Defund the FBI

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2021 Aug 3, 1:18pm   108,072 views  745 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

If there was ever an organization desperately in need of defunding, it's the FBI.

They have become a tool of state oppression of citizens, like the old East German Stasi. They actively incite crime to get people to commit it in order to then "catch" them and justify their budget.


But for BLM, they studiously look the other way and never prosecute...

The best way we can defend ourselves is to cut off their funding. We need to make a national movement out of this.

Local police deserve our funding and support, but the FBI deserves defunding and hard prison time for its upper management.


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244   Patrick   2022 Sep 24, 1:42pm  


My 79 yr old Vietnam Vet dad said something today that really pissed me off...

He said, and I quote: "If the men who wrote and signed the constitution were alive today, they would be on an FBI watchlist." He's right and it really pisses me off.
245   AD   2022 Sep 24, 5:35pm  

Patrick says

The problem is the Democrat hacks and operatives within career ranks of the FBI and DOJ like Bruce Ohr get away with criminal behavior when the y do the bidding of the Democrat Party. The Bruce Ohr's know they are protected by sovereign or qualified immunity more than a deputy sheriff or a state law enforcement officer. They know the Washington Posts and rest of woke corporate media will protect them instead of being a watchdog of government abuse and corruption.
248   AD   2022 Sep 25, 11:30pm  

Patrick says


This is why the Democrat establishment (i.e., woke corporations, woke media, etc.) do not want the Republicans to gain a sizeable lead in the House of Representatives.

If they do, then that means Republican investigations and hearings. And this abuse of power by the Bliden (and going back to Obama) DOJ and FBI is worse than J Edgar Hoover.

249   Patrick   2022 Sep 26, 12:58pm  


FBI Agents Finally Coming Forward

The FBI is organized crime. #AbolishTheFBI

original link

The FBI is worse than I thought.

“There’s no fixing the FBI.” —Current FBI agents who admit they’re biding their time until retirement.

Former FBI Director, James Comey, is an admitted communist.

The FBI lied to a FISA court to undermine the Trump administration.

“What’s the difference between card-carrying communists and patriots who won’t do anything?”

“By not helping the patriot cause, you’re in the enemy camp.”

I’m not going to spoil more. I’ll leave it with this:

After you watch this interview with a former senior FBI leader, you will agree with me that

The FBI must be abolished.
251   Patrick   2022 Sep 27, 11:22am  


Is FBI using security clearances to muzzle critics? Whistleblower's lawyer says yes
"They can take them off the payroll, take their badge and gun, sideline them," said former Senate investigator and whistleblower attorney Jason Foster.
252   Patrick   2022 Sep 27, 4:05pm  


Armed FBI agents raided a pro-life leader's home for allegedly pushing someone, but they haven't done anything about dozens of firebombed pregnancy centers. Huh.

Here's the DOJ and the FBI when a guy kills a teen for being a Republican or when dozens of pro-life ministries are literally firebombed and graffitied with death threats:

And here's the FBI when they see that a pro-life leader may have shoved someone to the ground in a case that was already dismissed by a court:

Between 25-30 FBI raided the home of Mark Houck at gunpoint in front of his wife and 7 scared children last week over the claim that he had pushed a pro-abortion advocate to the ground – an allegation that was thrown out by a lower court.

According to Houck, during the incident he was protecting his child who was being sworn at and harassed by the pro-abortion activist.

In September 2021, Houck was involved in an incident outside a Philadelphia abortion business where a pro-abortion clinic escort had repeatedly bullied and intimidated his 12-year-old son who was with him to help sidewalk counsel and encourage women to choose pro-life alternatives. After multiple verbal assaults and the abortion activist getting into his son's face, Houck pushed him away and he fell.

According to a new CNA report, the incident was so minor that charges were never pressed and a court ultimately dismissed a complaint the abortion activist filed.

By the way, scores of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers have been firebombed and vandalized, and as far as I'm aware the FBI has done NOTHING to prosecute the pro-abortion terrorists responsible for it.
253   AD   2022 Sep 27, 7:39pm  

Patrick says

Between 25-30 FBI raided the home of Mark Houck at gunpoint in front of his wife and 7 scared children last week over the claim that he had pushed a pro-abortion advocate to the ground – an allegation that was thrown out by a lower court.

I know a county GOP leader who has reached out to Governor DeSantis to have Florida Department of Law Enforcement try to be at these FBI raids. Its to protect the citizens from excessive force and abuse of power by the FBI.

Notice most of these FBI raids are political hence, the FBI does not want any pesky local or state police around to witness their crime spree.

254   AD   2022 Sep 27, 7:46pm  

Patrick says

Is FBI using security clearances to muzzle critics? Whistleblower's lawyer says yes
"They can take them off the payroll, take their badge and gun, sideline them," said former Senate investigator and whistleblower attorney Jason Foster.

Yeah, the Feds do that as far as whistleblower reprisals and retaliation. Some of it is right out of Soviet Psychiatry and Gulag Modus Operandi, and some out of the Malek Manual.

FBI is now the marriage between Democrat Party and J Edgar Hoover.

They are abusing the Patriot Act to go after anyone Republican dissenters. What is happening is "threat against democracy" is really "threat against Democrat Party".

And this is why the Democrats (and their partners in Woke Corporate America including NBC News, USA Today, etc.) are desperate to stop the Republicans getting a mandate this midterm election.

They do not want investigations and hearings into the Obama and Biden DOJ and FBI as well as into other areas like Hunter Biden and Chicom business deals, Afghanistan pullout, the corrupt federal courts imprisoning Republicans for January 6, the open border and fentanyl crisis, the artificial decrease in gas prices due to Biden using emergency oil reserves from March to October 2022, etc.

258   Patrick   2022 Oct 3, 6:10pm  


FBI has become Joe Biden's personal Gestapo following raid of Mark Houck's family
259   Patrick   2022 Oct 3, 6:11pm  


It is becoming clearer by the day that President Biden's Department of Justice has weaponized its police force, the FBI, to target and terrorize prominent conservatives. In this exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews's Jim Hale, former U.S. Senate candidate from Pennsylvania Kathy Barnette discusses the shocking FBI raid on pro-life hero Mark Houck, its implications for liberty, and how his arrest should horrify us all.
260   Patrick   2022 Oct 3, 7:22pm  


Strzok’s dismissal letter was published today:

“In my 23 years in the FBI, I have not seen a more impactful series of missteps that has called into question the entire organization and more thoroughly damaged the FBI’s reputation.”

I dunno, the FBI completely fucks over its own reputation repeatedly, as in the Mar A Lago raid, Ruby Ridge, Waco...

Strzok was just a symptom of the wanton criminality of the FBI, not a cause.
261   AD   2022 Oct 3, 7:30pm  

Patrick says

Strzok was just a symptom of the wanton criminality of the FBI, not a cause.

yep, and Comey-style book deals with Democrat publishers, and McCabe paid performances on MSNBC

and Biden's DOJ gave McCabe a free pass as pay off for doing Democrats bidding

quid pro quo is part of Democrats standard operating procedure

262   Patrick   2022 Oct 3, 7:39pm  

Hunter's laptop alone is sufficient reason to disband the FBI and imprison all of its top management for life.

They deliberately used their office to subvert a presidential election.

Hunter illegally sells influence to China and Ukraine among others. Why is Hunter not in jail right now? Only because the criminal FBI is protecting the Biden crime family.
263   AD   2022 Oct 3, 8:16pm  

I think McCabe and Comey threw Strzok under the bus enough or distanced themselves enough from him so that not even the Biden admin will get involved to salvage Strzok like they did to McCabe.
264   richwicks   2022 Oct 3, 8:39pm  

Patrick says

Why is Hunter not in jail right now? Only because the criminal FBI is protecting the Biden crime family.

No, the entire government is protecting them.

When I say "the government is a criminal syndicate", I'm not exaggerating or using hyperbole at all. That's precisely what it is.
265   Patrick   2022 Oct 4, 2:08pm  


FBI Whistleblowers: Agents Are Rewarded for Being ‘Woke’
Frank Bergman
October 4, 2022

Several FBI whistleblowers have come forward to expose the politicization of the Bureau, revealing that the federal agency “rewards” agents for being “woke.”

Federal Bureau of Investigation insiders reportedly told The Washington Times that the politicization of the FBI is being implemented by the promotion of liberal agents into positions of authority.

Meanwhile, agents who support conservative causes face punishment or dismissal.
269   Patrick   2022 Oct 5, 1:48pm  


If you feel betrayed by the FBI, you’re not alone. Perhaps worst of all, though, is that Director Christopher Wray has never even seen fit to address this clear-as-day case of election interference. Perhaps, when the Republicans grab away those gavels from House Democrats in January, they’ll ask him some tough questions.

Bobulinski also said this: “The difference between President Trump and Joe Biden was 43,000 votes. If half of those people, 21,500, had voted for President Trump instead of Biden, President Trump would still be in the White House.”

He’s right, of course, and we’ve made the point over and over and over again. And again. Biden didn’t win by a landslide. He won by a razor-thin margin in three states — Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin — and polling shows that a whopping 17% of Biden voters would’ve changed their vote for him if only they’d known about the corruption the FBI and Facebook and Twitter worked to keep from them.

So let’s forget about the implausibility of Basement Joe Biden getting more population-adjusted votes than Barack Obama ever got. And let’s forget about the nonstarter of rigged Dominion voting machines. Let’s even forget about the obvious and irrefutable bulk-mail ballot fraud that Democrats deployed in the big cities of the decisive swing states.

All we need to remember is that the FBI worked with Big Tech to suppress a real and vitally important news story about Joe Biden’s corruption and thereby rigged the 2020 presidential election in his favor.

The Big Lie is the mainstream media’s ongoing efforts to suppress this truth.
270   Patrick   2022 Oct 5, 4:16pm  


Has The FBI Arrested Any Suspects In 150 Attacks On Pro-Life Groups And Churches?
272   Patrick   2022 Oct 5, 5:17pm  

@Booger You can put that deleted comment in the Political Incorrectness thread.
274   Patrick   2022 Oct 6, 12:38pm  


Feds Have Enough Evidence To Slap Hunter Biden With Tax, Gun Charges: WaPo

Federal investigators looking into Hunter Biden's dealings have enough evidence to charge him with tax crimes and a false statement related to a gun purchase, the Washington Post reports.

Of course - this reeks of a containment strategy to avoid implicating the sitting President, as the feds apparently haven't been looking into ill-gotten gains from a massive international influence-peddling operation while his dad was VP, for which there is ample evidence. ...

In any event, it seems like Hunter may face 'justice' over a sliver of his actual questionable dealings.

The FBI should arrest Biden for selling his office to China and Ukraine.
275   Patrick   2022 Oct 6, 2:35pm  


Jesse Kelly
Oct 5
Kinda wild how everyone just moved on from the revelation that the FBI approached Facebook BEFORE the Hunter Biden story was in print and asked them to censor it.

That’s such a big deal it should have resulted in the IMMEDIATE shut down of the agency.
276   Patrick   2022 Oct 7, 2:03pm  


Internal Memos: FBI’s Out-Of-Control Sexual Misconduct Yields Little Punishment — Especially For Top Officials
277   Patrick   2022 Oct 8, 1:09pm  


Mia Cathell
Oct 7
🚨 One of the pro-life leaders targeted by Biden's DOJ sent me footage of the early morning FBI raid on his family home. Paul Vaughn was placed in handcuffs by armed FBI agents in front of his children just before school drop-off. Watch as his wife pleads for answers mid-arrest...
278   Patrick   2022 Oct 11, 6:02pm  


Durham probe: FBI offered Christopher Steele $1 million to corroborate Trump allegations in dossier
Steele could not corroborate allegations in the dossier, which was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC through law firm Perkins Coie
279   AD   2022 Oct 11, 9:19pm  

Patrick says

Durham probe

"FBI counterintel analyst Auten testified that he and a group of FBI agents went overseas in early October 2021 to speak with Steele about the dossier. During questioning by Special Counsel John Durham on Tuesday, Auten said that during those meetings the FBI offered Steele $1 million if he could corroborate allegations in the dossier. Auten testified that Steele could not do so."

Why does the FBI have to offer $1 million for someone to do the right thing ? Seems like it is a political pay off if they have to offer $1 million to get someone to corroborate information.

280   richwicks   2022 Oct 11, 11:00pm  

Patrick says

The FBI should arrest Biden for selling his office to China and Ukraine.

The FIB should be disbanded because they aren't an investigative agency, and they actively ignore crime and regularly engage in crimes such as entrapment and provocation of violence. They're garbage.
281   richwicks   2022 Oct 11, 11:01pm  

ad says

Why does the FBI have to offer $1 million for someone to do the right thing ? Seems like it is a political pay off if they have to offer $1 million to get someone to corroborate information.

What do you mean "seems like"?
282   Patrick   2022 Oct 12, 1:57pm  


Two FBI officials who had knowledge of the Hunter Biden laptop in 2020 and who alerted Facebook to potential Russian disinformation are Democrat donors, court filings and campaign finance records show.

The unit chief for the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force, Laura Dehmlow, and the head of the FBI’s San Francisco cyber division, Elvis Chan, were likely engaged in suppressing Facebook’s distribution of the story on the platform, the Washington Free Beacon reported from court filings.

Dehmlow contributed $60 to the Democrat Neonatal Committee in 2020, while Chan gave $50 to Democrat Sens. Jon Ossoff (D-GA) and Raphael Warnock (D-GA) during their 2020 Senate races, campaign finance records show.

The donations raise questions as to whether the FBI officials were working in an official capacity with partisan intentions during the 2020 election cycle when Breitbart News’s Emma-Jo Morris first reported the authenticated, verified, and confirmed “Laptop from Hell” story in the New York Post.

The FBI was in possession of the laptop for over a year before the Post published the story.

Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged in August that Facebook had reduced the distribution of the story on his platform. Zuckerberg admitted the FBI had told the company to be aware of potential Russian disinformation that would hurt President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

Except it wasn't disinformation and the FBI knew that.

The FBI is criminal.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

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