, we need to make sure that we don't, we just need to make sure that we look for the people that we can trust. And how do we do that? We make sure that we find our own information. So but where you are now, do you find that it is difficult for you to navigate the system with trust, to under—, to move forward and to actually come out of this on the other side with strength?

CALLI VARNER: Yes, it has been very hard for me to find doctors willing to help or to continue to find answers. Any time I mention it's the vaccine could have done this, they shut me right down and they say no, no way. So I don't find that I really have much support. ...

DR. PETER CHAMBERS: I would like to say something that, that we can call this the Ms. Varner litmus test, or, or criteria, if you will, for a physician or provider of any sort, that if they don't listen to you, the patient, something my dad taught me, he was a small town doctor, the patient will tell you what's wrong with them if you'll listen. But if you don't know, get a second opinion. ...

DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH: I, I'd like to just, Senator, just read into the record here. A paper from JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, first author is Jacob Dag Berild [4] reported on 7,757 serious neurologic events that occurred within 28 days after taking a vaccine. Cerebral vascular disease, intercranial hemorrhage, cerebral thromboembolic events and central venous thrombosis. This is from 3 Nordic countries. 7,750 serious neurologic events. Many of these people in this report are neurologically devastated.

The covid 19 vaccines, and this was across Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, the covid 19 vaccines unequivocally cause stroke. It's in the peer-reviewed literature.

What you're hearing is that doctors are not recognizing this literature and translating it to patients and telling them that the vaccine is indeed the cause of the stroke. It's in the medical literature.

SENATOR JANAE SHAMP: OK, so I've said this before, I was the why kid, why are they not reporting this? Why, why are there so many doctors that are willing to just immediately discredit that it's the vaccine that causes these neurological conditions, and not look at studies that are coming out, and not looking at the data? When did we get to a point in health care that we did not not examine the data?

DR. PETER CHAMBERS: Pride. I think it's pride, personally. In my experience, in speaking to my commanders in the medical field, when I witnessed, first hand, [inaudible] witness, testified in Seals versus Lloyd Austin,[5] the numbers of cases of young soldiers between the ages of 27 and 35 with neurologic events, cardiac events, and then told, we'll handle it, doc. And not one thing was done to investigate. And it's, it's pride. And here's why I know.

The physician that fired me from my job, the colonel, when he got out of the military, because under the pressure of the military he had to walk the line, he had to toe the line, and this is a different world, it's not civilian but this explains something. It took him 6 months after he retired to come back to me and say, you know what, we treated you wrong. We were wrong. You guys were right standing the line down there. He pivoted. He did something that Theresa Long, Dr. Long talks about when she says, pivot. She's seeing cases at Fort Rucker right now with aviators, young kids flying machines through the air that are crashing. Not one investigation's been done. ...

DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH: I'd like to just add my answer to that, from the peer-reviewed literature today. Published by the CDC in the MMWR, which is the CDC's journal.[6] First author is Regan and colleagues. Twenty-two authors from the CDC, Vanderbilt, Stanford, University of Washington, Kaiser Permanente. That paper is giving an update on the covid 19 vaccines, advising the vaccines continue to be administered to Americans, all individuals down to age 6 months. Not a single mention of disabling or fatal side effects. None. The CDC is not fairly presenting the risks and the benefits of these vaccines to Americans. The CDC is promoting vaccination with a willful blindness to safety.
6858   Patrick   2024 Feb 5, 12:04pm  


Most people think that the prominent COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine pushers all took saline injections and got fake COVID-19 Vaccine passports.

But let me impart a lesson from Communism.

The most “believable” Communist propagandists were those who truly believed that it was the ideal system. They were also the most fervent proponents of Communist ideology.

It is my impression that those who are in the public spotlight, pushing the COVID-19 Vaccines on behalf of the government and big pharma, are most likely true believers who took the shots and got their family members to take the shots as well.

Supriya Dwivedi and her husband Anoop Singh were almost certainly mRNA jabbed. Her 41 year old husband developed Stage 4 Lung Cancer and died 7 month after diagnosis, a clinical picture that’s virtually unheard of. I strongly suspect mRNA Induced Turbo Cancer (Lung Cancer is in the top 5 Turbo Cancers).

Dr.Celine Gounder’s 49 year old soccer journalist husband Grant Wahl was also almost certainly vaccinated, and he was reporting on the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. While it’s possible for a 49 year old to have a ruptured aortic aneurysm, it would also be a relatively rare occurrence and even rarer to die from it suddenly without warning. However, COVID-19 Vaccines damage blood vessels and cause aneurysms.

Dr.Michelle Atchison is a former President of the Australian Medical Association. Australia was extremely aggressive in pushing COVID-19 Vaccines on the population. Her daughter died suddenly in her sleep at age 26. This would also be extremely rare, but a very common cause of death in the COVID-19 Vaccinated.

I believe we will see many more such cases going forward.
6859   Patrick   2024 Feb 5, 12:16pm  


King Charles diagnosed with cancer
Since his parents, both "vaccinated," "died suddenly" some months later, and since other royals (Kate Middleton, Sarah Ferguson) have also been stricken by mysterious ills, this news is quite striking
6862   RayAmerica   2024 Feb 5, 2:16pm  

Author John Beaudoin: Burying Covid Vaxx Deaths Is "Felony Murder"

6863   zzyzzx   2024 Feb 6, 5:37am  

Was Toby Keith jabbed?
6865   Patrick   2024 Feb 6, 9:26am  


💉 Popular podcaster Joe Rogan has 15 million subscribers, 3 billion total views, and gets around 190 million downloads per month. It’s fair to say he has “reach.” In this recent clip from his show, Rogan blasts the vaccines over the pandemic of sudden death. “It’s crazy how many people just died suddenly after taking it,” he began.

Rogan, angry, did not mince words. He did not couch his diatribe in careful euphemisms. He did not hold back at all:

I’m sad (about) how many people were promoters of the vaccine then died suddenly. It’s craaaazy how many young people just died in their sleep after they took it. And everybody’s like, “nothing to see here!”

Just died suddenly. You ever go to the Died Suddenly Instagram page? Like, holy s—. There’s so many! So many people are talking about anti-Darwin, anti-vaxxers — and then you’re dead. Sorry! You bought into the wrong bulls—. If you really want to get cruel, THAT’S Darwinism.

Do you not know they lie? By now!? Are you not aware of the opioid crisis? Are you not aware of Vioxx? Are you not aware of the, like, 25% of FDA approved drugs that get pulled? It’s 1 out of 4!

And they’re like, ‘what are you, an anti-vaxxer?’ ‘Are you a conspiracy theorist?’ ‘You fool, Darwin’s going to do it’s work with you…’

You’re modifying your genes you f—ing idiot! Like, what are you doing? What are you doing? You gonna just trust Pfizer? ‘Well, they do support Anderson Cooper.’ “Brought to you by Pfizer.” And you’re like, oh, this must be legit?

If nothing else, Rogan’s rant — raising no calls to cancel his show— showed how far the Overton Window and the culture have shifted. On a personal level, just in the last two weeks I have had several (at least three) painful and difficult conversations with people who now deeply regret taking the shots, and are now plagued with worry over every tiny disruption in their health status, wondering if this is it.

I bet you too can feel the culture shifting. Let me know in the comments what you think. And if, as they always say, politics truly is downstream from culture, then a great reckoning must surely be on the way.
6867   Patrick   2024 Feb 6, 12:11pm  


‘Mandate Killed My Husband’
childrenshealthdefense, posted September 11, 2023

DESCRIPTION ON RUMBLE PAGE: "Holding his picture, Suzanne shares the narrative of her husband’s experience after COVID vaccination and subsequent death. “He couldn’t even get himself a glass of water; he couldn’t write his name,” she tells viewers “I had to do everything for him.” Listen to Suzanne’s account on CHD Bus Stories. Watch More CHD Bus Stories LIVE: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/bus/ "


POLLY TOMMEY: You're brave to come out and talk.

SUZANNE SHERWOOD: Thank you. My friend over here encouraged me today because I was going to come and then I lost my nerve and she called me and she said, come now. And here I am so. [laughs] My friend Mary, Mary Jensen encouraged me and here I am.


SUZANNE SHERWOOD: But, ah, 5 weeks ago yesterday I lost my husband. And that was one month shy of the second anniversary of his first covid vaccination, which was August of 2021. He had the second one in September of 2021.

Now, he knew I did not want him to get them, so he went behind my back, unfortunately, and got them and did not tell me until afterwards. And the day he told me, I knew this day could be in my future.

Sixty days after the second vaccination, he went in for one of his medical flight reviews, because he was a pilot. And for the first time ever he was diagnosed with a heart murmur. The doctor said, it's a soft murmur, we'll just check it again in 6 months. That's what he told me when he came home. And I said, did you tell him you were vaccinated? No. I said, you have to tell him. And after a few weeks I finally convinced him to tell the doctor. As soon as he told the doctor he'd been vaccinated for covid, boom, he was referred to a cardiologist, who also discovered an ascending aortic aneurism.

Shortly after that, he came down with omicron. He'd never had covid, he'd been around it the whole time. But he comes down with omicron. And he was sick for two and half weeks. And the descent began.

His hands started to tremble until they finally [flutters hands violently] would do this. Toward the end he couldn't even get himself a glass of water, he couldn't write his name, nothing. I had to do everything for him.

He had an inflammatory issue with his esophagus, I can't even remember the name of it, but one of the causes is covid bacteria in the esophagus, and it creates inflammation in the esophagus. He could barely swallow, he kept choking and aspirating, it was so hard for him to take his supplements or anything.

And he started losing weight rapidly. He lost 50 pounds in a short amount of time. By the time he died, he had lost 70 pounds. He was nothing but bones with, like, skin painted over them. He went from 180 pounds at 6 foot one to to 110. And he also had 37% total lung function. The pulmonologist said, I don't understand it but I think it's neuromuscular. Well, it certainly was. And he also saw a neurologist. And at first, they out, they ruled out MS, Parkinson's, ALS, all the usual. But he kept getting worse.

And then I discovered the, the Wellness Company[1] that has, the doctors there have been researching covid and the vaccine pretty much since its inception and they have developed some supplements for it. I got him on Dr. McCullough's[2] Spike Support. They get the spike protein out of your body. Immediate improvement. Immediate. And his hands were shaking less, he could swallow better. It was, it was wonderful. His energy was better, his brain fog.

Well then he had to get his 5 year colonoscopy because his dad died from colon cancer. And the anesthesiologist, in all his conventional medical wisdom, said you can continue to take all your prescription meds right up to the time of the procedure, but you must stop all, not just blood thinners, but all supplements 7 days advance. And I said, you cannot stop the spike supplement. But the anesthesiologist was involved with the procedure, so he did.

For 7 days I watched the man go downhill, until finally when he come, came home from the colonoscopy, he was much lower and worse off than I'd ever seen him.

And I immediately got him back on the spike supplement.

And my take on it, and I've talked to his pharmacist, who I got to know because I kept going in to get meds for him, and I've also talked to two MD friends of his, and they're, they're all in agreement, in fact the two MDs have asked me for information on this product because they want to refer them to their patients. It's like a fungal infection, when you take the medication away too quickly and the fungal infection just explodes in the body, that's what the spike protein did in his body when the spike supplement was taken away too quickly.

And he just kept getting worse and worse. And then in, on June 16th, he saw the neurologist again and she diagnosed him with ALS, which I thought at the time was a little odd because there's nothing like that in his family. So I continued researching. And I discovered that the, what used to be called long covid and then long haul covid is now being called neuro covid because all the neurological symptoms involved with it, and he had pretty much all of them, including severe brain fog. He was a brilliant, brilliant man, but when the brain fog would hit, he would, if he needed something, he'd say to me, "...I... need...." That was all there was too it when the brain fog would hit. But when he was clear, he was still brilliant.

But ah. [pauses; takes deep breaths] I'm sorry.

POLLY TOMMEY: Just take your time.

SUZANNE SHERWOOD: OK. So and then the, the neurological symptoms from this neuro covid mimic ALS, and that is why he was diagnosed with ALS. And I think other people who have these neurological symptoms, some of them mimic Guillain-Barré, I think some of them mimic MS. A lot of people out there are being diagnosed with these horrible neurological diseases when in fact, it is neuro covid.

But when I got him back on the spike support he did start to improve again. I saw glimmers of improvement. His left lower leg and foot had started going numb and he had developed drop foot after the colonoscopy, and one evening he said, look, I can move my foot again. Because he was back on the spike support. And his brain fog started getting better, his hands were shaking less.

And then the night of July 20th about 2:30 in the morning, Friday morning, he urgently woke me up. And was gone in a few seconds. I think he had a heart attack. I called the paramedics, I called 911, they had me doing chest compressions, because he was gone right away, mouth slack, eyes open and fixed, not breathing. So I did chest compressions til the paramedics got there in about 10 minutes. They worked on him for about 30 minutes to get him stable enough to take him to the emergency room just 5 minutes from the house. He was in the emergency room for a few hours. He coded twice in there because I heard the code blue, but they wouldn't let me back. Then they got him up to ICU, and at 9:30— and never regained consciousness. At 9:30 in the morning the doctor came in and said, he's on life support. Now, he was not on a ventilator, I would not have allowed that, he was on a, had a breathing tube and other things. And the doctor said, he's on life support. If we take the life support off, he will die quickly and peacefully. If he survives, because of his current condition, physical condition, and what he went through last night, it will not be any kind of quality of life.

Well, I have a very strong faith and I said, if God is calling him home, his body will die and his spirit will go to God, if he's meant to stay here, he will. So at 9:50 that morning the 21st of July they took the life support off. And he hung on all day until that evening when our neighbors came in, and we've helped each other back and forth though out the years, and Jeff walked over to him and held his hand and put his head down to Jess's ear and said, you don't have to worry, Jess, Tracy and I will take good care of Suzanne and the dogs. And that's what he needed to hear. Because that's why he got the vaccine. Because he was afraid if he lost his job as a government contractor he would not be able to support us the way he felt he needed to. And when he heard that we'd be taken care of, in two minutes he was gone.

[1] The Wellness Company https://www.twc.health/

[2] Dr. Peter McCullough https://www.twc.health/pages/dr-peter-mccullough
6868   Patrick   2024 Feb 6, 2:15pm  


Otherwise healthy people, including young athletes in peak physical condition, have been dying unexpectedly and early.

Many of the deaths are attributed to sudden heart failure as a result of vaccine-induced myocarditis.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium), according to Mayo Clinic.

The inflammation can reduce the heart’s ability to pump blood.

Severe myocarditis weakens the heart so that the rest of the body doesn’t get enough blood.

Clots can form in the heart, leading to a stroke or heart attack, and often death.

However, for the vast majority of sudden deaths reported in the media, the causes are often listed as “unknown.”

While this leaves many to believe that heart failure is the major cause of death among the vaccinated, John Beaudoin Sr., a public health insider and author of “The Real CDC,” warns that this is just a fraction of the issue.

“Myocarditis has become the darling of the anti-vax community,” says Beaudoin.

“But myocarditis is about 1% of the overall vaccine deaths.”

Beaudoin discovered that in 2021, excess deaths in Massachusetts shifted from respiratory deaths to blood and circulatory system issues, such as clotting and bleeding.

There is where, Beaudoin says, the true numbers of vaccine deaths are hiding.

“So what people are dying from, they’re dying from … cardiac stroke, pulmonary embolism, gastrointestinal hemorrhages, aortic arch dissections, more than the respiratory, which went down at the same time,” Beaudoin told Epoch TV. ...

“They’re still not investigating,” Beaudoin said of Democrat President Joe Biden’s federal health and justice agencies.

“It’s not willful ignorance.

“It’s not anything benign like that.

“This is intentional withholding of information from the public that would save the lives of the public.”
6869   Patrick   2024 Feb 6, 2:25pm  


Man City’s new £12.5m signing suffers terrifying injury scare during match after complaining of ‘chest pain’
6870   Patrick   2024 Feb 6, 2:26pm  



This is stated in a press release from Vålerenga Football Elite. The club writes that Strandberg shortly before Christmas was operated on for prolapse in his back, and that he was scheduled to start training in early February. After the operation, a complication occurred that led to a life-threatening blood clot in the entire left leg and up in the abdomen. Strandberg therefore had to undergo an extensive emergency operation in mid-January. "I've played football every day since I learned to walk and I wasn't ready to give up. Now everything is taken from me. My football career is over. I was ready to fight for the national team and this is a big shock. Right now I'm just happy to be alive, but need time to let it all sink in", says Strandberg.

Gosh, what should have caused such an unusually large blood clot? Dr. McCullough thinks he knows the answer.
6871   GNL   2024 Feb 6, 7:54pm  

Toby Keith concert was one of the top 5 concerts I've been to.
6872   Patrick   2024 Feb 7, 5:51pm  


Cause of death released for teen who collapsed, died during homecoming festivities
February 5, 2024

Ashland County, Ohio – The cause of death of a Mapleton High School student who suddenly collapsed and passed away during homecoming festivities in 2023 has been released. According to the Ashland County Coroner’s Officer, 17-year-old Bre McKean collapsed due to myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle, usually caused by a virus. McKean collapsed during homecoming festivities before a football game on Sept. 26, according to a statement posted on the Mapleton Local School District website. McKean was on the homecoming court, according to school officials. The Mapleton and South Central football game was suspended at halftime when the teams and student body were notified of “this tragic event,” the school district’s post stated.

Virus my ass.
6873   Patrick   2024 Feb 7, 5:53pm  


Hamilton, NJ - Edgar J. Ress, director of construction and mechanical services in facilities management [at Rider University], died suddenly at his home in Hamilton on Jan. 26. He was 52 years old. Ress was a committed employee at the university for 34 years and held a variety of positions before assuming his most recent role in June 2022. During his time at Rider, Ress was a building maintenance person, general mechanic, HVAC mechanic, manager of facilities operations at Westminster Choir College, and associate director of construction services.

No cause of death reported.

Rider recommends all students, faculty and staff to be up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccinations.

6874   Patrick   2024 Feb 7, 5:54pm  


Stephanie Hollis Cohen was born on August 4, 1982, in Redwood City, CA, to Martin Cohen and Linda Streever Cohen. She passed away unexpectedly on December 24, 2023 in Paso Robles, CA. She was employed as a Research Accounting Analyst in the Public Health Services Department at University of California, Davis.

No cause of death reported.

UC strongly recommends that all members of the university community follow CDC vaccine recommendations (see current COVID-19 vaccine recommendations). It also offers the option for those who prefer to opt out to do so by submitting a declination statement.

6875   Patrick   2024 Feb 8, 9:42am  


Organizer at the Forest of the Fallen in Albury, Australia: "Come and join me"
April 15, 2023

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The Forest of the Fallen is a silent vigil of bamboo poles planted in the ground, each topped with a page with the story and photo of someone who was injured or killed by the covid jabs. The Forest of the Fallen was started in 2021 by Selkie, a Tasmanian mother of three, and has since spread throughout Australia. For more information see: https://theforestofthefallen.com/
In this instance, the Forest of the Fallen has been set up on the grass of an open park in Albury.

WOMAN WEARING GLASSES: Good morning, guys, we're down at the markets on the Lincoln Causeway, please come with me today to help set up. Thank you for coming, Lee.

It's going to be a lovely day, so come on down, guys, and sit with us. And we've already had half a dozen people come through and say, what a great idea. No one's been offended. So definitely good cause. The police have come through, asked what we were doing, we told them, and they drove off.

So have a quick look at our, our forest today. [She begins to walk over the grass, showing the display of stories.]

So only small, guys, but when there's only 1 or 2 of us to set up, that's all we can do. If we want more, we need more people. So come on, Albury-Wondonga,[1] what are you doing? I never miss a weekend. Constant. All the time. Nonstop. Push push push. We've got to get this out there, guys.

Look at that. Looks good. OK. see you soon, eh? Come and join me.

[1] Albury Wodonga refers to the twin cities of Albury and Wondonga in New South Wales by the border with Victoria.
6876   Patrick   2024 Feb 8, 5:37pm  


Cancer cases set to soar by 77% – WHO

More than 35 million cases are expected in the next quarter-century, a new study warns...

The predictive data, published on Thursday by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), cites the use of tobacco and alcohol, as well as obesity and poor air quality, as the primary factors driving the expected increase in cases by 2050.

I can think of a factor they left out, by far the biggest one.
6877   stereotomy   2024 Feb 9, 7:20am  

A coworker was out for a week due to personal issues. He was back in yesterday and I noticed he had facial surgery, probably to remove skin cancer. He's late 50's or mid 60's. Nothing big, but I'm sure he was jabbed.

6878   Patrick   2024 Feb 9, 8:28pm  


It turns out that the claim that the elderly, aged 85 and older, were at extremely high-risk for death (i.e. 50% case fatality rate) from COVID-19 was a giant lie. According to the 2020 US Census Data, the population of 85 and older grew to a record high of nearly 6.7 million by the end of 2020. This means that “during the height of the pandemic” the elderly population not only was NOT negatively impacted by COVID-19, but they grew to their highest numbers ever in the history of America. Prior to the mRNA vaccine rollout, Americans over the age of 85 were thriving.

Immediately after the December 11, 2020, FDA authorization of Pfizer’s mRNA nanoparticle injections, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were deployed to nursing homes and seniors communities across the country. By the end of 2021, more than 95% of this elderly group was both fully vaccinated and completely devastated losing a record number of more than one million lives.’

6879   Ceffer   2024 Feb 10, 7:57am  

Heard another guy with cancer, thinks his friend died of 'Covid' and is afraid he will get it. What he doesn't get is the only people getting 'Covid-cided' are the vaccinated and turbo cancered.

6880   anniecoyote   2024 Feb 10, 8:26am  

Wyoming Legislator Wants All COVID-Vaccinated Blood Labeled | Your Wyoming News Source
6882   RayAmerica   2024 Feb 10, 7:26pm  

Furman Player Bryce Stanfield, 21, Dies After Collapsing at Practice

Furman defensive tackle Bryce Stanfield collapsed on the field during a workout Wednesday morning in what is described as a “medical emergency.”

The 21-year-old was rushed to the hospital and placed on life support. He died on Friday, surrounded by friends and family. After his death, Furman President Dr. Elizabeth Davis conferred his Bachelor of Science degree in health sciences.
6883   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 10, 7:39pm  

RayAmerica says
"Furman defensive tackle Bryce Stanfield collapsed on the field during a workout Wednesday morning in what is described as a “medical emergency.”

And we know that Furman University mandates COVID-19 vaccinations for all students. In other words Bryce Stanfield was murdered.
6884   Patrick   2024 Feb 11, 10:27am  


"The Vaccine Killed My Dad!" Alex Newman Calls On Governor DeSantis To Ban The Jab!
Caturano and Ricks, December 20, 2023

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis
For more about Alex Newman see https://libertysentinel.org/alex/

ALEX NEWMAN: Governor DeSantis, this is a crime being perpetrated against your constituents of unimaginable proportions. This injection from hell killed my father.

You have the obligation, not just the authority, but you have the obligation to protect the citizens of this great state from this wicked crime spree masquerading as a vaccination program.

History is not going to look kindly on the people, not just the people who facilitated this, the people who made it possible, even the people who stood by and did nothing when they had the power to act.

This is, in my view, the equivalent of a mass slaughter. And the purpose of government, if you go to the Bible, you go to all the great writers who talked about political theory, the purpose of government is to protect people from evil, to protect the innocent from evil, and then to punish evil. If killing people with toxic injections masquerading as vaccines is not evil, I don't know what is.

You have the power, you have the obligation to protect our people from this. Enough damage has been done. And once you're done getting rid of this thing and stopping it, then we need to go to phase two, we need to find legal ways to hold the perpetrators accountable.

I'm Alex Newman, one of your constituents. Thank you for listening.
6885   GNL   2024 Feb 11, 1:21pm  

Patrick says

This is, in my view, the equivalent of a mass slaughter.

@Patrick, it's wording like this that looses me and almost everyone I know. We simply are not seeing a "mass slaughter".
6886   Karloff   2024 Feb 11, 1:51pm  

What is it, 3 people shot and it's considered a "mass shooting"?

I think this more than qualifies.
6887   Patrick   2024 Feb 11, 4:27pm  


You're saying that it's just not obvious to you, right? I can understand that, because only about 25% of people personally know someone who died from the vaxx.

The vaxx kills about 1 in 800 of the people who take it even once. Given the number of people who took it all around the world, this is certainly a mass slaughter in the millions.
6888   GNL   2024 Feb 11, 5:50pm  

Patrick, I guess that's why it's effectively being "swept under the rug".
6889   Patrick   2024 Feb 11, 6:19pm  


Passenger dies mid-flight after liters of ‘blood erupts from his mouth and nose’
6890   ElYorsh   2024 Feb 11, 6:35pm  

GNL says

Patrick says

This is, in my view, the equivalent of a mass slaughter.

Patrick, it's wording like this that looses me and almost everyone I know. We simply are not seeing a "mass slaughter".

You don't have enough of a broad circle of people in your life to realize what has happened.
6891   GNL   2024 Feb 11, 8:28pm  

ElYorsh says

GNL says

Patrick says

This is, in my view, the equivalent of a mass slaughter.

Patrick, it's wording like this that looses me and almost everyone I know. We simply are not seeing a "mass slaughter".

You don't have enough of a broad circle of people in your life to realize what has happened.

I actually know hundreds of people. I suspect 2 people may be jab injured but, who's to prove it?
6892   Patrick   2024 Feb 11, 9:54pm  


Here is the list of 77 Day 0 deaths, that I have extracted, and with my notes from the narrative report. These people were apparently well enough to get to a vaccination site. Passed the screening which included blood pressure and temperature check. Yet, they fell violently ill and died, or just collapsed and died within hours of being injected. Shouldn’t this have raised massive alarms? People were being injected with something so toxic that it felled them (with a 0.5ml dose) on the spot or within hours! There were 80 day 1 deaths. There were another 254 deaths from day 2 to 14! WTF! What does it take to raise an alarm?
6893   Ceffer   2024 Feb 11, 10:02pm  

Don't you remember that even though death occurs within minutes, hours or days of vaccines, nothing qualifies as a VAERS report unless two weeks passed before the incident described? The PTB relieved themselves of the burden of explaining or recording those, which means complicity with the democide to downgrade incidence and severity as much as possible.
6894   Patrick   2024 Feb 12, 9:31am  


💉 Yesterday brought news from the not-shocking-but-still-earth-shaking developments file. Amidst frightful levels of global conflict, internal sabotage, war with Iran, Proxy War with Russia, the precipice of war in the Taiwan Strait, Biden’s attack on snack foods, and so forth, it’s a very good thing that U.S. Secretary of State Lloyd Austin made a full recovery from his mysterious January hospitalization and is now back in quarterback position and fully in char… Oh, wait.

It seems that I spoke too soon. Mid-afternoon yesterday, the Pentagon released — one suspects reluctantly — a terse, worrisome statement. As CBS News described it:

"Today, at approximately 2:20 pm, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III was transported by his security detail to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to be seen for symptoms suggesting an emergent bladder issue," Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said in a statement Sunday afternoon.
It wasn’t just for a checkup. I think “emergent” in the Pentagon’s statement meant “emergency.” Then this morning, NBC News ran an alarming followup headlined, “Lloyd Austin hospitalized for a bladder issue; duties transferred to deputy defense secretary.” The sub-headline informed us, “Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks will assume his functions and duties, the Pentagon said.”

We don’t know what’s wrong with him or how serious it is. They are talking but aren’t saying anything. “At this time, it is not clear how long Secretary Austin will remain hospitalized,” the Secretary’s Walter Reed doctors said in a statement issued last night. Nor did they explain why Kathleen Hicks had to take over.

As a reminder, on New Year’s Day Austin was rushed to Walter Reed for treatment for serious complications (said to be a UTI) arising from his elective prostate cancer surgery he had right before Christmas. A controversy exploded like a defective Patriot missile over the Pentagon’s habit of hiding his hospitalizations — and the remarkable delegation of his duties to his second-in-command while he was unconscious for a week — and keeping that secret from everyone including his own boss, Joe Biden.

Awkwardly, Austin had just agreed late last week to testify to Congress about his last hospitalization. ...

Two years ago, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spearheaded the military’s vaccine mandate. Now, coincidentally, he’s plagued with weird, atypical cancers, infections, complications, and uncertainties.

6895   HeadSet   2024 Feb 12, 10:04am  

Patrick says

Two years ago, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spearheaded the military’s vaccine mandate. Now, coincidentally, he’s plagued with weird, atypical cancers, infections, complications, and uncertainties.

It is unlikely Austin subjected himself to the jab. Still, lots of issues for a 70 year old.

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