Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   888,271 views  8,279 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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2181   GNL   2022 Aug 16, 6:45pm  

I call bullshit on all of this shit. I DO NOT KNOW OF ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN HARMED BY THE JAB.
2182   Patrick   2022 Aug 16, 7:07pm  


Harm and death from the vaxx is absolutely real. You know that I know one dead and another with myocarditis from it. Wife knows of someone else who died from it.

I saw a guy have a heart attack on the train after the vaxxing started. I never saw that before in more than 20 years of riding the train.
2183   GNL   2022 Aug 16, 7:59pm  

Patrick says


Harm and death from the vaxx is absolutely real. You know that I know one dead and another with myocarditis from it. Wife knows of someone else who died from it.

I saw a guy have a heart attack on the train after the vaxxing started. I never saw that before in more than 20 years of riding the train.

Since truth has become the redheaded stepchild, I can only go by what I see. And I don't see anything. Is there some type of map that shows where all these jabbed people are dying?
2184   GNL   2022 Aug 16, 8:00pm  

I'm starting to belive the covid fear mongers aren't any more kooky than the jab fear mongers. I'm in the DC area. Could that have anything to do with it?
2185   Patrick   2022 Aug 16, 8:10pm  

GNLusedtobeWi says

Is there some type of map that shows where all these jabbed people are dying?

@GNLusedtobeWi There are tens of thousands of reports of death from the vaxx in the US in VAERS:


I think they include location.
2186   Patrick   2022 Aug 16, 8:16pm  

Also, do a search on Twitter for #DiedSuddenly
2187   richwicks   2022 Aug 16, 8:31pm  

GNLusedtobeWi says

Since truth has become the redheaded stepchild, I can only go by what I see. And I don't see anything. Is there some type of map that shows where all these jabbed people are dying?

I want to point out something. Nobody is obligated to convince you and it really doesn't matter anyhow.

If the vaccines are perfectly safe, we know they are completely ineffective at this point. From that alone you know what you ought to do, don't take the vaccine or any additional boosters even if they are perfectly safe.

But let's suppose, they ARE killing people. Well, people who have gotten the vaccination already, they can't do anything about it. People who are still going to take a vaccine which now is clearly ineffective - well they are still failing the Asche Conformity Test. People have put in tremendous effort to try to educate the public in the face of denunciation, threats of violence, censorship, mockery, etc. etc. People are on their own at this point. People who make an effort to think and find the data, they already did their job.

Here, I'll be charitable:

original link

Every claim he makes, he references:


That might take a bit of time to load, because he's constantly under DDOS attacks. Look for "Video Source Links", it's about 1/3 way down the page.

Excess mortality rates are going UP, not down. I have seen "news" articles blaming this on global warming, on heat waves, on worsening health due to the stupid lockdowns. These people have lied to you over and over and over again. People are sick of pointing it out. You are listening to people who are not credible and have repeatedly lied to you. These are people perfectly willing to lie the nation into a war, that are so bold they will lie and tell you inflation is transitory, or that gas prices have gone down. If you want to believe these people, I throw my hands up.

Nobody is obligated to convince you.

The only thing I've learned in the last 2 years, is how easily controlled people I once respected are. I'm dumbfounded by this and disgusted by it. There is some part of me that hopes that the vaccines are ALL deadly. I'm fed up living among the easily controlled herd. Skeptics are tired of trying to convince the herd to stop listening to known liars. They are tired of trying to warn the herd, they are tired of being pressured by the herd. They are tired of the liars, they are tired of the herd still listening to the liars.

When are you ever going to realize that you're just dumb stupid cattle to them? They don't care about your welfare. Do you really think we were locked down for a disease that has a greater than 99% survival rate? THAT'S a pandemic? You know goddamned well it's not, but have some lying asshole you tell you that magically now it is, now it is. As long as you hear it on "news" or a "government official" says it, you believe it - these assholes have the lowest credibility in this nation.

Let me give you an idea of what the propaganda is:


It's true, Ivermectin exposure calls to the Alabama poison center DID double. It doubled from 0 to 2*0 = 0. It's very hard to overdose on ivermectin. If you do, you'll have really horrible diarrhea and, it's true, that can be life threatening.

Here's another:


That story is entirely false. You want to listen to our propaganda? FINE.

Let me be clear, I don't know if there's a group trying to actively kill people. I'm saying there's a group who don't care if they do kill people and they are the ones urging you to take an untested "vaccine", which doesn't work. It doesn't give you immunity. They don't care a BIT if it kills you. And you know what? I don't either at this point.
2188   Onvacation   2022 Aug 16, 8:59pm  

GNLusedtobeWi says

I call bullshit on all of this shit. I DO NOT KNOW OF ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN HARMED BY THE JAB.

not even a little? like a sore arm?

My sister in law, a double jabbed nurse, has had a stroke and shingles in the last year.

Some very smart and prominent doctors predicted exactly some of the things we have been seeing. Some doctors predicted much worse. Even the man that pioneered the mRNA technology has been called a conspiracy theorist for warning against the jab.

Are you calling all of the people that claim to have been maimed fakers? Are you calling all the healthy young athletes that died on the field in front of our eyes a coincidence?

GNLusedtobeWi says


2189   ElYorsh   2022 Aug 16, 9:49pm  

GNLusedtobeWi says

I call bullshit on all of this shit. I DO NOT KNOW OF ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN HARMED BY THE JAB.

Neither do I. But it's because no doctor is going to admit to their patients that what they recommended, harmed them.

Now... I know at least 20 people (list has been growing) who have been diagnosed with sudden unexplained diseases after taking the COVID vaxx. Circulation problems, neurological disorders, excruciating menstrual pain that never existed before, heart condition that required sudden surgery (in a 26 year old previously healthy male), and others.

In ALL OF THEM, dr's (they don't deserve a capital D) never even discussed the possibility that a new experimental gene therapy maybe could have caused it, not even close. "There's just no way the vaccine could have caused it. The science is not there". Lying assholes.
2190   GNL   2022 Aug 17, 6:53am  

I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.
2191   zzyzzx   2022 Aug 17, 6:57am  

GNLusedtobeWi says

I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.

The horse paste didn't do shit for me.
2192   Onvacation   2022 Aug 17, 7:14am  

GNLusedtobeWi says

I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.

Are you boosted? Or just Vaxxed?
2193   Patrick   2022 Aug 17, 9:00am  


Mysteriously, all over the world the birthrates have collapsed at the same time and the experts seem to have no idea what is going on.

For example, in Stockholm it was down some 14%, in Germany it was down 12% and in Taiwan it was down a whopping 27%. Now something is going on that seems to have affected the birthrate in many countries across the world simultaneously.
2195   richwicks   2022 Aug 17, 12:23pm  

GNLusedtobeWi says

I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.

This is ANECDOTAL but my cousin lives in Argentina where Ivermectin is over the counter. When his partner got sick, he bought Ivermectin and started taking it as soon as he knew. He tested positive for sars-cov2-19 - but he never had any symptoms or illness.

So, for other people in your house, it might be worthwhile for them to go onto it as a prophylactic.

Be careful with the dosage, but even saying that it's very difficult to OD on it, but still, you can OD on anything, including water.
2196   GNL   2022 Aug 17, 7:37pm  

zzyzzx says

GNLusedtobeWi says

I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.

The horse paste didn't do shit for me.

I have the pills.
2197   GNL   2022 Aug 17, 7:38pm  

Onvacation says

GNLusedtobeWi says

I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.

Are you boosted? Or just Vaxxed?

I didn't take the jab at all.
2198   GNL   2022 Aug 17, 7:43pm  

I'm feeling better already but I'm on about 80% back. The chills are gone. Some energy is back (I can walk now) but the headache is terrible. Nothing gets rid of it completely.
2199   GNL   2022 Aug 17, 7:47pm  

As far as my disbelief goes about the jab: why, since the covid alarmists have proven to be liars, is it so hard to believe the jab alarmists aren't lying also? If you say it isn't possible because it would take too many people to be in on the con then how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?
2200   mell   2022 Aug 17, 7:55pm  

GNLusedto says

As far as my disbelief goes about the jab: why, since the covid alarmists have proven to be liars, is it so hard to believe the jab alarmists aren't lying also? If you say it isn't possible because it would take too many people to be in on the con then how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?

The impartial way of to use math, which never lies. In this case, excess deaths. You will see that there were hardly any excess deaths in 2020, a slight bump from covid counted deaths (not necessarily deaths due to covid), but a significant bump in 2021 lasting into 2022 soon after the jabs were rolled out - the younger the adult (or kid where kids were jabbed) the more pronounced. It's safe to assume that the jabs killed at least twice to three times as many as covid counted deaths (so in reality at least 5-10 x deadlier, possibly up to 100 x or more due to covid death overcounting and jab death undercounting), and they cause more covid deaths in the long run due to immune system degradation and ade, making it even worse.
2202   richwicks   2022 Aug 18, 1:51am  

zzyzzx says

GNLusedtobeWi says

I'm sick today...taking Ivermectin. I bought a ton of it. I'll respond in a few days.

The horse paste didn't do shit for me.

That's not true, at the minimum, it removed any intestinal worms. It really is a sort of a miracle drug, it was prescribed for my dogs for freaking everything, and it worked!
2203   richwicks   2022 Aug 18, 1:55am  

GNLusedto says

As far as my disbelief goes about the jab: why, since the covid alarmists have proven to be liars, is it so hard to believe the jab alarmists aren't lying also? If you say it isn't possible because it would take too many people to be in on the con then how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?

Most people are cattle, not people.

It's an absolute shock to me as well.

They just blindly accept orders and mandates. If the government told them they needed to inject drano into their neck, they would do it. I really am astounded by how few people actually think. I never knew, but that's the situation.

I'm not being fair I suppose. With drano, they would know something is up because it would lead to immediate death, but they would accept an injection that would kill them in a year. If they survived a month, even with bad side effects, they would recommend it, because the government did. Most people do not think. They depend on other people to think, and they only listen to people appointed by the authorities to think. If they were literally being injected with radium, and if I warned them against this, and the news media, and the government and "big tech" said I was lying, they would think I was crazy. Radium kills slowly, it killed Madame Curie, I could show them that it did, they wouldn't believe me unless they heard it from "an authority".

I completely understand how despots can take over a nation now. Maybe they ought to.

I am extremely upset by this revelation. Out of my circle of friends, I think I only know one human being, and none in my family. Nobody questions authority, I didn't know I was the only one that did it. It's a civic duty, I'm one of the very rare people that do it. Most people I know would execute me if the government told them to. If the government says it, it's right to them. They accept government and authorities in government as a sort of god, they have very little free will.
2204   Onvacation   2022 Aug 18, 5:59am  

GNLusedto says

how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?

Years of grooming.

How is it possible people still wear masks in situations where there is an infinitesimal chance of contagion?
2205   zzyzzx   2022 Aug 18, 6:04am  


B.C. man among first approved for Canada's Vaccine Injury Support Program still waiting for compensation
2206   GNL   2022 Aug 18, 8:49am  

Onvacation says

GNLusedto says

how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?

Years of grooming.

How is it possible people still wear masks in situations where there is an infinitesimal chance of contagion?

Whatever can be said about covid alarmists seems like could be said about jab alarmists also. Aren't the jab alarmists susceptible to mass psychosis also? Again, I'm not jabbed and won't get jabbed.

I guess I'll just count myself as fortunate because I don't know anyone harmed by the jab. But I don't think I'll be REALLY convinced until I personally see it.
2207   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Aug 18, 9:08am  

There is no anti-jab industry corruption, nor an anti-jab industry revolving door. But sure, disinformation goes hand in hand with the internets. One must perform one's own due diligence.
2208   Onvacation   2022 Aug 18, 9:27am  

GNLusedto says

Whatever can be said about covid alarmists seems like could be said about jab alarmists also

For example?

Covid alarmists think everyone should be jabbed and have a passport to travel to the market. Jab alarmists believe in liberty and personal choice.
GNLusedto says

I don't think I'll be REALLY convinced until I personally see it.

Are you looking?

I didn't actually see my double Vaxxed and boosted friend die of Covid in the hospital but I believe he did.
2209   GNL   2022 Aug 18, 10:24am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

There is no anti-jab industry corruption, nor an anti-jab industry revolving door. But sure, disinformation goes hand in hand with the internets. One must perform one's own due diligence.

I agree and this is one of the biggest reasons I've decided not to take the jab.
2210   GNL   2022 Aug 18, 10:26am  

Onvacation says

Whatever can be said about covid alarmists seems like could be said about jab alarmists also

For example?

Believing without being able to prove. Covid has become a religion. But so has the jab. IMO, of course.
2211   Ceffer   2022 Aug 18, 5:19pm  

"Fully Vaccinated MIKE TYSON says he was BEATEN INTO SUBMISSION to take the COVID jab. He's now CONFINED to a WHEELCHAIR and believes he’s on the VERGE of DYING" Guess he's not saying it could have been worse if he weren't vaccinated. So baffling. He's not exactly 'confined', more like they are using the wheelchair in the airport. He is walking with a wooden staff for support.

2212   richwicks   2022 Aug 18, 5:27pm  

GNLusedto says

how was it possible to get so many people come together on the covid con?

The final red pill.

Most people you live among are zombies, not people.

If the military was ordered to kill every man, woman, and child in a town, 90% would do it. I though "other people" were like this, small towns and cities - nope, it's everywhere.
2213   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 7:28pm  


Denise Dowse, From Insecure and Beverly Hills, 90210, Dead at 64
August 13, 2022

Veteran TV actress Denise Dowse, whose roles spanned from Beverly Hills, 90210 to Insecure, has died after a battle with viral meningitis. She was 64 years old. Dowse was hospitalized in a coma earlier this month after contracting meningitis.


Viral meningitis is an established adverse reaction to the “vaccination”:
Meningitis aseptic is found among people who get Moderna COVID Vaccine, especially for people who are female, 40-49 old, and in the first week of getting the vaccine.

2214   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 7:29pm  

College Football Player Dies After Teammate Finds Him Collapsed During 3rd Day On Campus
August 12, 2022

A freshman football player at Trinity College in Chicago's northern suburbs died unexpectedly after a teammate found him collapsed in a hallway during their third day on campus.

According to the school, Avery Gilbert, an incoming freshman and football player at the school, was found collapsed Wednesday by a fellow teammate and ultimately became unresponsive and not breathing.

The school said the incident was "apparently related to a pre-existing medical condition triggered by an allergen," though a cause of death was not immediately declared by the Lake County coroner. Further details surrounding what happened weren't immediately released.


Trinity College’s Covid 19 “vaccination” mandate:
Students and employees are required to be fully vaccinated (as defined by the CDC) and to have received one booster shot. Effective July 1, 2022, guests at indoor campus events will no longer have to provide proof of vaccination to be admitted.

2215   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 7:29pm  

Warren County Native, Rutgers Honors Graduate, Dies Suddenly, 32
August 11, 2022

Warren County, NJ, native and Rutgers University honors graduate Rachel Anne Wall died unexpectedly on Wednesday, July 27. She was 32. Raised in Washington, Rachel graduated from Warren Hills Regional High School and lived in Phillipsburg at the time of her death, her obituary says.

Rachel went on to attend Rutgers University, where she graduated with honors with a bachelor’s degree in communication before earning a master’s degree in Principles of Communication and Professional Development. Rachel is remembered for her one-of-a-kind spirit and endless generosity. She “would truly give the shirt off her back to anyone in need,” her memorial says.

No cause of death reported.


Rutgers’ "vaccination" mandate:
March 25, 2021 - The university will require all students to be vaccinated before arriving on campus in the fall.

2216   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 7:31pm  

43-Year-Old Medical Doctor, Author and Editor Dies Suddenly After Seizure
August 12, 2022

Medscape editor and author Dr. Bret Stretka, MD, died suddenly after a seizure last week according to his wife. Stretka was 43 years old. Stretka’s bio at Medscape (excerpt):

Bret S. Stetka, MD

Site Editorial Director: Medscape Neurology, Medscape Psychiatry and Mental Health, Medscape Rheumatology

Bret S. Stetka is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville, Virginia, and received his BS in biology from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. He has worked as a writer and editor at Medscape since 2007.

Stetka also contributed to Scientific American and NPR. He was the author of the 2021 book, A History of the Human Brain.

Stretka’s last post on Twitter was July 21 and featured a photo of his young daughter reacting to getting a COVID vaccine shot.

“A little disgruntled, but took it like a champ pic.twitter.com/2tw7SjRart”

— Bret Stetka (@BretStetka) July 22, 2022

Stretka’s wife, New Yorker writer Amanda Petrusich, announced his passing on Twitter and GoFundMe Thursday with an appeal for donations for a college fund for their daughter, “Last week, my husband @BretStetka died suddenly after a seizure at home. He was 43; we’d been married 17 years. Our daughter just turned 1. My family set up a college fund for anyone who might wish to make a donation in Bret’s memory. Love to you all.”

2217   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 7:31pm  

‘Our hearts are broken.’ Lexington hospital executive, volunteer dies unexpectedly
August 15, 2022

Lexington, KY - Jeffrey R. Murphy, a longtime Lexington hospital executive and community volunteer, died unexpectedly Saturday. Murphy, who was 53, was vice president for marketing and communications at CHI Saint Joseph Health and southeast division vice president for CommonSpirit Health. Murphy’s death was announced Monday by the hospital. A cause of death was not immediately available.


CommonSpirit Health, one of the U.S.’ largest health providers, pushed "vaccination" on its workers:
Chicago – Jan. 26, 2021 – As COVID-19 vaccinations expand beyond essential workers, a recent report* from CommonSpirit Health shows the majority of its 150,000 health care workers, 80%, have been vaccinated, are scheduled to be vaccinated, or say that they are “very likely” to get vaccinated.

2218   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 7:32pm  

Sherri Clamper
August 14, 2022

Philadelphia, PA - Sherri Ilene Clamper (nee Goodman) passed away peacefully on August 12, 2022. She was the daughter of the late Malvin and Honey Goodman and step-daughter to the late Lillian Goodman. She was the adoring sister to Joel Goodman (Terri) and Randi Woloff (late Neil) and step-sister to Cheryl Frank, Susan Spicher (Johnny) and Terri Blumenfeld (Michael).

No age or cause of death reported.


Sherri Clamper announced her "vaccination" shot on May 1, 2021:
2219   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 7:32pm  

Jennifer Patterson Chitwood, 50
August 10, 2022

Medford, OR - Jennifer Patterson Chitwood died unexpectedly August 5. Jennifer was deeply caring, passionate, funny, and adventurous. She found her vocation as a teacher who gave all of herself to her students. She leaves her family heartbroken but determined to remember her vibrant nature and fierce compassion. She danced on subway platforms, hiked, kayaked, and visited local wineries. She was quick to laugh and game for most anything.

No cause of death reported.


Chitwood was “vaccinated”:
Vaccinated/boosted and COVID positive. My symptoms are mild and in quarantine until Monday. I am already stir-crazy on day one, but thankful for the science and knowing it could be so much worse. Wear your mask/wash/sanitize/ social distance/look out for others! 2-2-22 a day to remember:)

2220   porkchopXpress   2022 Aug 18, 7:40pm  

GNLusedto says

I'm feeling better already but I'm on about 80% back. The chills are gone. Some energy is back (I can walk now) but the headache is terrible. Nothing gets rid of it completely.
Good to hear. I can't remember...have you had Covid before? Did you think this was Covid?

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