Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   910,762 views  8,521 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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4606   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 1:21pm  

Just another anecdote, among millions of such anecdotes...
4607   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 1:47pm  


Edward Dowd Presents Irrefutable Evidence Vaccine Mandates Killed & Disabled Countless Americans

“Unless we have a new virus that knows you’re working, there’s no explanation for it.”
4608   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 2:16pm  


COVID Vaccine Fatality Rates in Europe are Between 0.05% and 0.55%

This also fits with my estimate of 1 in 800 of the ever-vaxxed dying from the vaxx. 1 in 800 is 0.125%
4609   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 8:36pm  


Two high school students just died of aneurysms and many more young people are getting them and dying recently - well known COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injury

Dr. William Makis MD
11 hr ago

High school student Chloe Nuttbrock died of aneurysm March.16, 2023

Mukilteo, Washington high school student Chloe Nuttbrock died suddenly of aneurysm on March 16, 2023. ...

High School baseball captain Kayla Boyd died of aneurysm March 9, 2023

Jonesboro, Georgia - Clayton County High school baseball captain Kayla Boyd died suddenly on March 9, 2023, due to an aneurysm. The emergency happened during school dismissal. She had no prior health issues. ...

Lots more toxxine injuries document in that post.
4611   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 21, 5:49am  

Reading about these aneurysms, brought this to mind:

A little over a year and a half ago a 52 year old friend of mine died suddenly of what was thought to be at the time a heart attack. I never asked the family anything regarding the autopsy results. He was very fit, walked a lot and had no known health problems. His only issue was that he was fully 'vaccinated' due to the mandates of a large law firm where he was employed.

His wife, a nurse, also fully 'vaccinated,' suffered an aneurysm during the private viewing for the family. She almost died and has had to endure a very long recovery. Everyone assumed that her intense grief somehow brought upon the aneurysm.
4612   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 21, 6:19am  

21-Year-Old Irish Cricket Player Dies “Within Days of Cancer Diagnosis”- Oncologist Believes It May Be Vaccine Related

As reported by the Belfast Telegraph:

Tributes have been paid to a young Co Down bowler who died days after being diagnosed with testicular cancer.

Daniel Donnan from Donaghadee was taken to hospital after he suddenly fell ill towards the end of last week.

It’s understood he experienced a dizzy spell in the gym and numbness down one side of his body.

The 21-year-old was rushed to the Ulster Hospital where he was treated for a bleed to the brain, but medical tests revealed tumours which had already spread to his brain and lungs.
4614   Patrick   2023 Mar 21, 11:50am  


Sperm has been almost entirely replaced by spike proteins

4615   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 21, 1:09pm  

35-Year-Old Multi-Year World Cup Medalist Dies Unexpectedly

4616   Ceffer   2023 Mar 21, 3:21pm  

Dr. Tess Lawrie- 3/21/23
Global Covid Pandemic.
Not a mistake.
To imply otherwise is to give Them the out they are seeking.
It was not botched.
It was not bungled.
It was not a blunder.
It was not incompetence.
It was not lack of knowledge.
It was not spontaneous mass hysteria.
The planning occurred in plain sight.
The planning is still occurring in plain sight.
The philanthropaths bought The $cience™.
The modelers projected the lies.
The testers concocted the crisis.
The NGOs leased the academics.
The $cientists fabricated the findings.
The mouthpieces spewed the talking points.
The organizations declared the emergency.
The governments erected the walls.
The departments rewrote the rules.
The governors quashed the rights.
The politicians passed the laws.
The bankers installed the control grid.
The stooges laundered the money.

The DoD placed the orders.
The corporations fulfilled the contracts.
The regulators approved the solution.
The laws shielded the contractors.
The agencies ignored the signals.
The behemoths consolidated the media.
The psychologists crafted the messaging.
The propagandists chanted the slogans.
The factchockers smeared the dissidents.
The censors silenced the questioners.
The jackboots stomped the dissenters.
The tyrants summoned.
The puppeteers jerked.
The puppets danced.
The colluders implemented.
The doctors ordered.
The hospitals administered.
The menticiders scripted.
The bamboozled bleated.
The totalitarianized bullied.
The Covidians tattled.
The parents surrendered.
The good citizens believed … and forgot.
This was calculated.
This was formulated.
This was focus-grouped.
This was articulated.
This was manufactured.
This was falsified.
This was coerced.
This was inflicted.
This was denied.
We were terrorized.
We were isolated.
We were gaslit.
We were dehumanized.
We were wounded.
We were killed.
Don’t let Them get away with it.

---Dr. Tess Lawrie---
4617   DhammaStep   2023 Mar 21, 6:16pm  

Ceffer says

Don’t let Them get away with it.

They got away with it.

4618   Patrick   2023 Mar 21, 7:41pm  


English COVID vaccine data, vaccinated vs unvaccinated, persons under 60; 'Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people same age' (2021 data but stable to now)

4619   WookieMan   2023 Mar 21, 7:51pm  

I didn't and won't take the vaccine. That said, I think overall big Pharma is to blame. I know perfectly healthy 35 year olds popping 5 pills a day of shit. Not vitamins. Read the side effects of your pain killers, allergy medicine, anti-depression pills, BP pills, etc. You can be thin, active and look healthy but destroying your body daily. My vice is beer. For others it's pills that numb them from their pain mentally and physically. Most at the same time while still drinking.

Edit/add on: If I ever come up with something that is life threatening I'll never mix it will alcohol. Mixing any drug besides weed, acid and shrooms, generally, is a recipe for disaster. That included OTC drugs. If you're on something pill wise you need to abstain from alcohol immediately.
4620   Patrick   2023 Mar 21, 9:41pm  


Covid no longer needs a vaccine programme given the average age of death of Covid in the U.K. is 82 and from all other causes is 81 and falling.

The link with clots, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy. (We predicted these side effects in our June 2020 QRBD article Sorensen et al. 2020, as the blast analysis revealed 79% homologies to human epitopes, especially PF4 and myelin.)

However, there is now another reason to halt all vaccine programmes. As a practising oncologist I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel.

Even within my own personal contacts I am seeing B cell-based disease after the boosters. They describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the booster – one developing leukaemia, two work colleagues Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and an old friend who has felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster and who, after getting severe bone pain, has been diagnosed as having multiple metastases from a rare B cell disorder.

I am experienced enough to know that these are not the coincidental anecdotes that many suggest, especially as the same pattern is being seen in Germany, Australia and the USA.

The reports of innate immune suppression after mRNA for several weeks would fit, as all these patients to date have melanoma or B cell based cancers, which are very susceptible to immune control – and that is before the reports of suppressor gene suppression by mRNA in laboratory experiments.

This must be aired and debated immediately.

Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci
4621   Ceffer   2023 Mar 21, 10:30pm  

Did she get a big payout to cooperate with the gaslighting?

4622   The_Deplorable   2023 Mar 22, 8:30am  

Ivermectin Cures The Vaccine Injured!

Is there a medication that helps those who are vaccine injured?

Yes! Ivermectin is proving to be a miracle medication in this area. Not
only it cures Covid, it is now proving that it helps the vaccine injured:

See the response of Dr. Pierre Kory, one of America's Frontline Doctors.


We cannot go on ignoring vaccine injuries.

4623   DhammaStep   2023 Mar 22, 9:25am  

WookieMan says

I didn't and won't take the vaccine. That said, I think overall big Pharma is to blame

The public has known big pharma is comprised of villains for decades now. What do you believe can be done about this issue? On an individual level, local level and societal level?
4624   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Mar 22, 10:29am  

Ceffer says

Did she get a big payout to cooperate with the gaslighting?

Better than spinning a childhood sexual abuse story, but give it time.
4626   The_Deplorable   2023 Mar 22, 11:59am  

Ivermectin... • Over 3.7B doses (that is a billion with a b...)
• Discovered on a golf course in Japan
• Has brought river blindness to the brink of elimination
• Won the Nobel prize in 2015
• Recognized, 2nd to penicillin, for having the greatest impact on human health...


4628   The_Deplorable   2023 Mar 22, 4:05pm  

The_Deplorable says

Ivermectin Cures The Vaccine Injured!

Is there a medication that helps those who are vaccine injured?

Yes! Ivermectin is proving to be a miracle medication in this area. Not
only it cures Covid, it is now proving that it helps the vaccine injured:..

Vaccine injuries in Australia... [ CLIP ] - Aussies in Gold Coast, Queensland display pictures and stories of those jab-injured and deceased along busy main road this weekend... "all these beautiful Australians... lives destroyed... by the apparent safe and effective vaccines"


Look into Ivermectin! You have nothing to lose at his point.

4629   Ceffer   2023 Mar 22, 4:33pm  

Guess the next stage prop needs to be rolled in to explain vaccine deaths and conditions related to AIDS from vax with depleted immune systems. Fungal infections are common in the immuno-compromised.

4635   mell   2023 Mar 22, 4:41pm  

Ceffer says

Guess the next stage prop needs to be rolled in to explain vaccine deaths and conditions related to AIDS from vax with depleted immune systems. Fungal infections are common in the immuno-compromised.


Yep. C. Auris can be deadly to the immunocompromised. Not a coincidence
4636   The_Deplorable   2023 Mar 22, 6:28pm  

To those paying attention to the data - This is one of great scientific mysteries of the last two years...

"What happened to the flu in 2020 and 2021?"

4637   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 22, 7:36pm  

British Amateur Boxing Champ DIES SUDDENLY at 19

4638   Patrick   2023 Mar 22, 7:48pm  

Here's the link for that dead boxer above:


GB boxer dies suddenly age 19 as tributes pour in for 'future world champion'
The family of Jude Moore a 19-year-old from Bristol, confirmed the nexpected passing of the "uniquely talented fighter" who was tragically found dead on Friday
4639   Patrick   2023 Mar 22, 7:49pm  


A 39 year old Alberta pilot for WestJet Airlines died suddenly on March 17, 2023

... WestJet’s COVID-19 vaccination policy

Employees who failed to achieve full vaccination status by October 30, 2021, face unpaid leave and termination of employment.


Westjet murdered this pilot.
4640   Patrick   2023 Mar 22, 8:05pm  


Cuba’s most successful rower of all time, Angel Fournier Rodriguez, died unexpectedly on Thursday, March 16.
The news was confirmed by World Rowing in a tweet that read: “World Rowing is saddened to hear of the passing of Cuban rower Angel Fournier Rodriguez.”

“Fournier Rodriguez was a multiple-time World Cup medallist, Pan Am Champion, and 2x time Olympian”


My sense:

I think that unless we are told that he did not take the shot (s), then vaccine as cause must be on the table. It is very difficult for a 35 year old healthy person to suddenly just die. There is just too much of this to not be suspicious of the death shot. These mRNA technology gene shots should have never ever been brought in the first place and they failed out of the gate and the mRNA and LNP technologies were always toxic and dangerous. We pay the price now and I fear Angel just did.
4641   Patrick   2023 Mar 22, 8:25pm  


Telugu student died of cardiac arrest in America
March 11, 2023

Recently, a student named Bodagala Vamsi Reddiah, who was pursuing higher education in America, died due to cardiac arrest. He was staying with friends in Poughkeepsie, near New York. Vamsi Reddiah slept after having the dinner on Thursday night, but he did not wake up the next morning. The friends then informed the police. Vamsi Reddiah died of cardiac arrest. The family members expect that the body of their son may reach the city on Wednesday. He is 23 years old. He went to the US last August to do his MS at St. Peter’s College, New Jersey. Vamsi’s father Lavakumar works as a chief photographer in the Telugu daily.

St. Peter’s “vaccination” mandate:
Saint Peter’s is requiring all students who will be on campus—undergraduates, graduates, doctoral and professional and continuing studies— and all faculty, staff and administrators to receive the COVID-19 booster by March 1.

4642   Patrick   2023 Mar 22, 8:26pm  


Moreland Hills Mayor Daniel Fritz suddenly dies
March 16, 2023

Mayor Daniel Fritz
The Village of Moreland Hills, Ohio, announced that Mayor Daniel Fritz has suddenly died, according to a news release from the village. "We were shocked and heartbroken to learn today of the sudden death of Mayor Daniel Fritz," the release said. "Dan cared deeply for Moreland Hills." The cause of his death is unknown.

No age or cause of death reported.

Fritz was fully “vaccinated” and pushed people to get the booster in multiple posts in 2021:
“It’s a cold and blustery day. Many of us are nestled in and preparing to watch the Super Bowl in our warm homes. I just got back from the administration of my second dose of the COVID vaccine. The state of Ohio, Cuyahoga County Board of Health and the Beachwood Fire Department should be damn proud of their coordinated efforts. Seamless and efficient with amazing messaging to boot. A SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL OF THE AMAZING PEOPLE WHO ARE WORKING OUTSIDE IN FREEZING TEMPERATURES TO CHECK FORMS, DIRECT TRAFFIC AND MOVE SNOW. THEY WILL BE OUTSIDE ALL DAY. THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU CONTINUE TO DO. Good people doing good things.”
4643   Patrick   2023 Mar 22, 8:27pm  


A state health director “died suddenly”:
Ky. Office of Rural Health mourns unexpected loss of director
March 15, 2023

Ernie Scott unexpectedly died in his home on Sunday
Hazard, Ky - The Kentucky Office of Rural Health (KORH) announced that its director, Ernie Scott, died unexpectedly at his home on Sunday. Scott served as KORH director for 11 years. He also served as principal investigator for Kentucky’s State Offices of Rural Health Program (SORH), Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (Flex), Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP), Kentucky State Loan Repayment Program (KSLRP), National Health Service Corp (NHSC) promotion project, and as an editor for The Bridge magazine.

No cause of death reported.

Scott, born in 1976 (age 46), showed his Covid vaccine card after his second jab in Feb. 2021, “#covidvacccine Doing my part!”:
4645   Patrick   2023 Mar 22, 9:16pm  


German Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach has issued an apology to the public and admitted that the Covid shots he once promoted are causing “severe disabilities” that will likely be “permanent.”

Lauterbach previously encouraged the people of Germany to get vaccinated by claiming that mRNA shots are safe and free of side effects.

However, he has just gone on record to admit that he was wrong.

He's still very wrong about the rate of injury and death though. It's far higher than he estimates.

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