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I'm pretty sure that all Hollywood actors were forced to inject the toxic slime to continue working.
💉 Social media mega-influencer and British comedian Russell Brand (6.7 million subscribers) ran a new segment of his popular, now de-monetized YouTube show this weekend titled, “Vaccine BOMBSHELL - 973% Increase In HEART FAILURE?!” It has a half-million views so far.
The segment started with military myocarditis, moved to teenage myocarditis, then Russell mercilessly mocked the new Moderna SpikeVaxx commercial, which features the incomprehensibly awful slogan: “SpikeVaxx that body!”
That’s for real. I would love to talk to Moderna’s marketing department and ask them a few questions. Like, what they are smoking, and do they have a medical marijuana card for it? My gosh. Could that be the worst slogan that anybody ever came up with since Fetterman Formalwear’s “dress for the job you want?”
Nothing about “spike vaxxing” my body sounds appealing. How on Earth did they come up with that one? Are they trying to go out of business? Is that how they’re going to escape liability?
Anyway, you can argue Russell’s audience is already anti-establishment, but this kind of messaging feel like we’re reaching a new frontier, like Russell is pushing the envelope further and farther. It’s progress.
Toni Crengle is in the burns ward due to her traumatising jab-injuries
FreeNZ Media, posted July 1, 2022
LIZ GUNN: Toni, a friend, a mutual friend of ours from the Freedom Village has set up this interview and the way she describes you is so glowing, you'd just, you'd just would love to hear how she talks about you. She said, she's just the kindest person, she's got such a great personality, she's such a lovely human being. That's how she talked to me about you. So on that alone I wanted to interview you. But beyond that, I want to find why you are in [inaudible] Hospital and what has been going on. I'm so sorry to hear what you've been going through. Tell us what's happening.
TONI CRENGLE: So since my first vaccination that first week I came up with reactions coincidentally, rashes on my, on my skin, my throat, my mouth. And then it just progressed from there. I got my second vaccination so I could still keep teaching at the end of January. And then the rashes never went away, but just progressed. They were manageable. And then just progressed from there to be debilitating. And so I ended up communicating with my GP and them not being able to do anything else for me, so telling me to do to the [inaudible] and so I went there but they turned me away because they don't do skin and the waiting room was full. [starts to cry]
LIZ GUNN: Toni. Toni. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I can't believe this is happening to our kiwis. Are you, are you OK to keep going? Because we can pause if you want.
TONI CRENGLE [wiping eyes]: I'll be alright.
LIZ GUNN: I don't want to put you through more suffering. Why don't you just breathe? Just breathe.
TONI CRENGLE: Yeah. So yeah. So I got in touch with my dermatologist and they, the next day they took me back to the hospital and got me admitted into ED and transferred to Waikato, and now the care's been really really good. And I've got people—
LIZ GUNN. Toni, and this was how long? When did all this start? When did you have that first jab and get the first reactions?
TONI CRENGLE: My first reactions were in November. So I left it til the very last weekend of our deadline for losing our jobs. So that's when it first happened but it wasn't like it was manageable but it was being treated as eczema. It was misdiagnosed. Eczema and plaque. The doctor sent me to the dentist saying I had plaques, I was going to the dentist and [inaudible] treatments to try and eliminate that. And it wasn't that. And yeah, and then finally had a dermatologist appointment, finally got a — um— what do you call it—
LIZ GUNN: Diagnosis.
TONI CRENGLE: [inaudible] dermatologist, yeah, I mean, they come once every two weeks [inaudble] so, finally saw them and he started to diagnose it. And yeah. And then from there it just got worse. I went to, because it got really bad, my my daughter caring for me at home full-time because I couldn't work any more. And so she was helping me with my blisters and bathing me and changing my bedding and everything at home.
LIZ GUNN: Toni, how old's your daughter?
LIZ GUNN: Eighteen. The dermatologist—
TONI CRENGLE: So she had to stop working.
LIZ GUNN: What a beautiful girl. What a beautiful girl. The dermatologist, what was the diagnosis that they came up with?
TONI CRENGLE: I'm on my third one, but the one that's I think it is, is bullous pemphigoid?* They just did another biopsy this week but that hasn't been confirmed yet, but the last diagnosis was bullous pemphigoid which is a disease that 80 year olds get.
LIZ GUNN: They're coming up with all these names, like the Justin Bieber one,** you know, they've come up with a name for that, but from your gut instinct, what is your gut saying is, is the cause of all of this? What do you feel as the patient?
TONI CRENGLE: Well, well, just for me it's just that I just, I just got a reaction that came from the getting vaccinated, trying to keep my job. Something manifested inside, you know, it could have always been there I could have got it when I was 80, but because I got vaccinated I just think that it manifested whatever's naturally in me to bring that out, which I think is going to happen to a lot of people.
LIZ GUNN: Can— You held up your arm before. Could we, would you mind if we have a look at your arm? I've got some photos. Are they, are they some of the marks from—?
TONI CRENGLE [holding up forearm towards camera; swaths of blistered red skin appear to be healing]: That's better now.
LIY GUNN: That's pretty bad. And it's been a lot worse. [screen shows older photos of extensive severe blistering on abdomen; upper arm] Oh my God.
TONI CRENGLE: [holding up other forearm and palm] This is all scarring. This was all blisters.
[screen shows older photos of extensive and severe blistering on various parts of the body]
LIZ GUNN: Blisters! And what's all the red, like bruising or—?
TONI CRENGLE: That's all the blisters, the scarring from the blisters.
[shows elbow. screen then shows photo of the same elbow completely covered by large blisters; then screen shows photo of blisters on torso and neck]
LIZ GUNN: Oh my God! And you had that down your throat?
TONI CRENGLE: Oh yes. [inaudible]
[screen shows photo of red blisters inside mouth at gum-line]
LIZ GUNN: And, and did, were you indicating it's on your body as well as your arms? Is it right around your body?
TONI CRENGLE: It's over my whole body.
LIZ GUNN: Over your whole body!
TONI CRENGLE: And my mouth. Yeah.
LIZ GUNN: Out of 10, what's the pain been like for those sorts of things?
TONI CRENGLE: Twelve. [laughs]
LIZ GUNN: That's unbelievable!
[photos continue of horrible blisters, one photo after the other and another]
TONI CRENGLE: Yeah, but I couldn't walk, I couldn't sleep. I ended up not being able to sit down, lie down, because the blisters were too painful. And then they said not to pop them, but we did anyway because I wanted to sit down.
LIZ GUNN: You had them everywhere! You had them on your buttocks, you had them everywhere!
TONI CRENGLE: Yeah. Yeah, and there was the most painful because actually [inaudible] you kind of need, you kind of use that part of your body a lot without even knowing it. So that was the most painful. But over the last, just yesterday and today it's probably been my most pain-free days for being able to sit down.
LIZ GUNN: Would you have, would you have chosen to have this jab, had you been given a choice by this government? Would you have had it?
LIZ GUNN: Why not?
TONI CRENGLE: I didn't want it at all, I was crying when I was getting it. I didn't want it. My body didn't want it. I knew my body didn't want it.
LIZ GUNN: And was that because of research you've done, or was it something more than that, a sense?
TONI CRENGLE: Yes, just research I've done and just because I, I always say I have a [inaudible]. I don't get sick. I mean, they might be ignorant, but I have a high immunity now apparently. [inaudible] I've been compromised now. But.
LIZ GUNN: Are they saying it's an autoimmune disease? That's what they—
TONI CRENGLE: Yeah autoimmune disease.
LIZ GUNN: Did you believe this prime minister when she kept saying over and over and over to the country, it's safe, it's effective? Did you believe her in the early days?
LIZ GUNN: Why not, Toni?
TONI CRENGLE: I thought, I just thought the first lockdown was a little— the only thing I thought was the first lockdown was OK because it was very unknown, and then from there I was just like, no, this is all baloney. I just thought it was just all a bit too extreme.
LIZ GUNN: I mean to ask you—
TONI CRENGLE: Like it just a normal illness in the world, so yeah. It's said, you know, people are passing away and stuff, but I, I didn't see it the same way.
LIZ GUNN: I'm going to ask you to look right down the camera and say into the camera on that phone in the hospital where you are, having suffered for all these months, I'm going to ask you to say what you would say if you had about a minute to talk to Jacinda Ardern, if she was on the other side of that phone. Can you look right in the, in the camera on the phone and say what's in your heart? Jacinda, say, Jacinda, as if, as if she was right here.
TONI CRENGLE: Jacinda, I'd love for you to come and visit me and talk to me about what's happened. And the other people that are hurt like me. We didn't want to get vaccinated, some of us, some us did choose to and that's their choice, but some of us didn't want to and now we're injured and our lives are suffering and our families are suffering and you don't care. It's all [inaudible]. We're not even a statistic. We're like rubbish to you. And you've [inaudible] our lives. I can't even work now. And I'm getting better, but I shouldn't have been here. And I feel like you did this to me. [starts to cry]
Could that be the worst slogan that anybody ever came up with since Fetterman Formalwear’s “dress for the job you want?”
There’s an old theory that memory is actually encoded in part in RNA. The argument is pretty simple: there’s no obvious way for all that sensory data to be captured in synapses as long term memories, yet long term memories obviously exist and are fairly reliable. RNA, unlike synapses, is energy efficient, redundant and persistent and consistent with what we observe about brains from day to day life.
A few years ago I would have said that that's completely insane, but lately researchers think that long term human memories may be encoded as RNA:
There’s an old theory that memory is actually encoded in part in RNA. The argument is pretty simple: there’s no obvious way for all that sensory data to be captured in synapses as long term memories, yet long term memories obviously exist and are fairly reliable. RNA, unlike synapses, is energy efficient, redundant and persistent and consistent with what we observe about brains from day to day life.
There’s an old theory that memory is actually encoded in part in RNA.
💉 It’s happened again! Yesterday, the Canadian Broadcast Company ran an all-too-familiar story headlined, “Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante collapses during press conference.” On live TV, we might add.
Paging Tiffany Dover!
For a good 15 minutes, perky Mayor Valerie Plante was waxing rhapsodic on Canadian television about homelessness and all her other eco-friendly, 100%-diverse, virtuous nonsense, when all of a sudden, she abruptly and uncharacteristically shut up for a second. In total silence, she looked around in panic, slowly opening and closing her mouth like a dying goldfish until she abruptly gasped, “oh no. I feel unwell" (in French), then — in front of rows of cameras and a room packed full of stunned reporters, nobody moving or saying a thing — she slowly sagged and then dramatically sank to the floor, ending up seated and slumped over. ...
It is kind of weird they picked a dizzy spell. Mayor Plante always seems dizzy. And, in case you were wondering, yes, she is fully vaccinated, which is her own private business, how dare you even ask at a time like this, well, except that she had about twenty captive reporters there snapping pictures whenever the Mayor privately got her shots:
... And, just look how happy she is! You can’t buy that kind of happiness. It only comes from a needle.
She’s a big fan of the jabs. Back in the day, Mayor Plante also coerced every city employee in Montreal; get the shots or get packing:
... Don’t go starting rumors that people collapsing on live TV is any kind of sign of anything. Misinformation kills. So, repeat this to yourself until you believe it: everything’s totally normal. Or you can just skip that part if, like me, it’s too late now and you are already a lost cause. Whee! Give me more misinformation!
Canada Reports 135% Spike in Deaths from ‘Unspecified Causes’
New Canadian government data has revealed the nation has suffered a staggering 135% spike in listed as “unspecified causes.”
Statistics Canada, an agency of the Canadian government, has just published a new report revealing that the nation smashed records for deaths in 2022.
Aside from soaring numbers of Canadians dying from “unspecified causes,” the nation recorded a record number of Covid deaths, despite high vaccination uptake and the pandemic being over.
A report released by Statistics Canada last week admitted that deaths due to COVID-19 in Canada rose by 36% last year.
According to the government, Covid caused 19,716 deaths in total.
However, deaths due to “Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality” rose by a shocking 135% from 2020 to 2022.
Hematologic abnormalities after COVID-19 vaccination: A large Korean population based cohort study
Incidence rates of hematologic abnormalities in the
vaccination group 3 months after vaccination were significantly higher than those in the
nonvaccinated group: 14.79 vs. 9.59 (P<.001) for nutritional anemia, 7.83 vs. 5.00 (P<.001)
for aplastic anemia, and 4.85 vs. 1.85 (P<.001) for coagulation defects. COVID-19 mRNA
vaccine was associated with higher development of nutritional anemia (odds ratio [OR],
1.230 [95% CI, 1.129-1.339], P<.001) and aplastic anemia (OR, 1.242 [95% CI, 1.110-1.390],
P<.001) than the viral vector vaccine. The risk of coagulation defects was increased (OR,
1.986 [95% CI, 1.523-2.589], P<.001) after vaccination, and there was no risk difference
between mRNA vaccine and viral vector vaccine (OR, 1.075 [95% CI, 0.936-1.233], P=.306).
In conclusions, COVID-19 vaccination increased the risk of hematologic abnormalities.
When administering the COVID-19 vaccine, careful observation will be necessary after
vaccination. ...
Data source
Korea has implemented a unique national public health insurance system for all its citizens
called the Korean National Health Insurance Service (KNHIS). The KNHIS database
includes data on all medical treatments and disease codes of the International Classification
of Disease, 10th revision (ICD-10). We randomly selected data of half of those living in
Seoul City as of January 1, 2021, from the KNHIS database and obtained their 2020-2021
diagnostic records. The diagnosis records included the main and secondary diagnoses, and
date hospital visit. Of a total 4,348,412 individuals selected, those 4,203,887 aged >20 years
were included.
💉 Pfizer must feel like it’s been one damned thing after another these days. In a year packed with horrible news for the jabs (not to mention poor jab recipients), yesterday saw a critical new discovery of jab problems, possibly the worst and most damning yet. How bad was it? It was so bad that, even though I almost never make predictions anymore, I will predict this: The FDA will be forced to withdraw the mRNA covid shots because of this study.
I’m not even joking about that.
Our investigation begins with yesterday’s Telegraph article about a new study headlined, “One in four who had Moderna or Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response.”
The explosive, new, peer-reviewed, gold-standard study is already making news even though it was only published yesterday, December 6th. And it published in the well—respected Journal Nature, featuring the multisyllabic, incomprehensible title, “N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting.”
This study has twenty authors. There is safety in numbers.
Don’t let the mind-numbing title fool you. If Kevin McKernan’s SV40 monkey-virus discovery tossed a hand-grenade into Pfizer’s machine-gun bunker, this carefully-written study dropped a tactical nuke on Pfizer’s Pacific Fleet anchoring at Hawaii. The study’s implications are vast.
Since the science is a little thick — no, it’s very thick — I’ll start by telling you the end first.
Here’s how the Telegraph’s article defensively described the study’s results. Keep in mind, they were down-playing the results, as much as they possibly could:
"No adverse effects were created by the error, data show, but Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired Covid “spike”, which mimics infection and leads to antibody production (and) an immune system flare-up.
The new study, published in Nature, found this occurred in around 25-30 per cent of people."
Hahaha! The vaccines were “not perfect!!” Omygosh! Please, stop! Hahahaha! It hurts to laugh! Whew. Alright, I’m okay now. Onwards.
Here’s the simple version: the researchers discovered that a necessary ingredient in the mRNA vaccines (1-methylpseudouridine) has an unfortunate side-effect: it messes up RNA translation one-third of the time by slipping a gear every so often. Instead of making the intended spike protein, these tiny mistranslational slip-ups create … other things. Other kinds of proteins. New ones.
And there’s no way at all to predict what kind of protein it will create. It’s stochastic (completely random).
The ‘vaccine’ creates stochastic proteins one third of the time. In one-third of cells, not people, like the Telegraph again mis-reported. There are trillions of mRNA packages in each shot. So — unless I’m missing something — what the study is saying, without actually saying it, is that this is happening inside every single jab recipient.
And it’s happening a lot.
Now, you know I hate to sound negative, but I’m guessing there would have been a lot more vaccine hesitancy had people known that trillions of their cells would soon randomly be creating bizarre, novel proteins, and for an indeterminate and possibly long time.
That sounds a lot like Russian roulette.
Nobody could possibly know what kinds of problems this kind of thing might cause. Mostly because they’ve never tested anything like this before, except maybe down in the lowest level of the secret dungeons under Dr. Mengele’s laboratory.
Do not let them get away with it when the citizen volunteers will inevitably argue, “hey, they were new vaccines, of course we’re going to learn some unexpected things about them. Nobody expected them to be perfect.”
Um, NO. They called it “misinformation” when we said the shots were “experimental.” They said the shots were the best-tested, safest vaccines in human history. They said we learned all the long-term side effects within the first 90 days — and guess what? There were none. No long term side effects.
Honestly, sometimes it’s infuriating how stupid our experts are.
Continuing on, the Telegraph first claimed ‘no adverse effects’ were caused by the ‘nonsense proteins,’ but then turned right around and said they cause an unintended immune system flare-up. That is an adverse effect, morons. But second, they are just slapping the old “no evidence” gag around. In this case, the Telegraph’s “no evidence” argument is an archaic, tired-out, well-known logical fallacy called the “Argument from Ignorance.”
All they are really saying is, we don’t know what the adverse effects might be.
I don’t want to quibble, but saying “There ARE NO adverse effects” is a rather different thing from saying “we DON’T KNOW what kind of adverse effects this might cause.”
For an idea of just how mendacious the Telegraph’s article was, here is the precise sentence from the study that the Telegraph used when it falsely reported that “No adverse effects were created by the error, data show”:
Although there is no evidence that frameshifted products in humans generated from BNT162b2 vaccination are associated with adverse outcomes, for future use of mRNA technology it is important that mRNA sequence design is modified to reduce ribosome frameshifting events, as this may limit its future use for applications that require higher doses or more frequent dosing, such as the in vivo production of hormones.
See? There was not any ‘data’ proving that the vaccines were safe, as the Telegraph claimed. The study only said there was “no evidence of an association with adverse events.” Which certainly could be just because nobody’s looked for an association with adverse events yet.
The study, which is so technical it can be barely understood by lay readers (if at all), was marvelously written. At first, a reader mistakenly concludes the study is a giant apologia for the jabs. Every chance they got, the twenty authors optimistically described the bright future of mRNA technology — once, that is, this one teensy, awkward little (unfixable) wrinkle has been ironed out of the formula. That’s how the study passed peer review and got published.
The scientists are learning how to play the game.
Now, remember. This study — and all the news reports about it — constantly reassures pharma bigwigs and depressed jab-takers that there’s no evidence of adverse effects from the random ‘nonsense proteins,’ the randomized proteins that 25% of their transfected cells are now making. Nothing to worry about!
But check out this very telling quote from one of the study authors, Anne Willis, who is a very upbeat kind of lady. She found that the problem just creates a very exciting opportunity for jab makers to fix it:
(Professor Anne Willis, Director of the MRC Toxicology Unit) adds it is very exciting that there is a way to fix the issue, which “massively de-risks this platform going forward”.
Screech! Hold on, wait just a minute! Slam on the brakes for a second. If fixing the issue “massively de-risks the (mRNA) platform” … that means … there are massive risks to be fixed. And that quote, ladies and gentlemen, gave away the entire game, right there, and showed us what the study authors are really thinking.
They are appalled, just like we are. And they got the message out the only way they could, smuggled across the peer-reviewed border in a hollowed-out teddy bear of exciting opportunities.
The offending ingredient, 1-methylpseudouridine, is a type of pseudouridine used in the jabs to stabilize the mRNA payload. We’ve discussed this chemical before. Its first unintended side-effect was making the mRNA too stable, which we think is why the pseudouridine-enhanced mRNA lasts for months (or longer), instead of disappearing within a few hours, like natural mRNA does, and like the FDA mendaciously claimed it would when they were first pushing the jabs.
Ironically, they just gave the Nobel prize to the two scientists who figured out how to make artificially long-lasting mRNA using 1-methylpseudouridine. But yesterday’s peer-reviewed study — written long before the Nobel prize was awarded — concluded there is a fatal flaw with using 1-methylpseudouridine. The authors’ suggestion to fix it? Use natural mRNA.
But since natural mRNA won’t work, as it is metabolized too quickly, the real message from the study is: mRNA technology is inherently unsafe, and poses massive unknown risks. Who knows what are the risks of millions or trillions of cells creating random proteins all day long? Remember the old “infinite number of monkeys” argument? It goes: Given enough monkeys and typewriters, some chimp somewhere will randomly type up Hamlet before you even got around to handing out bananas for lunch.
Who wants to roll the dice that trillions of ‘random proteins’ never ever come up with something harmful? Or is it even more likely the whole unexpected process is all harmful? Random results in a drug should be unacceptable, even if they only create conditions for autoimmunity.
Thus, the FDA must pull these drugs.
💉 Let’s recap the four major jab low-lights — all from just this year:
In February, Kevin McKernan brilliantly discovered unexpected DNA plasmid contamination in the mRNA shots.
Kevin equally-brilliantly discovered something hiding in plain sight that apparently every other scientist on the planet — including the FDA — somehow missed: the mRNA shots unexpectedly include parts of an oncogenic simian virus (associated with cancer).
In August, I reported on a study showing the way spike protein (and thus the shots) cause autoimmune problems by unexpectedly binding to C4 immune cells, in my post titled, ☕️ JACKPOT ☙ Tuesday, August 8, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠.
Then yesterday, in this newest study, we learned about the fourth major, unexpected problem with the jabs, which goes to their very design: random protein production.
So, you tell me: how long can the FDA realistically keep this charade going? There will be more explosions at the next meeting of the FDA’s vaccine advisory committee than there were at Pearl Harbor.
We are now sprinting towards the finish line.
The former CEO of Singapore's preeminent insurance cooperative, Mr. Tan Kin Lian, recently made headlines by releasing a statement cautioning against COVID booster shots. ...
The former Chief Executive Officer of NTUC Income publicly expressed his decision to refrain from receiving another COVID-19 booster shot. In a candid exposition, he referenced data to support his choice, stating, "there were 21,282 deaths in 2018... It has now increased to 26,891 in 2022. This increase of 26% is significant and alarming." ...
He highlighted the mortality uptick not from COVID itself but from other serious conditions such as cancer, heart failure, and stroke. Kin Lian shared insights from his acquaintances who have deduced from extensive reading "that the mRNA vaccine caused the body to suffer a drop in immunity" which potentially contributes to these mortalities. Convinced by the argument that "the vaccine does cause harm to the immune system," and noting that COVID-19 fatalities have substantially declined, he further rationalized his decision by saying, "There is no need to take the risk of having another booster." ...
What distinguishes him is that Mr. Tan is now retired, presumably giving him the freedom to voice his opinions without facing significant personal or professional repercussions.
original link
posted October 20, 2021
JEFF GOODMAN:: My son was 32 years old and he was one of the happiest kids I've ever run across. And he just loved life.
PAMELA GOODMAN: My name is Pamela Goodman and my 32 year-old stepson Benjamin was killed by the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on March 14, 2021. Within 12 hours he was dead of a cardiac arrest. Sudden death.
We don't want any more people to die. Benjamin would not want anyone else to die.
The autopsy is inconclusive. The medical examiner is changing their phone number, refusing to answer our calls, or give us a toxicology report.
The mainstream media is not reporting these deaths, these serious adverse reactions.
We can't bring Benjamin back. And this is not only just about Benjamin, this is about all of humanity. Benjamin would not ever want anybody to take an experimental vaccine that could cause death or permanent injury. If he knew what he knew—
JEFF GOODMAN: What we know now.
PAMELA GOODMAN: What we know now, in March, which no one is letting anyone know, no mainstream media outlets, nothing, you have to dig and dig and dig to find anything, and even then you're called crazy and nothing has nothing to do with anything, there's no correlation. Healthy people are just dropping dead of blood clots, everything, and everything is being hidden. And Benjamin would never, ever want anyone to die or be injured. This is horrific, this is criminal, this is murder. And people need to wake up and speak out.
According to his obituary, Benjamin Goodman died at age 32 on March 14, 2021 in New York City. He was "survived by his fiancée, Lindsay Janisse, his mother Cindy Shelley, his father and stepmother Jeff and Pamela Goodman, his brothers Andrew Shelley and Carson Goodman, his sister Natasha Goodman, his dogs Kiva and Wilson, and his many beloved colleagues and friends." Of note, he had worked on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert at CBS Studio. For more about Benjamin Goodman's life, see:
🔬 STUDY #1: On November 22nd, four Korean scientists published a preprint titled, “Correlation between COVID-19 vaccination and inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders.”
The researchers searched the medical records of 2.2 million patients looking for correlations between jabs and inflammatory diseases of the muscles or skeletal system. Let’s start with the study’s conclusion:
Here are the specifics:
The study period was only the first three months post-vaccination. So the figures don’t include any of these conditions arising after the first 90 says, for the simple reason it’s easier to show evidence of causation with a shorter period.
STUDY #3: Finally, the same core group of scientists published their third preprint on the same data analysis, their “kitchen sink” version, titled “The spectrum of non-fatal immune-related adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination: The population-based cohort study in Seoul, South Korea.”
Using the same giant Korean medical database, the scientists examined the “incidence rate and risk” of a wide spectrum of “non-fatal adverse events” including: gynecological, hematological, dermatological, ophthalmological, otologic, and even dental problems following mRNA covid vaccination.
Once again, they excluded people who died, children (under 20), and limited the adverse event period to 90 days following the injections. As evidence of the widening gap between regulatory agencies and practicing scientists in the field, in the study’s introduction the scientists observed without controversy that “a wide range of adverse events (AEs), not previously reported in conventional vaccines, have been observed post-vaccination.”
They completely ignored what the governments are saying about adverse events being few and ultra-rare. For some reason, both the FDA and the CDC have failed to observe the same wide range of adverse events observed post-vaccination.
Many, many types of adverse events were included within that wide spectrum of medical areas. After analyzing the data, the researchers found a strong correlation in nearly every area between mRNA vaccination and increased risk of an immune-related adverse event, with only a couple exceptions:
Here’s a glossary for the acronyms:
cIR = cumulative incidence rate, or how often something happens
irAEs = immune-related adverse events
HR = hazard ratio, or comparative risks
CI = confidence interval
heterologous vaccination = mixing and matching vaccine brands
So, in other words, both the rate and risk of immune-related adverse events were higher for vaccinated people than unvaccinated folks — in nearly every area they checked. I’m not sure we’ve ever seen anything like this before. This data suggests that the mRNA vaccines make people sicker in nearly every possible way.
One wonders whether random “nonsense proteins” will wind up being somehow connected to this mysterious and novel cause of morbidity, whatever it is.
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