Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   911,912 views  8,535 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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7480   Patrick   2024 May 27, 8:45pm  


A disturbing new study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots permanently alter the DNA of those who receive the injections.

Alarmingly, however, these dangerous changes to the DNA will be passed on to the offspring of the Covid-vaccinated.

This week, renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough posted a video to X, in which he highlights the study.

McCullough reveals that the explosive study has been massively censored across Big Tech social media platforms.

He focuses on LinkedIn’s censorship of the study, which was blocked from public view despite being published by the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Library of Medicine.

The study documents how mRNA gene therapy vaccines such as the Covid shots permanently alter the genetics of the vaccinated.

Additionally, the study found that the progeny of the vaxxed are also affected via the insertion of mRNA into the human DNA.

“The Pfizer and Moderna genetic code is permanently installed into the human genome,” McCullough said.

“So as we sit here today we have to reconcile that Pfizer and Moderna potentially could have permanently changed the human genome.”

The eminent doctor also notes that conclusive research has not yet been conducted to confirm if the entire mRNA sequence is permanently incorporated into DNA.

McCullough said he hopes the body will edit out the mRNA from the injections.

However, he warns that there is a strong possibility that mankind has forever been fundamentally altered.

He referred to these permanent alterations of the human race as “very disturbing.”

7481   Patrick   2024 May 27, 9:17pm  


COVID Vaccination Increases Excess Mortality Of Highly Vaccinated North Temperate Zone and North Frigid Zone Countries

Multiple Linear Regression(MLR) model is used to evaluate the relationships between these factors and excess mortality. Data of highly vaccinated 29 north temperate zone and north frigid countries representing 1.19 billion population are used in the models, which is the largest dataset as far as we know.

The result clearly shows that COVID vaccination increases excess mortality in post-vaccination periods and the effect keeps increasing.

Furthermore, according to our model, the excess mortality caused by COVID vaccination is higher than COVID itself. The massive vaccination campaign is proven to be a huge mistake and should be stopped immediately.
7482   Patrick   2024 May 28, 10:55am  


A beloved former news anchor and local politician in Indiana has died.

Tanya Sumner, who went by the name Tanya Spencer on-air, died in her home on Saturday, May 24, at the age of 53, two years after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in 2022, according to her former employer, Indianapolis ABC affiliate WRTV.

Can anyone view https://x.com/TanyaESpencer and do this search:

vaccine (from:https://twitter.com/TanyaESpencer)

I'm blocked from Twitter for posting politically incorrect memes.
7483   Ceffer   2024 May 28, 11:27am  

Patrick says

I'm blocked from Twitter for posting politically incorrect memes.

7485   Ceffer   2024 May 28, 12:47pm  

The psychopaths quizzed the panic factor of contagion combined with trust of 'authority' quite well. However, resilience of populations as groups and the rebound karma are clear indicators that their witching and hostility to humanity have distinct short sightedness. I guess we can have some gratitude for their inbred, drool bucket weaknesses, in spite of their success in imposing suffering and death for their demon gods.
7486   Ceffer   2024 May 28, 5:58pm  

We have programmed you to believe that our regularly scheduled lab generated DARPA pathogens (ten times worse in election years) are 'natural' yuck yuck. And now, for our election year fear totem. Bird Flu worked pretty well in its last scare pathogen cycle, let's see how the retread flies. Let's see how many lethal, maiming mRNA, cancer causing shots we can get into those arms.

7487   Ceffer   2024 May 28, 6:00pm  

Of course, Congress has to negotiate with Pharma on all of the tax laundering back to their coffers they feel entitled to.

7488   Ceffer   2024 May 29, 12:08pm  

Jabbee Turbo Cancer? Can't find the info. Guy I know in Santa Cruz died of turbo prostate cancer after the jabs.

7489   Patrick   2024 May 29, 7:25pm  


An explosive hearing unfolded at the Philippines' House of Representatives, focusing on the concerning increase of over 290,000 excess deaths. As people start to connect the dots to the roll-out of experimental vaccines, heated discussions ensued, revealing shocking testimonies and data.

Attorney Tanya Lat voiced the frustrations of many Filipinos: "There are Filipino people who are sick and tired of how the DOH has let us down, has refused to admit that people are dying, turning a blind eye to the people who are getting sick, turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60, 70-year-old people." Her words resonated in the chamber, painting a grim picture of a Department of Health (DOH) that seems indifferent to the suffering caused by the vaccines. "We look into their eyes, there does not seem to be any sympathy for the people who have died, for the people who are now physically disabled because of these vaccines," she added.
7490   Patrick   2024 May 30, 10:21am  

From today's Palo Alto Daily Post:

7491   mell   2024 May 30, 10:32am  

If npcs don't open their eyes now nothing will. Just a decade or decades ago it was unheard of high schoolers dropping dead. Maybe a freak accident or two across the whole country in a year that's it. Nowadays dropping like flies due to the toxxine
7492   Ceffer   2024 May 30, 5:33pm  

No profit in the plain old flu. The trillion dollar campaign was to establish a fake.

7493   Patrick   2024 May 30, 7:38pm  


A 17-year-old Michigan girl has tragically died shortly after she received a second dose of Pfizer’s Covid mRNA shot, her devasted family has revealed.

Aubrynn Grundy from Livonia, Michigan suffered a massive followed by multiple severe complications which ultimately resulted in her untimely death.

Shanna Carroll, Aubrynn’s heartbroken mother, is now speaking out to warn the public about the deadly side effects of the injections.

The teenager, who was described as being in perfect health, died in August 2022, less than two months after she received her second dose of the Pfizer shot.

7494   Patrick   2024 May 30, 8:31pm  


I haven’t done any research because I had no intention of getting these kind of shots. Now I have to do it like “right now at this moment hurry up no time to research or think” if I want to keep my job. Like literally tomorrow morning before work is my deadline. (Thanks corporate life) ...

Nikki Turner’s Facebook post on October 27, 2021. She worked for Lockheed Martin.

A young woman died suddenly in the prime of her life on May 24, 2022. I suspected strongly, based on the shock but restrained at the time reaction to it, that it might have had something to do with that thing which cannot be named. Nobody even hinted at a cause of death for her. So I put on my homicide detective hat and decided to research her case. How many Nikki Turners are out there?
7497   Patrick   2024 May 31, 7:40pm  


Shocking Surge in Stillbirths and Perinatal Deaths Rocks Singapore in 2023!
25% increase in perinatal mortality and a 32% rise in stillbirths year on year!

7498   Ceffer   2024 May 31, 10:41pm  

It's getting tedious, isn't it?

7502   Patrick   2024 Jun 1, 8:30pm  


Chloe Burke has always felt her most relaxed on a football field.

A keen athlete all her life, the Texas native thrived as a D1 collegiate cheerleader at the University of Houston — never missing a game.

Then, one day in 2019, while mid-routine at a game, the then 21-year-old collapsed to the ground.

'Everything went black,' Ms Burke, now 25, told DailyMail.com. Tests would later reveal that she'd suffered a freak cardiac arrest. There was no history of heart troubles in the family.

What followed was a frantic rush to save her life, involving three electric shocks to restart the organ and, ultimately, brutal open heart surgery, in which doctors were forced to crack open her chest and split her breastbone down the middle to access the heart.
7503   Ceffer   2024 Jun 1, 11:13pm  

As for the 'Phoenicians', one could generally regard them as the Globalists and banksters from ancient root dynastic cultists. "An act of war" which is why DARPA and DOD were sponsors. Just because a batch was non lethal does not mean it was non-maiming.

view pdf
7504   Patrick   2024 Jun 2, 5:19pm  


Forest of the Fallen at Burleigh Market, Canberra
December 16, 2023

The Forest of the Fallen is a silent vigil of poles planted in the ground, each topped with a page of the story and photo of someone who was injured or killed by the covid jabs. The Forest of the Fallen was started in 2021 by Selkie, a Tasmanian mother of three, and has since spread throughout Australia. For more information see the website https://theforestofthefallen.com/

In this instance the poles are arranged in a line along the edge of a raised garden under trees, which is bordering a public market. The woman speaking does not appear on camera; she walks along, showing the viewer the array of individual stories of the injured and dead.

WOMAN'S VOICE: So we're down at Burleigh Market. A lot of people here today because of Christmas so there down, there's more more stalls. They're all down here to buy more Christmas presents. Anyway so we're at Forest of the Fallen, all along here. In this section with the black ribbons are all deaths.

And this one always makes me sad. [close up on "RIP Natalie 21 Melbourne VIC"] The sun's in the wrong place. This girl, Natalie, she's only 21, from Melbourne, and she died after having two Pfizer and then one Moderna, I think it looks like. So sad.

So these are all the sections, all the deaths. Really sad. Just 45, 30 year old. A few older ones in there. 50 year old, 26, 40, 49, 34, 51.

And these ones, these are all the unborn. Oh no, these ones, these ones are, no photos, no photos of them.

These are the police that woke up.

And then other people, other more famous people, or people that work in the industry.

And down then down further are all the sports people.
7505   Ceffer   2024 Jun 2, 6:36pm  

Wow. Feed the poor little sucker a soy burger, and watch his little head pop like a zit.

7508   Ceffer   2024 Jun 2, 6:39pm  

Wise man. I would have done the same. Not worth sitting on a pile of money being maimed and waiting for the 'sudden death'. He will eventually get another pay package without the vax democide requirement, he just has to wait a while.

7509   Patrick   2024 Jun 2, 9:12pm  

Ceffer says

It's getting tedious, isn't it?

Thanks, I combined them:

7510   Ceffer   2024 Jun 2, 11:19pm  

Happy Vaccine Turbo Cancer Day?

7511   Ceffer   2024 Jun 2, 11:28pm  

So that bit about non vaxxers being a hazard to the vaxxed? The vaxxed are a pool of blood contagion now.

7513   Ceffer   2024 Jun 3, 11:28am  

From Anna von Reitz about Fauci:

"Anthony Fauci don't just appear like asparagus in the spring.

Look at his name-- "Fauci" is Sicilian for "Scythe". He was made a tool for murder and genocide from birth, welded for what he has become, an assassin from a great history and family of assassins."

They appointed a dynastic assassin who knows his job and his origins for his 'healthcare' role: murder through the rank and file of the government medical establishment. It is why he is shameless, impervious and unbending. He is doing the job they intended for him to do, and he is 'protected' to do it.

7514   RayAmerica   2024 Jun 3, 1:21pm  

Japanese Leader Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: ‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones’

Kazuhiro Haraguchi, the former Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs, has become the first major politician to apologize to the unvaccinated for the tsunami of deaths occurring among the vaccinated population.

Earlier this week, huge numbers of Japanese citizens took to the streets to protest against the crimes against humanity perpetrated by globalist organizations such by World Health Organization (WHO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) during the pandemic.

During an opening speech at the protests, Haraguchi delivered a powerful and emotional apology for the huge numbers of deaths now occurring as a result of the deadly mRNA roll-out.

Haraguchi began by addressing the grief and loss felt by families who have lost loved ones who were coerced into taking the COVID jab. With a deep sense of sincerity, he extended his condolences and took responsibility for the failings of those in power. “I apologize to all of you. So many have died, and they shouldn’t have,” he said.

One of the key points in Haraguchi’s speech was his criticism of the ban on Ivermectin, a drug developed by Dr. Satoshi Omura, which he believed could have played a significant role in combating the pandemic. Haraguchi questioned the motives behind the ban, suggesting that economic interests were prioritized over public health. “Why? Because they are cheap. They don’t want it because it will interfere with the sales of the vaccines,” he argued. This statement drew loud applause from the crowd, many of whom felt that corporate profits had taken precedence over human lives.

Haraguchi then shared a deeply personal story about his own health struggles. After receiving vaccines, he developed a severe illness, specifically a rapidly progressing form of cancer. “This time last year, I had neither eyebrows nor hair. Two out of the three supposed vaccines I received were lethal batches,” he revealed. This candid account of his battle with cancer, which included significant physical changes like hair loss, struck a chord with the audience. He recounted an incident where his appearance became a point of distraction in the Diet, with an opponent focusing more on his wig than the issues at hand.

Adding to the conversation, Haraguchi disclosed that he was not the only member of Japan’s National Diet (legislature) to suffer adverse effects from vaccines. He mentioned that three of his colleagues had been severely affected, with some even hospitalized. “They are falling to pieces, some hospitalized. But they don’t speak up,” he explained. This revelation underscored a broader issue: the reluctance or inability of public figures to discuss their personal health challenges openly.

Haraguchi was particularly passionate about the attempts to silence those who question current policies and government actions. He recounted a recent incident where he was banned from speaking on Channel 3 after an interview with its president. “The other day, I spoke with the President of Channel 3, and I was banned. They are trying to silence our voices,” he stated. This attempt to censor dissenting voices highlighted a critical concern about freedom of speech and expression. Haraguchi urged the audience to remain steadfast in their resolve, saying, “They are trying to block our freedom, our resistance, our power. But we will never lose.”

In the conclusion of his speech, Haraguchi issued a rallying call for action. He urged the people to stand united in challenging the government and its questionable decisions. “Let’s overthrow this government,” he proclaimed, emphasizing the need for change and accountability. He called on legislators to continue fighting for the people’s lives and freedoms, “Let’s make it happen,” he concluded.

The protest that is happening right now (31st May 2024), which aims to draw tens of thousands of participants, marked a significant moment in the global discourse about pandemic management and health policies. Haraguchi’s speech, filled with personal anecdotes and strong criticisms, resonated deeply with the attendees.

7516   Patrick   2024 Jun 3, 2:37pm  

RayAmerica says

Adding to the conversation, Haraguchi disclosed that he was not the only member of Japan’s National Diet (legislature) to suffer adverse effects from vaccines. He mentioned that three of his colleagues had been severely affected, with some even hospitalized. “They are falling to pieces, some hospitalized. But they don’t speak up,” he explained.

Makes sense because they were either:

1. stupid for taking the vaxx, which is embarrassing
2. corrupt for taking money to promote the vaxx, which is also embarrassing

At least Haraguchi sounds some someone with real character and courage.
7517   Ceffer   2024 Jun 3, 2:45pm  

Talked with my neighbor in Santa Cruz. He is one of the few who had God's common sense not to take the vax and we have talked about it a couple of times.
A mutual acquaintance who he knew well for a long time died of turbo prostate cancer a couple of months ago. Now, he is really in a black mood because he says most of his friends (vaxxed) are coming down with cancer and a 'baffling' array of health maladies. He has the aura of a war survivor, which, I guess, he is and we are, at least so far.
7518   stereotomy   2024 Jun 3, 3:19pm  

The only people speaking the truth that are vaxxed are the ones dying, so they have nothing to lose. Deathbed confession type of shit. They need to make peace with their maker for the evil that they have committed.
7519   Patrick   2024 Jun 3, 8:12pm  


Legendary Dallas Cowboys guard and Super Bowl winner Larry Allen has died suddenly at the age of 52 while on vacation with his family in Mexico.

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