Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   910,971 views  8,522 comments

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Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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8076   Ceffer   2024 Oct 27, 10:52am  

Not the worst doctor, nor a scientist, he is an appointed medical mass assassin implementing the policies of lab contagion used against the people of the Republic. He acts under color of official title, but his job description was crafted by the Globalists and Fort Detrick to murder with chemicals and pathogens and make it seem like public health.

8077   The_Deplorable   2024 Oct 27, 12:40pm  

RayAmerica says
"Philadelphia Union announce goalkeeper Holden Trent's death. He was 25."

8078   Patrick   2024 Oct 27, 2:13pm  


A leading surgeon has warned that “extremely aggressive” cancers with a “different biology” are rapidly forming, spreading, and mutating into “never seen before” forms of the deadly disease in people who have been “vaccinated” for Covid.

Dr. James Royle is a colorectal and general surgeon who has been working as a consultant for the UK government’s National Health Service (NHS) for 9 years

Royle has spoken out to describe what he and his team have been witnessing among patients who received Covid mRNA injections. ...

He explained the correlation between mRNA covid injections and an increase in cancer cases, and the alarming rise of aggressive multi-site cancer recurrences, particularly in younger patients.

Royle also addressed the challenges that doctors and surgeons face in voicing their concerns.

He revealed that, after the Covid shots were rolled out for public use, his “elective cancer mortality rate went from one death in my first five years as a consultant to six mortalities within 30 days – five non-covid, three of these sudden cardiac deaths.”

Royle blames the surge in deaths and disease on “The coerced, so-called vaccines.”

He admitted that was sceptical from the start of the vaccine rollout but said that health officials crossed the line when the injection was given to healthy children.

Royle revealed that he noticed diseases had begun to mutate and rapidly accelerate in patients who had been “vaccinated.”

“From about March 2021, I started noticing new patterns of disease suddenly frequently appearing that I had never seen before in my patients,” he said.

“The first pattern was [unusual] blood clotting.”

There was also a significant increase in incidents of a new type of pancreatitis in patients who didn’t appear to be that ill when they went to the doctor but their initial CT scan showed substantial pancreatic necrosis, areas where the pancreas had died.

“This is a new phenomenon,” Royle said.

“Post-vaccine boosters, I’ve observed what seem to be a lot of sudden deaths from necrotising pancreatitis in elderly patients,” he said.

There was also an increase in “nasty inflammatory or infective” emergency general surgery cases, he said.

“Such as gangrenous cholecystitis and gangrenous or perforated appendicitis, especially in middle-aged patients. This is unusual.”

There has also been a surge in appendix cancers, which were previously considered rare, Royle said. ...

Despite corporate media publishing articles in an attempt to gaslight the increase in cancers, “there is a clear dramatic increase that occurred in 2021 shortly after the rollout [of the ‘vaccines’],” he said.

“Cancers being observed are in all ages,” he continued.

“It is my assertion, shared by many expert oncologists and clinical colleagues around the world, that the cancers we are seeing are extremely aggressive and they are of a different biology. ...

“There is a close temporal association of the increasing cancers and the rollout of the population-wide mRNA covid-19 genetic injections,” Royle said.

“The evident correlation fulfils the majority of the 9 Bradford-Hill epidemiological criteria for causation.”

“There are multiple plausible mechanisms that have been proposed by which cancer can be induced or potentiated, accelerated, by the mRNA gene injections including unacceptable high levels of bacterial plasmid contamination, the discovery of the SV40 tumour promoter, disruption of the p53 suppressor etc,” he added.

“More generally, the shots are clearly causing generalised immunosuppression.”

Royle explained in an earlier in his presentation that the suppression of the immune system is a risk factor for cancer. ...

“The data are clear that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither effective nor safe,” Royle concludes.

“My own personal observations are being increasingly backed up by other data around the world in research studies as well as expert opinion in other centers.

“I personally demand that these injections and any promotion of them be stopped with immediate effect.”
8079   Patrick   2024 Oct 27, 4:09pm  


Justin Prince, 29 Year-Old Musician, Tells the FDA "June 22, 2021 Moderna shattered my life"
Vaccine Injury Stories from Angel Medic, posted January 28, 2023

JUSTIN PRINCE: Hello. My name is Justin Prince. June 22, 2021 Moderna shattered my life. On receiving the shot my face went numb, I had a metallic taste in my mouth, and I felt like I was going to pass out. The next morning I woke up with extreme chest pains, a heart rate of 144, and numbness in my body.

I went to the ER four times in a month. They attributed my symptoms to covid despite the fact I never had covid.

I quickly found myself in many doctors' appointments in an attempt to alleviate my symptoms such as extreme chest pain, tachycardia, bradycardia, widespread muscle and joint pains, extreme paresthesias, tinnitus, headaches, newly acquired food allergies, and becoming immunocompromised. And that's just to name a few.

I've seen doctors in nearly every specialty field that echo the same phrase, it's an adverse reaction, ride it out.

This is a failure to identify condition caused by this vaccine and receive early treatment to prevent it from progressing.

Our doctors follow government protocol on how to treat covid. There's long covid clinics in every state. Why are there no studies on adverse events, treatment protocols, vaccine injury clinics, or long term safety studies? The injured are left to their own devices without any compensation because you're more concerned with managing a safety narrative over acknowledging these vaccines are a problem.

It's a breach of Hippocratic Oath of do no harm by forcing mRNA vaccines on children who are low risk of covid complications and a higher risk of developing adverse reactions from the vaccine. This defies logic and only makes sense in the context that the FDA receives a large percentage of its funding from the pharmaceutical companies its supposed to be regulating.

No one who got the shot gave informed consent because the risks were censored and the benefits were falsified. Every shot was unethical and a medical malpractice.

Before the vaccine I was a healthy musician able to work with my hands without limitation. Now, at 29, I cannot pursue my passion without being in pain or even work a full-time job.

I tested false positive for HIV 6 times over 103 days which my doctor determined was a direct result from the vaccine.

I've been to the ER 14 times and more doctors visits since the shot my entire combined. I'm an empty shell of my former self and often wish the vaccine took me out the day I received it as opposed to having zero quality of life and struggling to survive because the government doesn't compensate for vaccine damages or fund studies to treat them.

I longer have any dreams to pursue. My only objective is just trying to stay alive and endure these vaccine damages.

I encourage you to hear our cries for help as if we were family. Would you still abandon us then?
8080   Patrick   2024 Oct 27, 6:21pm  


Soccer Star Abdelaziz Barrada Dies Suddenly of Heart Attack at 35

The soccer world is in mourning after officials confirmed that international player Abdelaziz Barrada tragically died suddenly.

Barrada suffered a fatal heart attack on Thursday, according to local media in his native Morocco.

The former Marseille star was just 35 years old when he died.
8081   Patrick   2024 Oct 27, 6:21pm  


Canada has just killed the first citizen under the Canadian government’s controversial new plans to begin euthanizing patients who have been injured by Covid “vaccines.”

An Ontario man in his late 40s has become the first person to be euthanized for “post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome.”

The man was killed under Canada’s “assisted suicide” laws via the government’s taxpayer-funded Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program.

Doctors had determined that the patient had become a burden on the socialized healthcare system.

They warned that he wouldn’t recover from “post-vaccine syndrome” and ruled that MAiD was a better option than long-term care.

The patient, identified only as “Mr. A,” had experienced “suffering and functional decline” following three Covid mRNA vaccinations.
8082   Patrick   2024 Oct 28, 10:36am  


💉💉 The Great Reckoning continued last week, with the latest development being an article by the BBC’s medical editor headlined, “Is the system letting down people who were harmed by Covid vaccines?” While the article never explicitly answered the question (they never do), the clear answer was, yes, the system is letting down people harmed by covid vaccines. Of course.

Amidst harrowing tales of devastating (but “very rare!”) vaccine injuries, the BBC reported that the UK’s vaccine compensation program, which is limited only to people who can convince doctors their injury was caused directly by the jab, and resulted in their being more than 60% disabled, has sixteen thousand pending claims — but has only paid out 180 so far.

Some injured citizens feel the UK program is somewhat arbitrary. In one example mentioned in the article, a woman was blinded in one eye, suffered profound psychological problems, and lost substantial motor coordination, but was told she wasn’t entitled to compensation since she was not over 60% disabled.

Well, she still has one eye, so.

Last year, after news broke that the UK’s program had only approved four claims in two years, the British government announced it was modernizing the office, which was previously chipping its records onto stone tablets. The result was incredible: another 76 claims were approved over the following 12-month period, an astonishing 2,000% increase.

At this modernization rate, they’ll work through the claims backlog sometime over the next 210 years, assuming the backlog doesn’t get any bigger.

Alas, we are fighting the very same battle here in the United States, in our case over the PREP Act’s embarrassing failures to compensate vaccine-injured folks. It’s a sick joke. (By coincidence, my calendar today is blocked to work on our response to the United States’ motion to dismiss our PREP Act lawsuit.)

I’ve learned a lot prosecuting our lawsuit against PREP. For one, I learned that the government’s covid program felt new, but wasn’t actually entirely new. Fifty years ago it did something very similar during the swine flu vaccine campaign of 1976. The government unleashed a coercive, fear-based advertising campaign with the goal of vaccinating 80% of Americans. Unfortunately for the government, the campaign screeched to an abrupt halt after a bunch of folks were injured by Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Famously, Mike Wallace and 60 Minutes broke the failed vaccine story, and the government’s jab program rapidly collapsed in disgrace. Wallace harshly criticized the CDC and exposed government officials who pushed the swine flu jabs while minimizing the risks. At the time, CBS’s swine flu story was hailed as courageous investigative journalism and it cemented 60 Minutes’ place in history.

Thousands of vaccine-injured Americans filed lawsuits against swine vaccine manufacturers (mainly Merck and Wyeth Labs, which was later acquired by Pfizer). The U.S. Government had indemnified the vaccine makers, so taxpayers wound up footing most of the butcher’s bill, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars (in 1976 dollars).

Now you see why they made sure it couldn’t happen that same way again. They needed to get to 80% jabbed without getting derailed by a few whiners and complainers, and they needed to shield reluctant vaccine makers better than in 1976. So, in 2020, I believe they intentionally planned to conceal vaccine injuries by tightly controlling the media, to avoid another 60 Minutes-style exposé. Once the media —including social media— was securely in the government’s grip, it carefully managed our cognitive ‘permission structures’ until the jabs surpassed the targeted 80% threshold.

In other words, they strangled America’s free speech to avoid an abortive covid vaccine failure like what happened to swine vaccine in 1976.

The risk they made sure to avoid was that, if people somehow discovered the mounting vaccine injuries, through Mike Wallace-style investigative journalism or even just through viral videos on social media, it would be impossible to hit that 80%. So they had to lie, confound, confuse, cheat, bribe, and coerce. They had to own the media to prevent any reporting about jab injuries. Any doctor who even suggested the possibility of injuries had to be professionally destroyed. The government had to maintain the “safe and effective” illusion as long as possible.

In the government’s view, vaccine injuries were collateral damage, unfortunate but unavoidable friction generated while speeding toward that magic 80% jab rate they wrongly thought would stop a pandemic. They never got to try it in 1976, not really, thanks to those meddling reporters.

Another extremely unfortunate byproduct of all this engineered deception was that governments could not afford to betray any expectation of vaccine injuries by increasing staffing or funding of the various vaccine injury compensation programs. Had they done so, it would have immediately exposed the lie and torpedoed the rollout.

Governments had to pretend to forget the well-known and microscopically studied lessons of 1976, and thereby pretend to forget there was any need to care for the injured.

It took a couple decades, but the 1976 debacle finally blew over. People relaxed, nobody went to jail, and the hyper-profitable vaccine industry took off like a Dragon Starship. In 2005, they quietly passed the PREP Act, sneaking it through in a defense appropriation bill, protecting both the government and the vaccine makers during 2020’s do-over of 1976.

But it will be different this time. This time, we will not let them skate past what they’ve done, like in 1976. This time, we are never ever going to quit pursuing accountability. This time, we will keep suing the PREP Act until a court finds it unconstitutional or until Congress changes the law. This time, we may enjoy the historic first of having an official leading the health agencies willing to question orthodoxy, like Robert Kennedy.
8083   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Oct 28, 11:25am  

Saw a makeshift memorial to this fellow on a walk through a local Rockville biotech park that houses an NIH building. He worked at the NIH and so he probably gulped down the spike protein transfection products and boosters, too.


Paul Shinn, of Adamstown, MD, beloved husband of Angelee Mullins; loving father to two daughters, son of Kyaw and Natasha, brother to April, brother-in-law to Mike and Carolyn, uncle to Nathan, caring friend, and trusted coworker to colleagues at NIH passed away suddenly at the age of 46.

Paul was born in Burma and immigrated to the United States with his family at the age of 3. He graduated from Washington Township High School in NJ and received a degree in biochemistry from the University of Pennsylvania. He contributed to the gene sequencing of the model plant organism Arabidopsis thaliana, worked in the laboratory of Dr. Joseph Ecker at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and most recently was a group leader at the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences at the National Institutes of Health.

Paul loved riding his bicycle, barbequing, woodworking, photography, traveling, and making improvements to his home. He loved to teach his daughters essential life skills and shared his love for science with them on a daily basis. Paul was a devoted husband who never failed to make his wife laugh and support her in every way. Paul loved his very large family and would not hesitate to help anyone out if asked. He freely gave of his time, money, knowledge, and skills and wanted to help others whenever he could.

He will be very deeply missed by his family, friends, and coworkers.

A memorial service will be held at Pathways Baptist Church, 200 W Diamond Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 at 12:00PM.

8084   Patrick   2024 Oct 28, 7:18pm  


Singaporean Dermatologist suffers stroke after mocking antivaxxers.
How it started and how its going???

Dr. Jessica Ee, a Singaporean dermatologist, expressed her delight on social media at this decision. Her snarky Facebook comment, "I am loving the meltdown of antivaxxers," didn't age well. Recently, it came to light that Dr. Ee has been hospitalized for six months, recovering from a stroke. ...

Meanwhile, governments insist that COVID-19 itself is causing these health issues. They’re not telling you that your natural immune system can clear the actual virus, while the spike protein produced by the mRNA gene therapy might continue indefinitely. Don't just take my word for it; pay attention to what Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC head, had to say in a recent interview.
8085   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 7:22pm  


Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer and some specific types of cancer, namely, ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers, were observed in 2022 after two-thirds of the Japanese population had received the third or later dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine. These particularly marked increases in mortality rates of these ERα-sensitive cancers may be attributable to several mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination rather than COVID-19 infection itself or reduced cancer care due to the lockdown. The significance of this possibility warrants further studies.
8086   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 7:25pm  


Despite the assumption that there is no possibility of genomic integration of therapeutic synthetic mRNA, only one recent study has examined interactions between vaccine mRNA and the genome of transfected cells, and reported that an endogenous retrotransposon, LINE-1 is unsilenced following mRNA entry to the cell, leading to reverse transcription of full length vaccine mRNA sequences, and nuclear entry. This finding should be a major safety concern, given the possibility of synthetic mRNA-driven epigenetic and genomic modifications arising. ... Susceptible individuals would then expectedly have an increased risk of DNA damage, chronic autoinflammation, autoimmunity and cancer. In light of the current mass administration of nms-mRNA vaccines, it is essential and urgent to fully understand the intracellular cascades initiated by cellular uptake of synthetic mRNA and the consequences of these molecular events.
8087   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 7:27pm  


After reviewing the available literature, we are particularly concerned that certain COVID-19 vaccines may generate a pro-tumorigenic milieu (i.e., a specific environment that could lead to neoplastic transformation) that predisposes some (stable) oncologic patients and survivors to cancer progression, recurrence, and/or metastasis. This hypothesis is based on biological plausibility and fulfillment of the multi-hit hypothesis of oncogenesis (i.e., induction of lymphopenia and inflammation, downregulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) expression, activation of oncogenic cascades, sequestration of tumor suppressor proteins, dysregulation of the RNA-G quadruplex-protein binding system, alteration of type I interferon responses, unsilencing of retrotransposable elements, etc.) together with growing evidence and safety reports filed to Vaccine Adverse Effects Report System (VAERS) suggesting that some cancer patients experienced disease exacerbation or recurrence following COVID-19 vaccination. In light of the above and because some of these concerns (i.e., alteration of oncogenic pathways, promotion of inflammatory cascades, and dysregulation of the renin-angiotensin system) also apply to cancer patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, we encourage the scientific and medical community to urgently evaluate the impact of both COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination on cancer biology and tumor registries, adjusting public health recommendations accordingly.
8088   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 7:29pm  


In addition to there being harms attributable to the general immune response from an LNP–RNA delivery system, there are also some harms specific to the spike protein. Several of these mechanisms are supported by laboratory experiments and clinical findings, but need more investigation. Medicine is replete with cases for which safety was assumed without adequate evidence at the time, which later regretfully led to loss of health and life. mRNA vaccines are demonstrating great unintended harms, and these harms demand further investigation into the mechanisms, which is important for identifying treatment modalities.
8089   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 7:31pm  


In this report, a rare case of primary cutaneous adenoid cystic carcinoma (PCACC) localized in the
subcutaneous tissue of the scapular region that grew after BNT162b2 corona virus disease of 2019 (COVID-19)
vaccination is presented and may be explained by CD4 and CD8 cell infiltration. The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine
has been associated with a multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-V). A comparable immune reaction
could potentially enhance tumor growth rate.
8090   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 7:33pm  


We report a case of neuropsychiatric symptoms and refractory HLH in a woman with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after receiving her COVID-19 vaccine treated with belimumab, later found to have intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) at autopsy. A 61-year-old woman with SLE was referred to our hospital because of impaired consciousness and fever. One month prior to consulting, she received her second COVID-19 vaccine dose. Afterward, her consciousness level decreased, and she developed a high fever. She tested negative for SARS-CoV-2. Neuropsychiatric SLE was suspected; therefore, glucocorticoid pulse therapy was initiated on day 1 and 8. She had thrombocytopenia, increased serum ferritin levels and hemophagocytosis. The patient was diagnosed with HLH and treated with etoposide, dexamethasone and cyclosporine. Despite treatment, the patient died on day 75...
8091   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 7:35pm  


In this report we describe the case of a healthy, young, athletic woman who developed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)/lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL) after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech modified mRNA (modRNA) COVID-19 genetic vaccine (marketed as Comirnaty®). The first dose of the genetic vaccine did not appear to illicit any noticeable side effects, but within 24 hours of the second dose the patient suffered widespread and intensifying bone pain, fever, vomiting, and general malaise. Due to the persistence of the symptoms, the patient underwent a series of tests and examinations including a full laboratory workup, a consult with a clinical immunologist and rheumatologist, a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging, as well as an osteomedullary biopsy. These together led to a definitive diagnosis of ALL. A time interval of 16 weeks from the second vaccination to the diagnosis of cancer was noted.
8092   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 7:40pm  


Apply the Bradford Hill criteria to modmRNA-LNP injection and cancer.

There is a strong increase in signal /effect size. Cancer is going up in all monitoring systems.

This result is consistent. Cancer is increasing everywhere from the United States to Japan.

It is specific to anyone who took immune suppressing modified mRNA. These signals are not present with the non-mRNA injections.

Normally it takes a long time to develop cancer from a toxic exposure. Take cigarette smoking and development of lung cancer. Not with modmRNA injections. People are getting recurring cancers or new cancers within days. This is not a coincidence.

Biological gradient is satisfied with more doses. There is a clear switch to cancer insulating IgG4 antibodies after the 3rd shot. Japan’s cancer incidence increased after the majority had 3 doses.

I have listed 20 mechanisms of action it could cause cancer. This is extremely plausible.
8093   Patrick   2024 Oct 29, 8:14pm  


188% Rise in Mortality Risk Among New Zealand Teens Following Covid-19 Vaccination
8094   Ceffer   2024 Oct 30, 9:30am  

There are also all the capping fees from doctors getting kickbacks. Presumably, these can be traced.

8095   Ceffer   2024 Oct 30, 3:19pm  

This. The more I go in groups and listen people talk about all the people they know who have died or have serious cancers. The older people are, the more they blab incessantly about their piles, but these are in their early fifties. Do they make the association? Hard to say, they are shocked, embarrassed, or perhaps just preserving their denial structure.

8099   Patrick   2024 Oct 30, 7:55pm  


A prominent doctor, who used her large social media following to smear and mock those who chose not to receive Covid mRNA “vaccines,” has suffered a stroke.

Dr. Jessica Ee, a Singaporean dermatologist, revealed that she has been hospitalized for six months while recovering from a stroke.

In October 2021, the Singaporean government banned unvaccinated people from entering public spaces such as malls and restaurants.

Dr. Ee expressed her delight on social media at this decision. ...

Recently, it came to light that Dr. Ee has been hospitalized for six months, recovering from a stroke.

Ee revealed her condition in a recent video shared with her thousands of TikTok followers.

The cause of Dr. Ee’s stroke has not been revealed.

However, strokes are a known side effect of Covid mRNA vaccines, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Dr. Ee is not the only pro-vax figure to suffer misfortune after attacking the free will of the public concerning Covid injections.

As Slay News previously reported in March, an internationally recognized Indian reporter died unexpectedly after suffering a sudden heart attack at 54 years old. ...

Khelkar became a prominent figure during the pandemic due to his promotion of Covid vaccines.

The reporter, who was popular among English-speaking Indians around the world, warned the public that they must “stop the spread” of Covid by taking the experimental shots.

In April 2021, Khelkar shared a photo of himself receiving the Covid jab on social media.

He also live-streamed it.

Sharing a picture of himself getting the injection, Khelkar wrote: “I took the vaccine. Did you?”

“Be responsible,” he warned.

“Take the vaccine.” ...

Another prominent doctor, who used social media to pressure the public into taking Covid mRNA vaccines, also died suddenly in March at just 43 years old.

Dr. Vicky Jennings, from South Africa, was an internationally recognized trauma surgeon, as Slay News reported.

The mother of two passed away unexpectedly earlier this month after reportedly suffering a fatal heart attack.

Jennings often posted pro-vaccine propaganda that urged people to take Covid mRNA injections.

According to Jennings, raising concerns about the safety of the shots is “deadly” and considered “disinformation.”

Jennings also posted when she received her own injections, encouraging others to do so. ...

Last year, a Canadian pro-vaccine journalist also died suddenly, as Slay News reported.

Corporate media journalist Ian Vandaelle died at just 33 years old.

Vandaelle died after being hospitalized and “declared neurologically dead,” his family revealed.

He was known to many on social media for his controversial pro-Covid vaccine posts on X.

Vandaelle advocated for vaccine passports and mandates and called for the firing of anyone who refused the injections.

He also suggested that unvaccinated people should be arrested and taken away to concentration camps by their governments.
8100   Patrick   2024 Oct 30, 7:58pm  


We Have a Cancer Emergency Underway – (See Charts 6, 7, and 11)

As of Week 42 of 2024, 4.65 years into the Covid-19 Pandemic and its aftermath, 1,696,941 excess deaths have been recorded to date. Now certainly, the SARS-CoV-2 virus was a deadly pathogen, itself 6.6 times more deadly than the typical annual mortality total for all influenza viruses combined. However, as the reader will infer from the material below, it was the panic-fueled, and in some cases malicious, actions of those few in power which have served to precipitate the larger part of total excess mortality during the pandemic, as well as post-pandemic, periods.

As of October 19th 2024, there have been

765,984 Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Deaths (primarily from the Covid Vaccine),
174,100 Excess Non-Natural Deaths (including 120,000 sudden cardiac deaths in casual drug users),
379,085 Excess Deaths from Malpractice and Denial of Treatment,
377,773 Excess Deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (6.6 x annual influenza-pneumonia)
making for a grand total of 1,319,169 (77.7%) Manmade Excess Deaths of US Citizens...

8101   Ceffer   2024 Oct 31, 9:37am  

They will also be removing all of the portraits of Joseph Mengele from their government offices, and sending them back to the CDC and FuckDuh.

8103   Patrick   2024 Nov 2, 2:11pm  


Four young athletes have tragically passed away in Tennessee over the last six months while engaging in their passion—running. This alarming pattern has finally led mainstream media and health authorities to critically examine the potential dangers associated with experimental COVID-19 genetic experiment vaccines.

The shockwave of grief and concern has coursed through communities, with parents, educators, and coaches demanding answers. Dr. English Flack, a prominent cardiologist, has voiced her concern, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. “It certainly is concerning,” she remarked, highlighting how these unexpected deaths are reshaping her understanding of typical medical patterns.

At the heart of this investigation is the pressing question of the COVID-19 vaccine's safety for young athletes. ...

The tragic loss of these young lives has sparked widespread frustration at the delayed examination of vaccine safety claims. Many are dismayed that the medical narrative labeling these vaccines as "safe and effective" has not been more rigorously questioned before now.

In the wake of these heartbreaking events, transparency from health authorities is not just necessary—it’s critical. The message from these tragedies is clear: We cannot afford to ignore or postpone crucial inquiries into the genetic experiment’s safety. It is incumbent upon the medical community and regulators to ensure exhaustive investigations are undertaken, to safeguard against further devastation.

Meanwhile, this is probably a good time to remind everyone that Pfizer hid a 66% increase in cardiovascular deaths among the vaccinated.
8105   Patrick   2024 Nov 2, 3:19pm  


Popular Texas TV news anchor Kris Radcliffe has tragically died suddenly, his local NBC affiliate network has announced.

A Central Texas news anchor’s sudden death has left viewers, co-workers, and family members heartbroken.

Radcliffe, an NBC affiliate KCEN 6 News anchor, was just 51 years old when he unexpectedly passed away on Wednesday.

Radcliffe’s cause of death has not been announced.

8106   Patrick   2024 Nov 3, 5:35pm  


A team of investigative medical researchers has found that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are responsible for several new cases of multiple sclerosis.

The study, from leading medical University researchers in Mexico, traced numerous cases of multiple sclerosis (MS) back to mRNA injections as the cause.

The results of the study, led by Drs. Amy Jocelyn Mengual Ku and Carlos Eduardo Cabrera, were published in the Ciencia Latina Internacional medical journal.

Sadly, the article goes on to pfellate Pfizer out of pfear of losing pfunding.
8107   Patrick   2024 Nov 3, 6:09pm  


Since the global roll-out of the COVID-19 injections in late 2020, substantial data has surfaced linking them to a catastrophic number of deaths. Below is a working list of some of the strongest evidence to date:

Rancourt et al: estimated 17 million COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide by September 2023 .

Mostert et al: estimated 3.1 million excess deaths likely attributed to COVID-19 vaccination/lockdowns among 47 countries of the Western World from 2020 to 2022.

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS): 37,966 reported COVID-19 vaccine deaths - under-reporting factor of 31 yields 1,176,946 COVID-19 vaccine deaths among countries that use VAERS.

Skidmore: estimated 278,000 Americans may have died from the COVID-19 vaccine by December 2021.

Pantazatos and Seligmann: estimated 146,000 to 187,000 possible vaccine-associated deaths in the United States by August 2021.

Hulscher et al (I): estimated 49,240 excess cardiac arrest deaths possibly due to COVID-19 vaccination in the U.S. from 2021-2023.

Hulscher et al (II): found a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death from analysis of 325 autopsies.

Aarstad and Kvitastein: found a higher COVID-19 vaccine uptake was associated with increased all-cause mortality.

Alessandria et al: found all-cause death risks to be higher for those vaccinated with one and two COVID-19 vaccine doses compared to unvaccinated individuals. The subjects vaccinated with 2 doses lost 37% of life expectancy compared to the unvaccinated population during follow-up.

Regardless of methodology used, far too many suspected deaths have occurred due to the experimental COVID-19 injections. For reference, approximately 140,000 people were killed from the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. Therefore, the COVID-19 injection campaign may have killed the equivalent of at least 121 Hiroshima nuclear attacks.

COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ death acknowledgment by federal agencies may mirror the same path as finally declaring smoking harmful in 1964 after years of claiming cigarettes to be healthy.

Among 462 medicinal products that were withdrawn from the market between 1953 and 2013, the median interval between the first reported adverse reaction and the year of first withdrawal was 6 years. Unfortunately, the time elapsed from the first reports of serious adverse events to withdrawal of products has not improved consistently over the last 60 years. Since 1950, 95 medicinal products were withdrawn from markets due to causing death. 83% of withdrawals due to death utilized evidence drawn from case reports. Most withdrawals occur more than 1 or 2 years after the first reports of deaths begin to appear. Thus, COVID-19 vaccines are now long overdue for market withdrawal.
8108   Patrick   2024 Nov 4, 11:39am  


18-Year-Old Cricket Star Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Training: ‘Clinically Dead for 5 Minutes’

18-year-old Australian cricket star Kade Sutton is lucky to be alive after suffering a sudden cardiac arrest while training.

When his heart suddenly stopped, Sutton was “clinically dead for about five minutes.”

The “healthy” teenager collapsed during cricket training in late August.
8112   Patrick   2024 Nov 4, 6:52pm  


Dr. James Royle is a practicing general and colorectal surgeon and he is warning about the high likelihood of causal relationship between the contaminated convid genetic technology injections and rapidly progressing cancers as evidenced by the gold standard Bradford Hill epidemiological criteria.


"In this, the 4th session of the Stone Summit, Dr. James Royle discusses the impact of lockdowns on surgery, highlighting the failures of lockdown policy. He goes on to describe the unusual cases of pulmonary thrombosis observed in colorectal cancer follow-up patients, the correlation between mRNA COVID-19 injections and an increase in cancer cases, the concerning rise of aggressive multi-site cancer recurrences, particularly in younger patients, and the challenges surgeons face in voicing their concerns." ...








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