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Popular social media health and fitness influencer Jaxon Tippet has tragically died suddenly of a heart attack, according to reports.
Tippet had just turned 30 when he passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, his family have confirmed.
The Australian health influencer and fitness coach was on vacation in Turkey when tragedy struck.
The family of the single dad-of-one and popular podcaster is now trying to return his body to his home in Queensland.
Another from the annals of 'we killed the wrong guy'?
A 47-year-old British Airways pilot has collapsed and died suddenly, according to the airline.
The Senior First Officer was resting at a luxury hotel during an overnight layover in between flights on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia.
However, the pilot, who has not been named by British Airways, dropped dead in the airport lobby in front of horrified vacationers.
The airline was forced to cancel the flight which was due to leave for London early the following morning.
According to British Airways, the pilot of Flight BA2158 died on Sunday, November 3.
"My Father Needs Multiple Limbs Amputated After Taking The Covid-19 Vaccine 💉(2021)"
CovidBC, posted April 11, 2023
WOMAN STANDING IN GARDEN: For everyone wondering why there are so many of us against the vaccine, maybe there's some of whose father is actually in the ICU right now about to have his arm amputated due to so many blood clots in his arm, on top of the double pneumonia, congestive heart failure, a blood clot in his heart. And he may lose both legs due to the blood clots.
This is a perfectly healthy man who worked this whole garden all season long, plus two more that we have, was consistently working on cars and everything. He gets the vaccine, his energy has been cut in half. And for the past month he has basically been fighting for his life.
So before you come after an unvaccinated person, think about what you're saying. Some of us have done our research. Some of us have to live with this every day. Because right now doctors don't know if my dad is going to fu#king make it.
(The Oglethorpe Plan is an urban planning idea
Just everyday people who were aware. It restored my faith in humanity.
And whatever the mysterious, enigmatic, cryptic, arcane, unfathomable, puzzling, inexplicable, obscure, inscrutable, secretive, shadowy, elusive, surreal, mystifying, uncanny problem is, it doesn’t appear to be abating…
I wonder if it has anything to do with…
“As of Thursday, 30 November 2023 a total of 11,404,669 COVID and 16,190,661 flu vaccinations have been reported as administered by the NHS in England since the start of the autumn campaign including 61.5 percent of people aged 65 and over having received a COVID jab. Over 4.5 million COVID and flu vaccinations have been administered at the same time.”
Celebrity Fitness and Yoga Guru Sharath Jois Dies Suddenly at 53
Yoga guru Sharath Jois, a health and fitness coach to the stars, has tragically died suddenly.
R. Sharath Jois, a fitness educator who had gained a legion of famous clients including Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, was just 53 when he died.
Jois passed away on Monday in Virginia, The Hindu has reported.
The new faces of cancer: Tragedy of young, fit women in their 20s and 30s being struck down by killer disease
While cancer has long been considered a disease of old age, a surge in cases among Gen Z and millennials is gradually turning that trend on its head.
Since 1990, cases of some types of cancers in young people have almost doubled in the US, even as rates have slowed or fallen in their parents and grandparents.
Sydney Towle, from California, was just 23 when she was diagnosed with bile duct cancer in early August 2023 after doctors discovered a 'sizable mass' in her stomach that had been growing for four months.
'I'm typically an active person but suddenly I started feeling short of breath, and this strange burning sensation took hold in my tummy,' she shared.
"Danielle Baker FDA Testimony"
react19org, posted January 28, 2023
See also:
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This public comment was delivered to the FDA's VRBPAC /Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) Open Hearing on January 26, 2023. Because of her injuries, Baker's speech is painfully halting throughout.
DANIELLE BAKER, RN: I am Danielle Baker and I have no conflict of interest. Hear me. The vaccine injured are real.
In June of 2021 I reluctantly received the Pfizer injection after being coerced by my former employer. I had a 17 year career as a certified in hospice and palliative care registered nurse that I loved and was part of my identity.
I had a fall within 12 hours of receiving the second injection. 24 hours later my symptoms progressed and I sought care at the ER. Agonizing in pain in my right injected arm, it radiated into my face causing me to scream out in pain. I asked if this was a direct result of the injection, but because of the safe and effective narrative I didn't get the care that I needed. And I was dismissed within 30 minutes without answers.
By the end of July I was hospitalized, unable to readily walk, muscle spams contorting my body in constant excruciating pain, and the humiliation of losing my bowel and bladder function.
My immune system attacked my spinal cord and I was diagnosed with transverse myelitis. My physician documented this as a direct result of the shot.
My family is unable to plan events because I don't know what I can tolerate each day. Will the spasm be so bad I can't even rest in bed, or will I be in such unbearable pain I can't have human touch? Even speaking is hard because of the damage done.
I willi—, unwillingly traded being a caregiver for medical equipment receiving care in bed sores.
We are in financial ruins because ironically I took the shot to keep the career that I loved, and I no longer have.
I submitted a VAERS[1] as well as a Med Watch on August 4, 2021. My VAERS report disappeared from the system and I heard nothing from the FDA.
Is it because you take your marching orders from Pfizer or Big Pharma while you continue to pretend I, we the vaccine injured don't exist? The only thing more humiliating than losing my bodily function is your complete disregard for the vaccine injured. Shame on every single one of you!
My former employer doesn't care. My PCP [primary care provider] doesn't care, and it seems the FDA certainly doesn't care.
FEMALE VOICE: Thank you, Daniella for sharing your experiences.
15-24 Year Old Medical Deaths up 77%.
25-34 Year Old Medical Deaths up 24%
35-44 Year Old Medical Deaths up 7%
45-54 Year Old Medical Deaths up 12%
# Percentages based on comparison with 2020. ...
... I think it’s fair to say based on the above, that something happened in 2021 to set off an unprecedented increase in Medical deaths in Ireland.
My money is on a combination of the Covid 19 vaccines and soul destroying lockdown policies.
Introduction Yellow Card Vaccine Monitor (YCVM) was established by the UK Medicines and
Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to facilitate active monitoring of adverse reactions
following COVID-19 vaccination and further characterise safety in populations under-represented in
clinical trials.
Methods Randomly selected individuals were invited to register and actively contacted to seek
further information on the vaccines received and adverse events they experienced. Demographics of
patients recruited, and summaries of reported data, are presented alongside detailed analyses of the
sub-cohort of pregnant and breast-feeding patients and analyses conducted to support regulatory
assessment of two safety signals, menstrual disorders, and tinnitus.
Results 36,604 individuals registered, with 30,281 reporting vaccination. Median [IQR] follow-up was
184 days [14-367]. Demographics of the recruited cohort reflected the vaccinated population and
timing of invitations. 15,764 (52.1%) of those reporting vaccination, reported experiencing at least
one adverse reaction. However, nearly all were expected acute reactions and only 4,134 (13.7%)
reported an event considered medically serious.
“Since when do we have a protein that actually injures the brain, injures the heart, the bone marrow, the immune system, causes blood clotting, and potentially causes cancer in a single protein?” McCullough asked.
“It’s a weapon,” he concluded.
“According to strict military criteria, it’s a bioweapon.”
The warning from McCullough comes just days after a top government official in the Netherlands dropped an explosive whistleblowing statement in the Dutch parliament. ...
Agema has revealed that the “military operation” was led by NATO and the Netherlands’ National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV).
The NCTV is a Dutch government agency that serves the country’s national security.
Peer-Reviewed Study Reveals 1,236% Surge in Excess Cardiac Arrest Deaths Among 2 Million COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals
Last month, our study titled, Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington, was officially published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine: Open Access:
... Approximately 98% of the King County population received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by 2023. As of August 2nd, 2024, there have been approximately 589,247 confirmed COVID-19 cases in King County. In 2021- 2022, Total EMS attendances in King County sharply increased by 35.34% from 2020 and by 11% from pre-pandemic years. Cases of 'obvious death' upon EMS arrival increased by 19.89% in 2020, 36.57% in 2021, and 53.80% in 2022 compared to the 2017-2019 average.
Yes, but it has a 100 percent doctor enrichment rate.
Ceffer says
Yes, but it has a 100 percent doctor enrichment rate.
That's definitely false. Granted the success rate is not great, but it's easily between 25-50%. Most skin cancers treated with flourouracil (chemo creme) will go away permanently. Many early stage cancers such as breast are often successfully treated with chemo. You get a high failure rate by including all the late stage where you have to give chemo (or immunotherapy) before you can even attempt surgery. Mankind definitely needs better/different therapies, but it has its use cases, the strongest one being skin cancer where you can destroy cells without causing too much systemic harm.
Topical Chemo ("Chemo creme") is way different from systemic IV chemo.
Break out the applications, uses, and the success rates with more targeted treatments, but please don't lump in general chemo with these approaches.
Our Therapeutic Goods Administration persistently claim that myocarditis following COVID-19 “vaccination” is “rare”. The TGA often cites an incidence of 1 in 100,000 and refers to such cases as “mild”.
Industry spruikers need to hang their heads in shame. Here is a Father of 5 children - 3 of which now have myocarditis following the shots. CLICK HERE to watch an interview by Michael Gray Griffith on Cafe Locked Out on 9 November of the Father.
... Although we were all told these injections were 'safe' and 'effective', conservative estimates are 17 million deaths worldwide, and 1 in 800 is severely injured. These injections have not stopped transmission, or provided immunity. Hospitalisation was not minimised, 94% of those who died from Covid had underlying disease processes. This represents a massive medical experiment. ...
Britney was 19, mandated to be injected to continue her studies. After her second Pfizer jab, her terrifying symptoms began, resulting in her going to Northern Beaches Hospital. She was sent away, and told to come back if she worsened, doctors there having diagnosed her with anxiety. Britney rang her mother from the gutter outside the hospital to beg her for help. Brave Britney considers herself lucky because after 2 years of being misdiagnosed, the medical fraternity has admitted her injury is from the vaccine. It has cost not only Britney's health but also a debt of $250,000 in medical expenses.
Conor Briggs is not so "lucky". Conor had hoped to be here tonight but was too unwell to attend. His health deteriorated drastically after a second Pfizer, when his heart was severely compromised. Despite the fact that he was fit and well, running 10,000 metres a day, he now can't climb the stairs to his bedroom, doctors have diagnosed his condition as depression and anxiety. He is in debt to the tune of $120,000 and growing.
These are just two of the hundreds of stories we hear at Forest of the Fallen.
Malaysia’s population health is not doing well since the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines, measured in rising deaths and an acceleration of already falling births. Covid-19 vaccines are still available / offered, but there is very little reported uptake.
A step change occurred in patterns of and births and deaths in early 2021 concurrent with the vaccine rollouts. While deaths seem to have somewhat stabilized at the new higher level in 2023 and 2024, the loss in births seems to be accelerating. The role of the Covid-19 injections in falling fertility and poorer infant outcomes must be investigated.
In a striking speech to the Australian Parliament, Monash Federal Member Russell Broadbent has brought to light grave concerns regarding DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines, specifically those from Pfizer and Moderna. This is not just a health issue; it's a matter of national urgency demanding immediate attention and transparency. ...
The most alarming revelation comes from experts who have identified that as few as "three to 10 molecules of the SV-40 promoter and enhancer sequences contaminating Pfizer's product can potentially trigger cell mutations leading to cancer." Incredibly, Dr. Speicher's analysis revealed "billions of these molecules in a single dose." The catastrophic implications of such contamination are clear, yet authorities remain disturbingly silent. ...
Just this week, French Professor Didier Raoult confirmed DNA contamination in Pfizer’s vaccine.
I have finally published my genetic analysis of the vaccines, which cannot be published in mainstream scientific journals (partly owned by the same shareholders in the pharmaceutical industry, including pension funds, Blackrock, and Vanguard).
However, this does not prevent them from being accessible; there is always a way to bypass censorship (see HAL reference: https://hal.science/hal-04778576v1).
These results confirm the studies of two other teams showing the presence of DNA from the COVID-19 virus and bacterial plasmids injected into humans during Pfizer vaccination.
In a normal country, it would have been the role of the ANSM (French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products) to test the DNA in these vaccines before recommending them, just as it is their duty to verify the safety of medicines before endorsing Paxlovid, which is now reported to be ineffective and dangerous in the treatment of COVID, and Remdesivir, which is only usable by infusion in hospitalized patients but ineffective at this stage. Bravo, ANSM!
However, what trickery made people believe that one of the world's oldest and most prescribed drugs (hydroxychloroquine) had a toxicity that went unnoticed for 65 years?
We hope that, as in the United States, a parliamentary inquiry will analyze the responsibilities of ministers and the medical board, as well as the leadership of the ANSM (Madame Ratignier) and her associate Mathieu Molimard, whose conflicts of interest are astonishing!
This is a crucial moment for Australia. MP Broadbent's call to suspend these products until comprehensive testing is conducted isn't just prudent—it's essential. The lessons of history warn us against ignoring potential health risks, and we cannot afford a repeat of past medical oversights. The safety and well-being of Australians must come first, requiring decisive action and unwavering transparency.
Conclusions: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.
This population-based retrospective cohort study assesses rates of adverse events (AEs) involving cerebral thromboembolism (CTE) after COVID-19 vaccines. ...
Many clinicians have observed a substantial increase in CTE since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. The legally mandated Pfizer’s post-marketing analysis was conducted from the start of the public rollout on about December 10, 2020 to February 28, 2021. This Pfizer document noted their COVID-19 vaccine to be the most lethal and injurious drug ever rolled out to the public with 42,086 casualties including 1,223 deaths in just the first 10 weeks of rollout [3]. Pfizer and the FDA attempted to conceal the post-market analyses of adverse events for 55-75 years [4,5]. ...
This study demonstrates a significant breach in the safety signal threshold concerning the association of COVID-19 vaccines with an increased risk of cerebral venous thrombosis as compared to that of influenza vaccines as well as all other vaccines (excluding COVID-19). The CTE AEs when analyzed using PRR by time (95% confidence interval) for the COVID-19 vaccine AEs vs influenza AEs is 1120 (95% confidence interval (723-1730), p < 0.0001) and for COVID-19 vaccines vs all others is 207 (95% confidence interval 144-296, p < 0.0001). Females represent a far greater proportion of the cases of cerebral venous thrombosis with a female / male odds ratio of 1.63 (95% confidence interval 1.52-1.74, p < 0.0001), likely associated with the greater risk of CTE in pregnancy, puerperium, contraceptive use, and hormonal replacement therapy. An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary to mitigate further risk with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age.
73.9% Of Post Covid Vax Deaths Found Directly Linked To Vaccination On Autopsy
data reported from the largest autopsy survey ...
Look at this! Most deaths post vaccination occurred within 3 days. This is powerful evidence that cannot be ignored unless one is truly wilfully blind.
Dr. Peter McCullough says: “The next athlete who has a cardiac arrest, the next actor or actress that has a stroke, or the next loved one that suddenly develops a heart attack or a cardiac problem out of the blue, it is likely due to the vaccine.”
"When Kevin McKernan gene sequenced [a] tumor, [a] colon tumor, a few weeks ago and matched the genetic sequence to the Pfizer vaccine, it's freaking over...He got them...There's no question [the COVID mRNA injections are causing cancer]. Kevin proved it."
Electrical engineer and independent investigator John Beaudoin, Sr. (@JohnBeaudoinSr) describes for Shannon Joy (@ShannonJoyRadio) how the evidence linking Pfizer's COVID mRNA injection to cancer is now definitive. Beaudoin specifically highlights work done by R&D lead of the Human Genome Project at MIT and Medicinal Genomics Founder Kevin McKernan (@Kevin_McKernan), which found "the genetic sequence" from Pfizer's COVID injection in a colon tumor.
"Kevin is the one who found the simian virus 40 promoter [in the mRNA COVID-injection vials], which is a little plasmid. He found DNA contamination in the Pfizer vaccines," Beaudoin says. "This was corroborated by Philip Buckhaults down in North Carolina and people in Canada and Europe. It is now known the SV40 is in there [the mRNA COVID-injection vials]."
For reference (from Grok), "the SV40 promoter is a DNA sequence derived from the Simian Virus 40 that enhances gene expression in eukaryotic cells by driving the transcription of genes placed under its control." According to a Children's Health Defense article from June 2023: "SV40 has been linked to cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas and cancers of the brain and bone. In 2002, The Lancet published evidence linking polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 to Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. According to the authors, the vaccine may be responsible for up to 50% of the 55,000 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases diagnosed each year."
"There are two aspects of the turbo cancer [caused by the COVID injections]," Beaudoin goes on to say. "One is the fact that the incidence rate of cancer is higher. There are more cancers in general in people, and there are more cancers in an individual person that are...being caused. But a second thing is that they're growing much faster than they ever have. That's different. They haven't seen anything like this."
Beaudoin goes on to say:
"There's no question [the COVID mRNA injections are causing cancer]. And Kevin proved it. He gene sequenced it. It's from the vaccine. And with the data I have...lymph node cancer is at 400% of normal in Massachusetts. That's the biggest one. And the other big one is bone marrow cancer....But blood-forming organs or your lymph nodes and your marrow, they [get] attacked and they're dysregulated and they're producing wacky cells that multiply, basically."
---------------Partial transcription of clip----------------
"Kevin is the one who found the simian virus 40 promoter, which is a little plasmid. Well, he found he found DNA contamination in the Pfizer vaccines. This was corroborated by Philip Buckhaults down in North Carolina and people in Canada and Europe. It is now known the SV40 is in there. The SV40 is known to be meaning it causes cancers.
"I also found out that it's also, cancers in general are angiogenic, meaning they create blood vessels to feed whatever tumors created as the cancer. But there are two aspects of the turbo cancer. One is the fact that the incidence rate of cancer is higher. There are more cancers in general in people, and there are more cancers in an individual person that are cause being caused. But a second thing is that they're growing much faster than they ever have. That's that's different. They haven't seen anything like this.
"But you can't grow something really fast without angiogenesis. You need a blood supply to it. It can't just absorb the nutrients from the surrounding tissue and grow that fast. Okay. And, yes, angiogenesis occurs in cancer anyway, but not to this rate. And I showed that by showing, uh, it's also occurring with lipomas, which are fatty tumors, which are benign. They're not malignant cancers. Those are also growing really fast and something called granulation tissue, which occurs in wound repair. So granulation tissue is growing wicked fast, and I show a couple of really ugly pictures of, um, tissue popping out the injection sites on both deltoids. 92 year old woman, within 5 months, those things grew, um, 4 centimeters by 1 4 centimeters around and 1 centimeter thick on the outside of her arm. They grew out of a hole in her arms at the injection site to these massive tumors. They're not tumors that granulations. And they were at the injection site. Now what causes that? The SV40 is involved in angiogenesis as well as oncogenesis.
"There's no question. And Kevin proved it. He gene sequenced it. It's from the vaccine. And with the data I have so lymph node cancer is at 400 percent of normal in Massachusetts. That's the biggest one. And the other big one is bone marrow cancer. So but blood forming organs or your lymph nodes and your marrow, they got attacked and they're dysregulated and they're producing wacky cells that multiply, basically."
So granulation tissue is growing wicked fast, and I show a couple of really ugly pictures of, um, tissue popping out the injection sites on both deltoids. 92 year old woman, within 5 months, those things grew, um, 4 centimeters by 1 4 centimeters around and 1 centimeter thick on the outside of her arm. They grew out of a hole in her arms at the injection site to these massive tumors.
Figure 16 comprises the following subject description:
92-year-old Female
COVID-19 “vaccine” Dose 1 - January 2021
COVID-19 “vaccine" Dose 2 - February 2021
Date of pictures - July 28, 2021
Date of death - August 18, 2021
Theory: injection sites granulation tissue from both doses grew at accelerated rates in both arms to produce massive tissue growth each ~4cm diameter x ~1 cm thick in only 5 months. Angiogenesis? Darned right. SV-40 promoter involved? Seems highly likely.
On a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Podcast, Josh Brolin—famed for his role as Thanos in the Marvel universe—boldly shared his personal encounter with a disturbing side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine. Brolin developed a mild case of Bell's palsy and candidly described how he noticed his face starting to droop.
Brolin attributed it to stress but Joe Rogan quickly pointed out that Bell’s palsy is recognized as a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccines. Brolin immediately validated this claim, saying, "I heard that. I've also heard that speech impediments have also, I've heard a lot of things. Kids taking vaccines and things happening." This acknowledgement from Brolin, one of Hollywood's biggest names, underscores the growing list of alarming side effects tied to the vaccines and has ignited further debate across the globe.
Brolin and Rogan delved into the ever-increasing number of vaccines given to children today—an astonishing 72 shots compared to a mere 17 when Brolin's older kids were young. This staggering increase left them questioning the necessity and safety of bombarding young immune systems with so many vaccines, challenging the prevailing narratives blindly accepted by many.
The courage to speak out about these realities has grown, fueled by more individuals facing similar side effects and now demanding answers. The duo discussed how anyone raising concerns was swiftly labeled an "anti-vaxxer. In digging deeper, Rogan shed light on the pervasive influence of profit within the pharmaceutical industry. With companies shielded from liability, there's a growing suspicion that financial gain may trump public health concerns.
Public discussions like this, once brushed aside or met with hostility, are now becoming more mainstream as more individuals face unexpected side effects and demand transparency.
Pharmacist Kim Darlington: "I just couldn't do it anymore. Something was not right"
"Pandemic Harms Listening Session - Wenatchee, WA - 28Jan23"
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: Wenatchee, a small city in Washington state, USA, lies approximately 150 miles east of Seattle. Unfortunately this testimony was briefly interrupted several times by an apparently faulty sound system; nonetheless, throughout, the context remains clear.
KIM DARLINGTON [at podium, addressing large audience]: Hi friends. My name is Kim Darlington and I have a bachelors of science degree in pharmacy from Oregon State University. Go Beavers! [laughs] And I have lived and worked as a pharmacist in the Wenatchee Valley for over 30 years. I love this valley.
When the covid 19 pandemic happened, our health care system was assaulted and turned upside down. I made the decision in 2022 to quit my job 10 years early because I could no longer in good faith inject the covid shots into people. Even though I quit my job, I'm still a licensed pharmacist and none of us here are anti-vaxxers. We are only anti-covid shot. And my words are not mis- or disinformation, it's my first-hand experience on the front lines of this pandemic from day one.
I actually started the immunization program at our little CostCo pharmacy in East Wenatchee, so if any of you have gotten a shot there in the last 15 years, chances are I might have given it to you. I hope it was painless. [laughs] Really, I prided myself on giving good shots. And I even had customers that asked for me by name to give them their flu shots each year. We gave lots of different shots, like hepatitis, Shingrix Zostavax, measles, DTaP, flu, pneumonia, and many others for many years with no issues.
Then in 2021 we received the new covid shots and it was all so surreal. I had never injected anything into my body or somebody else'e body that had been studied that little in my career. It was unprecedented.
I gave the covid shots to the public for about a year until I just couldn't do it anymore. Something was not right. We saw people throw up, pass out —
[mic off for 10 seconds]
— [didn't] want to get the shot but they had to, being forced to or they'd lose their jobs. It was heartbreaking.
I wanted to learn what to tell people about these new shots when they asked me, so I did what I always did with a new drug, and went to the package in—
[mic off for 8 seconds]
All three of them only said the words Intentionally Blank. [she unfolds a package insert, to demonstrate] This is an actual covid package insert. Intentionally blank. And a normal all —
[mic off for 3 seconds]
— and they usually — this is a flu one for Afluria which a lot of you may have gotten this year, it has tons and tons of case studies, it has the ingredients and the side effects.
MALE VOICE: Thank you.
KIM DARLINGTON: That's how most drugs are. But in the case of the covid shots we weren't allowed to know anything about them before we started injecting them into you.
When I asked questions at work I was told to follow the memos on what to say to people. There was a narrative push on healthcare workers that the quote [makes air quotes with fingers] vaccines were safe and effective for everyone. We were forced to get the shots ourselves or lose our jobs. So we had hundreds of health care workers from our little Confluence Health Clinic —
[mic off for 5 seconds]
— used to get the shots. It was unprecedented. I was still trying to find information on the shot —
[mic off for 6 seconds]
— care since since 1990. It stands for Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System.[2] It's monitored by both the CDC and the FDA to provide, quote, a national safety monitoring system for response to public health emergencies like a pandemic, end quote.
But with the covid 19 pandemic we were told to ignore this data because it was not accurate. I believe that could be true and the recorded deaths and adverse effects from these shots could be much higher. I don't believe that the athletes and young people that are suddenly dropping dead after getting their boosters are being classified as covid shot deaths. So even if the VAERS report deaths are artificially low [bangs hand on podium] the covid shots have killed more people that every immunization in our history and put together. Yet we are still giving them to people.
I remember years ago getting swine flu shots in the pharmacy and the VAERS report had reported a few deaths, and that shot was taken off the market. That's how the system is supposed to work.
None of the covid shots have ever been approved either, they were only for emergency use. I remember when the news was announced that the Pfizer shot was approved. We got a memo in the pharmacy that said we could tell people it was approved. But it was a bait and switch situation. A Pfizer product called Comirnaty[1] was approved, but it was not available to us. But Pfizer argued that they were interchangeable products and later it was found they were not.
The covid shots should be taken off the market and not replaced because we have treatments available like Ivermectin. Ivermectin has been around for decades and has been proven safe and effective in human doses in the pill form that we have available in the pharmacy, not the livestock paste in the feed store. The World Health Organization classifies Ivermectin as an essential medicine worldwide. It has been shown to have both anti-inflammatory and anti-viral activity, which is why it works so good on the covid 19 virus.
Some pharmacies began to refuse to fill legitimate prescriptions for Ivermectin under the explanation that it was not approved for covid 19. Well in pharmacy we often fill prescriptions for off-label use. It's supposed to be up to the doctor and the patient. I was shut down on more than one occasion from filling a legitimate Ivermectin prescription during that time.
The agenda was for people to get more shots. The idea of natural immunity was completely cancelled.
I believe that someday soon the media is going to have to let the truth out. And it will show that the covid 19 virus was unleashed on us intentionally. This pandemic was planned and the shots were planned. The effects of the covid pandemic will go down in our history—
[mic off for 10 seconds]
— for our next generation.
The turbo cancer silence became tapping, which turned into drumbeats, which now sound like a roaring waterfall. Just this morning, New Orleans local Fox 8 ran a story headlined, “Oncologists alarmed as cancer cases rise among younger generations.”
By now, they must know. But there remains an embargo against openly discussing the question of where turbo cancer came from, even with all the improvements in the speech climate since the bad old days, when you could get insta-canceled and slammed on the terrorist watchlist for just re-posting a Facebook meme connecting mRNA to cancer.
Let’s begin with these two remarkable sentences:
Researchers are exploring possible causes, pointing to factors like ultra-processed foods, lack of exercise, and changes in
gut microbiomes influenced by diet, medications, and bacteria.
"If it's getting younger and younger ages and we're seeing it across socioeconomic risk factors, across demographics, then
it's got to be something in the environment, something we're doing, something that's happening to us," Mizrahi said.
They’ll investigate every other cause first. The first sentence above proved that Big Pharma is stronger than Big Food. Ultra-processed foods and seed oils are handy options for throwing under the bus. Maybe things would be different had Big Food, instead of Big Pharma, spent the last four years in close partnership with the federal government. Big Food might not be in line to get scapegoated.
The quote in the second sentence was attributed to Dr. Jonathan Mizrahi, a cancer doctor at a big Louisiana cancer center. Dr. Mizrahi observed with horror the flowering of young cancers across all socioeconomic and demographic groups — so it’s got to be something in the environment that’s happening to us.
By “young cancers,” Dr. Mizrahi explained he is seeing “more aggressive and advanced tumors in younger patients in their 20s to 40s.” More aggressive and advanced means faster. (Turbo.) Dr. Mizrahi also said these new cancers are different from cancers they’ve seen before. The new cancers don’t respond to normal treatment protocols.
“You’re throwing the best treatments you have at them and things aren’t working, and that is a very awful experience for our patients. It’s a humbling experience for us,” Mizrahi explained. ...
In other words, we have never seen anything like an environmental cancer disaster that increases all types of cancers across all demographics. A catastrophe of that scale would require a reagent reaching and damaging all types of cells, throughout the body. It would require a new kind of environmental stimulant, something we’ve never before seen, which rules out ultra-processed foods and seed oils as the cause of this disaster.
And if it were the mRNA shots, we’d expect to see the populations most affected by these new cancers also being the ones most exposed to the shots through jab mandates. And that is exactly what we are seeing, since college-aged and working-age folks —younger persons— were most likely to be jabbed, and most likely to be repeatedly jabbed.
At this point, everyone knows. But the ‘experts’ are mute, baffled, useless. There’s not a bit of good news about the most ambitious vaccination scheme in human history. You’ve seen them, all the individual headlines, relentlessly trickling out. For example, the Daily Mail, from two weeks ago:
The race is no longer a race to connect the jabs to the new epidemic of morbidity mortality. To the extent they are racing, the race is to admit the connection. ...
Here’s the big problem. If the shots are ever linked to the catastrophic cancer disaster Dr. Mizrahi described, the response would be politically and economically devastating. That news would probably collapse many governments and global health agencies. International companies would be destroyed, if not entire industries. Careers would be permanently ended for politicians, professors, scientists, journalists, and more.
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