Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   910,272 views  8,512 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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8199   Patrick   2024 Nov 24, 7:37pm  


BAY CITY, Mich. (AP) — At least three Michigan deer hunters have died of heart attacks during the current 16-day season, including two men who were trying to haul away the heavy animals, authorities said.

“I’ve never seen three people die in 48 hours from heart attacks while deer hunting before,” said Dr. William Morrone, the medical examiner for Bay, Midland, Tuscola, Arenac and Iosco counties.
8200   Patrick   2024 Nov 25, 9:07am  


This morning we are praying for Dallas megachurch Pastor ‘Bishop’ T. D. Jakes. He experienced a sudden and unexpected cardiac event during services yesterday. People ran the story headlined, “Megachurch Bishop T.D. Jakes Experiences 'Health Incident' Onstage After Sermon, Church Says He Is 'Stable’.”

Jakes was in the middle of preaching to his large, non-denominational congregation when it happened. He had just finished assuring the live and online audiences that preaching is about getting back more than you give when he suddenly got sick. He slowly lowered his microphone, dazedly looked downward, then dramatically collapsed and started convulsing. As people rushed to aid Pastor Jakes, the livestream winked out. ...

💉 Coincidentally, Pastor Jakes was one of the very first Evangelical leaders to shoot right out of the propaganda gate in January 2021, by platforming human cockroach and anti-human atheist Tony Fauci, so the ratlike bureaucrat could convince skeptical black Christians to accept the unsafe and ineffective shots:

Bishop T.D. Jakes Hosts Dr.
Fauci And Experts To Combat
COVID-19 Misinformation
By Jillian Cheney • January 25, 2021

Pastor Jakes would continue in this theme, producing a steady —you might say relentless— stream of high-production-value videos and audio messages aimed at convincing Christians the shots were perfectly harmless, life-saving, and theologically compelled as a duty Christians owed to their already-vaccinated neighbors.

For instance, in “Conversations with America: Understanding the COVID-19 Vaccine,” Global Thought Leader Jakes hosted Dr. Fauci (NIAID), and for extra diversity, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett (also NIAID) and Dr. Onyema Ogbuagu (Pfizer), to address the “nearly 40 percent of Americans and some communities of color who are feeling vaccine hesitancy.”

During the pandemic, the gimlet eyes of HHS peered at Christians, especially Evangelical Christians, and discovered a glittering object of enduring fascination. Christians were considered resistant, hesitant, and uncooperative, and so the arrogant agents controlling the federal government of the United States set out to fix the Christian Problem, backed by billions in newly minted, no-strings-attached money allocated for the global health ‘emergency.’

There is plausible evidence the cooperation of some Evangelical leaders was purchased, to help push vaccines and to dilute the strength of people’s religious objections to the jabs, with the pieces of silver sloshed to financially-strapped churches through shady NGO’s and non-profits. At the very least, uncooperative faith leaders could not or would not receive helpful government largesse in the form of grants for community vaccination initiatives and so forth.
8201   GNL   2024 Nov 25, 9:26am  

He's 67 and overweight.
8202   Patrick   2024 Nov 25, 3:40pm  

True, so it's hard to know what killed him.
8203   Patrick   2024 Nov 25, 3:41pm  


A whopping 98% of King County residents received at least one shot of a Covid “vaccine” since they were rolled out for public use in early 2021. ...

For each year, the study found that excess deaths surged from 2021 onward:

2020: 11 excess cardiac deaths
2021: 75 excess cardiac deaths
2022: 111 excess cardiac deaths
2023: 147 excess cardiac deaths

The number of excess heart attacks and cardiac arrest deaths for 2023 is a whopping 1,236% increase compared to 2020.

8205   Patrick   2024 Nov 26, 11:31am  


Two of the petitioners from Bellevue Hill (Australia) were touched by covid gene-vaccine injuries: one, a mother whose teenage son can never play high-impact sport again after being hospitalised with myocarditis; the other, a grandmother, now suffers a recurring rash that appeared after her first booster which he was forced to have in order to travel. It never goes away. ...

More than 100,000 injuries and 1000 deaths have been reported to the Database of Adverse Event Notifications from the covid mRNA gene-vaccines - more than all previous ordinary vaccines in history combined. More have gone unreported and uncounted.
8206   Patrick   2024 Nov 26, 7:25pm  


Australian Author Gemma Carey Dies Suddenly After Being Diagnosed with ‘Vaccine-Induced Long-Covid’
8207   Patrick   2024 Nov 26, 7:26pm  


NIH Chief Admits Refusing Covid ‘Vaccine’: ‘I Don’t Want to Have a Heart Attack’

A top official with the taxpayer-funded U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) has admitted in an undercover video that he refuses to take Covid mRNA vaccines because of the deadly side effects.

In a series of explosive confessions, Raja Cholan, the head of the Health Data Standards Branch of the US National Library of Medicine, admits that the federal government knows that mRNA “vaccines” do not “stop you from getting Covid.”

Nevertheless, Cholan reveals that the federal government pushed “vaccine” mandates anyway because pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna were making “a bunch of money” from selling the dangerous and ineffective Covid mRNA shots.

Alarmingly, Cholan boasts that he hasn’t “gotten the latest Covid shots” because “I don’t want to have a heart attack.”

In addition, Cholan told an undercover O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) journalist that government “health” initiatives, such as masking, social distancing, and lockdowns, were “completely made up.”
8208   Patrick   2024 Nov 27, 11:09am  


COVID-19 ‘vaccination’ can be deadly, as revealed by our large autopsy study, A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination...

The primary contributing factor to these deaths appears to be the vaccine Spike protein (prefusion-stabilized), a highly toxic substance, as illustrated in studies by Parry et al and Hulscher et al. Unfortunately, a vast majority of autopsies after COVID-19 vaccination don’t perform histopathological staining of affected tissue samples for vaccine Spike protein and RT-qPCR for vaccine mRNA. Conducting these tests are essential in providing the most accurate cause of death in individuals that received a deadly injection.

A new autopsy study by…

Paywall after that, but the point is clear.
8209   Patrick   2024 Nov 27, 1:52pm  


Call the risks rare if you want, even if we still don’t fully understand the long-term implications. But if the benefit is zero, as it seems to be for the young and healthy at least, then any risk is too high a price to pay - to say nothing of the wasted money and pointless discrimination of the unjabbed like myself. This is also consistent with other reanalyses of the trials and big post-trial studies, finding that the benefits of the jabs were/are highly exaggerated, and they might even be negatively effective. Slowly but surely, the science is catching up with us ‘conspiracy theorists’.
8210   Patrick   2024 Nov 28, 11:09am  


Exposing the Deadly Impact of COVID-19 'Vaccines' as a University of Michigan School of Public Health Student

Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher Presents His Research Journey to Doctors for COVID Ethics

by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH

Please enjoy my presentation to Doctors for COVID Ethics, where I showcase my research journey. I begin by outlining my experience researching and presenting on COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. Then, I delve into the various research projects I’ve undertaken thus far.
8211   Patrick   2024 Nov 28, 11:42am  


Beloved actor Julien Arnold has tragically died suddenly after suffering an unexpected “medical emergency” on stage in the middle of a theater performance.

The 60-year-old actor collapsed suddenly while performing “A Christmas Carol” in Canada.

The Canadian-born performer was midway through the production at Edmonton’s Citadel Theater when he fell to the ground in front of the horrified audience.

Paramedics arrived on the scene at 8:28 p.m.

They desperately attempted to resuscitate the veteran actor but were unsuccessful.

A cause of death has not been revealed.

8212   Patrick   2024 Nov 28, 11:45am  


Bodybuilder, 28, dies from cardiac arrest at the gym
By Brooke Kato
Published Nov. 28, 2024

A bodybuilder died suddenly at the gym after going into cardiac arrest.

José Mateus Correia Silva, 28, was reportedly working out with his friends when he suddenly went into cardiac arrest and was rushed to a nearby fire station to receive aid. However, the attempts to resuscitate him were futile.

On Nov. 22, the award-winning bodybuilder died, leaving behind a wife, parents and siblings, according to several reports. He was laid to rest two days later in Brazil. ...

Silva is the latest in a string of young bodybuilder deaths in recent years.

In September, 19-year-old Matheus Pavlak died of an apparent heart attack, and last summer, bodybuilding influencer Jo Lindner reportedly died of an aneurysm at 30.
8213   Patrick   2024 Nov 29, 1:24pm  


Acad Forensic Pathol. 2024 Nov 24

Background: Adverse effects following vaccination are well-known. While most effects are mild and transient, some may be severe or even lethal. Particularly with regard to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccinations, which were “fast-tracked,” it is incumbent upon the medical community to be diligent in identifying potential vaccine-associated adverse events so that physicians and patients can make truly informed decisions when considering the risks versus benefits of vaccination. Objective: To provide an in-depth discussion about post-vaccination seizures, particularly with regard to COVID-19 vaccinations. Research Design: Retrospective review of two cases where death was deemed to be the result of new-onset seizures; in each case, the seizures began shortly following vaccination. Subjects: In one case, death was certified by the primary care physician, without implicating the recent COVID-19 vaccination. In the other case, certified by the medical examiner, recent simultaneous vaccination with a COVID-19 vaccine and an influenza vaccine were considered to be contributory to death. Measures: The case specifics are presented for each case, including clinical work-up (both cases) and autopsy findings (one case). Conclusions: When attempting to determine whether or not a seizure-related death is due to a vaccine-induced new-onset seizure disorder, forensic pathologists need to rule-out other explanations for the seizures. Although a temporal association between seizures and vaccination is not sufficient, in and of itself, to prove causality, the temporal association, in combination with the absence of another explanation for seizures, and knowledge of similar cases in the medical literature, is sufficient to ascribe a causal role to the vaccination.
8214   Patrick   2024 Nov 29, 1:35pm  


Silence in the Face of Truth: WA Government Absent in The Great Debate on mRNA Vaccine DNA Contamination
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a regional issue, it is a global catastrophe!"

... Julian Gillespie criticized the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for dismissing findings about synthetic DNA contamination in vaccines as misinformation. This response from the TGA has faced significant scrutiny for lacking transparency and accountability. Rebekah Barnett, among others, has challenged the TGA's stance by presenting detailed reports and analyses that counter their dismissal.

Julian then shared a particularly alarming detail from Professor Buckhaults' research, who showed last week that the DNA contamination integrates itself into the human genome, posing a potential biogenic time bomb capable of altering human genomes. ...

Senator Malcolm Roberts then delivered a powerful speech, urging a deeper examination of mortality rates rather than focusing solely on death counts. He noted that while deaths might seem inconsequential amidst a growing population, understanding mortality rates per 100,000 individuals is crucial. Roberts explained that for over two decades, mortality rates had been on a decline, hitting a record low in 2020 with 491 deaths per 100,000 people. However, a concerning increase was observed in 2021 and 2022, which he attributed not to COVID-19 itself but to the COVID injections. Citing specific regions, he stated, "Queensland and Western Australia, we believe, were the only two places in the world where people were injected before COVID arrived. So we know it wasn't COVID, it was the injections!"
8215   Patrick   2024 Nov 29, 2:05pm  

Patrick says

NIH Chief Admits Refusing Covid ‘Vaccine’: ‘I Don’t Want to Have a Heart Attack’

More from the same guy:


The global surge in heart attacks is caused by COVID mRNA vaccines, according to Raja Cholan, Chief of the Health Data Standards Branch at the U.S. National Library of Medicine for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Cholan, whose role at the NIH focuses on ensuring the accuracy of health data, stated unequivocally that mRNA vaccines and boosters are driving the alarming increase in heart-related deaths globally, particularly among young people. Despite this, the mainstream medical establishment continues to dismiss these incidents as inexplicable.

“For people that are 30 or under, it really increases your risk for heart conditions,” said Cholan. “The data does show that… I’m close enough to 30 to where I don’t want to have a heart attack.”

Cholan, who was speaking to an undercover O’Keefe Media Group journalist, also admitted he has not received the latest COVID vaccine boosters: “I haven’t gotten the latest COVID shots, and I’m not going to… there’s mixed evidence about if it really does anything.”

Cholan further questioned the vaccines’ effectiveness, stating, “I don’t even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don’t.”

The senior NIH official who worked under Dr. Anthony Fauci also linked the viral outbreak to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), another Fauci institution.

“There is some evidence out that the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases… they might have funded Wuhan, a lab in Wuhan, China, to make COVID.” ...

But Cholan wasn’t finished throwing his employers and Big Pharma industry under the bus.

He also highlighted the financial motivations behind the vaccines, saying, “Pfizer and Moderna are just getting a bunch of money from it.”

According to Cholan, there is little hope of meaningful reform, even with an administration led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., emphasizing the deeply entrenched ties between federal agencies and pharmaceutical companies. He remarked, “Anything that RFK would want to do probably would just, like, wouldn’t happen.”

Cholan did not respond to email requests for further comment. Notably, on the release day of the first installment of the NIH Tapes, Cholan deleted his LinkedIn account and has not posted on social media since.
8218   Ceffer   2024 Dec 1, 7:26am  

https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/12/01/everything-was-a-lie-from-the-beginning/Lies pdf
8220   Patrick   2024 Dec 1, 1:11pm  

The_Deplorable says

I do want to hear Pfauci's name, followed by "was hanged at dawn today for crimes against humanity."
8221   Ceffer   2024 Dec 1, 2:14pm  

Patrick says

I do want to hear Pfauci's name, followed by "was hanged at dawn today for crimes against humanity."

And maybe all of his identifiable family members and genealogy. Our buddy Benjamin Fulford says that figures who are protected by secret societies such as himself do so under a standing threat that not just the assassins but any identifiable extended family members will be eliminated. That might be the standard threat that keeps many figures alive whom we see when they might be eliminated with extreme prejudice. It is the ONLY way to keep the committed psychopaths in their lane.

It may be that Trump and his cohorts may have to initiate a 'Godfather III' type simultaneous putsch over several countries and adverse Satanic figures/military when things get truly kinetic when they try to prevent him from getting into the White House. Even if Trump does get into the White House, he will probably have to have it gone over with a fine tooth comb for installed assassination traps or installed explosives. The first time he was 45, he and Melania insisted on two separate exorcisms before they entered the place, which means that they definitely believe in the occult angles.
8222   Patrick   2024 Dec 2, 9:45am  


New York teen dies after collapsing at hockey game

Connor Kasin, a 17-year-old Massapequa High School student, died after collapsing during a hockey game at the Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center.
Witnesses provided CPR until ambulances and police arrived, as reported by Nassau County Police.
An investigation is ongoing, but authorities do not suspect criminality.
8223   Ceffer   2024 Dec 2, 4:26pm  

Absolute total insanity. Any doctor who condones these profit engines at expense of public should be struck off. The target is to ground zero the immune system in the most vulnerable groups.

8224   RayAmerica   2024 Dec 3, 5:10am  

Just adding a little more info relating to Patrick's post above:

VIDEO — ‘Heartbreaking’: Teenage Hockey Player Dies Suddenly During Charity Game in Long Island

8225   Patrick   2024 Dec 3, 8:53am  


EU reports dramatic fall in birth rate

Despite the drop, the bloc’s overall population has been rising due to immigration, data shows

The number of babies born in the EU fell to a record low last year, according to the latest data from the bloc’s statistical office (Eurostat). Despite this, the total population has been on the rise due to mass immigration.

Births across the EU’s 27 member states stood at 3,665,000 in 2023 – a decline of 5.5% year-on-year, as per Eurostat’s figures.

Sounds like that's all going to the plans of people like Gates and Soros.
8226   Patrick   2024 Dec 3, 7:37pm  


The studies provided by Pfizer/BioNTech to the FDA and other
regulatory authorities were fundamentally flawed and insufficient
to prove safety and efficacy. Pfizer/BioNTech failed to determine
the concentrations and structure of the encoded spike protein in
their nonclinical and clinical studies. Such studies are fundamental
to determine the pharmacology, pharmacodynamics and
pharmacokinetics of a “pro-drug” as represented by the Pfizer/
BioNTech vaccines. Pfizer/BioNTech did perform a biodistribution
study using a surrogate mRNA coding for luciferase instead of
the spike protein. The study demonstrated that the LNPs were
distributed to a variety of different tissues including the liver, spleen,
adrenals, reproductive organs, and the brain. The assumption that
the modRNA vaccine would reside at the injection site, i.e., the
deltoid muscle, was known to be false. Pfizer/BioNTech’s own data
showed the spike protein would also be expressed in these distal
tissues. This data helps to explain the extent and variety of serious
adverse effects to the modRNA vaccine observed in humans.

Pfizer/BioNTech also failed to perform adequate Phase 1
ascending dose clinical studies, which would have provided
important information regarding the amount of encoded
spike protein produced and how widespread it varies between
individuals. The cumulative effect of continued dosing beyond the
primary series of up to 12 injections for the immunocompromised
has not been studied. Given that the spike protein was known
to be toxic, using Pfizer/BioNTech’s own data, the claim that the
modRNA vaccine is safe is dubious. Additionally, the modRNA
vaccine’s short-term safety, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity or
excretion characteristics were not ascertained since vaccine
regulatory guidance’s did not require it, and the long-term adverse
effects such as cancer, neurological, or autoimmune diseases have
yet to be determined.

Finally, Pfizer/BioNTech could not adequately establish the
short-term or long-term safety of the modRNA vaccines. The
rolling review process used by regulatory authorities worldwide,
including the FDA, the European Medical Agency, and Health
Canada, revealed issues of concern, which were either ignored
or downgraded in the published assessments of the COVID-19
vaccines, raising questions of effectiveness, veracity, and reliability
of our regulatory agencies.
8227   Patrick   2024 Dec 3, 7:51pm  


The Australian Government has a problem – How to hide and/or minimise the number of COVID jab serious injuries and death which have now reached unprecedented numbers never before seen in the history of the pharmaceutical industry?

The answer is simple…..

Firstly, simply and arbitrarily classify more than a thousand documented deaths suspected of being caused by the Covid jabs as NOT being caused by the jabs. Easy. There is no independent review to keep the government honest and the government hides behind “privacy concerns” to fend off prying eyes. It is all done behind a curtain of secrecy.

Secondly, simply and arbitrarily ignore important Excess Death data submitted to the Australian Senate Excess Death Inquiry. Excess Deaths (the total number of deaths from all causes in any one year compared to historical averages) following the rollout of the COVID jabs (but not before in 2020 when the virus was most virulent and there were no “vaccines”) strongly suggests the jabs are causing millions of unexplained deaths worldwide and not related at all to COVID-19.
8229   Patrick   2024 Dec 4, 7:27pm  


Fully Vaccinated Fox News Doctor Kelly Powers, Who Survived On-Air Heart Attack, Dies From Turbo Cancer

Dr. Powers was an advocate for Big Pharma, describing drug and vaccine companies as “not the enemy” during an appearance on Fox Business, explaining that “they are helping us, they are creating vaccines.”
8232   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 5, 1:29am  


Article goes on to say it's in an isolated rural town. My money is that it's tainted alcohol or some other substance.
8233   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 11:36am  


1. Rancourt et al: estimated 17 million COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide by
September 2023 .
2. Mostert et al: estimated 3.1 million excess deaths likely attributed to COVID-19
vaccination/lockdowns among 47 countries of the Western World from 2020 to
3. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS): 37,966 reported COVID-19
vaccine deaths - under-reporting factor of 31 yields 1,176,946 COVID-19 vaccine
deaths among countries that use VAERS.
4. Skidmore: estimated 278,000 Americans may have died from the COVID-19
vaccine by December 2021.
5. Pantazatos and Seligmann: estimated 146,000 to 187,000 possible vaccine-
associated deaths in the United States by August 2021.
6. Hulscher et al (I): estimated 49,240 excess cardiac arrest deaths possibly due to
COVID-19 vaccination in the U.S. from 2021-2023.
7. Hulscher et al (I): found a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19
vaccines and death from analysis of 325 autopsies.
8. Aarstad and Kvitastein: found a higher COVID-19 vaccine uptake was associated
with increased all-cause mortality.
9. Alessandria et al: found all-cause death risks to be higher for those vaccinated
with one and two COVID-19 vaccine doses compared to unvaccinated
individuals. The subjects vaccinated with 2 doses lost 37% of life expectancy
compared to the unvaccinated population during follow-up.
10. Lataster: found a positive correlation between COVID-19 vaccination rates and
excess mortality for every month examined.
8234   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 7:33pm  


Fatal Massive Multiorgan Inflammation in a Teenager after COVID-19 Booster

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Apr 08, 2023

One of the most vexing questions in the epidemiology of COVID-19 vaccine death is: why are some people fine and others develop fulminant fatal syndromes? This leads to the next logical question: who is the next to die after COVID-19 vaccination? This is a question that parents of a 14-year old Japanese girl wished they would have asked before she rolled up her sleeve for her third BNT1262b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine/Pfizer (Comirnaty®) which was not medically necessary nor clinically indicated. In other countries it would not be offered and even the WHO says healthy children don’t need to risk COVID-19 vaccination.

The case was published by Nushida et al who explains the teenager was healthy and may have had POTS from the first two shots. For each of the first two shots she felt sick and missed school—that was a tip off the parents should have noted. After the third shot her sister noticed she was having trouble breathing and the next day she died. The investigators did a detailed analysis to rule out SARS-CoV-2 infection.
8235   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 7:43pm  


Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance

-This is a public comment made before the Virginia Board of Health, March 23, 2023. Susan Franz delivers her public comment at the microphone. Audience is not shown.
-The webpage for Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance is https://vamfa.org/

SUSAN FRANZ: Good morning. My name is Susan Franz. I'm an RN from Williamsburg and I'm also here with Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance.

As unelected officials you have much power. The recent CDC recommendation that the covid injection on the immunization schedule for school age children is dangerous. I implore you to reject this recommendation.

Ed Dowd's book, Cause Unknown,[1] in it he details the 40% increase in death, increase in death and disability that has occurred since the injections have been implemented. I urge you to read this book. This data is based on insurance claims.

You guys mentioned maternal and child health. Well, according to the World Health Organization, vaccination during the first trimester results in a miscarriage rate of over 80%. Possibly if you consider this data when you're making your decisions, because you said in your health initiatives that you want to consider data when making decisions. We have plenty of data. We've been coming to these meetings on a quarterly basis, we present you with it, we turn it in. There is plenty of data to show that this vaccination is killing people and disabling people.

And doing this to children is unconscionable. And there will be consequences for it, whether it's in this life or the next. You will be held responsible for what you make, what decisions you make regarding this vaccine and especially when it comes to children. So I urge you to reject this vaccination on the childhood immunization schedule.
8237   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 8:06pm  


South Korean actor Park Min-jae has died at the age of 32, CNA Lifestyle reported citing South Korean news agencies. Mr Min-jae died from sudden cardiac arrest on November 29, Friday, while traveling to China.

Huh, whatever could have caused his sudden death in a country that was 93% "fully" injected with mRNA which causes the body to attack cardiac tissue?
8238   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 8:09pm  


Background: BNT162b2 RNA-based COVID-19 injections are specified to transfect human cells to efficiently produce spike proteins for an immune response.

Methods: We analyzed four German BNT162b2 lots applying HEK293 cell culture, immunohistochemistry, ELISA, PCR, and mass spectrometry.

Results: We demonstrate successful transfection of nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA) biologicals into HEK293 cells and show robust levels of spike proteins over several days of cell culture. Secretion into cell supernatants occurred predominantly via extracellular vesicles enriched for exosome markers. We further analyzed RNA and DNA contents of these vials and identified large amounts of DNA after RNase A digestion in all lots with concentrations ranging from 32.7 ng to 43.4 ng per clinical dose. This far exceeds the maximal acceptable concentration of 10 ng per clinical dose that has been set by international regulatory authorities. Gene analyses with selected PCR primer pairs proved that residual DNA represents not only fragments of the DNA matrices coding for the spike gene, but of all genes from the plasmid including the SV40 promoter/enhancer and the antibiotic resistance gene.

Conclusion: Our results raise grave concerns regarding the safety of the BNT162b2 vaccine and call for an immediate halt of all RNA biologicals unless these concerns can be dispelled.

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