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COVID-19 'Vaccination' Linked to a 141% Increased Risk of Transverse Myelitis Within 42 Days of Injection
New study identifies concerning safety signal for spinal cord inflammation across all COVID-19 vaccine platforms.
"'I believe there is mass underreporting' 'Doctors and nurses in this state are unaware"
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed at the hearing of the Health and Welfare Committee of the Louisiana state legislature on November 8, 2021. Nurses Elizabeth Suire and Heather LeBeouf sit together at the witnesses' table, each at their microphone, to testify to the committee in turn.
CHAIRMAN REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE BAGLEY[1]: Would you come up, too, so we won't spend so much time doing— Elizabeth would you tell us who you are and what you do, and you can begin.
ELIZABETH SUIRE, RN: My name's Elizabeth Suire. I'm an ICU nurse in Lafayette, Louisiana. I've been an ICU nurse for 2 years and I was a children's nurse prior to that.
I am here today to discuss how vaccine reporting has gone in our hospital. We have gotten very little direction on how to report. I think it's our duty to protect our patients and so they know what they're at risk for and how to determine root cause of their admission and how to determine the best treatment option. And as a whole our organization hasn't given any direction on how to report that.
I had a co-worker, a young healthy man got a, got the first dose of the vaccine and he had a severe reaction where, in which his lung was partially collapsed requiring supplemental oxygen, and he was told by the physician in the ER that it was an expected response to the vaccine. And so I said, OK, well maybe you should try to report that. I went to our director of the unit and asked, OK, is this being reported? We know that he had this event within 24 hours of being vaccinated. And I was told by my director that ER should be handling it, that they're absolutely getting reported, but the ER's handling it. I wasn't given any instruction on how to pursue reporting that.
I've definitely noticed over the past several months a sharp uptick in blood clotting disorders in our patients. I work in a broad ICU. We have over 40 beds and it's, it's, it's broad. It's not patient-specific so we see cardiac, we see renal, we see neuro, also trauma, all sorts of things, and just in my, my patient population, like the patients that I've taken care of personally, I've seen a sharp uptick in blood clotting issues. And any time that it's brought up, I've approached physicians about it and it's always brushed aside, it's never addressed, it's not reported, it's not mentioned in patient notes, or as a possible cause of their admission or their diagnosis. It's something that is occasionally passed on from nurse to nurse, hey, they did get this dose within the past couple weeks. But there's nothing, there's no link being made at this time.
So that's been my experience so far. I would just, I think that these events are crucial to patient safety going forward and I want, I want to do what's best for our patients.
CHAIRMAN REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE BAGLEY: Have you tried to report any of these?
ELIZABETH SUIRE, RN: No I haven't. I went, I asked my director what, which and said that ER should be handling at all.
ELIZABETH SUIRE, RN: We haven't gotten any direction from our hospital about how to report it. A lot of times whenever there's something that the hospital is rolling out that they feel is important for all staff members they'll send out emails but they realize that a lot of employees don't always read their emails, so they will institute some mandatory education. It's like a online education platform, we kind of go through slideshows, and it instructs us how to do this, whatever they're rolling out, and we haven't gotten anything like that as far as vaccine reporting.
CHAIRMAN REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE BAGLEY: Look, thank you for coming and speaking to us today. We appreciate it.
[to next witness]: Yes ma'am, give us your name and what you do.
HEATHER LEBEOUF, RN: Hello can you—? My name is Heather LeBeouf. I work in the cardiovascular ICU in La Fayette, Louisiana, a different facility. I had some things prepared today, I unfortunately was looking to see, unfortunately looks like Dr. Kanter[2] and Theresa left because I'd have some very
important things to tell them about what I'm seeing.
CHAIRMAN REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE BAGLEY: Well they'll they're right out there if you need to talk to them and they'll be—
HEATHER LEBEOUF, RN: Well I would love to do that because what I've seen in the cardiovascular ICU is terrifying. I believe that the data of only 11 people meeting criteria of serious adverse effects, I could come up with 11 people admitted to my hospital right now that I would report as having possible effects.
HEATHER LEBOEUF, RN: That's that's OK, I just want everyone here to be aware the information that's being reported, I just learned just now about this 1-800 number. I've never received any communication whatsoever about this in our state that I was ignorant to the fact that we had a state specific reporting system.
I was aware of VAERS.[3] I asked just yesterday my pharmacist who's required or responsible for reporting any suspected reactions to VAERS? She did not know. My charge nurse did not know. I've asked my management this. I've asked physicians, nurse practitioners. And asked every nurse in the ICU yesterday when I was on my shift, Who do you think's supposed to report these things? And they said, I don't know, I guess the patient or the doctor.
It's very concerning, Representative Bagley, because if I had more than 3 minutes, I would be able to tell you some very concerning things.
CHAIRMAN REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE BAGLEY: Well, I would suggest that you have the 800 number now, and if you have specific things that you'd like to talk to LDH [Louisiana Department of Health] about I would ask you to please go do that. And I'm not sure why you didn't know about the 800 number, but you didn't and I know you didn't purposely not know it. Wherever you your hospital that you work, they should have given that number out to everybody should have been easily gotten.
HEATHER LEBEOUF, RN: And that's what's surprising to me, sir. Also hearing that the reporting, mandatory reporting criteria mainly involves reporting things like anaphylaxis and Guillain-Barré or [pronouncing it differently] Guillain-Barré.[4] Whenever we've said that we know that myocarditis has been reported as a concern from vaccine, for vaccine injury— I've treated a 22 year old and a 21 year old with these injuries.
CHAIRMAN REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE BAGLEY: Look, we certainly appreciate you coming forward. And again I don't know who your representative is but whoever it is I would, if you're not getting anything done, to get in touch with him. But I believe if you call the number and talk to them about that they can probably give you some direction on the other, and if there are people that are still in trouble, certainly we need to get help to them and, and to get those things reported.
HEATHER LEBEOUF, RN: OK. And if I may just say one more thing?
HEATHER LEBEOUF, RN: I believe that I represent the majority of nurses and doctors in the state that are unaware of the reporting system, and I'm concerned that that is the reason I think there's mass under-reporting, and I'm concerned that that is why our numbers are so low. Thank you.
ELIZABETH SUIRE, RN: Can I add some more, can I add something real quick? I know one of the representatives that asked the previous parties which, how hospitals or CEOS are being held accountable, and I think that's a good question going forward, just how are we going to hold entities and healthcare accountable for reporting so that we do get the education that we need.
CHAIRMAN REPRESENTATIVE LAWRENCE BAGLEY: Representative Crews[5] has a question. Hold up.
REPRESENTATIVE RAYMOND J. CREWS: Quick question. I realize you weren't aware of that reporting system and I know you went through a lot in school. What's your credentials nursing wise, or?
HEATHER LEBEOUF, RN: I'm a registered nurse, I work in the cardiac ICU, and I have advanced certification from the American Association of Critical Care nurses.
REPRESENTATIVE RAYMOND J. CREWS: OK so you at least don't remember that ever in your training, huh?
REPRESENTATIVE RAYMOND J. CREWS: It wasn't something brought up. And and you did nothing in your training?
HEATHER LEBEOUF, RN: And furthermore, sir, I did do due diligence and search for a policy throughout my organization and I was unable to find any written.
REPRESENTATIVE RAYMOND J. CREWS: OK. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I just want to thank y'all both for coming here today it takes a lot of guts to come up here and for this body and for everybody that's on TV today because we know you might be risking your jobs or and, and y'all are on the frontlines of health care, so thank you for what you're doing out there and making a difference in your patients' lives.
Now that you know that 800 number, and I'll repeat the number for everybody that's watching 800-256-2748. I would hope that LDH, just like they they send out postcards and other advertising for folks to get the vaccine, they would also send out those postcards, those letters, and any other communication they can to medical providers not just doctors, but also support staff RNs and other healthcare workers so they know that these items can be and should be reported to give you guys a pathway to do that.
So again, thank you for your testimony today, and, and keep taking good care of patients.
True parenchymal breast changes following COVID-19 vaccination are exceedingly rare. Equally rare are incidences of pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH)–associated gigantomastia. The patient in this case report presented with both occurrences and experienced massive breast enlargement 1 week postadministration of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which worsened after her second dose. Definitive treatment was achieved through reduction mammoplasty, with the final pathology report confirming uniformly dense terminal duct lobular units with interspersed PASH units. The association between the COVID-19 vaccine, PASH, and breast hypertrophy warrants further investigation to comprehend the spectrum of reactions to the vaccine. ...
Recent reports suggest that some on social media have claimed to experience breast growth following Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine administration—dubbed the “Pfizer boob job.”2 Although axillary lymphadenopathy is a known side effect of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, such changes are transient and contribute only to the perception of breast growth. ...
A healthy, nulliparous 19-year-old woman experienced significant breast hypertrophy starting 1 week after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in September 2022. Her medical history was unremarkable, with no hormonal disturbances detected on bloodwork.
The patient initially reported tingling paresthesia in her breasts, followed by sudden bilateral growth which worsened after receiving the second vaccine dose. Over 6 months, her breast size increased from a B cup to a triple G (Fig. 1). Physical examination revealed dense, warm, edematous, ptotic breasts with no palpable masses or axillary lymphadenopathy.
The association between acute transverse myelitis and COVID-19 vaccination in Korea...
Our findings indicate an increased risk of ATM following COVID-19 vaccination regardless of whether it is a viral vector and mRNA vaccine. Physicians should exercise caution regarding the possibility of ATM following vaccination, enabling early diagnosis and appropriate management. Further research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind this association and to guide post-vaccination monitoring and treatment strategies.
Nick has a joke tattooed on his forearm that was told to him by David: “What do mermaids wear to math class? A: Algaebra” It was the last pun that David told because two days later, David was dead. He was diagnosed shortly after the ‘roll out and roll up’ and nine months later, he was gone. Correlation and causation and all that, but he was also one of numerous cancer losses in my life in the last five years. Some say that happens once you hit 40; people just start dying off. But I don’t remember my mum going to that many funerals in her 40s.
Both my parents, an aunt, two former boyfriends, a friend going all the way back to 1976, my sister's first husband and also her best friend...all dead from the Jonestown jab. My friend of longest duration (since third grade-1968) has deteriorated to a childlike state. She is so badly damaged, I fear she will not last much longer. This is tragic, because in February of 2020, she actually agreed with me...that this scamdemic was a psy-op. Sadly, she caved to her brother's nagging to take the death shot. She cared more about what her brother's opinion was of her, than her own life. I do not believe the Darwinian theory of evolution...but Darwin Awards are a real thing.
Theresa McEvoy
I worked in COVID icu. I knew after 2 weeks that something was really really wrong. We were killing people. This was march 2020.
After 9/11, I figured out just how involved our govt and s in wanting us dead. We are all collateral damage to them. But then COVID hit, watching so many people get sick and/or die and the death protocols, there was no going back. I was fired after 30 years of service to NYP, who are still to this day mandating the genetic shots.
There are many of us out there. More than we know. Let’s stick together and take back our world.
With great sadness I am reporting that our December 2, 2023 Courageous Discourse guest Rod Shears, a former British CEO and marathoner died of a progressive COVID-19 vaccine induced neuromuscular disease with features of both Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
He was perfectly healthy before two AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines in 2021 and then a Pfizer mRNA vaccine in 2022. By December 2, 2023 he was in a wheelchair and we started McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification and after several months he felt slightly better but never regained strength.
A secret Pfizer report on the safety of its Covid mRNA “vaccine” has revealed that the pharmaceutical giant has long known that its injections have caused a huge surge in heart failure among the vaccinated.
National regulators around the world have been sitting on the Pfizer report about Covid “vaccine” safety for several months.
The report contains internal study data that reveals shocking red flags for public safety.
The study found that the vaccinated cohort has a 23-40% higher risk of suffering heart-related conditions.
Alarmingly, the risk is higher than in Pfizer’s previous report, meaning heart failure cases are increasing over time since vaccination.
The report in question is Pfizer’s C4591021 “Interim Report 5” dated March 12th, 2024.
It is a Post Authorization Safety Study (PASS) of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine.
Among both adolescents and children, myocarditis and pericarditis were documented only in the vaccinated groups
Catastrophic Neurological and Psychiatric Damage from COVID-19 'Vaccines'
Increased risks of ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, transient ischemic attack, myelitis, myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.
A new study by Salmaggi et al found among 8,821,812 Italians that COVID-19 vaccination increased the risk of several serious neurological diseases:
Ischemic Stroke: IRR 1.44 [95% CI: 1.34–1.54]
Cerebral Hemorrhage: IRR 1.50 [95% CI: 1.32–1.70]
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA): IRR 1.67 [95% CI: 1.46–1.91]
Myelitis: IRR 2.65 [95% CI: 1.49–4.70]
Myasthenia Gravis: IRR 1.71 [95% CI: 1.29–2.28]
... Roh et al found among 558,017 South Koreans aged 65 and above that COVID-19 vaccination increased the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment:
Alzheimer's Disease (AD): OR: 1.225 [95% CI: 1.025–1.464]; P = 0.026
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): OR: 2.377 [95% CI: 1.845–3.064]; P < 0.001
Wayne Osmond, one of the original members of the Osmonds sibling singing group, died Wednesday in Salt Lake City. He was 73.
Merrill Osmond, one of Wayne Osmond’s brothers, shared on Facebook that Wayne suffered a massive stroke, and that he was able to get to the hospital in Salt Lake to say his goodbyes before he passed.
Patients whose health has been ravaged after taking Covid-19 vaccines are calling for more support as the Government faces paying out tens of millions of pounds in damages.
Almost 17,000 claims for disability damages have now been submitted after new information emerged about the potential risks including blood clots. ...
Jennifer Furno, 38, from Morpeth in Northumberland, suffered a blood clot on her lung before ultimately being diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, a form of blood cancer.
Vaccine injury charity founder Charlet Crichton has been forced to give up her work as a sports therapist due to debilitating effects she has reported since receiving her jabs.
Their ordeals have been shared after a father described being 'left to rot' after having a nightmare reaction to a Covid jab that left him in constant pain.
And a grieving widow has told MailOnline how she had to battle for a year to get her husband's death certificate updated to record how he was killed by a reaction to receiving a Covid-19 vaccine. ... Kam Miller, 58, from Leicester, described how her 'fit and healthy' husband Neil Miller, 50, collapsed and died not long after receiving his first jab in March 2021.
His causes of death were initially officially recorded as ischaemic heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis - but, after an inquest, this was corrected to Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (VITT). ...
Among those who has been unsuccessful with a VDPS claim - and then had an appeal rejected - is former delivery driver Phil Wilson, 54, from Sheffield. ...
The father-of-one, married for 19 years, began suffering problems after getting his third, booster jab - a Moderna vaccine - to enable him to go on a family skiing holiday in Andorra.
He says he felt ill for 36 hours afterwards and then, after returning home from the trip, collapsed while coaching his son's football team three months later.
He suffered a bleed on the brain which led to a massive stroke, now leaving him disabled and unable to work. ...
'The thing that frustrates me, the Covid jab we now know is dangerous has contributed to making me disabled – and many people worldwide. We just want some answers.'
Soccer Star Luca Meixner Dies Suddenly at 22
German soccer star Luca Meixner has been found dead in his bed after reportedly dying “unexpectedly” in his sleep.
Meixner’s club, SSV Reutlingen, announced Monday that the 22-year-old died suddenly on December 27.
The details of the experiences of many others are located here:
Singer Nicki Minaj Speaks Out Against Cancel Culture
Transcript of an excerpt from a censored podcast of 2021
For context, here’s a screenshot of Minaj’s censored tweet:
LIZ GUNN: And in your notes you said, I was a huge pro-mask, pro-vaccine and pro-science, left-leaning supporter. So you were a big supporter of Jacinda Ardern.
ANTHONY MO: Yeah, yeah. I was pretty fond of her. Yeah, I always felt like, I always thought she was very charismatic and I always felt like she did the right thing. And I feel like everything went wrong after vaccine roll out. Even, even during the, before the vaccine roll out
I feel like she did quite a good job at just managing the, managing covid and, and the infection. But yeah, after vaccine showed up I feel like everything went wrong and just feels like it kept going south, like, for example the traffic light system. It just feels ridiculous.
LIZ GUNN: And we'll investigate that, and many of us are feeling exactly what you are feeling.
Up to September the 13th when you trusted her words that it was safe and effective and you went to get your jab, you were a very different man, weren't you? And we have some footage of you. Tell us what your life was like up until that point.
ANTHONY MO: I was really not working pretty much since all the lockdowns started. And I pretty much enjoyed staying home and making music and making artwork and trying to sell them if they're good enough. And just working out, weight-lifting, doing cardio and boxing. Because, you know, the gym they all closed when the lockdown happened. And occasionally playing games, yeah, on the X-Box. ...
LIZ GUNN: And when did you first start to experience something that was odd in your body?
ANTHONY MO: The third day.
LIZ GUNN: On the third day. And what was that, Anthony?
ANTHONY MO: At first I felt like I, I couldn't remember the details, but I can't remember if the headache and the tinnitus came together, but they were the first things that showed up. There was this overwhelming pressure inside my head, at the top of my head and also at the forehead. Feels like there's a balloon inside. But it's, it's, even now I feel like there's pressure in my head. But in the beginning it was, it was, the worst. Yeah, the pressure at the top of my head and at the front of my forehead. And suddenly I had this muffled feeling, it's almost like I'm under water. But I didn't think about it too much. And, yeah. And I think after a few hours of that, this high-pitched tinnitus, this screeching tinnitus showed up, this ringing in my ear that is still happening today. ...
ANTHONY MO: Yeah, that is one of the biggest things that is making me want to end myself because all the other symptoms, it feels like they, they wax and wane, they, it's on and off. I, I can deal with a little bit of blurry vision, I can deal with a lot of dark spots or floaters in my vision, but I cannot deal with this, this sound in my ear or in my head. Like, I, yeah. I can't remember the sound of silence anymore. And, and alongside the tinnitus and the headache—
ANTHONY MO: Which, I, I suddenly wake up with my heart just pumping and feels like it's going to beat out of my chest. The only thing that's sort of toned this reaction down was taking beta blockers like [inaudible] or [inaudible] which is not good for the heart long-term.
LIZ GUNN: Before, you said when I came in, before all of this, you didn't even speak in the way you're speaking now, did you?
ANTHONY MO: Yeah. I, before the vaccination I, I, I spoke really fast. My mind was very sharp, my mind was very clear. I didn't speak in this flat tone. I almost feel robotic right now, because the tone I'm speaking in. My voice isn't dry and hoarse, and I never get lost in my thoughts or try to struggle really hard to find the words I want to say. I now, now constantly stutter and even some sort of slurring of speech going on, which is quite worrying because that is one sign of stroke or brain damage.
On Tuesday, I got a very bad feeling reading Governor DeSantis’ X announcement that, 18 months later, the Grand Jury had finally issued its long-awaited final report on the covid shots. It worried me that DeSantis didn’t link the report. And he noncomittally said, “we are still reading through the report.” Uh oh. My worries were confirmed yesterday when I saw the Florida Pheonix’s triumphant headline, “ Statewide grand jury investigating COVID-19 vaccines finds no evidence of crimes.”
Well, that lack of crimes will come as a terrific relief to Joe Biden’s last five brain cells, desperately clinging to life in his cabbage-like cranium, forced to consider difficult questions like that posed Monday in USA Today’s headline, “Biden’s preemptive pardons could include Fauci, Cheney.” If there isn’t any evidence of crimes, then presumably the human cockroach and Benedicta Cheney have nothing to worry about.
Ah, but the truth is never quite so straightforward, is it? The Florida Phoenix’s headline was a lie by grotesque omission. It might be literally true —the Grand Jury could not find a fitting crime against anyone not legally protected— but nevertheless, it was a monstrous distortion of the Jury’s findings and was a classic case of what media just loves to call misinformation when other people do it. ...
... The authors might disagree with this summary, but here is my attempt to boil down the book-length report:
The real criminals were in the U.S. government, and so, unfortunately, are protected from state prosecution.
Pfizer and Moderna protected themselves by disclosing everything to the FDA, which was and is running interference for them.
There is no reliable evidence that the vaccines are safe or effective, especially at this point.
The problem was and is that many corners were cut, facilitated by regulatory agencies, and we now may never know the full scale of the disaster.
The data that could really answer questions of safety and efficacy have never been, and probably never will be, disclosed to the public. ...
The bottom line is the Grand Jury, having reviewed all the evidence, concluded the FDA erred by approving the jabs for anyone but the most at risk. “Unlike the FDA,” the Grand Jury concluded, “we do not believe that the COVID-19 ‘emergency’ necessarily applied to everyone; the EUA should only have been granted as to the elderly and comorbid populations most at risk from SARS-Co V-2 complications.” (The italicized and bold-faced type was theirs, not mine.) ...
Like the Florida Phoenix, if it mentions this report at all, the media will surely leverage the lack of any criminal findings as some sort of vindication for mRNA technology. But that’s not what the Grand Jury found at all.
Even if they couldn’t find any prosecutable crimes against the exposed (non-government) defendants, the Jurors didn’t exactly stamp their approval on anything. To the contrary, the Grand Jurors found a “pattern of deceptive and obfuscatory behavior” with both the drug makers and the government officials:
"While we did not find criminal activity, we did find a pattern of deceptive and obfuscatory behavior on the part of sponsors and regulators that often straddled the line between ethical and unethical conduct. More importantly, however, not finding any indictable criminal activity does not mean we did not find any problems. On the contrary, there are profound and serious issues involving the process of vaccine development and safety surveillance in the United States. Some of those are acute, COVID-19-era problems that are unlikely to occur outside the context of another once-in-a-hundred-year pandemic. Others, however, are systemic; they will occur over and over until someone fixes them." ...
The Grand Jury’s scope of work was limited in three significant ways. The first major limitation they faced was that, unbelievably, government officials ignored their subpoenas. “Most notably,” the Report explained, “a significant number of current or former federal officials refused to testify to us. Federal law prohibits us from compelling those officials to appear.”
On the other hand, Pfizer and Moderna responded to the subpoenas to a certain extent and they sent representatives to testify. But the very same taxpayer-funded FDA officials who throughout the pandemic repeatedly demanded the public’s trust flatly refused to provide many documents or any witnesses to the Grand Jury.
It is unjustifiable, inexcusable, and a disgusting, treasonous dereliction of duty. I hope Robert Kennedy guts the FDA with a rusty fishknife. ...
... "Regarding the clinical trials and pharmacovigilance of MRNA-1273 and BNTl 62b2, it was genuinely striking to us just how many of the problems we found occurred at either the direction or acquiescence of the FDA, CDC and other federal regulators. Nearly every time we found an issue with MRNA-1273 or BNT162b2, the fingerprints of these agencies were all over the scene, advising that the flagship and surrogate clinical trials be performed in specific ways, authorizing dose after dose and formulation after formulation based on out-of-date immunogenicity comparisons and observational results, and even running interference for sponsors by misleading the American public about validated safety signals." ...
The Grand Jurors were given a solemn duty precluding them from speculating. But I can speculate a little. From my near-daily study over the last four years, my view is that these shots with their bioweapons-lab-designed spike protein have dozens and dozens of mechanisms of rare injury, as the various pictures included in today’s post show. Myocarditis may be officially recognized but is only one ‘rare’ injury type of many.
As far as I know, the wide variety of rare injuries is unique to mRNA vaccines.
The FDA has never considered the cumulative risk of all the rare adverse events, when you add up them up. While the risk of encountering a particular rare adverse event is low, is the combined risk of encountering any of the various adverse events still rare? I think not. I think the combined risk of encountering some kind of adverse event sooner or later is around 20%—25%.
Mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter Hakaraia Wilson has tragically died suddenly, authorities have revealed.
The New Zealand-born United States-based Jiu-Jitsu star was just 26 years old when he died unexpectedly.
Wilson had recently returned from attending the Rhythm and Vines music festival held in Gisborne to celebrate New Year.
However, New Zealand police said Wilson suffered a “sudden death” at some point in the last few days.
Police said the death of the young athlete, full name Te Hakaraia O Te Rangi Wilson, is not being treated as suspicious.
However, no cause of death has been revealed.
Big Pharma Still Won’t Come Clean About The Covid Shot’s Deadly Side Effects
On Thursday, Joe Rogan and Marvel megastar Josh Brolin traded stories about the preponderance of Covid vaccine injuries among their friends. Brolin even described contracting “a mild case of Bell’s palsy” earlier this year, which Rogan attributed to the vaccine, noting he knew several people who suffered facial paralysis following Covid vaccination. ...
An honest accounting begins with clinical trials, supposedly “the most rigorous in history.” Pfizer’s own legal arguments suggest otherwise. Responding to a whistleblower lawsuit alleging major deviations from protocol, Pfizer’s lawyers noted that the company’s “Other Transactions Authority” agreement (OTA) with the Pentagon didn’t require clinical trials to comply with FDA regulations because the vaccine was a military prototype for “medical countermeasures.” This agreement allowed Pfizer to “grade its own homework,” so to speak — a point emphasized by DOJ lawyers in a separate filing in Pfizer’s support.
The FDA intended to keep Pfizer’s data hidden for 75 years, but attorney Aaron Siri’s FOIA lawsuit forced the agency to release them. Naomi Wolf’s DailyClout led 3,250 volunteer experts in analyzing more than 450,000 pages of internal Pfizer documents and uncovered massive harms ignored by the FDA, detailed in The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity.
This effort revealed 1,233 deaths in the first three months of the vaccine rollout, and a litany of injuries: “industrial-scale blood diseases: blood clots, lung clots, leg clots; thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a clotting disease of the blood vessels; vasculitis, dementias, tremors, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsies.”
These harms are echoed by data from V-safe, a smartphone-based tool created by the CDC. Among 10.1 million registered V-safe users, 7.7 percent reported side effects so serious they were compelled to seek medical care, many more than once.
The main culprit is the Covid spike protein encoded in the vaccine’s mRNA technology. This protein is an antigen, or foreign immunogenic substance, located on the outer coat of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, that triggers an immune response. The mRNA in the shots instructs the body’s cells to produce identical spike proteins, inducing the immune system to create antibodies that bind to them, theoretically protecting vaccinated individuals against the virus. Unfortunately, this plan has a fatal flaw: The spike itself is toxic and potentially deadly.
Hundreds of peer-reviewed articles have demonstrated the spike’s potential for harm independent of the rest of the virus. Potential complications include myocarditis, blood clots, neurological injuries, and immune dysfunction. Pfizer’s own pre-market biodistribution studies show that vaccine components leave the injection site in the arm and penetrate every major organ system within hours, where mRNA can linger for weeks, forcing cells to churn out more and more of the toxic spike protein, which can persist for months. There is no way to predict how much spike protein the mRNA injections will produce in any individual, and there is no “off switch.” ...
Dr. Harvey Risch is professor emeritus of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health and co-author of Toxic Shot: Facing the Dangers of the COVID “Vaccines.”
American boxer Paul Bamba has tragically died suddenly, his family has announced.
Bamba, who recently became world champion by beating Rogelio Medina, was just 35 years old when he died.
He became WBA Gold Cruiserweight world champion by beating Medina in New Jersey last month.
The victory was his 14th by knockout in 2024, breaking a record set by legendary heavyweight Mike Tyson.
The American, who was born in Puerto Rico, held a 19-3 record over the course of his career.
After beating Medina, Bamba made further headlines by calling out Jake Paul.
However, he was reportedly found dead shortly after Christmas. ...
No cause of death has been revealed.
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