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American Massacre. Steve Kirsch Claims "Hundreds of Thousands" of mRNA-Vaccine-related Deaths, "Millions" of Injuries. Is He Right?
I am inclined to say "Yes." Here is why.
The Spectator Australia is one of the few publications to report the significant drop in live birth rates occurring in some developed nations. Germany’s Federal Bureau of Statistics documented a reduction of over 12 per cent and similar falls have been reported in Switzerland, Sweden, Taiwan, the UK, Slovenia, and some US states. ...
The third possibility is that a fall in fertility could be an adverse effect of a medical intervention. There are precedents. Thalidomide was launched in 1956. At the time, it was known that medications might affect the unborn, but there was no mandatory testing for such effects. The principles of reproductive toxicology were only defined in 1959: depending on gestational age at exposure there might be a miscarriage or stillbirth, malformations, intrauterine growth retardation or functional disturbances only apparent in childhood or beyond.
Thalidomide resulted in about 10,000 cases of limb malformations. ...
Testing drugs on pregnant animals is mandatory and drug trials almost always exclude pregnant women to minimise risks. With most Covid vaccine trials, pregnant women were excluded. Pregnant women are now being encouraged to be immunised in what amounts to a real-life experiment. It led to a joke. One lab rat asks another, ‘Been immunised yet?’ ‘No,’ the rat replies, ‘They’re still testing it on humans.’ Make that pregnant humans.
Could immunisation impact live birth rates? Biodistribution studies of injected nanoparticles show that they do not remain in the deltoid muscle, accumulating in several sites, including the ovaries. This may influence ovarian function, and menstrual disturbances are a well-documented adverse effect. Sperm production may also be affected. Even if a pregnancy starts, the result may be implantation failure, a subclinical miscarriage or a clinically overt first trimester miscarriage. ...
Documented menstrual irregularities suggest a disturbance of ovarian or uterine function. A possible consequence would be an increase in premature menopause. Other consequences may take longer to manifest. Given that conditions such as myocarditis and blood clots are recognised adverse effects of some Covid vaccines, are there similar effects in the unborn? There is a precedent. It took over 30 years for the effects of stilbestrol – an estrogen treatment used in pregnancy – to become evident; it caused cancer in the offspring of patients.
Academic physicians don’t normally publish anonymously but regulators, health ministries and professional organisations refuse to ask, let alone try to answer, the questions posed here and wage smear campaigns against those who do. Papers published in reputable journals are at times indistinguishable from propaganda.
In the face of widespread systemic failure, the principles ‘My body, my choice’ and ‘First do no harm’ should put an immediate end to Covid vaccination of women of reproductive age. And then let’s hope the blind hysteria of postmodern media, politics and medicine has not caused the worst medical disaster in human history.
Do you know how many people have been killed worldwide by their governments from the COVID shots?
It’s around 12M. That is 40X the number of Americans who were killed in World War II. It’s more than double the number killed by COVID.
Guest Post by Steve Kirsch
It’s around 12M. That is 40X the number of Americans who were killed in World War II. It’s more than double the number killed by COVID.
American and German WWII Memorials in Normandy - The German Way & More
Margaret Anna Alice asked if anyone could estimate the global death toll from the COVID shots.
In my opinion, a reasonable estimate is to divide the number of doses by 1,000.
If you do that for the 600M doses delivered in the US, you get 600,000 deaths which is right in the ballpark.
Roll over, Rover. The peanut butter jar is open.
Here we describe the first case of a dog with confirmed monkeypox virus infection that might have been acquired through human transmission.
Two men who have sex with men attended Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France, on June 10, 2022 (appendix). One man (referred to as patient 1 going forward) is Latino, aged 44 years, and lives with HIV with undetectable viral loads on antiretrovirals; the second man (patient 2) is White, aged 27 years, and HIV-negative. The men are non-exclusive partners living in the same household. They each signed a consent form for the use of their clinical and biological data, and for the publication of anonymised photographs. The men had presented with anal ulceration 6 days after sex with other partners. In patient 1, anal ulceration was followed by a vesiculopustular rash on the face, ears, and legs; in patient 2, on the legs and back. In both cases, rash was associated with asthenia, headaches, and fever 4 days later (figure A, B). ...
12 days after symptom onset, their male Italian greyhound, aged 4 years and with no previous medical disorders, presented with mucocutaneous lesions, including abdomen pustules and a thin anal ulceration (figure C, D; appendix). The dog tested positive for monkeypox virus by use of a PCR protocol adapted from Li and colleagues5 that involved scraping skin lesions and swabbing the anus and oral cavity. Monkeypox virus DNA sequences from the dog and patient 1 were compared by next-generation sequencing (MinION; Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Oxford, UK). Both samples contained virus of the hMPXV-1 clade, lineage B.1, which has been spreading in non-endemic countries since April, 2022, and, as of Aug 4, 2022, has infected more than 1700 people in France, mostly concentrated in Paris, where the dog first developed symptoms. Moreover, the virus that infected patient 1 and the virus that infected the dog showed 100% sequence homology on the 19·5 kilobase pairs sequenced.
Harm and death from the vaxx is absolutely real. You know that I know one dead and another with myocarditis from it. Wife knows of someone else who died from it.
I saw a guy have a heart attack on the train after the vaxxing started. I never saw that before in more than 20 years of riding the train.
Is there some type of map that shows where all these jabbed people are dying?
Since truth has become the redheaded stepchild, I can only go by what I see. And I don't see anything. Is there some type of map that shows where all these jabbed people are dying?
I call bullshit on all of this shit. I DO NOT KNOW OF ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN HARMED BY THE JAB.
I call bullshit on all of this shit. I DO NOT KNOW OF ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN HARMED BY THE JAB.
I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.
I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.
Mysteriously, all over the world the birthrates have collapsed at the same time and the experts seem to have no idea what is going on.
For example, in Stockholm it was down some 14%, in Germany it was down 12% and in Taiwan it was down a whopping 27%. Now something is going on that seems to have affected the birthrate in many countries across the world simultaneously.
I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.
GNLusedtobeWi says
I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.
The horse paste didn't do shit for me.
GNLusedtobeWi says
I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.
Are you boosted? Or just Vaxxed?
As far as my disbelief goes about the jab: why, since the covid alarmists have proven to be liars, is it so hard to believe the jab alarmists aren't lying also? If you say it isn't possible because it would take too many people to be in on the con then how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?
GNLusedtobeWi says
I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.
The horse paste didn't do shit for me.
As far as my disbelief goes about the jab: why, since the covid alarmists have proven to be liars, is it so hard to believe the jab alarmists aren't lying also? If you say it isn't possible because it would take too many people to be in on the con then how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?
how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?
GNLusedto says
how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?
Years of grooming.
How is it possible people still wear masks in situations where there is an infinitesimal chance of contagion?
Whatever can be said about covid alarmists seems like could be said about jab alarmists also
I don't think I'll be REALLY convinced until I personally see it.
There is no anti-jab industry corruption, nor an anti-jab industry revolving door. But sure, disinformation goes hand in hand with the internets. One must perform one's own due diligence.
Whatever can be said about covid alarmists seems like could be said about jab alarmists also
For example?
how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?
Denise Dowse, From Insecure and Beverly Hills, 90210, Dead at 64
August 13, 2022
Veteran TV actress Denise Dowse, whose roles spanned from Beverly Hills, 90210 to Insecure, has died after a battle with viral meningitis. She was 64 years old. Dowse was hospitalized in a coma earlier this month after contracting meningitis.
Viral meningitis is an established adverse reaction to the “vaccination”:
Meningitis aseptic is found among people who get Moderna COVID Vaccine, especially for people who are female, 40-49 old, and in the first week of getting the vaccine.
College Football Player Dies After Teammate Finds Him Collapsed During 3rd Day On Campus
August 12, 2022
A freshman football player at Trinity College in Chicago's northern suburbs died unexpectedly after a teammate found him collapsed in a hallway during their third day on campus.
According to the school, Avery Gilbert, an incoming freshman and football player at the school, was found collapsed Wednesday by a fellow teammate and ultimately became unresponsive and not breathing.
The school said the incident was "apparently related to a pre-existing medical condition triggered by an allergen," though a cause of death was not immediately declared by the Lake County coroner. Further details surrounding what happened weren't immediately released.
Trinity College’s Covid 19 “vaccination” mandate:
Students and employees are required to be fully vaccinated (as defined by the CDC) and to have received one booster shot. Effective July 1, 2022, guests at indoor campus events will no longer have to provide proof of vaccination to be admitted.
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