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Young Newlywed Dies Suddenly in Husband’s Arms on Honeymoon, Doctors Stunned
Madison Noronha, from New South Wales (NSW) in Australia, passed away in her husband’s arms in the Netherlands.
Noronha collapsed unexpectedly while the newlywed couple was walking through Amsterdam on Wednesday.
She was rushed to a nearby hospital where she underwent emergency brain surgery but doctors said “nothing could be done to save her.”
During the surgery, doctors reportedly said they were stunned by what they saw.
“The doctors could not believe the size of the aneurysm and nothing could prevent this from happening and nothing could be done to save her,” her husband Kyle Noronha wrote online.
Aside from cancers, the Covid mRNA shots have also been linked to skyrocketing sudden deaths and a range of deadly side effects such as blood clots, heart failure, and strokes.
A growing assembly of oncologists and cancer experts is raising serious concerns over the global surge in rapidly developing aggressive cancer cases, often referred to as “turbo cancers.”
Several different forms of cancer have now been found to be quickly spreading among young, healthy people.
Some doctors are reporting that they are diagnosing apparently healthy people with cancer and they are dying within a week.
The unprecedented spread of the disease has led to oncology experts dubbing the phenomenon “turbo cancer.”
The latest expert to join the assembly of oncologists is Dr. Maarten Fornerod.
Fornerod is the associate professor of Cell Biology and Pediatric Oncology at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer and some specific types of cancer, namely, ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers, were observed in 2022 after two-thirds of the Japanese population had received the third or later dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine. These particularly marked increases in mortality rates of these ERα-sensitive cancers may be attributable to several mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination rather than COVID-19 infection itself or reduced cancer care due to the lockdown.
Widow Bronwyn McAllister Tells Michael Gray Griffith About Her Husband's Turbo Cancer
BRONWYN MCALLISTER: OK. Yeah. So in October he had a pain in his belly, went to the doctor, doctor—
SMALL DAUGHTER: Mom [inaudible] we can go to choochoo train.
BRONWYN MCALLISTER [to daughter]: OK, we'll go on the train in a minute. [To Michael Gray Griffith] For appendicitis removal. They said, you don't have appendicitis. They couldn't work out what was wrong. He had every test. They couldn't diagnose at that time. On the 9th of November he had the AstraZeneca jab and on the 3rd of December he woke up not being able to breathe. They immediately diagnosed him with blood clots on his lungs. And then they, then they attempted to investigate and find out what was wrong. They then took another scan of his bowel and [inaudible] they took a scan of his bowel and he was absolutely full of disease at this point. So they compared October to 3rd of December, full of disease, it metastasized, it was, and within 2 weeks we were at [inaudible] and it was incurable. They couldn't do a damned thing. They tried chemo but they said—
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: You say disease, what do you mean disease?
BRONWYN MCALLISTER: So the, like, tumor was, was huge, which he didn't have in October and it had metastasized to his belly, so—
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: So the tumor that he didn't have in October—
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: -how did it spread?
BRONWYN MCALLISTER: From October. I'm not even saying the colonoscopy, I'm saying, because that's usually how you diagnose, there's a scan with nothing and a scan full of, full of, you know, incurable. And yeah, he, within 10 weeks of having that, I'm not going to call it a vaccination, that poison, poison shot, he was dead. So, died 14th of February. And I've got 3 small children and I'm raising them on my own now. And I knew, I knew that this was a mass genocide and I would not partake in it, but we were building a house and he just wanted to look after his family and keep his job. So—
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: What was his job?
BRONWYN MCALLISTER: Ah, feeder machinist. Yeah. That's pretty much, that's what's happened. His parents come over from New South Wales, it was very difficult for them to get, to get, yeah, even with his grim diagnosis on, he was given all different, you know, three weeks, three years, like, they really didn't know. And, and when they saw the cancer in the fat cells, they were like, we haven't seen this before. And then she kind of, like, did this [makes a funny expression] and was like, she probably shouldn't of said that, you know? But yeah. I was, I was just, I knew, knew straight away that he had something happening, but you know, cancer usually, you know, you get a few years, or can do things, bowel cancer's one of the easiest treatable cancers, so—
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: How did he, how did he handle his death? Like, you know, did he, did he come at peace at the end, or was he angry, or?
BRONWYN MCALLISTER: It was really interesting. He, it wasn't a religious, like, he was an atheist, full on atheist. I believe in God, that source is, you know, I'm really spiritual, he one day just said to me, I need to give my heart to God, and it blew my mind because he, yeah. But he, he knew, he knew it, it was going to take him. He was very weak. And because he couldn't eat food, there is, there's vitamin B17 could have treated it, cured it, but the TGA[1] won't allow it into the country, the injectable form, so, and the powder, yeah, it came too late, he had passed away by the time it come in the mail. So. Yeah. He, he, he was at peace sort of, but you know, he was angry, really angry.
SMALL DAUGHTER: Mom. Mom. [inaudible]
BRONWYN MCALLISTER: And he did one round of palliative chemo which he regrets as well. I mean, everything that, that they try— I mean, yeah, I just knew that anything, you know, western medicine was going to kill him. And they have. So.
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: How are you coping?
BRONWYN MCALLISTER: I'm doing OK. I'm doing OK. I'm, you know, I'm crying every day. The kids are keeping me strong, I guess.
BRONWYN MCALLISTER: Yes. [To Michael Gray Griffith:] But you know, this is my middle one. I've got a baby and a 10 year old as well. So.
BRONWYN MCALLISTER: Yes. Yeah, he, his goals were, seeing her walk, seeing Lilly go to kindergarten. And seeing my 10 year old [holding daughter on lap; laughs] turn 10. So yeah. He got to see those things. But he, it just, it just destroyed him, this thing. Just destroyed him. The smell, like, that morning on the 3rd of December went into his room, the smell, it was just like chemicals, like you were in a chemical factory. Like, it wasn't like body odor, it was just like, like, I don't know, like the smell of someone who'd been poisoned. That's all, all I can describe. It's coming out of his pores, whatever it was, the spike protein or whatever. And yeah, definitely cause of blood clots. He had the elevated d-dimers,[2] they, we know that, so we've got all the paperwork there for that. Yeah.
Fatal Post COVID mRNA-Vaccine Associated Cerebral Ischemia
Venous thromboses have been linked to several COVID-19 vaccines, but there is limited information on the Moderna vaccine’s effect on the risk of arterial thrombosis. Here we describe a case of post-Moderna COVID-19 vaccination arterial infarct with vaccine-associated diffuse cortical edema that was complicated by refractory intracranial hypertension.
24 hrs after receiving her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, a 30-year-old female developed severe headache. Three weeks later she was admitted with subacute headache and confusion. Imaging initially showed scattered cortical thrombosis with an elevated opening pressure on lumbar puncture. An external ventricular drain was placed, but she continued to have elevated intracranial pressure. Ultimately, she required a hemicraniectomy, but intractable cerebral edema resulted in her death. Pathology was consistent with thrombosis and associated inflammatory response.
….there is enough, in my opinion, there's enough strong evidence linking mRNA vaccines to cancer. and then in addition to the safety signal of Japan to say, okay, it's time to stop!
The death of a young New Zealand plumber from a side effect of a Covid-19 vaccine should have been prevented by telling him of the risks before getting the jab, a coroner has found.
Rory Nairn, 26, died from an inflamed heart - myocarditis - 12 days after receiving his first dose of the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine at a New Zealand pharmacy in 2021.
Despite widespread availability of safe and effective vaccines (never mind that little AstraZeneca-clotting speed bump), the numbers of flu, rsv, and covid are rising in the world’s Kangaroo capital. And flu season is getting fatter. According to the Mail, and I am not making this up, not getting the flu is what is making everyone get the flu...
I won’t mention the possibility of immune suppression, since that’s just a conspiracy theory.
How long have we been hearing about a mass die off? I admit it would solve a lot of world problems but…
There’s a paper published by Nair et al. that showed in 2020 the actual miscarriage rate is closer to 5 to 6 percent. I’ve probably never even been that high. In 2020, from month to month, the average miscarriage rate in my practice was 4 percent. Then in 2021 when it spiked in November, the average rate was 7 to 8 percent, so it had doubled.
Then in 2022, from month to month, it went up to 15 percent, and that was up till November. In December of 2022, my miscarriage rate was 27 percent. In January and February of 2023, it was 30 percent. It didn’t normalize back down to 4 percent until June of 2023.
ERIN BORLAND: I received the first two doses of Moderna in January and February of 2021. I am a bedside nurse by practice, have been at the bedside for 13 years.
I started having facial reactions to the hospital-provided face masks that was consistent of contact dermatitis, facial swelling, and eczema on my eyelids. I have worn face masks throughout my career for different procedures, whether in the ICU or other procedures that were going on without a problem.
This started in October 2021, 10 months, roughly, after the first two doses of Moderna that I had received. I had not had covid any time during this span as well. I was prescribed two rounds of steroids and followed up with an allergist. The allergist was unable to find the cause of my contact dermatitis, labeling it as etiology unknown.
I followed up with the Occupational Health Department through work who then gave me hypoallergenic face masks, and I was still having the same reactions.
Now as a nurse I'm working 12 hour shifts and my face is on fire by the end of this shift. Also of note, it was taking days for my face to actually calm down after working a 12 hour shift. ...
And, of note, I worked with nurses, everyone had to have the covid vaccine and the booster, and after receiving the boosters the majority of people were out on leave with covid. So it was noticeable that even with the vaccines and booster, people were still contagious and still contracting the virus. We were told that being mandated to receive the booster was for patient safety. So if was unclear to me why I was being mandated to receive a booster if it was still contagious and still transmittable in front of taking care of patients.
MEREDITH: Hi everyone. My name is Meredith or Merry, as I go by, as in Christmas. I'm a 77 year old Duxbury resident, retired registered nurse, and vaccine injured. I've spent a lot of time in public health, in pediatrics and OB.
It has been 2 years, one month, 20 days since I received my second Moderna covid vaccine. I had a mild reaction to the first, so, which disappeared in three days, so I figured, OK, I'll go for my second, being coerced by husband and family.
However, my second resulted in a severe reaction within 12 hours. I awoke at midnight, had my shot at noon, with a severe horrifying burning throughout my whole body from my scalp to my toes. It was a total out of body experience, and that's the way I described it to my husband. I felt I wanted to send him downstairs and I said, go get me a knife, my legs need to be cut open so it'll, otherwise they're going to explode.
The severity lasted 5 days. I could not walk, could not stay awake, I had severe right-sided face, jaw tingling and burning, headaches, blurred vision, brain fog, body aches, nausea, and hot flashes. All of these continue to this day. Not as often, not as intense.
My previous health was excellent. I take no prescriptions. I played pickle ball, golf, cared for grandkids, cared for an elderly mother, and also walked 2 to 3 miles 3 to 6 times a week. Other than arthritis, what can I say for my age?
Many of the symptoms, poisoning, remain 2 years later with the same as I said before, although we've added occasional heart palpitations, more hot flashes, micro clots in my hands which go cold and hot. I can, they, um, and they move all over my body. One day it'll be nausea, three days later it'll be my legs, four days later it'll be a headache and of course fatigue.
The doctors are clueless and basically useless you can find somebody who listens. Nothing shows up in testing. You have to do research yourself and try to find somebody. I've read and read and read.
My husband also ended up with a blood clot after his third. His hematologist at Dana-Farber finally moved over to us after many tests and said, quietly, yes, it's the vaccine, when we asked.
My son passed out at Gillette Stadium with no known reason. Hit the floor, cement steps, on his way to the men's room. He was unconscious and taken to the hospital. Broke his jaw, broke his nose, stitches everywhere.
I have a list of my own, three columns long. [holds up a handwritten document] I am one person who knows all these people who have been affected by their vaccine.
I questioned from the beginning the vaccine safety and the public health misinformation. I am not opposed to vaccines. My biggest regret is taking them.
Billy Price, a 2018 first-round draft pick, announced his retirement from the NFL on Saturday because of the potential of complications from a blood clot.
"In the blink of an eye, everything can be taken away," Price wrote on Instagram. "On April 24th I had emergency pulmonary embolism surgery to remove a saddle clot that was entering both of my lungs. As a healthy 29 year old, an unprovoked pulmonary embolism with no further medical explanation is terrifying. I am truly thankful to be alive today.
30-Year-Old Professional Golfer Grayson Murray Dies Suddenly After Withdrawing from Charles Schwab Challenge
Two-time PGA Tour winner Grayson Murray passed away suddenly on Saturday morning, the PGA Tour confirmed.
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