Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   868,289 views  8,017 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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7604   Patrick   2024 Jun 26, 10:38am  


Another recent observation to share from the frontlines…

The Cost of the Jab:

From a financial perspective:

A NICU stay in the U.S. can range from $3,000 to $20,000 per day. In severe cases where infants require prolonged stays or multiple surgeries, the total cost can soar into the hundreds of thousands or even cross a million dollars.


$26,280 C-Section


Add in the long list of “others” that appear on a hospital bill, plus future costs for a NICU baby…Nurse Dee can’t count that high.

This family was on medicaid so fortunately, they won’t owe a dime. Wouldn’t seem right for a family to go bankrupt from a “forced jab”.

Unfortunately, the tax payer will be footing this bill, not Fauci, Pfizer, or Uncle Sam.

Then there is the unmeasurable cost of psychological trauma resulting from an emergency c-section, separation at birth, having a baby in the NICU, and a new medical condition of hypertension requiring pharmaceutical intervention(s).

Based on my observations, other than the parents, no one is mentioning the correlation between this nightmarish condition and the jab(s).

This is the new pandemic,
The Cost of the Jab…
7607   Patrick   2024 Jun 27, 11:49am  


The United States Army has admitted that an American soldier suffered heart failure as a direct consequence of receiving a mandated Covid mRNA injection.

24-year-old Army National Guard Specialist Karoline Stancik is lucky to be alive after suffering a Covid shot-induced heart attack.

After receiving her second dose of the Moderna mRNA shot, Stancik suffered three heart attacks and a stroke.

The young woman has now been forced to have a pacemaker fitted.

7608   Patrick   2024 Jun 27, 12:15pm  


Brazilian female bodybuilding champion Cintia Goldani has tragically died suddenly after suffering an unexpected blood clot.

Goldani was just 36 years old when she collapsed and died on Wednesday.

The celebrated athlete, from Rio Grande do Sul, died from a pulmonary embolism, according to the organizers of an upcoming championship event.
7611   Patrick   2024 Jun 29, 10:31am  


In case you don’t see what immediately jumped out at me, I was struck by the spikes in mortality in the unvaccinated in Oct and Dec 2021. Given that they were not apparent in the vaxxed mortality series, I thought - have I finally found evidence of COVID jab efficacy?!

I rushed to my database and pulled the COVID mortality series to check but there was no COVID mortality anomaly at those times. Oh? So, what could explain this? Were the unvaccinated “treated” (literally) differently from the vaccinated? Did this mistreatment result in their deaths? At any rate, surely, this is the sort of stuff that our integrous public health authorities would be investigating, no?2

Besides that, I thought I would also run some crude correlation analyses over the resultant series since I had made the effort to produce them. This is what I discovered:

97% correlation between all deaths and those of the vaccinated. In other words, the variability in mortality is dominated by the vaccinated and this is not simply because the majority are vaccinated (especially those already closest to death). This is a correlation which is determined by similarity in changes, not overall magnitude3.

59% correlation between all deaths and those of the unvaccinated. In other words, any anomalies in mortality are not driven by the unvaccinated.

50% correlation between all deaths and COVID. In other words, COVID was not a significant driver of anomalous mortality over the observation period (nor was it significant in overall magnitude - as it never was even with all the iatrogenesis prior to the jabbing).

49% correlation between COVID deaths and deaths of the vaccinated. Again, a weak relationship (a coin toss), which is all that can be concluded in solitary context.

28% correlation between COVID deaths and deaths of the unvaccinated. Well, that isn’t supposed to happen… As weak as the relationship between COVID and mortality is generally, the mere fact that there are a discernible number of COVID deaths and yet, the weakest relationship is with the unvaccinated, really ought to say something?

Finally, if all you’ve got is “correlation does not equal causation”, at this juncture, please just admit, all you really have is dogma?


18 mins ago
This graph is optically very misleading. Unvaxxed deaths looks huge, until you realize that the y-axis for the unvaxxed is on the right, and it is 1/4s of the scale of the y-axis for the vaxxed deaths.

Also absolute numbers, not deaths per capita.

Also what definition for unvaxxed was used? Ive seen statistics that counted people as vaxxed 2 weeks after vaccination, other stats only as late as 14 weeks after vaccination. In all cases, vaxxed people were counted as unvaxxed for weeks after the vaccination, which obviously completely distorts the picture.
7612   Patrick   2024 Jun 29, 10:33am  


Crimes Against Humanity
Documented Cases
Evidence of a Crime in Progress

On its own, each of these cases is a tragedy. Taken together, a pattern of action clearly emerges. We believe that this living archive is evidence of crimes against humanity. We are documenting everything, anticipating a reckoning.

View All Cases Now
7613   Patrick   2024 Jun 29, 11:32am  


Conclusions: There is an alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis AEs after COVID-19 vaccines compared to that of the influenza vaccines and even when compared to that of all other vaccines. An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age.
7614   Patrick   2024 Jun 29, 1:00pm  


Regarding the increase in excess mortality, an increasingly strong positive correlation with the vaccination rate of a federal state is observed, which reaches a value of r = 0.85 in the third pandemic year, indicating that excess mortality increased the stronger the higher the vaccination rate in a federal state was. An analysis of stillbirths showed exactly the same pattern.
7615   Patrick   2024 Jun 30, 9:57am  


JUST IN: Mainstream Media 7News Australia Airs Groundbreaking Segment highlighting COVID Vaccine Reactions

"there have been 144,000 adverse reaction reports. But that's a drop in the ocean compared to the number of actual adverse reactions that there are, because a lot of them aren't being reported..."

For the first time ever, Australia’s highest rating mainstream media, 7News, has dared to air a segment highlighting COVID-19 vaccine side effects, a topic largely censored over the past three years. The segment, named "After COVID," has brought to light the adverse effects many have suffered in the aftermath of receiving the COVID-19 vaccines, with testimonials from prominent individuals who experienced significant health complications.
7616   Patrick   2024 Jun 30, 11:21am  



Collectively, these data suggest that NK cell activation by mRNA COVID-19 vaccine contributed to the pathogenesis of acute myocarditis in genetically and epidemiologically vulnerable subjects.
7618   Patrick   2024 Jul 1, 10:02am  


Lol, a whole blog devoted to documenting clots from the death jabs, called "Clotastrope".
7619   GNL   2024 Jul 1, 11:06am  

RayAmerica says


Wow, look how long it took for anyone to come to his aid. Criminal.
7620   Patrick   2024 Jul 1, 4:19pm  

Patrick says

My father-in-law required surgery for tachycardia after getting fully vaxxed.

My wife was just at my father-in-law's house, where a friend of his mentioned getting pericarditis recently, but amazingly did not connect it to the vaxx.
7621   Patrick   2024 Jul 1, 6:52pm  


Shocking scenes have emerged from a major badminton championship after a teenage player dropped dead on the court mid-game.

On Sunday evening, 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie suddenly collapsed during a match at the Asia Junior Championships in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Zhijie, from China, was playing against Japan’s Kazuma Kawano when he suffered an unexpected cardiac arrest.

Emergency medical teams immediately rushed onto the court to treat the young man but he was unresponsive.

He was quickly to the hospital by ambulance after resuscitation efforts failed.

However, he was confirmed dead when he arrived at the hospital.
7622   GNL   2024 Jul 1, 6:54pm  

Patrick says

Emergency medical teams immediately rushed onto the court to treat the young man but he was unresponsive.

Does that sound like correct reporting? Anyone who watched the video would dare not use the word "rush".
7623   Patrick   2024 Jul 1, 6:54pm  


A major new study has revealed that deaths from all causes are soaring among those who have received Covid mRNA shots.

Alarmingly, the study also found that COVID-19 spread more rapidly among the “vaccinated.”

The study was conducted by top biology and immunology scientists at the University of Turin in Italy and published in the MDPI Journal.

The team of Italian researchers at the University’s Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology was led by Professor Marco Alessandria.

Alessandria et al. critically assessed all-cause deaths during the period of COVID-19 vaccination.

After analyzing official government data, the researchers made a disturbing discovery.

The scientists revealed that COVID-19 deaths were not reduced with the mass countermeasure deployment.

In addition, they found that deaths from the virus actually increased among those who had supposedly been vaccinated against Covid. ...

In the “Conclusion” section, they elaborate further, explaining:

“…those vaccinated with one or two doses who had significantly higher risks than the unvaccinated.

“We found all-cause death risks to be even higher for those vaccinated with one and two doses compared to the unvaccinated and that the booster doses were ineffective.

“We also found a slight but statistically significant loss of life expectancy for those vaccinated with 2 or 3/4 doses.”

Interestingly, the researchers calculated the loss of life expectancy of those who were injected with the Covid mRNA shots.

Their calculation reveals how many days of life are lost on average per injection. ...

Surprisingly, those who received two doses lost more of their life expectancy than those injected with three or more shots.

However, the researchers note that that is likely because those who only received two doses died before they had the opportunity to receive their third.
7624   Patrick   2024 Jul 1, 7:06pm  


SPERMICIDE - The Devastating Effect of the "Safe & Effective" on Virility & Fertility
It's killing people short-term. It's killing people long-term. But it's also killing the possibility of them ever even existing...
7625   Patrick   2024 Jul 1, 8:42pm  


💉💉 Baffling pharmaceutical oligarchs and nearsighted scientists, German researchers published an important preprint study last week titled, “Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The study showed the strongest statistical analysis yet linking covid jab rates to untimely deaths, and immediately became the current go-to study for a couple very surprising reasons.

The researchers crunched health and mortality data for Germany’s sixteen states, including vaccination records, since the Germans meticulously record everything, such as the quantities of loose strands left over in individual German hairbrushes. But some data is useful and the study’s scientists carefully examined the first three years of the pandemic, finding a lot of people died.

Specifically, they compared the number of deaths with pre-pandemic population tables and pre-pandemic life expectancy trends and like Magellan, discovered excess deaths, which, at this point, even Magellan’s Aunt Edna could easily find — without her two-pound eyeglasses or a map. Having found those off-the-charts numbers of dead Germans, they compared those excess death rates from each German state to a constellation of other state-level variables.

The researchers found two strong correlations. One was an astonishing surprise. But the first, less surprising discovery was a strong statistical correlation between excess dead Germans and mRNA vaccination rates— starting in year three, when the jabs were supposed to be stopping people from dying.

"As can be seen in the Figure 4 above, the correlation pattern fundamentally changes from the second to the third pandemic year. Now, positive correlations are observed between vaccination rate and excess mortality and the reported number of COVID-19 deaths and infections: The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the observed excess mortality and the reported number of COVID-19 deaths and infections. This is exactly the opposite of what one would expect from an effective vaccination: as the vaccination rate increases, the number of infections increase as well as the number of infection-related deaths and the overall number of deaths.

The observation that excess mortality and the reported number of COVID-19 deaths and infections in the third year of the pandemic are higher the more people have been vaccinated in a federal state is an irrefutable empirical fact. The fact that the vaccination rate is the only variable that is positively correlated with excess mortality as well as with the number of COVID-19 deaths and infections in the third pandemic year makes it seem very likely that this new factor was the COVID-19 vaccination."

To rule out a possible third variable that caused both higher jab rates and higher excess deaths, such as people named ‘Fauci,’ the scientists compared over-large death rates against everything else they could think of, like healthcare levels, gross domestic product, average age, covid infection, poverty rates, and lots of other types of illnesses probably including scurvy, although I couldn’t verify that by the time of publication.

During that wide-ranging analysis, something else unexpected leaped out of the data, like a lion suddenly springing from the tall African plains grass and completely consuming a native bearer before you could say “Deborah Birx.”

When comparing deaths to various other healthcare problems, the scientists discovered another strong correlation between jab rates and stillbirths. In fact, the chart comparing jabs versus stillbirths was nearly identical to the Figure 4 chart comparing jab rates to excess deaths. They said:

"The results showed a similar pattern to that observed for excess mortality: the number of stillbirths in Germany showed a relatively stable course during the previous years until the start of the vaccination campaign, after which a sudden increase was observed."

This discovery was important for a surprising scientific reason, beyond the undeniable horror of jabs causing excess infant deaths. It also provided an independent third variable, consistent with and corroborating the other excess deaths finding. In other words, because the scientists could link two different deadly outcomes to jab rates, the likelihood of any other possible cause becomes vanishingly small. ...

So we must play the long game. We are patiently building a mountain of evidence that, when it gets tall enough, we will push over on top of them and squash them into raspberry jelly. Figuratively, of course. And only after a fair —but expeditious— trial.
7626   Patrick   2024 Jul 2, 11:11am  


Luke Cicero-Wimer's Adverse Reaction

May 16, 2022

LUKE CICERO-WIMER: Hey everybody! So today I want to give a warning for everybody.

So I'm 19 years old and I was forced to take the first Pfizer vaccine. Now I'll get into how I was forced later, maybe in different video. But what's important is understanding the consequences of taking it. Now what happened to me is, it was 2 AM, I woke up the night that I took the vaccine, and I had really bad heart pain. It felt like someone was grabbing my heart and squeezing it very, very tight. And I passed out. Now I don't remember because I was so confused about what was going on. Everything went dark and I woke up on the floor. I actually fell and hit my head. And then I was having a seizure.

And now I have breathing problems. So.
7627   Patrick   2024 Jul 2, 11:43am  


Netherlands: Woman (63) Dies From Blood Clots 5 Days After Blood Transfusion

Emser, 63 died from blood clots in her lungs and legs five days after receiving a blood transfusion.
7629   Ceffer   2024 Jul 2, 4:17pm  

Boy, the Globalists must have lost a lot of money gambling on soccer to gift the players and refs with so many of their vax hot shots. Let's see what the body count is at the end of the tournament.

7630   Ceffer   2024 Jul 2, 5:13pm  

Doesn't seem that anabolic steroids and death vax mingle very well.

7632   Patrick   2024 Jul 3, 1:59pm  


Swiss Bishop Marian Eleganti blasted the “bankruptcy of faith” of those who embraced masking and restrictions on freedoms and pushed vaccine mandates.

“We have excess mortality since the vaccination programs in all countries,” Eleganti warns.

Eleganti asserts that Covid mRNA injections have caused “many harmful side effects,” including “turbo cancer,” excess deaths, and premature births.

The top Catholic Church official blasted the mass vaccination agenda during a video interview with LifeSiteNews journalist Andreas Wailzer in German.

Eleganti was asked what he thought about the Austrian bishops’ support for the country’s general Covid jab mandate.

“For me, that was clearly a fall from grace,” Eleganti lamented.

He said that “informed consent” and autonomous decision over one’s own body was the “basic dogma” in medical ethics during the past decades. ...

“We now know, and this is coming to light more and more worldwide, that we simply cannot ignore the fact that these measures were not evidence-based, that the vaccinations did not guarantee this protection against transmission, that there was no ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’”

“Today we have turbo-cancer phenomena; we have excess mortality since the vaccination programs in all countries.

“We have a decline in births due to premature births and so on.”

“So much injustice happened, and there were so many harmful side effects,” he continued.

“Today we have turbo-cancer phenomena; we have excess mortality since the vaccination programs in all countries.

“We have a decline in births due to premature births and so on.”

“There are many parameters that point in the same direction, that a lot has been done wrong.

“The masks were not evidence-based, and so on.

“That was also known, and these were political decisions.”

The Swiss bishop also criticized the role of the globalist United Nations and its World Health Organization (WHO) in stripping away national sovereignty and acting “like a world government.”

“The WHO is also financed by private foundations such as Bill Gates and others,” Eleganti noted. ...

He said that even people outside Christianity “somehow felt” that the Church hierarchy’s response to Covid “was a surrender of faith as if God did not exist.”
7633   Ceffer   2024 Jul 4, 5:00pm  

William: "Well fuck me, I'm fully vaccinated." Fauci et alia: "Your wish is our command."

7634   RayAmerica   2024 Jul 5, 9:37am  

Give me a million years and I don't think I could ever guess what could have possibly caused this sudden and unexpected death.

YouTuber Pretty Pastel Please dies ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ aged 30

A YouTuber known as Pretty Pastel Please has died at the age of 30.

The Australian social media star, whose real name is Alexandra, or Alex, built a fanbase on YouTube and Instagram by sharing product reviews, fashion hauls, and travel clips on the sites.

A post shared on her Instagram account on Friday confirmed she died last month, and read: ‘We come to you today with a devastating announcement.

‘It is with a heavy heart that we must inform you that Alex, known to many as Pretty Pastel Please, has passed away.
7635   ElYorsh   2024 Jul 6, 10:32pm  

Jon Landau
7637   Patrick   2024 Jul 7, 2:10pm  

Patrick says


JUST IN: Mainstream Media 7News Australia Airs Groundbreaking Segment highlighting COVID Vaccine Reactions

"there have been 144,000 adverse reaction reports. But that's a drop in the ocean compared to the number of actual adverse reactions that there are, because a lot of them aren't being reported..."

For the first time ever, Australia’s highest rating mainstream media, 7News, has dared to air a segment highlighting COVID-19 vaccine side effects, a topic largely censored over the past three years. The segment, named "After COVID," has brought to light the adverse effects many have suffered in the aftermath of receiving the COVID-19 vaccines, with testimonials from prominent individuals who experienced significant health complications.



Australia’s Channel 7 organized a ‘covid town hall’ with some scientists and covid experts to tape a special program on how great the pandemic went called “After Covid.” Everything was fine until somebody asked a tough question, a scientist got snippy, and it all went off the rails. The audience started hissing catcalls and shouting expletives at the panel’s ‘top covid scientists.’ It was an outburst the editors, in a very cowardly fashion, edited out of the final broadcast, creating an even bigger story about the story.

But someone leaked the full audio.

Fiesty audience member Goknur Shanal stood up and described herself as “one of the few people in the legal sector who took on the TGA and the rest of the government establishment for government corruption and medical corruption.” She pointedly asked the COVID panelists, “Why isn’t there research done, three years in now, comparing the immune systems of those who got the first dose, the second dose, and the third dose, and the aftermath, and the latency periods, in comparison to how the non-vaccinated are faring right now?”

The covid expert made the mistake of condescendingly answering, “People who have had Covid, people who haven't been vaccinated get more severe disease and they're more likely to get long Covid.”

It was electric. The leaked audio showed the audience instantly burst into objections, with one man shouting: “Bulls **!” Another yelled, “That's f** ing lies, mate!” Another chirped, “You should hand your license back!” Other audience members yelled, “that's the biggest lie,” and “snake oil salesman!”


When an infectious disease expert on the panel later made the tired argument that billions of shots were given and people are fine, an independent journalist in the audience yelled, “That’s not true!” She then yelled, “You are not collecting the adverse data in a controlled manner. That's not a test, that's just giving the shots to everybody!”

“Well, I disagree with that,” the so-called professor lamely responded.

I’m starting to think these diehard covid experts are in trouble. They aren’t getting any new narratives from the psyoperators now. So they have to keep recycling the last batch they got before the end, using bailing wire and duct tape to hold it all together. But people aren’t going to give them a moment’s peace or pay any attention to their stupid, recycled arguments.
7638   stereotomy   2024 Jul 7, 2:55pm  

The pendulum of justice is slow, but steady, and largely inexorable. Fuck the branch covidians, and fuck the evil Us and Chinee that engineered that virus as well as another dozen at the ready for globohomo lockdowns.
7639   GNL   2024 Jul 7, 4:58pm  

stereotomy says

The pendulum of justice is slow, but steady, and largely inexorable. Fuck the branch covidians, and fuck the evil Us and Chinee that engineered that virus as well as another dozen at the ready for globohomo lockdowns.

I have no idea why we keep talking about imminent lockdowns. I call bullshit.
7640   ElYorsh   2024 Jul 7, 6:02pm  

Keep calling bullshit so you can fall for the next scandemic. NOBODY ever thought that 2020 would have happened, but it did precisely because of your way of thinking.
7641   stereotomy   2024 Jul 7, 7:06pm  

This time I'm ready.
7642   Onvacation   2024 Jul 7, 7:22pm  

7643   GNL   2024 Jul 7, 7:41pm  

ElYorsh says

Keep calling bullshit so you can fall for the next scandemic. NOBODY ever thought that 2020 would have happened, but it did precisely because of your way of thinking.

True, I would have never thought it could happen. I didn’t fall for it and I won’t fall for it ever exactly because of my way of thinking…freedom comes first. ALWAYS.

The point is, NOBODY’S talking about lockdowns except anti jabbers (us).

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