Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   867,623 views  8,005 comments

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Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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7922   Patrick   2024 Sep 11, 5:34pm  


Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line

25 February 2022

Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.

The death jab modifies human DNA.
7923   Patrick   2024 Sep 11, 7:47pm  


Dr. Zelenko Schools Israeli Rabbinic court
Posted August 4, 2021

RABBI ABRAHAM DEUTSCH: The doctor Vladimir Zelenko.[1] Dr. Zelenko is a board-certified family physician for over 20 years. He has been described by his patients as a family member to thousands of families. And he is a medical advisor to the volunteer ambulance corps in Kiryas Joel, New York. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous Zelenko Protocol[2] which has saved countless lives worldwide. So welcome Dr. Zelenko, thank you for joining us. And I would like you to comment on our subject please.

DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO [via Zoom or similar remote video telecommunication]: Thank you so much for having me. Can you hear me?

RABBI ABRAHAM DEUTSCH: Yes. Loud and clear.

MALE VOICE: [inaudible] loud and clear.

DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO: So I'll just give you quickly my experience. My team has directly treated successfully 6,000 patients. I have trained hundreds of physicians who are now training their students and as a cumulative group we've treated millions of patients successfully. President Trump was my patient. Rudy Guliani was one of my patients. Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky[3] has been my patient. Rabbi, Mr. Litzman[4] your health minister of Israel last year was my patient. I'm just telling you which people have contacted me for care. Including President Bolsinaro of Brazil.

Now my experience has given me a very unique perspective in approaching covid 19, which is basically keeping people out of the hospital. I would like to descri— regarding children, the only reason you would want to treat a child is if you believe in child sacrifice. [inaudible] If you want to be a mocker of children like a korban[5] there's very good reason for giving the shot. Otherwise there's no necessity. Let me explain.

Anytime you evaluate any therapeutic, you need to look at it from three perspectives. Is it safe? Does it work? And do you need it? Just because you have a capability doesn't mean that you have to use it. There has to be a medical necessity. There has to be a need for it. You look at the CDC, the statistics for children under the age of 18 that are healthy, the survival rate is 99.998% survival rate with no treatment. Just like Dr. Yeadon[6] said, the influenza virus is more dangerous to children than covid 19 and he made an estimate that per million a hundred children would die from the vaccination. I feel the number would be significantly higher. And I'll explain to you the rationale for it.

So if you have a demographic— Can you hear me?

ABRAHAM DEUTSCH: [inaudible]

DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO: If you have a demographic that has no risk of dying from a illness, why why would you inject them with a poison death shot? Now let's see if this thing works. Two countries in the world that are most vaccinated its citizens is Israel 85% rate of vaccination and an island nation in the Indian Ocean called Seychelles, also over 80%. Both countries are experiencing a Delta variant outbreak. So let me ask you a question. If you vaccinated—

MALE VOICE: [inaudible]

DR. VLADIMIR ZELENKO: If you vaccinated your, the majority of your population, why are you still having an outbreak? That's number one. Number two, why would even give a third shot of the same stuff that didn't work the first two times? Alright, that's whether or not it works.

And let's talk about safety. Now this is the real issue. There are three levels of safety or death that we need to look at. One is acute, one is subacute, and long term.

Acute I'll define from the moment of injection til 3 months. The number one risk of the shot is blood clots just like Dr. Yeadon said. According to the Salk Institute— oh by the way, everything I am saying I will defend with documentation and please don't take my word for it, you should do your due diligence. And I can provide to you proof for everything that I'm saying. According to the Salk Institute when a person gives an injection of these vaccines quote unquote, the body becomes a spike-producing factory making trillions of spikes which migrate to the endothelium which is the inner lining of your blood vessels. And its basically little thorns on the inside of your vasculature. As the blood cells flow through it they get damaged, they cause blood clots. If that happens in the heart a heart attack, if that happens in the brain that's a stroke.

So we're seeing the number one cause of death in the short term is some blood clots. And most of it is happening within the first three, four days. Forty percent is happening within the first three days of injection of this poison death shot.

Now the other problem is that it's causing myocarditis or inflammation in the hearts of children— young adults, I'm sorry, in the hearts of young adults.

And the third problem which is the most disturbing is according to the New England Journal of Medicine article their preliminary data the miscarriage rate in the first trimester only gets vaccinated in the first trimester goes from 10% to 80%. I want you to understand what I just said. The miscarriage rate in the first trimester of pregnant women when they get vaccinated goes up by a factor of 8. That's preliminary data, it may change with time, but I'm just telling you what it is as of today. That's the smallest of the problem.

The second problem is the sub-acute death issue which is the following, that the animal studies that were done with these vaccines showed that all the animals responded well in generating antibodies. When they were challenged, however, with the virus that they were immunized against, a large percentage of them died. And when that was investigated it was found their immune system had killed them. It's called something, Antibody Dependent Enhancement or pathogenic priming or paradoxical immune enhancement. But the point is that a lot of those animals died. So you can make an argument, maybe human beings are different. My answer to you, maybe, however those studies were not done. You are the study right now. The Pfizer CEO said, Israel is the biggest laboratory in the world. And so those long term studies to rule out, Dr. Luc Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize in medicine for the discovery of HIV said that this is the biggest risk to humanity and the biggest risk of genocide in the history of humanity. And so the risk of an ADE reaction in human beings which happens later has not been ruled out. So my question is, why would I vaccinate someone with a potentially destructive lethal substance without ruling that out first?

And the third component here is the long-term consequences. There is definite evidence that it affects fertility, damages ovarian function, reduces sperm counts. Number one.

Number two, definitely increases the amount of auto-immune diseases. Who knows over time how that is going to reduce lifespan?

And just last week a paper came out showing it increases the risk of cancer.

So any way you want to look at it, whether in the acute setting where it causes blood clots, inflammation of the heart and miscarriages, in the midterm subacute setting where it can result in a pathological disastrous immune reaction, or in the long term whether it causes increasing autoimmune diseases, cancer and infertility. Now that's a big concern. Actually I'll say it this way. In my opinion the current Israeli government is a gilgul[7] of Joseph Mengele. They have permitted, they have permitted human experimentation of their own people. And I'm going to tell you that I hope, I hope this Beis Din[8] is a little different, maybe not, but I know I finally understood [inaudible] say that if you see tsuris in klal Israel[9] you should look at the [inaudible], that if you see trouble in the Jewish people, you should look at the rabbinic leadership because if that's, if the head is diseased, what do you expect of the body?

So I beg of this Beis Din to put the interests of klal Israel above politics and anything else that may alter your opinions. I have, I receive death, daily death threats. I risk my life, my career, my financial life, my reputation, almost my family, everything just to sit here and tell you what I'm telling.

So I'll just summarize it that there is no need for this vaccine. And there's actually no need for anyone, and I'll explain. Children, I already told you, they have a 99.998 % chance of getting better. Young adults from 18 to 45 have a 99.95% of getting better. This is according to the CDC. Same concept. Someone who has already has covid and has antibodies, naturally induced immunity is a billion times more effective than artificially-induced immunity through vaccine. So why would I vaccinate someone with a poison death shot that makes inferior or dangerous antibodies when I already have healthy antibodies?

And then if you look at the high risk population that has a 7.5% death rate– So my data which was the first in the world which I published in a peer-reviewed journal which has become the basis of over 200 other studies and that have corroborated my observations that if you treat time frame you reduce death rate by 85%. So out of 600,000 Americans we could have prevented 510,000 from going to the hospital and dying. And by the way I presented this information to Bibi Netanyahu[10] directly into his hands by way of [inaudible] in April 2020. And I informed every single member of your Ministry of Health as well.

So my question to you is, if I can reduce the death rate from 7.5% to less than a half a percent, why would I use a poison death shot that doesn't work and has tremendous and horrific side effects?

Now I'll do one more mind experiment with you. If everyone on the planet were to get covid and not get treated, the death rate globally will be less than a half a percent. Now I'm not advocating for that, that's a lot of people, that's 35 million people would die. However if we follow the advice of some of the quote-unquote global leaders, let's say like Bill Gates said last year, 7 billion people need to be vaccinated, the death rate would be over 2 billion people.

So wake up! This is World War III. This is a level of malfeasance and malevolence that we have not seen probably in the history of humanity.

So I'm against child sacrifice. I'm against Abodah Zarah.[11] And I really believe that God is testing every human being. And here is the test. Are you going to bow down to me, to the Shem?[12] Are you going to ask for protection from me? Are you going to take your fears and ask me to help?

Or are you going to run to the Abodah Zarah, the egel hazahav [golden calf] of the vaccine of your governments of despots and tyrants, like sociopaths who want to be deities. There's nothing new under the sun. These people are no different than [inaudible]. They think they're God. And you're going to bow down to them? If you're going to bow down to them, OK, let them protect you. Let's see how that's going to work out for you.

I've seen fear drive people to do things that are completely irrational, do not make sense, and they sacrifice their own children.

And yes, your Ministry of Health is lying to you. Your statistics are absolutely skewed. If you want to see something real there's the website called Worldometers.info,[13] go to Israel and you can see at December 20th there's a huge spike in the curve of death in Israel. Do you know what happened in Israel December 20th? National immunization started. And these are numbers being reported by the Israeli government. They're just too stupid to hide it.

There is zero justification, zero justification for using this poison death shot. Unless you want to sacrifice human beings. I think I'm done.
7924   Patrick   2024 Sep 12, 2:35pm  


A 27-year-old man, Blake Groulx, tragically passed away due to cardiac complications while participating in the City of Lakes Half Marathon in Minneapolis on Sunday. Groulx, who was nearing the end of the race, stumbled and fell, hitting his head on a curb along the Bde Maka Ska Parkway during the eleventh mile.

According to local law enforcement, other participants and subsequently, emergency responders, attempted to resuscitate Groulx at the scene. He was rushed to Abbott Northwestern Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. While the official cause of death has not been released, Groulx’s obituary cites cardiac issues as the cause.

An eyewitness recounted to the Minnesota Star Tribune that she saw Groulx stumble before he fell. She, along with another participant who was an emergency room doctor, rushed to his aid and attempted to perform CPR. Dr. Katherine Katzung, the emergency room doctor, expressed her shock at the incident, stating that Groulx appeared to be in good physical condition. ...

This tragic incident follows a similar event in Anaheim, California, where a half-marathon runner, known as Caleb Graves on social media, died after completing Disneyland’s Halloween Half Marathon. Graves, 35, was seen clutching his chest while crossing the finish line and later died of cardiac arrest.
7925   stereotomy   2024 Sep 12, 3:08pm  

RIP Zelenko - he was probably the only globohomo whistleblower to whom the Jews would tolerate to listen.
7926   Patrick   2024 Sep 12, 3:13pm  

Patrick says

This tragic incident follows a similar event in Anaheim, California, where a half-marathon runner, known as Caleb Graves on social media, died after completing Disneyland’s Halloween Half Marathon. Graves, 35, was seen clutching his chest while crossing the finish line and later died of cardiac arrest.

7927   Patrick   2024 Sep 12, 3:15pm  


World-famous bodybuilder Illia “Golem” Yefimchyk has died suddenly after suffering a heart attack, according to reports.

The Belarusian man, dubbed the world’s “most monstrous bodybuilder,” was just 36 years old when he died. ...

He reportedly suffered a heart attack and died at home on September 6.

His wife Anna performed chest compressions as she waited for the ambulance.

The bodybuilder was flown by helicopter to a hospital where he was confirmed dead.

“I prayed all this time, hoping that Illia would recover,” Anna told Belarusian local media. ...

He is not the first bodybuilder to die young recently, however.

His demise is likely to raise questions about the sudden deaths of young athletes.

Others are Brazil’s Antonion Souza, 26, and Britain’s bodybuilder Neil Currey, 34.
7928   Patrick   2024 Sep 12, 3:18pm  


The patient is a 47-year-old male with a 10-year history of HLA-B27-associated spondylarthritis without recurrence, who developed acute and post-acute COVID vaccination syndrome (ACVS/PACVS) after the first dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine. The PACVS manifested as cerebral disease, eye disease, and SFN. Two years after the onset of the adverse effects, recurrent elevated recoverin antibodies were detected. Despite the administration of various treatments, most symptoms persisted for more than three years, and only a few interventions such as glucocorticoids, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, botulinum toxin, inuspheresis, and HELP (heparin-induced extracorporeal LDL precipitation) apheresis showed a transient beneficial effect.

In conclusion, this case offers an example of a collection of symptoms following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (SC2V) in a patient with a specific autoimmune disorder and positivity for anti-recoverin antibodies. These clinical manifestations may be triggered by an exaggerated immune response known as multisystemic inflammatory syndrome in adults to SC2V. Clinicians should report other similar cases to determine if a pattern exists.

Yes, a fucking pattern exists.
7930   stereotomy   2024 Sep 13, 10:55am  

For the purebloods that have so far maintained the pureblood status of their broods, I'm bummed that it will be even harder now for them to to find a LTR/wife/husband that isn't sterilized or a long-term walking dead. Hell, the clot shot might cause mutations in the germ line (eggs/sperm)!

I can imagine that life insurance, just like all other insurance, is going to go through the roof.
7931   Ceffer   2024 Sep 14, 5:59am  

The faking of HIV and origins of AIDS. Just another bioweapon, nothing to see here. Target acquired: Immune System.

7932   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 1:20pm  


Michaela DePrince, one of the world’s most prominent ballet stars, has tragically died suddenly.

The famous ballerina was just 29 years old when she died.

DePrince appeared in Beyonce’s “Lemonade” music video and on the TV show “Dancing With The Stars.”

Her death was announced on her Instagram page and confirmed by her family on Facebook.
7933   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 1:21pm  


A case of biopsy-proven inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy following heterologous mRNA-1273 third-dose immunization

Katsuya Hashimoto, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Yoshihiko Ikeda, Jun Isogai, Toru Hashimoto
First published: 01 July 2024
7934   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 1:37pm  


"Sarah Gleason FDA Testimony" [FDA Open Public Hearing Session 1/26/2023]
react19org, Posted January 26, 2023

SARAH GLEASON: Hi everyone. My name is Sarah Gleason. I'm 42. And I was thrilled to get the Moderna vaccine. As a massage therapist of 22 years I decided to shut down my thriving business due to fear of catching and spreading covid 19. I suffered greatly for it, but I resolved not to reopen until I could ensure everyone's safety. I'm a Democrat and absolutely pro-science. I was excited to rebuild my business after being vaccinated.

Instead, I received my second shot of Moderna on April 2nd 2021 and my dreams of rebuilding came crashing down. The injuries it caused persist a year later with no end in sight. Many of my symptoms are listed on the slide, but this is not all of them.[1]

Doctors I saw originally didn't know what to do with me. I've learned I was one of the lucky ones since they at least treated me kindly.

Even though it all began when I got the shot I was even in a bit of denial because vaccine injuries are just anti-vaxx nonsense, right? I was dead wrong, and I've been choking on humble pie ever since.

If it wasn't happening to me, I wouldn't believe me, either.

Doctors are simply not being educated about vaccine injuries and the damage they're doing to us due to this lack of knowledge is staggering. Trying to live with these symptoms is hard enough to not be believed by doctors, family members, and friends as your once strong and healthy body deteriorates.
The damage this can cause is immeasurable.

Science demands the totality of the data with transparency and this is clearly not happening. Science is not being carried out when variables are being ignored.

I had to advocate for myself while experiencing some intense symptoms combing the Internet for information I didn't know was being withheld. It took me almost 11 months to even be seen by a neurologist. Luckily for me this particular neurologist has been studying vaccine injuries and has other patients like me. My medical chart finally clearly states my symptoms are vaccine-induced.

But because our reactions are not being properly researched, she has nothing more for me than quote unquote bandaids. She says maybe if doctors had tried to help me early on maybe the worst of it could have been prevented. Instead the doctors I saw at the beginning just told me to wait, and wait, and wait some more. This was their expert medical advice.

By July I had gotten so much worse, and now I wonder what happened if they had been properly informed of the type of reaction I was having?

I don't want this to happen to anyone else, to be hurt and left to fend for themselves. I just want my life back. I can't socialize much, I can't exercise, I have no way of making an income. Even if I felt well enough, I can't get a booster, so where does that leave me? If I do recover, which no one can tell me if I will or not, how will I work safely? The CICP and VICP[2] are supposed to support those who have been injured by vaccines. They have not helped any of us.

I don't claim to know the right answer. But I know you have the power to change this to help us get our health, credibility, friends, family, and financial security back. And who knows what medical discoveries lie inside our bodies, aren't you curious? I still stand with science and I still believe the government and the medical community is capable of doing right by us. But it all starts with you simply doing your job.
7935   Ceffer   2024 Sep 15, 3:13pm  

These are vaccine schedule necessary for subsidizing Pharma profits and to keep the lobbying bribes in the chutes to Congress and the captured government agencies, and making sure the laundering feedback loops between Pharma and government remain a growth industry.

As far as your children being sterilized, killed, weakened, and hormonally disrupted, well, fuck them, they are just useless eater human sacrifices to Baphomet, anyway. The more the vaccines fuck them up, the better. Remember, none of Bill Gates' kids have ever been vaccinated.

7936   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 5:16pm  


"Sarah o Reilly, victim of Irish government coercion."
Derek Blighe, December 3, 2023

DEREK BLIGHE: Sarah O'Reilly is a mother of two kids she lives in County Louth and like all of us she went through the hellish two years that was the covid era. When the Irish government coerced the population of the country to take the experimental mRNA gene therapy most of the population, according to the government, complied. Sarah was one of those people. And unfortunately for her it became apparent quickly that it may not have been the best choice. This is her story.

SARAH O'REILLY: Sarah O'Reilley, I am 37 years of age. I am, I'm originally from [inaudible] in Dublin I moved to Drogheda in 1998 and I moved on then up further up into Louth outside Dundalk in 2021.

SARAH O'REILLY: March 2020 started off with, obviously the kids were, were— we got the message from to get the kids from school. And it was, I'm not sure if the exact date but it was not not long after that I got quite sick. At that stage the covid was coming in and I didn't know if it was covid I had. I was actually carried out, out of my bed by paramedics in hazmat suits and into the ambulance. I actually ended up in hospital for a whole week, that week. They didn't know what was wrong with me they had done the tests. I was in isolation for I think it was 3 or 4 days and it turns out they then discharged me a week later with pneumonia, that saying that I had pneumonia.

DEREK BLIGHE: It wasn't covid.

SARAH O'REILLY: At the time, no.

SARAH O'REILLY: They done all the tests they had me in isolation for so many days and kept doing the tests, nothing came back with covid. Yeah, they put it down to me having, getting cutting pneumonia.

DEREK BLIGHE: What did did you think of covid at the time? What was [inaudible]—

SARAH O'REILLY: Ah, covid, well I suppose we were all just in a panic weren't we? Because it wasn't long before that that we had gotten this text. We knew there was something going on. We got a text. It was like, the kids have to be collected from school now. And I remember it was the panic to get down, so from, from that panic then leading on to me getting sick within, say, I'm going to say about a week or two, I thought it was covid, I was convinced it was covid, I was convinced I was dying because that's what we were told, you know? You catch this, you're going to die. And that's, yeah.

DEREK BLIGHE: So would you say, as the months went on that you became more nervous or less nervous about covid?

SARAH O'REILLY: Absolutely more nervous because then the fear that was put into me when I went into hospital and then that was just, that was just pneumonia. So the fear had been put into me that if you catch this you're going to die.

I have, I have MS, so I have an underlying condition and it's, you know, when they put that fear into you, I just, I need to be here for my kids. And that leads us on to then when the vaccine came then it was in a rush you know to do— I was listening to what they were telling us.

SARAH O'REILLY: I wasn't listening to myself. I had nobody around me. I was in lockdown, I had just gone through the separation. I had nobody, you know, to, to say to me what, what about this vaccine, or what about covid? It was, yeah, it was just up in the air. It was confusion.

DEREK BLIGHE: So how would you say that MS affects your life?

SARAH O'REILLY: It— MS hasn't, other than just the diagnosis, I've never had, like I've had, I've had flare ups over the years, obviously when I had the two kids. It's relapse remittance so within six weeks— They had told me on the first my, for my eldest is 11 so originally on him I had lost the sight in my left eye. I was given the [she stops and appears to have lost her train of thought]

The steroid infusion that's, that was when when I lost the sight in my left eye, the steroid infusion, it was kind of just to give my body a boost. At that stage we didn't know I had MS, we were trying to figure out, well, the doctors were trying to figure what out what was going on, why this had happened. I had gone for lumbar puncture and there was a couple of other tests. This is going back 10 years ago, so I can't fully recall all—

SARAH O'REILLY: I got the jab in April and May 2021. I had the jab and I had the booster.

SARAH O'REILLY: So I've had two of them. It was, I suppose we would just come out of lockdown. It was the fear of going I wanted to get back out into, you know, into society and do things with the kids, and we'd been locked up for over a year then.

So, yeah it was, it was made on, like the doctors were ringing, you know, saying you need to get this. I had obviously the underlying condition of MS, so the doctors were just, you know, you need to come in and get this, Sarah. Because they had, they had the fear of God me that if I got covid I was going to die.

SARAH O'REILLY: And I was a, I am a single parent with two kids. Dying isn't an option for me.

DEREK BLIGHE: No, no of course not.

SARAH O'REILLY: The first, the first I go as far as to say I remember my friend got hoarse and she was, like, me arm was killing me. She goes, you know, I haven't got the first one. I was, I felt all right, like?

SARAH O'REILLY: And then of course, I mean if I, if I didn't, I certainly wouldn't have gone back and get, got a second one. Yeah, so six, I think it was six weeks later I had to go back and get the, the
next one. But within, I'm going to say, within a week or two I just, yeah, I started to notice something wasn't right.

DEREK BLIGHE: What did you notice?

SARAH O'REILLY: It was just a, the slow— losing my balance. Again, at the time I would put it down to stress. I'd gone through a separation, and we had moved home, and, yeah, I put it down to a lot of things except the jab. But within, within I'd say six months I, and I was getting worse and worse and worse, and I thought this, this certainly isn't MS. Not that it wasn't MS but it, something has brought this on, like, it's— I can't explain it.

SARAH O'REILLY: — and pushing off and catching your balance again and walking on. And as the weeks went on, before I knew it, I was on on crutches. Then they gave me a stick. I'm now on a Rollator.[1] And, yeah, it's just gradually got worse over the two years. Yeah.

Well, again, I've a lot of pain. I don't know if it comes from, from the jab. I certainly didn't feel like this before I had it, so I can only, yeah, it's like anything, you eat something the night before, you always, you know?

SARAH O'REILLY: You wake up sick that morning, the next morning, you're going to have to, what did we do last night, or—?

SARAH O'REILLY: And that's where, what I came down to. So I got to about six months where I thought there's just, just, you know, this, this, this is it's as though yeah the vaccine— [points to her head, it seems to indicate she's lost her train of thought]. Sorry.

DEREK BLIGHE: That's OK, that's OK. When you, when you went to the jab center and it, it was your day to get it, what did they tell you inside? Did it tell you about side effects? About possibility for, for any, anything negative down the road?

SARAH O'REILLY: I would say no. Because if, had they told me I would have any type of side effect to this extent I certainly wouldn't have got it. I was told that day I might have a sore arm, I needed to sit outside for 15 minutes, and, and be on my way. Yeah.

DEREK BLIGHE: And that was it?

SARAH O'REILLY: That was it it was, you're doing this for your own safety.

SARAH O'REILLY: And the safety of others.

[cut] To the doctors and I was reporting different symptoms to him. At the time I wasn't, I, I'm more fully convinced now it was the jab, but at the time I just had this swirling around my head, just things I was seeing online, and I thought, maybe.

So I went in and I mentioned it to the doctor. Obviously I'd lost 10 stone[2] in the last, since the jab, and I've lost the use of my leg, and, and I did, I said it to him— well he, he informed me that I looked great after losing 10 stone. And, and —

DEREK BLIGHE: But he had no, he had no answer as to why you lost 10 stone?

SARAH O'REILLY: No. Absolutely not, absolutely not.

SARAH O'REILLY: He wasn't even worried. Like at that stage I, I was, because I suffer with a lot of irregular bleeding as well, I was worried that, I still am, that I could possibly be ovarian cancer it could be this, it could be something brought on. Because you hear of people getting the jabs and there're many people dying of cancer now, and so that's still a, a, a worry of mine. [Points to her head, it seems she's lost her train of thought.]

SARAH O'REILLY: He, he just turned around and said to me, could well be, Sarah, but sure we'll never prove it. That's gone back a year and a half ago. But now we're getting, we're nearly at a stage where we can prove it.

DEREK BLIGHE: Yeah. And you asked him, he wanted you to take medication right for your MS, but you believe that your MS wasn't the cause of—

SARAH O'REILLY: Well that was actually my GP.

SARAH O'REILLY: If we move on to my consultant, my MS consultant, just recently— I've obviously with my leg I've been in and out, you, you see their understudies and you get talking to a different doctor every time, and it's never the same doctor. Nobody knows exactly what's going on. They're just writing it into your chart, it goes back into a room. And— [clicks fingers; appears to have lost her train of thought] Sorry.

SARAH O'REILLY: I went into the, I went into my consultant on many occasions for different appointments, obviously I was getting worse as the time went on, and— and— [covers her eyes with her hands]. Sorry.

DEREK BLIGHE: Tell me about the scan. ...

SARAH O'REILLY: It, it, it showed no more MS compared to my 2019.

DEREK BLIGHE: So the problem with your leg, the dizziness, was, was all unexplained.

SARAH O'REILLY: It's still unexplained because even then, when he read, he went, he read the results to me then in last week, he made an excuse that not everything shows up in an MRI.

SARAH O'REILLY: So I'm still left, you know, it's as though he wants to keep blaming it on MS, but even, like, you know, get the MRI and it shows exactly, Sarah, you get the MRI it's the exact same as was to, from 2019. So what do we blame it on then?

I'd blame it on the jab.

SARAH O'REILLY: This is what we're trying to get to. He's telling me some things don't show up in the MRI. Which could be the case, but it still doesn't ex—

DEREK BLIGHE: Has anybody from the Health Service approached you to say that this could possibly be injuries from the jab?

SARAH O'REILLY: They've not approached me to say it. Again, last week the consultant did make reference to when I said to him, because obviously as time goes on more and more people are coming out with this. So I made reference to, you know, has he many patient like this? And he, yeah, he has. He even informed me that he one that had died from the vacc—

SARAH O'REILLY: I know [crying, wiping her eyes]

DEREK BLIGHE: So tell me, how has this affected your life? How has this affected your children?

SARAH O'REILLY: Oh God. I think if I had, if I didn't have the kids, I don't think I would be as bad. I think the fact that I have two small kids and I see what it does to them just having a disabled mom. I can't exp— I— it's, it's, it, yeah, it's soul-wrenching.

I have an 11-year-old and an 8-year-old at home. I've gotten no help from the doctors, I've gotten no help from the government, from anybody anytime I go looking for help. I mean, I lost the use of my leg so I couldn't drive my car. At one stage I, I tried to get help off the welfare officer, and regarding just getting a mobility scooter because at that stage I was getting up and down on buses and I was on this little Rollater, and just to get out with the kids. I spent two years cooped up in the house. And as far as I had to get, just, I live 100 meters from the shop, I can't even do that, like I have my 8-year-old, she's like a carer. She's, she's amazing. I've an 11 year old he's just he's just as amazing as she is, but he's obviously, he's going ,he's a bit older and he's sometimes I do think is he embarrassed, you know when we go out and on Rollater? Because everyone else's parents are so able-bodied.

And then it just brings me back to the guilt of falling for this and going in and getting this jab needlessly without actually researching more.

- to meet my kids and even ask them questions, and how it's affected them because I just see it from my view. And, by God, doesn't that make me guiltly, so guilty, the fact that I— just, just the little things. Getting out, going for a walk around— yeah, just the little things my kids have lost out. Like my little one, she's, she's eight years of age and, by God, I've, if anything she needs recognition for what she's done over the last three years in a whole, for me.

DEREK BLIGHE: Does she help a lot?


DEREK BLIGHE: Describe your day.

SARAH O'REILLY: My day! Oh! Even down to running— for me to run, I live in a bungalow, for me to go into the, I say, run, I can't run anywhere, for me to go into the kitchen, the effort the pain, everything hurts. The leg, it just, it doesn't, it just doesn't work. I'm dragging it. So I'm constantly asking, I'm always aware, you know, I'm like, will you grab me that, if it's a glass of water, will you, just to save me getting up and taking say 20 steps into the kitchen, because it's so hard. And she does it without a, you know, yes Mom, yes Mom. And it's the guilt because I know, you know, she should be asking me, Mom, can you go get me a drink, can you get this for me, can you do this. But it's me, even down to putting a washing machine on, putting a tablet and she knows how, eight years of age and she knows how to work a washing machine.

Like, it's, yeah, it's tough, it's tough for them.

My little one, yeah, she's unbelievable. I can't, I don't know what I'd do without her.

SARAH O'REILLY: [Inaudible] like, again, he's nearly a teenager, he just wants to play with his friends online and do— he goes above and beyond, like doing these little tasks he has to do. But she's, she's like the mommy in our house.

If there was anything you could say to, well, it was Simon Harris at the time wasn't it? He was the, he was the Health Minister, [inaudible], or Micheál Martin,[3] you know, about your injuries, about the time, you know is—

SARAH O'REILLY: If I could say anything to them? Would I say it, that's the question. Because they don't care. They don't care. They just, they walk around with their smug smiles.

SARAH O'REILLY: They don't, they don't care. They don't care about me. They don't care about my kids. I'm only, I'm only thankful I'm not dead and they haven't got two kids in the system now.


[Video of Sarah O'Reilly walking with a cane, leaning heavily on the arm of an older woman, from the front door to a car.]
7937   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 5:26pm  


This systematic review highlights the potential of cardiac and neurological complications following COVID-19 vaccination, as reported through case reports and case series. The most frequently reported complications were myocarditis, Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), ischemic stroke and exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. However, it is essential to interpret these findings within the broader context of the available evidence.

It is crucial to acknowledge that the true prevalence and distribution of post-vaccination complications in the general population may be underestimated due to potential biases in case reporting and publication.

Ya think?
7938   Patrick   2024 Sep 16, 9:18pm  


Tito Jackson Dies Suddenly While Driving

Music star Tito Jackson, a member of the Jackson 5 and the older brother of Michael Jackson, has tragically died suddenly.

Jackson reportedly suffered a suspected fatal heart attack while driving on Sunday, family friend and former Jackson family manager Steve Manning told ET.

However, no official cause of death has been made public.

He was 70 years old when he died.

Manning revealed that Jackson was driving from New Mexico to Oklahoma when he passed away unexpectedly.
7942   RayAmerica   2024 Sep 18, 9:10am  

California Woman Claims Hospital Pressured Her to Vaccinate Before Treatment, Leading to a Horrific Adverse Reaction that Has Left Her Fighting For Her Life

What these evil monsters have done to humanity! Go to the article ... it gets even worse for this poor girl:

7943   Patrick   2024 Sep 18, 9:04pm  


Flight Attendant Dies Suddenly on Plane in Front of Horrified Passengers
By Frank Bergman September 17, 2024 - 4:23 pm

A female flight attendant has tragically died suddenly on a plane packed with passengers.

The passengers looked on in horror as 57-year-old mother-of-three Gabriella Cario collapsed on the flight deck and died.

The plane was preparing for takeoff when Cario collapsed.

Emergency crews rushed to her aid but she was declared dead within minutes of collapsing. ...

The cause of her death remains unknown and no other details have been made public.

So far, her death has only been reported as being caused by a “sudden illness.”
7944   Ceffer   2024 Sep 18, 10:39pm  

Sure, we can have amnesty, as soon as all the guilty parties are hung and all the laundering recipients in Congress are in GITMO. Forgiveness does not imply an absence of appropriate punishment.
7947   Ceffer   2024 Sep 18, 11:13pm  

I'd rather receive my gifts in a less horrifying form.

7948   Ceffer   2024 Sep 19, 11:04am  

If you are foolish enough to still take the vax, ask for the vial you are injected with and save it in your freezer for later analysis. Now the patients are the ones needing to issue the consent forms.

7949   DhammaStep   2024 Sep 19, 12:34pm  

@Ceffer do you happen to know if any of the vaccine ingredients are disruptors of B vitamin uptake? I've seen that claim but I haven't been able to find the proper list yet.
7950   Ceffer   2024 Sep 19, 1:19pm  

DhammaStep says

Ceffer do you happen to know if any of the vaccine ingredients are disruptors of B vitamin uptake? I've seen that claim but I haven't been able to find the proper list yet.

I do not know that specific information, but if you find out, post it. I do know that niacin fortification is recommended in some of the cocktails to help reverse effects.
7951   Patrick   2024 Sep 19, 2:49pm  


South Carolina teenage rodeo star Dalton Weise has tragically died suddenly, his family has revealed.

Weise, a ninth-grade student at Berkeley High School, died Wednesday night at his Moncks Corner home.

He was just 14 years old when he passed away.

His family confirmed that Weise died unexpectedly at home.
7952   Patrick   2024 Sep 19, 4:05pm  


"Foot-Long Blood Clots" From mRNA, Says Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole w/ Dr Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew
December 1, 2022

DR. RYAN COLE: Here's the other sad thing. And I won't— [leans down] I'm going to grab this from under the desk. [holds up cardboard box before the camera] This is starting to arrive. These are placentas. These are placentas coming from obstetric colleagues around the country.

These placentas are the wrong size for the gestational age. These placentas are calcified. These placentas have spike protein in them. These placentas have antibodies in them. These placentas have induced excess inflammation in them.

This particular one is from a nurse, hospital, eight months pregnant, required to get the jab to keep her job, very shortly thereafter unfortunately intrauterine fetal demise. I know you guys talked to a couple other colleagues that went over that kind of data. So certainly the data paints a picture but more importantly the pathology mechanisms are already identified. And just more studies need to be done from these.

So what I encourage is, any medical colleague anywhere in the world, find your pathologist, say, here's the list of stains [shows paper with list], start ordering them, start looking at these things in the tissue of the deceased, start looking at these in those fetuses that don't make it to full term. Start looking at those placentas. Start taking your surgical specimens that are in unusual cases of multiply jabbed individuals with unusual conditions and start looking for what would be causing it. Obviously I have an inkling based on what I've shared.

But yes, I think you're right, there are highly mechanistic plausible mechanisms, great literature on this already. And I'd like to quote Mark Twain often, when I'm— I don't want to throw my colleagues under the bus in medicine, but Mark Twain said, the man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read. And I think this is the problem we're having with kind of with this groupthink of safe and effective, safe and effective, no problems. My counter-argument is, but look, read. It's here. I mean, it's hiding in plain sight. Don't just believe the narrative.
7953   Patrick   2024 Sep 19, 4:08pm  

RayAmerica says

What these evil monsters have done to humanity! Go to the article ... it gets even worse for this poor girl:


Alexis received vaccines for tetanus, meningitis, and pneumonia before a blood transfusion at UCI Medical Center.

Alexis was raised in an anti-vaccination family.

She is now in the ICU and will be transferred to another hospital.

Alexis Lorenze, aka Lex Vuitton, gained widespread attention for documenting her harrowing medical experience following a vaccine treatment for a condition called Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH).’

7955   Onvacation   2024 Sep 20, 5:19am  

vaxxer says

I'm a Democrat and absolutely pro-science.

Famous last words.
7956   Patrick   2024 Sep 20, 12:45pm  


Results: Total sample of 949 patients, 656 with ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI) and 293 with non-ST-segment elevation MI (NSTEMI). ...

Conclusions: The combination of vaccination and natural SARS-CoV2 infection was associated with the development of severe heart failure and cardiogenic shock in patients with STEMI, possibly related to an increased serological response.
7957   Patrick   2024 Sep 20, 12:47pm  


In a major study conducted on behalf of an Australian Federal Court, one of the world’s leading molecular virologists has confirmed that Covid mRNA shots cause cancer.

Dr. David Speicher discovered that the “vaccines” contain unusually high levels of cancer-causing synthetic elements.

During independent testing commissioned for a federal court case, Dr. Speicher revealed synthetic plasmid DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid “vaccine” vials.

The levels detected far exceeded the regulatory limit set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) – Australia’s equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Experts have repeatedly warned that plasmid DNA contamination in Covid shots is responsible for the global surge in cancers among the vaccinated. ...

Earlier this year, another group of scientists made a similar discovery while studying the impact of DNA contamination in Covid mRNA shots.

Genomic researcher Kevin McKernan uncovered evidence that the DNA found in Covid shots is “integrating” with cancer cells.

The COVID-19 vaccine spike sequence was detected in two types of chromosomes in cancer cell lines following exposure to the Covid mRNA shots.

McKernan said he believes that DNA contamination in Covid shots is the most likely cause of the global spike in cancers.
7958   Patrick   2024 Sep 20, 12:54pm  


On September 12, 2024, Japanese Member of Parliament Ryuhei Kawada led a highly charged emergency press conference in Japan, voicing deep skepticism about the country's upcoming launch of mRNA replicon vaccines, or what some call self-amplifying mRNA vaccines. The event set off alarm bells among critics of government policies, accusing authorities of prioritizing pharmaceutical profits over public health. ...

Professor Dr. Seiji Kojima, an Emeritus Professor at Nagoya University, heightened concerns by questioning the effectiveness of the existing mRNA vaccines. He criticized the supposed benefits, stating, "The government and proponents of the vaccine claimed there is an infection prevention effect, but it seems that might be a lie." His analysis indicated that even with multiple doses, the data does not show a decrease in mortality rates, which is a primary goal of vaccinations. Kojima pointed out that, disturbingly, data from Hamamatsu City revealed that for individuals in their 80s, the mortality rate was five times higher for those who received two doses compared to those who were unvaccinated. He dramatically characterized the vaccine rollout as "a massacre," highlighting the grave dangers he associates with its broad distribution.

Renowned international journalist and author Mika Tsutomi further fueled the skepticism surrounding the vaccine approval process by highlighting the conflicted interests within the Pharmaceuticals Affairs Council of the Ministry of Health. She noted, "Looking at the members of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Council (of the Ministry of Health) as of last November, 3 out of 16 members have business ties with pharmaceutical companies." This disclosure has intensified public apprehension regarding potential biases in the decision to approve the vaccines.

Dr. Yasufumi Murakami weighed in, warning that introducing the spike protein, found in these vaccines, may pose significant risks due to its toxicity. He referenced numerous studies supporting this claim, adding, "The vaccines do not seem to be effective. They do not work. They lack efficacy. mRNA vaccines have resulted in many deaths, injuries, and victims."

Dr Murakami message was clear—"There is absolutely no need to administer it. There is no need at all. Therefore, knowing this and still administering the vaccine, I believe, is a crime."
7959   Ceffer   2024 Sep 21, 12:17am  

It's another case of changing your presumptions to fit the politics. If the goal was to develop a series of weaponized pathogens, use contagion to strike fear and eliminate rights on fake emergency basis, find a way to effectively destroy the immune system from the provider side, and to send the herd to as many deaths as possible with further weaponized toxxines while profiting for a designated few from the murders and subsequent pharma, then you would put an assassin in the slot controlling all of these things i.e. Fauci. Fauci is an officially elevated assassin masquerading as a health official.

7960   Patrick   2024 Sep 21, 11:15am  


What follows is a para-phrased summary of a long telephone conversation I had with my newest nurse informer. She describes the beginning of a sea change in both perspective and open discussion around the “vaccines” that has occurred within OSUMC over the past 6 plus months. At the same time, she tempers that reality by later noting that many staff still have no ability to associate these changes to the vaccines (even when themselves have fallen ill). Although I can’t take credit for the start of that change in awareness, it is what I have worked tirelessly toward for the past 3 1/2 years. However, hold on to your hats folks because what is happening in hospitals in regards to the quality of medical care right now is downright disturbing.

Here are the most potent pieces of information I gathered, in no particular order:

An increasingly noticeable number of doctors and nurses and staff have “died suddenly,” “died unexpectedly,” or have become disabled and ill from injuries and/or cancer. The youth and health of these employees have been increasingly remarked on amongst staff (not to mention the deluge of previously healthy and/or young patients they are now presenting with severe and/or atypical (for that age) illnesses. Remember, cancer used to largely be a disease of aging.

Consequently, the suspected role of the vaccines in most of the deaths is more of an open secret and of growing concern among staff there. To wit, Ohio State University Medical Center (OSUMC) also recently stopped emailing out obituaries of prominent or veteran employees when they die. Why you ask? Because of both the number of them as well as the comments posted by employees that began openly calling out the likelihood that the vaccines were a cause (i.e. they would point out the dates of the decedents vaccination and their death). Unsurprisingly, she also told me OSUMC would quickly censor any posts of that nature (despite containing no foul language, personal attacks, or threats). From a phone conversation we had:

“Yes, this is huge. Lots of internal cases of death and disabilities. They quit posting internal obits for staff. The comments underneath them were showing that people knew why everyone was dropping dead for baffling reasons. So those went away.”

A number of physicians (the most noticeable of them being superspecialists who cannot be replaced easily), besides dying, are also leaving due to disability or retiring due to health reasons.

She is hearing of a growing number of lawsuits by family members of these physicians against OSUMC for the mandates which led to the deaths or disabilities.

One lawsuit was filed by a widow of a physician who dropped dead suddenly. Interestingly, she demanded an autopsy with staining for spike protein and the heart was found “loaded with spike.”

Outcomes of organ transplant patients have been plummeting since the mRNA campaign. It got so bad that, in a complete reversal from two years ago where the programs had insisted on both donors and recipients getting jabbed, at OHSUMC they apparently no longer require or recommend mRNA vaccines to recipients and may be prioritizing organs from unvaccinated donors. Whoa. Apparently one of the reasons is that recipients were developing new “systemic” conditions that were not typical or expected in transplant patients previously.

Minutes of administrative and policy committee meetings are no longer openly available on the internal OSUMC website and are instead only available if you “sign in” (presumably so they know who is looking up these minutes).

When physicians die suddenly, this creates a huge mess operationally due to the fact “open notes” in the electronic medical record (EMR) can’t be closed and the chronic, ongoing care of large numbers of often long time or highly active patients become disrupted. In her words, “dealing with the practice of a doc who died is a mess - dealing with open notes, ongoing patient care, patient calls, and maintaining plans of care.”

Many of the disabilities and deaths of physicians were discovered by this nurse while she was following up on notes that were “left open” in the EMR. She would then be told by the staff about the injury, death, or disability of the health care provider who started the note. Many of the illnesses or disabilities were described to her as being due to neurological issues - either overt neurological deficits or cognitive decline/impairment and even dementia (AMD comprehensively compiled the data showing the negative cognitive impacts from the mRNA vaccines here). Further, adding the “abandoned” patient panel to healthier and still working physicians in that specialty was causing further strains. This is important because cognitive impairment is one of the most common side effects of the COVID vaccines, something not only shown by the data but also what I bear witness to each day in clinical practice.

Cancers are exploding, causing massive strain on oncology services. Particularly glioblastomas to the brain as well as to the spine. Also, case managers for the large number of cancer patients were stating they were not retiring due to the patient volume in need.

Even worse, cancers are being missed at high rates given that the “index of suspicion” in younger patients is not appropriately high enough. As a result, doctors are missing cancers as evidenced by retrospectively “obvious” signs and symptoms in the record.

Applications for both short and long term disability have risen so much they have created backlogs and delays that staff have noticed and are more openly talking about. The often young ages of the staff applying for disability has not gone unnoticed either.

She knows of several colleagues either declining or dying from cancer but are forcing themselves to work in order to provide for their family.
7961   Patrick   2024 Sep 21, 12:51pm  


A 15-year-old high school athlete has tragically died suddenly while out jogging.

Tennessee teenager Tristen Franklin collapsed and died while jogging in his neighborhood on his normal route.

The Sycamore High School student was a competitive cross-country runner.

Locals said he was regularly seen jogging in the neighborhood as part of his training.

Neighbor Troy Simpkins said he would usually see Tristen on the teen’s afternoon runs and they would say hello to one another.

On Tuesday, he said he saw him on his run and didn’t think anything of it until another neighbor raised the alarm about the teen collapsing.

The group quickly called 911, but Tristen died.

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