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A student who was found dead inside a UC Berkeley dorm has been identified by family members as the son of former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.
The student, identified as 19-year-old Marco Troper, was found at 4:23 p.m. on Feb. 13 in a dorm at the university’s Clark Kerr Campus, UCPD said in a statement. First responders attempted life-saving measures, but the student was ultimately pronounced dead at the scene.
Some people are speculating that he actually died from the vaxx, and the OD story is a coverup.
The 17-year-old junior at Winnsboro High School and member of the Winnsboro Fishing Team
💉 Remarkably, a large covid vaccine safety study dropped last week finding some problems with the jabs, and got my immediate attention by breaking through into corporate media. Why cover this one? The study, stuffed with 35 authors, was titled, “COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals.” The Hill’s article covering the study published two days ago under the headline, “Largest multicountry COVID study links vaccines to potential adverse effects.”
Linking vaccines to potential adverse effects used to get people canceled. So what on Earth is going on?
Our first clue lies in the Hill article’s revealing final paragraph (which should have been the first):
Several of the researchers also reported having relationships or having previously received payments from biopharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Gilead Sciences, AbbVie, and GlaxoSmithKline.
Pharma researchers! It got even more interesting when the study itself disclosed it was funded by the CDC, the New Zealand Ministry of Health, and the Canadian Institutes of Health. It was a “public/private” joint effort between big pharma and the most jab-invested big government agencies in the world. But it still found problems. Could this be honest science, at long last? Or was it something else?
It was high-level gaslighting combined with a limited hangout.
First of all, a point missed by most corporate media, probably intentionally, was the researchers cherry-picked only thirteen categories of adverse events, allowing lying corporate media outlets to mislead readers by generically claiming “the researchers looked for adverse events” as if they looked for any and all safety signals. They didn’t. They only looked for their carefully-curated list of injury types. Next, the researchers muted their findings with hand-waving about covid causing the same adverse events equally or more often than the jabs, so the risk/benefit analysis still favors the shots. (It doesn’t.)
The researchers admitted finding much higher risks of neurological, cardiovascular, and blood disorder complications than they expected. True, they found serious adverse events to be ‘rare’ and — hallelujah for profits — they found them mostly occurring in the already-withdrawn vaccine types like J&J and AstraZeneca and, fortunately, not so much in the fat cash cows, Pfizer and Moderna (whew).
But despite all that, in spite of all the hand-waving about risks and benefits, and despite minimizing the injuries as ‘rare’, the study ultimately disclosed broad increases in jabbed risk between +20% to +70% across 40 or more causes of death. The risks and benefits comparing covid infection versus the shots might have evened out when comparing two 85-year-olds with diabetes and hypertension. But there is no rational risk comparison for healthy or working-age people, who were never at any enhanced risk of serious complications from covid, and as for the young, they should have been nowhere near the shots.
In other words, for healthy, working-age, and young people, the shots are all risk and no benefit.
Given the study’s “reassuring but informing” narrative framing and the wide coverage by corporate media, this looks like a limited hangout. They are — just barely — admitting to a wide variety of disabling, not-mild, permanent side effects, far beyond simple allergic reactions, injection site pain, and temporary flu-like symptoms.
It’s kind of like when finding two chocolate chips between your eight-year-old’s bedsheets, and under intense questioning the child blurts out that, okay, he did break the rules — only a little! — and stole a teeny-tiny part off an already-broken cookie when nobody was looking, but he definitely wasn’t the one who cleaned out the jar. No way.
It’s just a teeny-tiny enhanced risk of death or permanent disability, but not the whole excess deaths jar. That wasn’t us.
In other words, the injuries are getting impossible to deny, and they quickly needed to gaslight everybody. So they bought themselves a nice little study, to put some stuffing in their argument that their jab program maybe wasn’t perfect, but it also wasn’t a catastrophic disaster either. So.
Mandy in Prince George Tells Her and Her Husband's Story (Justice for the Vaccinated Tour)
J4V Canada, October 12, 2022
via: https://vaxjustice.org/tour-videos/
CRIS VLEK: Hey, we're here in Prince George. I have met up with Mandy. Mandy wants to tell her story. It doesn't have to be 2 minutes you can talk, you can just take as much time as you want. Mandy, we're talking about your husband, your husband's in the hospital right now after taking his first shot, yeah?
MANDY: Hmm mm.
CRIS VLEK: And it, he was functioning just fine but it flared up his MS is what you're telling me. So just tell me a little bit after that.
MANDY: So he was living a fairly normal life prior. April 15th he received his first dose, first and only dose of the Pfizer vaccine. His symptoms started within 20, 30 minutes of receiving it. It started with pain in his big toe, which gradually spread to his entire leg and his body became weaker.
By June 25th he was admitted to hospital, minor treatment, he started having trouble with his speech, and body weakness continued getting worse. He was moved to Family Medicine July 1st 2021, and by the time he reached Family Medicine he went into respiratory distress and they rushed him to ICU. When he got to ICU they had to intubate him, his lungs had completely shut down. When sedation wore off, he didn't wake up.
He was fully comatose and completely reliant on life support for 3 months, During that time the doctors told us that nobody in recorded history had ever survived a MS flare as severe as what he had experienced. His, um, they wanted us to take him off life support. They didn't believe he would wake up. His parents and I fought it, spoke with the specialist. He was beyond the point of any normal MS treatment, so they recommended a treatment, let's say chemotherapy, cyclophosphamide,* to wipe out his immune system because at this point his own immune system was killing him. The vaccine had triggered an immune response, as they claim it does, which in turn triggered his MS into a flare that was life-threatening.
Thankfully the cyclophosphamide did what it was supposed to do. The inflammation started to recede, he started to wake up.
At first they thought he was still a vegetable. They did brain scans and proved that he was not actually brain dead. For some time the doctors were afraid that he was locked in because he couldn't respond. But eventually he started moving his eyes, moving his hands, and gradually nodding yes and no. He started doing breathing trials, taking him off the ventilator, and he was eventually able to speak again.
Now, almost 16 months later, he is still in the hospital, he still has a trach, he's still being tube fed as he can't swallow. We still have to do all of his care and cleaning and toileting. Medications. His parents and I are both in there doing all of his care during the day, we trade off during the day and the hospital staff take care of him at night.
CRIS VLEK: So, Mandy, you decided to take care of him because the hospitals as we know are understaffed, and you decided to take care of him. And in order to take care of him, what were you told?
MANDY: Well basically with reaching out every avenue I could think of with help of the hospital staff social workers, I've even reached out to local MLAs, they searched federally, there are no supports for somebody in my situation. We were— sorry—
CRIS VLEK: You're doing great. You're doing really great. So in order to get into the hospital, though?
MANDY: Right. So when the vaccine mandates came into place last August I was told that I would not be allowed to be in the hospital unless I had been fully vaccinated. At this time I had only received one dose, I had gotten it one week after he had, and I had no side effects whatsoever from the first one. I didn't even have a sore arm.
CRIS VLEK: But you didn't want to take the second dose because—
MANDY: I didn't.
CRIS VLEK: Why not?
MANDY: Because seeing what it did to him there was no way I was putting that in my body.
CRIS VLEK: But so at that point it was the choice between helping your husband and seeing your husband and being forced into a second shot. So what did you do?
MANDY: I took the second shot. It was so conflicting.
CRIS VLEK: Tell me what happened to your body since.
MANDY: I was in a bad car accident and in recovery from the car accident, and then after I got the second dose it flared up all of my injuries 10 times worse than what had happened. My physiotherapist and chiropractor both said it was like it undid everything that they had done for my recovery. I am still in pain daily, I'm not getting better. I'm weak, I'm exhausted, it's just, no energy, it's gone. I'm scared because I'm supposed to his full-time caretaker and I'm having difficulties taking care of myself at this time.
CRIS VLEK: How are you surviving?
MANDY: Income assistance. I was told either, put him in a home and go back to work, and we all know the situation in the healthcare homes.
CRIS VLEK: And you said that people had reached out to MPs and MLAs for you and—
MANDY: There's nothing. We're waiting to hear back from the Vaccine Injury Benefits, federal—
CRIS VLEK: Hmm mm.
MANDY: — they've, it feels like they've ghosted us.
CRIS VLEK: Mandy, I wanted to take, I want to thank you very much for taking the time and it's so, it takes so much courage to come and do this, and I want to thank you for doing that. And we need to get these stories out there, so. This is just one of the many stories we're seeing on the road. We're in Prince George tonight, we're heading to 100 Mile House tomorrow. Thank you, Mandy.
For more about the Justice for the Vaccinated Bus Tour, see https://vaxjustice.org/
See also: the interview with Drs. Charles Hoffe and Stephen Malthouse and Cris Vlek,
by Glen Jung, Bright Light News, October 2, 2022,
* "Cyclophosphamide is a chemotherapy medication that slows the growth of cancer cells in your body. It treats lymphoma, myeloma, leukemia, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. A healthcare provider will give you this injection or infusion in a hospital or clinic setting. The brand name of this medication is Cytoxan." — Source:
💉 Yesterday, Variety ran a familiar-sounding story headlined, “Wendy Williams Diagnosed With Aphasia and Dementia.”
Wendy, 60, hosted a popular daytime talk show, "The Wendy Williams Show,” often described as a potential Oprah competitor. But sometime in 2021, Wendy’s brain started slipping gears, and now she has been diagnosed with full-blown aphasia and early-onset dementia.
Oddly, it’s the same diagnosis as actor Bruce Willis.
Hilariously, breaking their chimeric ethical standards about privacy,’ media is trotting out Wendy’s entire health history trying to prove she was injured some other way. Tragically, Wendy was initially totally opposed to the vaccines, “I don’t trust it,” she emphatically told Dr. Oz. But the relentless pressure obviously wore her down...
It’s so weird that celebrities like Wendy and Bruce have the same early-onset, atypically-presenting, disabling neurological injuries right after the shots. But don’t start with all your crazy anti-vaxxer nonsense, because there is no evidence the shots hurt anybody.
K-Pop Music Producer ‘Shinsadong Tiger’ Dead at 40 from ‘Unknown’ Cause
South Korean K-pop music producer “Shinsadong Tiger” has died unexpectedly at just 40 years old.
The prominent hitmaker, real name Lee Ho-yang, was found dead in his home on Friday, police revealed.
The Seoul Metropolitan Police said Lee, 40, was discovered dead at his Seoul studio.
Police gave no further details.
According to multiple media reports, his cause of death is “unknown.”
Local media reported that one of Lee’s acquaintances found him collapsed on the floor at the studio.
Canadian doctors have admitted that a Covid “booster” shot from Moderna is responsible for a young Ontario woman now being paralyzed for the rest of her life.
37-year-old mother Kayla Pollock is now paralyzed from the neck down after receiving the mRNA injection and says her life has become a “living hell.”
According to a report from The Liberty Daily, however, doctors have offered to “make up for it” by euthanizing the young mom.
The doctors suggested that Pollock should apply for Canada’s controversial Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program and said they would help her application get accepted.
The doctors suggested that Pollock should apply for Canada’s controversial Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program and said they would help her application get accepted.
56 mins ago
Liked by Dee Dee
I begged my daughter and granddaughter not to take the jab. Both have blood-clotting disorders. Daughter lives with me, so agreed. Granddaughter, nope. In the past three years she did this: Vax, booster, myocarditis. Booster, Covid, disseminated blood clots legs, lung, CCU for 1 week with 3 code calls; filter installed. Later, 2 attempts to remove filter with her waking up during first procedure in clinic and 2nd try successful under general anesthesia. Half a year later, turbo cancer .... Rectal bleeding for over a month before they ordered a colonoscopy. Found a plum sized cancerous polyp. Bowel resection, but thank goodness no colostomy. OH, yeah, just healing from a clot in her lung she thought was the RSV cold the rest of the family had. Nope, they tested positive and she was neg. At least the ER doc had the sense to read her record and order x-rays. And I would not be surprised if she continues to get vaxxed and boosted some more. I love the girl, but she is not going to listen to me. She shuts me down if I speak truth flat out. I have become very subtle at planting thoughts of other ways to think about or to research things. For sake of the children and my being allowed to continue a presence in their lives, I have not fallen apart into the puddle of tears I feel behind my eyes. I shared some of this on my NextDoor group and was told I'm a danger to the community! LOL Just upgraded to Dee Dee's site so I can be in the presence of and speak with like-minded people!
Clyde Tells About His Full-Body Seizures (Justice for the Vaccinated Tour)
J4VCanada, posted October 26, 2022
CARRIE: And so you got the Pfizer shot?
CLYDE: Yeah.
CARRIE: And one or two?
CARRIE: Two. And after the first shot, did you notice any adverse reactions?
CARRIE: And so you thought, oh, good to go on the second?
CARRIE: And then what happened after the second?
CLYDE: And then nothing for about a month. And then I started convulsing.
CLYDE: [He shows her, shaking his whole body]. Like out of control.
CLYDE: And these would come, I would say, attacks, I called them attacks, I'd be like, I'd be fine for 2 weeks, and then all of a sudden, I'd wake up, I'd cough, I would puke, and shake for at least 10 hours. And um, yeah, it—
CARRIE: And so did you go to your doctor?
CLYDE: I, I went to a doctor, yeah.
CARRIE: And what did the doctor say?
CLYDE: Said, you know— And then I went to an unconventional doctor who was an actual doctor that gave up her license to support things like this, and she put me on a list of vitamins, like trace elements and magnesium, lots of Vitamin C. The whole, the whole program.
CARRIE: Regime. Yeah.
CLYDE: And that's helped. But it's—
CARRIE: So I'm interested, though, the conventional doctor that you went to, what did this doctor say?
CLYDE: They just dismissed me, you know.
CARRIE: Did they give you any explanation?
CLYDE: No. no. And actually that doctor is a functional doctor as well, he's pretty high-level alternative person. So I would have expected a little bit more, but—
CARRIE: So there was no report of an adverse reaction?
CLYDE: No. And it's hard to say. I did have a slight tremor before I got the vaccine, but it just got out of control.
CARRIE: It magnified it.
CLYDE: It just out of control. Like, like, yeah, a lot.
MALE VOICE: [inaudible]
CLYDE: Yeah.
MALE VOICE: [inaudible]
CARRIE: Yeah. Alright, and so do you still have these?
CLYDE: They still happen. And, and they happen about once a week, once every week. They tend to happen when I have my days off, which is really convenient.
CARRIE: [laughs]
CLYDE: But it seems like I can hold stress, and hold space, and then all of a sudden I let go—
CARRIE: That's probably what triggers it. So what would you tell people who are considering vaccinated or booster?
CLYDE: Forget it! Um, OK, in my family, I have two really beautiful boys in their 20s, 24 and 22, and one is very conventional and is triple vaxxed. His wife's a masters in nursing. The other one is, wife's an acupuncturist, Chinese [inaudible] and they have [inaudible], one has no vaccination and one has triple, and they both respect each other's opinions and stuff. There's no judgement.
CARRIE: That's good.
CLYDE: But yeah, it is, it's important. Anyways—
CARRIE: Well, thank you for your story, and—
DR. STEPHEN MALTHOUSE: You took a brochure?
CLYDE: I did.
CARRIE: There's good information on there to, on what you can do. Alright, nice to meet you. What was your name?
CLYDE: My name is Clyde.
CARRIE: [shaking hands] Clyde, nice to meet you.
CLYDE: It was Melissa Crawford is the physician who was helping me.
CARRIE: Kudos to Melissa. And does she think it's a vaccine injury?
CLYDE: She is, she is supportive of that.
CARRIE: Yeah. OK well listen, all the best, and we'll keep in touch.
CLYDE: [inaudible]
CARRIE: Keep in touch.
MALE VOICE: [inaudible]
CARRIE: We'll be able to contact him. OK, bye for now.
CARRIE [addressing the camera]: Well, everywhere we go, stories just keep happening and happening. It's time that the government started doing the job that we are doing for them. Somebody had to do it. Justice for the Vaccinated Tour is doing it, and the stories we are getting are very concerning, probably exceeding the extent of harm that we thought we would uncover. So onward we go. Creston is our next stop and we'll be bringing you more stories. Bye for now.
For more about the Justice for the Vaccinated Bus Tour, see https://vaxjustice.org/
See also: the interview with Drs. Charles Hoffe and Stephen Malthouse and Cris Vlek,
by Glen Jung, Bright Light News, October 2, 2022,
Shawn Skelton, Tremoring After Jab: "I'm very real. And unfortunately this is also very real"
January 20, 2021
hat tip: https://sorryigotvaxxed.com/
via https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/b2edf10f2ee9
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Shawn Skelton, a middle-aged woman, appears seated on a white wicker sofa, tremoring violently as she talks to the camera.
SHAWN SKELTON: First I want to introduce myself and my name is Shawn Skelton and I'm very real. And unfortunately this is also very real. I didn't know what else to do other than to just come on live and show everybody what my body's going through at all wakening hours of my day.
First and foremost I want to thank everybody online, and my friends and family that have reached out and prayed because I think that's the only thing we have going for us right now is the prayer.
And on Monday, well, listen, I don't know what's happening to my body, OK? It's a good question to me as it is for you. But I know that on Monday I was a very functioning person, zero medical issues. I've worked everyday, I've been a CNA [certified nursing assistant] for 25 years and I love my patients, I love my job.
I got the covid vaccine, the Moderna, on January the 4th. On Tuesday I had mild, flu-like symptoms. I went to work. [inaudible] pains and diarrhea some, you know, on Tuesday, normal flu-like symptoms. Wednesday I wasn't feeling good, I wasn't able to go to work. My tongue began to spasm out of control. By Thursday morning I was in full body convulsions.
When get upset they get a lot worse, but for the most part this is my typical day. This is right now. I've even taken two valiums and this how much my body controls move.
And I don't have a lot of support. A lot of you people on FaceBook are really mean. I didn't ask for this and now that you just wake up one day and your whole world is wrong and its upside down and no one helps you! It's beyond me. And I can't make sense of it.
I can walk but my legs just bounce.
I try to stay positive, I joke around, and I know a lot of you are probably going to be jealous that I have better dance moves than you when I stand, that's just me trying to be positive.
But tomorrow I'm supposed to go to somewhere in eastern Kentucky and I think get a shock treatment.
But I just appreciate everybody's prayers.
You want to help me get up and walk? [reaches out hand to the person filming]
I'm just exhausted. It's exhausting for your body to constantly go like this. [starts to walk on the grass, still tremoring] But it is what it is and I don't know how else to prove that I'm real.
And thank you for your prayers. And there's nothing that would convince me that this is not from the Moderna vaccine.
Tonight’s CHBMP Space was a deeply moving and impactful session where individuals shared personal stories and experiences related to COVID-19 hospital protocols,vaccine injury, and mandate harms. Participants expressed profound grief and frustration, discussing the devastating loss of loved ones who were subjected to treatments such as ventilators and remdesivir, often resulting in negative outcomes or death. The space highlighted our strong sense of community and mutual support, with members offering comfort and assistance to one another.
But the most concerning figures revealed are the overall number of deaths and excess deaths among children and young adults since the rollout of the Covid injections.
Nearly half a million Americans aged 0 to 44 have died after receiving the Covid shots, which were supposed to “protect” them from the virus.
This report from the CDC comes after recent reporting from Slay News regarding the shocking leaked documents from the UK government’s efforts to promote the vaccines through fear tactics.
The explosive leaked docs show medical staff were ordered to euthanize patients who had been admitted to hospital and tested positive for COVID-19.
The official documents were leaked from the UK’s state-funded National Health Service (NHS).
The docs further confirm the previous reporting from Slay News that revealed patients were euthanized in order to boost the numbers for “Covid deaths.”
As Slay News reported, smoking gun evidence revealed that tens of thousands of elderly people were murdered to boost the mortality rates.
The data produced for the report indicated that people were being euthanized using a fatal injection of Midazolam.
The cause of their deaths was then listed as “Covid,” indicating that the virus was killing far more elderly people than it was.
The explosive data from the report was made public by Australian politician Craig Kelly, the national director of the United Australia Party.
The report obtained official UK government data on death rates and causes.
According to Kelly, the patients were euthanized in order to boost “Covid deaths” and ramp up public fear to garner support for lockdowns and vaccines.
Since the “vaccination” drive began, the rightist David Frum has been among its fiercest champions, along with “leftists” like Michael Moore, Joe Scarborough, Noam Chomsky and Keith Olbermann:
Vaccinated America Has Had Enough
In the United States, this pandemic could be almost over by now. The reasons it’s still going are pretty clear.
by David Frum
July 23, 2021
The Atlantic's David Frum suggests treating unvaccinated patients last in hospitals
December 13, 2021
FRUM, MIRANDA ANN Suddenly of natural causes on Friday, February 16, 2024, at her home in New York at the age of 32. Miranda Frum, beloved daughter of Danielle and David. ...
Published online on February 21, 2024
It is, of course, a tragedy that Frum’s daughter died at 32; but people are still getting “vaccinated,” and we're not going to stop this if we all pretend that she, and many other younger people, have “died of natural causes.”
A Case Study in Covid-19 Vaccine Related Death Certificate Fraud
Japanese Ministry of Health increased COVID vaccine Health Damage Budget by a staggering 110 times vs previous estimates. They are expecting a lot of health damages!
As for the basis, it's related to the FY2025 fiscal year's new coronavirus vaccine health damage budget.
This budget was initially 360 million yen. However, with the supplementary budget, it turned out to be 39.77 billion yen.
Indeed, it has become 110 times larger than the previous estimate, it can be considered that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare assumes over 100 times more health damage incidents have occurred.
The entertainment world is in mourning following the unexpected death of actor Chris Gauthier. ...
According to reports, Gauthier died on Friday, February 23, at the tender age of 48.
His management confirmed his sudden death on Monday, according to Deadline.
However, no cause of death has been revealed.
Sweden's Kristoffer Olsson on ventilator due to brain disease
Sweden and FC Midtjylland midfielder Kristoffer Olsson is on a ventilator in hospital in Denmark suffering from a brain disease, the club said on Tuesday.
Midtjylland said Olsson, 30, lost consciousness at his home last week and has since been treated at Aarhus University Hospital. The club said his hospital admission was "not caused by self-harm of any kind, nor is the cause due to external factors."
Readings from a defibrillator strapped to Corey Harawira-Naera’s chest have indicated the sidelined Raiders back-rower can increase his training loads, but a return to rugby league this season remains unlikely. Harawira met specialists this week in his ongoing recovery from a career-threatening seizure suffered on the field in May last year. There is still no certainty on why Harawira-Naera collapsed midway through a match against Souths last year [above], suffering a seizure before being taken to hospital.
Where is the Princess of Wales? The royal communication strategy is confusing. Kate has not been seen in public for weeks, nor has she put out any sort of personal statement after her hospitalisation at the London Clinic for a still-mysterious health condition. The only information given out at the time was that she was not suffering from cancer – unlike the King, whose own health issues have been made public with considerably more candour and detail than the princess’s. And since then, all has been silent.
Mörz reports Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after Pfizer's BioNTech (BNT162b2) mRNA technology Vaccination against COVID; 76-year-old man with Parkinson's disease (PD) died 3 weeks after 3rd COVID shot; histopathological analyses of the brain uncovered previously unsuspected findings, including acute vasculitis (predominantly lymphocytic) as well as multifocal necrotizing encephalitis of unknown etiology with pronounced inflammation including glial and lymphocytic reaction.’
‘there was no history of COVID-19 for this patient, immunohistochemistry for SARS-CoV-2 antigens (spike and nucleocapsid proteins) was performed. Surprisingly, only spike protein but no nucleocapsid protein could be detected within the foci of inflammation in both the brain and the heart, particularly in the endothelial cells of small blood vessels.
Since no nucleocapsid protein could be detected, the presence of spike protein must be ascribed to vaccination rather than to viral infection. The findings corroborate previous reports of encephalitis and myocarditis caused by gene-based COVID-19 vaccines.’
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