Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   911,197 views  8,529 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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2866   mell   2022 Oct 29, 11:54am  

Ceffer says

Life Amongst The Coastal Elite Vaxxed. Are They Dumb As Planks, Or Just Beguiled By Satan?

My wife went out to lunch with five women from our court in Tri Valley. Older women mostly, but all of them vaxxed twice, some boosted, basically crazy Covid and otherwise propaganda victims as is the wont in Coastal California. It’s one of their first get together since Covid Terror began.

We never remember them complaining about so many health problems.

My wife said one had the thing where she looked like she aged ten years over night and had physically shrunk, like my friend in Santa Cruz. Another had developed auto immune arthritides and had a stroke requiring a couple of months of PT. A second one also has had autoimmune joint problems recently. Another developed extreme eye irritations and scotomas and thought she was going blind. She got corticoid eye drops and it abated, but she has ongoing problems with eye irritation. This woman is a tomboy amazon ...

We quite a few elderly in our community. In the beginning I was surprised how resilient most are and nobody had any serious bout of the coof. In the last 6 months however many homes went on the market as owners were moving to assisted living (most are 2 or 3 level houses), and there have been more urgent surgeries (heart etc.) lately. It could be that they are just really old on average, but the sudden decline from prior robustness is definitely noticeable. Prob jab as they are all double triple quadruple jabbed
2867   Ceffer   2022 Oct 29, 12:08pm  

Some of it seems to go along with mental fogging and IQ drop, since the California Coastal Elites pride themselves so much on their daft brilliance.

My wife and I are beginning to feel like intact minds amongst the physically ill and politically lobotomized.
2869   porkchopXpress   2022 Oct 29, 3:21pm  

Ceffer says

Life Amongst The Coastal Elite Vaxxed. Are They Dumb As Planks, Or Just Beguiled By Satan?

My wife went out to lunch with five women from our court in Tri Valley. Older women mostly, but all of them vaxxed twice, some boosted, basically crazy Covid and otherwise propaganda victims as is the wont in Coastal California. It’s one of their first get together since Covid Terror began.

We never remember them complaining about so many health problems.

My wife said one had the thing where she looked like she aged ten years over night and had physically shrunk, like my friend in Santa Cruz. Another had developed auto immune arthritides and had a stroke requiring a couple of months of PT. A second one also has had autoimmune joint problems recently. Another developed extreme eye irritations and scotomas and thought she was going blind. She got corticoid eye drops and it abated, but she has ongoing problems with eye irritation. This woman is a tomboy amazon ...

2870   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Oct 29, 3:26pm  

Patrick says

thats among liberal men, not women.
2872   Ceffer   2022 Oct 30, 2:51pm  

Oh, those women in my hood were also complaining post vax about postural hypotension. They were getting dizzy just standing up from sitting. Some said they had to stand up very slowly, and their docs 'didn't know why'. The lady that does my hair and was vaxxed had this severely for four months after vax, she said. She had trouble standing for any length of time without feeling like she was fainting and had to sit down.

Cardiac decompensation perhaps?
2874   Patrick   2022 Oct 30, 7:13pm  


Top Colorado Republican Lawmaker Dies Suddenly

One of Colorado’s top lawmakers died suddenly on Sunday, it was announced by the state’s Republican Party and an aide.

House Minority Leader Hugh McKean, a Republican, died at his home on Sunday, Colorado Republicans confirmed in a statement. House Republicans described the 55-year-old’s death as “tragic and sudden.” ...

His cause of death was not disclosed. The House Republican statement said that an autopsy is currently underway.

Roger Hudson, McKean’s deputy of staff, told the Denver Post that McKean recently said he had pain in the left side of his body, saying that it was likely an injury related to a house he was building. Hudson said the pain reportedly got worse overnight.

Other vaxxed people have had pains that got worse before later dropping dead, iirc.
2875   Patrick   2022 Oct 30, 7:21pm  


Vaccination And Mortality In The Netherlands October 30th 2022

2876   Patrick   2022 Oct 30, 7:30pm  


A new study by Swiss scientists has concluded that shots for COVID-19 increase the risk of heart failure in young people by 800 times.

The researchers examined the increase in cases of myocarditis among vaccinated young adults.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium) which reduces the heart’s ability to pump blood.

The study found a sharp increase in myocarditis among those who had received mRNA vaccinations.

The results were based on the presentation by Prof. Christian Mueller (Basel, Switzerland) at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in August 2022: “Myocardial Inflammation/Myocarditis After COVID-19 mRNA Booster Vaccination.” ...

“The incidence of myocardial lesions is 2.8%, or 800 times higher than the usual incidence of myocarditis,” the researchers add.

“The comparison with the control group found no significant difference apart from the history of myocardial infarction and peripheral atheromatous disease,” the authors added.

This news comes amid disturbing scenes coming from South Korea this weekend.

As Slay News reported, dozens of young people were collapsing in the streets of Seoul suffering from cardiac arrests on Saturday during Halloween festivities in the nation’s capital.

Videos have been emerging on social media showing collapsed young people being desperately resuscitated in the streets after apparently suffering heart attacks.

I read 151 dead in South Korea now, mostly young people. I think it's probably just a stampede like we sometimes see with big crowds, but maybe the vaxx played some role.
2877   Patrick   2022 Oct 30, 7:40pm  


49 Case Reports Documenting Fatal Vaccine Associated Adverse Events
Well at least they were transient even if they weren't exactly 'mild'
2880   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 7:40pm  


The new life of Álvaro Silva after overcoming a stroke at age 23
October 21, 2022

The young Chilean, based in Gijón, does not know the cause of the stroke: "The only factor that can go out of the ordinary is that I had been vaccinated with covid a few days before". [paywall]

2881   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 7:44pm  


Kiko Rivera has been rushed to hospital in Seville earlier today after suffering what is believed to be a stroke. The DJ, aged 38, son of singer Isabel Pantoja, was admitted to the emergency room at the Virgen de Rocío hospital in Seville, as confirmed by Fiesta. The programme tweeted: “This program has been able to confirm that Kiko Rivera suffered a serious health problem at dawn on Friday. He is admitted to the Virgen de Rocío Hospital in Seville. The next 24 hours are decisive. We will be very attentive to its evolution all weekend.”


Rivera is "vaccinated":
Kiko Rivera jokes that he already is 5G active after Covid-19 vaccine
July 6, 2021

Another from the same page:

DJ who ‘lost motor skills’ after Moderna vaccine says doctors privately admitted link
July 5, 2022

An award-winning Australian musician who was left partially paralysed claims he was told privately by five different doctors that it was almost certainly a reaction to the Moderna vaccine but they would not put it in writing out of fear of being deregistered. Tyson Illingworth, aka tyDi, who shot to fame at age 17 after being signed by Armin van Buuren’s Armada label, says he is still in constant pain and taking daily medications and injections, more than six months after being hospitalised and going through rehab to “learn to use my hands and feet again”. The 35-year-old was forced to take six months off touring and says his “life was torn apart emotionally”, both by his injury and the alleged refusal of doctors to officially acknowledge what they told him in private. “I understand rare side effects might happen – I was unlucky. But why have five different doctors all said to me, ‘I know what this is, it’s a vaccine reaction, there’s no other explanation, but I can’t say anything because I’ll get deregistered’?”
2882   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 8:31pm  


"Soaring Deaths of Young Americans": In the first two and a half years of COVID, 150 thousand more American under 45s have died than expected; is it the COVID gene injection? We say 'YES' it is
2883   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 1, 7:45am  

Sudden and premature death of Marco Di Natale, professor of Information Processing Systems at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, due to an illness that struck him in his sleep, while he was in Montreal (Canada), where he was attending a conference. The closeness to the family and the pain of the community in the words of the rector Sabina Nuti.

Improvvisa e prematura scomparsa di Marco di Natale, docente di Sistemi di Elaborazione delle Informazioni della Scuola Sant'Anna: la vicinanza alla famiglia e il dolore della comunità nelle parole della rettrice Sabina Nuti
La morte a 57 anni per un malore che lo ha colpito nel sonno, mentre si trovava a Montreal (Canada) dove partecipava a un convegno
Data pubblicazione: 29.10.2022


2885   Patrick   2022 Nov 1, 2:55pm  


Former Vikings coach Adam Zimmer dead at 38

3 hr ago
Liked by Sage Hana
Interesting aspect of the story is his father was the Vikings head coach and was quite unhappy with the unvaxxed players.

2887   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 1, 4:14pm  

Julie Powell, best-selling author of ‘Julie & Julia,’ dead at 49

Julie Powell, the food writer best known for her wildly popular memoir “Julie & Julia,” has died suddenly at the age of 49.

The best-selling author passed away at her home in Olivebridge, New York, last Wednesday after going into cardiac arrest, according to the New York Times. She is survived by her husband, brother and parents.

Powell became a literary sensation in 2005 following the release of “Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen” — a humorous account of her attempt to re-create every recipe from Julia Child’s classic cookbook “Mastering the Art of French Cooking.”

The tome sold more than one million copies, and led to a 2009 film adaptation directed by Nora Ephron and starring Meryl Streep. Oscar nominee Amy Adams played Powell in the hit movie, which grossed almost $130 million at the box office.

“She had so much talent and emotional intelligence,” Powell’s editor, Judy Clain, told the New York Times. The publication was the first to report the writer’s tragic death on Tuesday.

2889   Patrick   2022 Nov 1, 7:35pm  


Lots of interesting comments in that article. It looks like the vaxx strikes again.
2894   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 2, 8:27am  

CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (53 minute video interview)


From the article:

World renowned microbiologist and virologist professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD has won many medical and scientific awards and has more than 300 peer reviewed research papers. Dr. Bhakdi was one of the first top global doctors to warn about the deadly and debilitating effects of the CV19 vax. He was right. Dr. Bhakdi says there is proof that if the injections reach the heart or the brain, they will be damaged beyond repair. Dr. Bhakdi brings up one autopsy that found this and explains, “In multiple parts of the brain in this deceased man, the doctor found the same thing. . . . He found the damned spike proteins in the smallest capillaries of the brain. . . There is no repair because what the doctor found was these small vessels were attacked by the immune system and destroyed. The doctor found irrefutable evidence of brain cell damage of cells that are dead and dying. This poor fellow died because his brain cells were dying. . . . The same patient that died . . . . had this multifocal, meaning at many different locations, necrotizing, meaning dying, encephalitis. . . . He had typical things being seen now in people post vax. They lose their personality. They lose their minds. They lose their capacity to think. They become demented. They can’t hear. They can’t speak. They can’t see. They are no longer the humans that they were. They are destroyed human beings. Their brains are destroyed. The doctor found something so terrible he had to publish right away. This was published October 1, 2022, in “Vaccine,” which is a leading scientific journal. It’s peer reviewed, and it was accepted right away. . . . It can be read by anyone. I beseech you to read it for yourself. The doctor doing the autopsy found apart from these terrible things happening to the brain, the same things were happening in the heart. It was happening in the heart of the same patient. He saw these same damned devil designed spike proteins.
2895   stereotomy   2022 Nov 2, 9:33am  


That's some powerful shit. Thanks for posting this.

EDIT: Sorry, for some reason I accidently disliked your post. @Patrick - any way to undo a dislike? Thanks!
2896   GNL   2022 Nov 2, 9:40am  

2897   Onvacation   2022 Nov 2, 10:17am  

stereotomy says

any way to undo a dislike?

Click on the dislike again.

Or you can like the post to balance out the dislike.
2898   Patrick   2022 Nov 2, 10:25am  

Ceffer says


She was quite the vaxxer too:

Julie Powell, Oct. 1, 2021: "I would argue that COVID does kill some of the right people. The anti-vaxxers/maskers are dying in legions."
Oct. 26, 2022: Julie Powell, Food Writer Who Inspired Nora Ephron Film ‘Julie & Julia,’ Dies at 49 of Cardiac Arrest

Karma at work?
2900   Patrick   2022 Nov 2, 3:58pm  


I wish they would give more detail about the vaxx status of these people dropping dead, but I guess it's not always publicly known.
2901   GNL   2022 Nov 2, 4:54pm  

Patrick says

It sure is hard to care about these people.
2904   Patrick   2022 Nov 3, 10:42pm  


My Friends are Dying of Heart Attacks
A 50th birthday celebration and reunion is marred by multiple deaths ...

I’m headed out to Maui to celebrate my brother’s 50th birthday. One of our oldest friends—a 53-year-old named Dan who was my roommate in graduate school—was scheduled to be on my flight, but he isn’t because he died of a heart attack two weeks ago. Both of his parents attended the funeral; both were in exceptionally good physical condition in spite of their advanced age. Dan received the initial two doses of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine last year, but apparently decided to forgo the boosters.

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