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I still don't know anyone who has been harmed, or suspected of being harmed, by the vax.
This must be a fake.
19-yo Australian Equestrian Star Hospitalized with Blood Clots Days After Getting Vaxxed as Media Gaslights
We have it bad here with American media, but Australian media has embraced Pandemic Panic Theater even more.
This must be a fake.
LOL! Fake news? Seems Henry the K has been quoted as saying stuff at least as bad, and he IS Klaus Barbie Schwab's esteemed mentor.
You pretty near recovered now, @mell ?
Worldwide Search Trend For "Died Suddenly" Spikes To Record Highs
Tyler Durden's Photo
WEDNESDAY, NOV 17, 2021 - 09:44 AM
We can't help but notice one Google search trend that has erupted worldwide.
The search term "died suddenly" has spiked to an all-time high in the last two months, with data going back to 2004.
Worldwide Search Trend For "Died Suddenly" Spikes To Record Highs
KTFree9 hr ago
My brother in law, 56 years old at the time of his death, Died 20 minutes after receiving his second dose of the pfizer. He was found out side of the facility where he received the jab, by his vehicle, slumped over the hood. He died of a massive heart attack walking to his car. My other sister, a doctor, in another state, flew to be with my sister who just lost her husband, she (the Dr.) filed a VAERS report because the hospital did not. When the State responded to her, they told her to have the body autopsied. When they told the hospital, the hospital responded by telling my sister( the widow) that they had already cremated the body, so that the family could "move on" with the grieving process. At the time neither my sister the doctor, or my sister who just lost her husband questioned the circumstances, both "believing" fully in the medical system and the jab. This happened in January 2021.
KTFree9 hr ago
here's his story reported by the covid blog
FLORIDA, USA — A 56-year-old man is dead one hour after receiving his second Pfizer BioNTech mRNA shot.
An extended care facility in the state reported the death to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The man worked at the facility and was likely required to get the mRNA shots. His name was not provided in the report.
He received his second shot on Tuesday, January 12 at 2 p.m., according to the report. The man came into work that morning “in good health” and “with no complaints.” He waited for the required 15 minutes after the shot in the administration area. The man said he felt fine and returned to work. He was found unresponsive within one hour of returning to work, according to the report.
Emergency medical workers were called immediately. They worked on him 30 minutes in the field, then 30 minutes upon arrival at the emergency room. He was placed on life support; but it was already too late. He was deemed brain dead on January 14. He pronounced dead less than 90 minutes later. No further details are available.
Wife is still having issues. She's basically on a 2 week cycle now. We don't want anymore kids, but legit concerned at this point about bigger issues beyond fertility. It has been about 50 days roughly since she got jab two. She's not doing the booster. Our nurse friends did and said it was awful and that they're having lady issues as well in the period department. Gross, I know, but this is fucking with women in a bad way. 3 periods in 50 days is not remotely normal after the only change was an injection. No change to diet and no added medication or any medication at all.
Wife is still having issues. She's basically on a 2 week cycle now.
Totally normal news out of Barcelona
Alex Berenson 7 hr ago
Where one of the world’s top soccer players is suddenly retiring after suffering an unspecified cardiac crisis, just months after he signed a huge deal with the club.
Yeah, he was vaccinated.
Nothing to see here, folks.
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