Defund the FBI

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2021 Aug 3, 1:18pm   121,147 views  796 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

If there was ever an organization desperately in need of defunding, it's the FBI.

They have become a tool of state oppression of citizens, like the old East German Stasi. They actively incite crime to get people to commit it in order to then "catch" them and justify their budget.


But for BLM, they studiously look the other way and never prosecute...

The best way we can defend ourselves is to cut off their funding. We need to make a national movement out of this.

Local police deserve our funding and support, but the FBI deserves defunding and hard prison time for its upper management.


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97   Patrick   2022 May 24, 1:31pm  


The Sussmann Trial: fingers pointed at FBI leadership
98   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 May 24, 1:42pm  

Yes, this traitorous asswipe is now at Twitter.

“Not My Investigation”: Former FBI General Counsel Shrugs Off Delay in Turning Over Key Text Message.

Former FBI General Counsel (and now Twitter lawyer) James Baker has long been a lightning rod for critics over the role of the FBI in pushing false Russian collusion claims. Baker did not help himself with those critics yesterday when he took the stand in the trial of Michael Sussmann, former Clinton campaign counsel. After declaring Sussmann a friend, Baker seemed to shrug off the fact that he previously failed to turn over a critical piece of evidence to Special Counsel John Durham because “this is not my investigation. This is your investigation.”

Sussmann faces a single charge under 18 U.S.C. 1001 for lying to the FBI in a meeting with Baker.

In the indictment, Sussmann is accused of “mak[ing] a materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statement or representation” in conversations with Baker. Durham argued that “the defendant provided the FBI General Counsel with purported data and ‘white papers’ that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russia-based bank.”

Sussmann’s choice of Baker was little surprise to critics who have long viewed the former General Counsel as one of those officials who facilitated Russian collusion claims.

On May 4, 2018, Baker resigned from the FBI and joined the Brookings Institution as a fellow. Brookings also featured prominently in developing false collusion claims. He later joined Twitter as a high-ranking attorney and has been criticized for playing a role in that company’s robust censorship program targeting conservatives and others.

On the stand, Baker explained that he continues to be a friend of Michael Sussmann, who he met during their time together at the Justice Department.

The most striking statement in the testimony arose after Baker was asked about his belated turning over of a key piece of evidence. A text message from Sussmann before their meeting clearly showed Sussmann denying that he was contacting Baker on behalf of any client. He was representing the Clinton campaign and charged the time to the campaign:

“Jim — it’s Michael Sussmann. I have something time-sensitive (and sensitive) I need to discuss. Do you have availability for a short meeting tomorrow? I’m coming on my own — not on behalf of a client or company — want to help the Bureau. Thanks.”
DOJ released exhibits showing Sussmann's texts to FBI Baker
As I previously discussed, the text was a bombshell for the case in directly contradicting Sussmann’s claim that Baker merely misremembered their conversation.

Baker was asked why he never informed Special Counsel John Durham of the text despite the long investigation of Sussmann. Indeed, he did not turn over the text after Sussmann was indicted on September 16th.

Baker’s response was telling: “It’s frankly — I’m not out to get Michael and this is not my investigation. This is your investigation.”

That came off a lot like “why should I help you?” Even being used as a conduit for a baseless, false allegation by a campaign did not seem to motivate Baker to actively seek to turn over any evidence in his possession. The phone that Baker used in the DOJ was reportedly turned over the Inspector General but Baker admitted that the information was on the cloud and he was able to later locate it. However, the question is how this communication on a key issue under investigation could have skipped the mind or attention of Baker given prior interviews and testimony.

Baker said that he found the message in March and turned it over to his lawyer. That seems like a rather belated discovery. Alfa bank was under investigation for years, including extensive investigations by Congress, the Mueller investigation and the Durham investigation. Yet, Baker did not previously review his own interactions with Clinton counsel or involvement on either the Steele dossier or Alfa Bank allegations?

Baker specifically testified in 2018 on Russian collusion claims involving the Trump organization and campaign. This included extensive questions about his interaction with Sussmann. In the hearing, Baker told Congress that he “did not recall” if Sussmann said he was representing anyone in the meeting, even though he had a text expressly stating that he was not representing the campaign or anyone else in the meeting. Indeed, Baker testified “I don’t remember knowing why Michael Sussman, for example, was coming into the office.”

Even if Baker continues to maintain that he did not know that Sussmann was working for Clinton at the time of their meeting, it was clear early in the investigation that Sussmann and his partner at Perkins Coie, Marc Elias, were involved in the allegations of a false campaign-driven Russian collusion allegations.

Baker, however, reportedly shrugged off the question and testified “I’m not out to get Michael and this is not my investigation. This is your investigation. If you ask me a question, I answer it.”

In truth, it is the investigation of the United States Department of Justice, where Baker held a top position.

The testimony left the impression that Baker was going to cooperate but could hardly be expected to seek to help the Justice Department in proving a possible crime by Clinton campaign counsel. He indicated that he had to be specifically asked for such information and could not be expected to volunteer it or to seek to confirm evidence in his possession: “Nobody had asked me to go look for this material before that.”

When he came into possession of information from Sussmann, Baker told Congress, “I wanted to get it out of my hands into the hands of agents as quickly as possible.” That did not appear the standard that he applied to evidence in his possession that was material to Durham investigation of the Clinton campaign.

It is just not Baker’s job. After all, this is not his investigation.

99   Patrick   2022 May 26, 8:49am  


It seems to me, the elite want us to act up, so they can come down on us, like on January 6, 2021. Rest assured, that is the template they will use if anyone acts up. How long have they gone, so far, without bail or a speedy trial… for trespassing? Thousands of hours of video footage hidden from the public and denied the accused. Exculpatory evidence is also denied the accused in Jan 6 “insurrection.” Any conservative that even protests will be open to the FBI infiltrators acting up to discredit and provide reason for criminal charges. Now that sounds like something out of a dystopian sci fi movie eh? Sadly, it is what we should expect from the elite today, given their history of lying, false flags and wrap up smears. Only a fool, child or the brainwashed, expect a scorpion to act the butterfly.

The provocations are multitude. From the Russian collusion hoax to the Covid coverup, the elite have gone to great lengths to rile us up. The other day the Biden administration, (the administrative state under Biden) admitted they held up a bunch of legitimate oil and gas leases, at the peak of the energy prices, so far, because of a math error. Seriously? A math error, I bet the dog ate a lot of their homework when they were kids as well. Then there is the war the elite are salivating to get us into with Russia of all nations. Like dogs ogling fresh vomit. Who can forget the “disinformation” whatever. Can you imagine, the government is creating an agency to oversee speech with an eye to stopping… “disinformation?” Could the obvious Orwellian references get any oilier?

I suspect the short term timeline is November this year… long term, the elections of 2024. I see obviously Nazi and antisemitic posts on Gab and Mewe now and then, when I do I almost always call them out as being FBI bait. You know what… they almost never deny it. Which makes me wonder why the FBI would be ginning up racial animosity and gathering people with fascist sentiments? Unless it is to make good on Biden’s claim that white supremacy is the greatest threat to the world there has ever been… after global warming. The searing light of public attention exposed the FBI and its true nature in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, releasing the catch on their trap just before an election, clearly to effect the outcome. Then there is the Russian collusion hoax the FBI gleefully engaged in.

Any action that can be misconstrued as violent by the lying media will be and we will be off to the races. They will use January 6 as their template as has the tyrant Trudeau, in Canada. No bail, no trial, just hard prison. Political prisoners always have it the toughest since they offended against the state, while rapists, child murderers and home invaders only offended against the hoi polloi. As with the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping FBI false flag, the Russian collusion hoax the FBI abetted and the Jan 6 “Insurrection,” that video showed was led by FBI infiltrators, we can expect the FBI to coordinate, fund and otherwise set up more false flags to effect the mid term elections. Expect the lying media to go along, like they did the Biden laptop lie, and push the propaganda.

Everything is spinning out of control, and since the elite only care about their own hides, they are playing their last card, civil insurrection as a rational for suspending elections, you know, like Twitter suspended Trump for the FBI led “Insurrection.” If the FBI can gin up enough stupid people to participate, let’s just call them The Marks, the media can take a small manufactured riot and turn it into Pearl Harbor, 911 and the Afghanistan debacle all in one. Then the elite can “justly” claim, there is too much violence to have an election, else use the problem they created to enact some Hegelian solution. It all hinges on us acting in their play. If we refuse to act, their production cannot go on as billed, and they fail. If we act, their production goes on as planned, and were trapped, are we foxes… or muskrats?
104   Patrick   2022 Jun 1, 5:28pm  


WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – House Republicans are seeking answers from FBI director Christopher Wray as to why the federal law enforcement agency spied on more than 3.3 million Americans without a warrant from December 2020 through November 2021.
105   Patrick   2022 Jun 8, 2:38pm  


Rep. Jim Jordan
🚨 LATE BREAKING: New whistleblowers allege the FBI is “purging” conservatives at the Bureau.

One agent? A decorated war veteran who served in Iraq and Kuwait.

The FBI had the audacity to question the whistleblower’s loyalty to the country!
106   Patrick   2022 Jun 9, 10:34am  

The FBI is getting to be exactly like the old East German Stasi.
107   RC2006   2022 Jun 9, 11:03am  

FBI is pretty much a political weapon of the left whenever the need arises.
108   Patrick   2022 Jun 10, 1:25pm  


The FBI has shown itself to be overly partisan, choosing to investigate garage pulls in hoax hate crimes like they’re a full-blown terrorist attack then shrug their collective shoulders at attacks on pro-life organizations since the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade was leaked (a crime which the FBI is not investigating either).

It has become evident that the FBI colluded with the Hillary Clinton campaign to spy on then-candidate and subsequent President Donald Trump. As the Durham probe unfolds, it’s evident that the FBI knew the “dirt” given to them from Clinton lawyer Michael Sussman was bogus, yet they investigated Trump anyway. ...

In 2021, it became evident that the ridiculous plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was orchestrated by FBI informants. The informants and the undercover agents gained the confidence of the defendants, stirred their anger at Whitmer and encouraged them to conspire in the plot. The FBI used at least 12 informants to target 6 defendants, All of which were found not-guilty or had a hung jury.

To add to insult to injury, the FBI subsequently arrested one of Whitmer’s political opponents for participating in the January 6th protest in Washington, DC. ...

Perhaps the most damning case of partisanship involves the roll of the FBI in setting up that January 6th riot at the US Capitol. Revolver News has painstakingly documented how FBI informants or agents like Ray Epps orchestrated and directed unwitting patriots to “go into the Capitol” that day, which was a setup for trespassing charges. We reported on a video purportedly showing that Ray Epps’s daughter stating that Epps had possibly made a deal with the feds to keep him out of prison for tax evasion.
112   stereotomy   2022 Jun 17, 11:37am  

Patrick says

Why are the hottest politicians so based (but universally ignored/ridiculed)? They are probably getting really good dick and proper masculine validation from their SO's.
113   Patrick   2022 Jun 23, 10:46am  

The FBI absolutely does not investigate crimes equally.

When Democrats openly and flagrantly violate the law, the FBI looks the other way.

The FBI is just an agent of political repression now, nothing deserving of any respect or taxpayer funding at all. The FBI "leadership" actively undermines American rule of law and belongs in prison.
118   Patrick   2022 Jul 26, 9:11am  


FBI Whistleblowers Allege FBI Scheme to Protect Hunter Biden and Joe Biden
119   Patrick   2022 Jul 27, 7:22am  


With FBI looking ever more corrupt, Director Wray should feel the heat

Grassley says Auten and others falsely labeled the Biden material as “disinformation,” presumably of Russian origin, and that Thibault not only ordered inquiries into other derogatory information about the younger Biden closed, quite wrongly, but also “attempted to improperly mark the matter in FBI systems so that it could not be opened in the future.”
122   Patrick   2022 Aug 5, 9:23am  


WASHINGTON, D.C. — In an unprecedented move to protect the safety and security of millions of Americans, the FBI has added itself to the FBI watchlist.

"When we reflected on the vast number of pedophiles, insurrectionists, frauds, and killers in our organization, we thought: 'Holy cow! Someone needs to keep an eye on these weirdos!'" said FBI Director Christopher Wray to reporters. "That's why today we have decided to place the FBI on the FBI watchlist so the FBI can keep a close eye on the FBI before the FBI does something terrible."

Congress is demanding oversight of the FBI's monitoring of the FBI, as the FBI has been known in the past to let the FBI get away with horrific crimes. The FBI in turn is monitoring the Congressional oversight committee in charge of overseeing the FBI's oversight of the FBI. "Americans shouldn't worry, we have this all under control," said Wray.

Critics of the move expressed concern this may hamper the FBI's ability to organize governor kidnapping schemes, insurrections, and mass shootings.

"Without the FBI at our disposal, we may have to turn to traditional partners such as the mafia to fight our political enemies," said one anonymous Washington bureaucrat. "What's the world coming to?"

At publishing time, the FBI announced they now have the FBI in custody. Unfortunately, they released the FBI from custody a few minutes later.
124   Patrick   2022 Aug 9, 10:12am  


Harmeet K. Dhillon
This FBI:
* Pushed Russia collusion hoax
* Spied on law-abiding Americans
* Lied to FISA court
* Ignored Hillary's server escapades
* Ignored Biden Family criminal activity
* Persecutes journalists at Project Veritas
* Treats J6 trespassers like terrorists
* Goes after PTA moms/
* Ignores drug crimes at border
* Allows drug cartels to operate freely in the US
... I could go on.
Our FBI has become a total disgrace, and Merrick Garland is so deeply lacking in judgment that he is unfit to serve as AG. Americans deserve better that this shameful crew
129   Patrick   2022 Aug 9, 11:28am  

Map of US enemy military bases in Florida:

134   Patrick   2022 Aug 11, 9:06am  


Clay Travis
How corrupt is the FBI? Two days after they raid Donald Trump’s private residence, Hunter Biden, whose laptop proving multiple felonies the FBI has had for years, hops on Air Force 1 for a family vacation.

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