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It was more bad news for Biden yesterday. His public show of Israel “support” doesn’t seem to be helping his numbers any. CNBC ran the latest in a string of similar polling stories yesterday headlined “Biden would lose in matchup vs. Trump, according to CNBC survey; Israel funding has strong support.”
In the presidential matchup part of its poll, responses showed Trump enjoying a +4% lead over Biden (46% to 42%). But there was more bad news in the poll, like Biden’s miniscule job approval rating, now mired in the low thirties.
The muddy water is swirling out of the bribery bathtub. Biden’s shocking 32% approval rating on the economy is the lowest since he infested the White House, while his 63% economic rating is tied for highest disapproval.
And just wait till gas prices skyrocket because of the war.
It’s not just Republicans who are unhappy with Biden. “You don’t get sub-40 approval ratings without losing large chunks of your base. And that’s what’s happening here,″ explained Micah Roberts, partner at Public Opinion Strategies, which ran the survey. He called the data “distressing numbers for a president facing reelection.”
Yes, but is he facing re-election?
In another part of the poll, Republicans and independents prioritized securing the border with Mexico followed by military funding for Israel. Democrats prioritized military funding for Ukraine, if you can believe that, followed by foreign humanitarian aid. Which tees Biden up nicely for a massively unaffordable, budget-busting, inflation-inflaming Congressional authorization request for aid to all four parts: Israel, Ukraine, Gaza, and a little for our own border. Expect Biden to ask for all that at his national address tonight.
I would give a lot to understand the mind of a democrat voter who thinks the country’s biggest problem right now is low Ukraine funding. I’d also like to sell them some carbon credits.
I would give a lot to understand the mind of a democrat voter who thinks the country’s biggest problem right now is low Ukraine funding.
With friends like these, we don’t even need Hamas. In a similar story yesterday, Fox ran an article headlined, “Biden administration admits it doxxed US special forces soldiers in Israel, apologizes.” You’d better sit down for this one.
While Biden was in Israel, he “encouraged” U.S. special forces members with a personal visit. Our soldiers were there secretly to help retrieve over a dozen American hostages. But then Biden’s team posted the unredacted photos — which clearly showed four of the soldiers’ faces and their tattoos — on Instagram:
This is the redacted version. Biden posted a clear photo.
Biden deleted the photo an hour later — too late, after hundreds of thousands of views — and only after people started pointing out the terrorists will soon identify these soldiers and then target them and their families. A White House spokesperson told Fox News, "As soon as this was brought to our attention, we immediately deleted the photo. We regret the error and any issues this may have caused."
Biden regrets the error. Is a statement of regret an apology?
Since I’m piling on, the New York Times, which did not report the Biden doxxing story at all, not thinking it newsworthy that Biden doxxed four in-theatre, active-duty special forces soldiers. But the Grey Lady did fret about the poor pro-Hamas Harvard students being doxxed...
Seasoned C&Cers will recall that like Biden, the U.S.’s other worst president, James “Jimmy” Carter, also faced a Middle-East hostage crisis, and also bungled the rescue attempt. It’s like Biden is trying to beat Jimmy Carter.
As Mark Twain said, history doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.
Now, that got me thinking about the political leaders we have today. People like the current Pedophile-in-Chief, Joe “10% for the Big Guy” Brandon. You’d think overseeing the disastrous and brutally embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan would be bad enough for this guy, but no, he had to go and get us involved in another costly, pointless proxy-war with Russia in Ukraine — Ukraine, the country that just happens to be the corrupt banana republic where his family has been running all kinds of criminal schemes, selling out America for pennies on the dollar while neglecting our domestic security issues (like the wide-open southern border).
In many ways, Joe Brandon is a redux of George W. Bush — except for one thing: Bush came across as folksy and likeable; Joe Brandon tries to affect that public image, but it falls flat. Joe Brandon is not charming. At all.
Here’s Joe Brandon trying to sell America on two unaffordable wars at the same time, with all the charm of a venomous reptile...
I don’t know how to feel about the gracelessness of our current regime leaders. On the one hand, I am glad they are not as charming as the bullshitters of bygone eras, since this makes it more likely that people will see through their lies. Indeed, the Brandon Administration is having much less success selling Americans on Ukraine than the Bush Administration did selling us on Iraq. On the other hand, I feel like the brazen buffoonery of the Brandon Administration is insulting. It’s like they hold us in such contempt, they cannot even be bothered to keep up appearances anymore — it’s like a husband who is so apathetic about his marriage that he cannot even pretend to like his wife when they’re at big family events — it’s the kind of open contempt and callous neglect that can only lead to a national divorce, with all that that will entail.
Regular Americans complain about a bad economy. Bill Clinton would have cried fake tears for them and told them how much he felt their pain. Joe Brandon essentially tells them, “Fuck you, chump! This is the best economy in 70 years! Matter of fact, you — and the people like you — are the biggest domestic threat right now!”
At least we know where we stand . . .
Another ominous sign for Democrats is that voters across all income levels felt that Mr. Biden's policies had hurt them personally, while they credited Mr. Trump's policies for helping them. The results were mirror opposites: Voters gave Mr. Trump a 17-point advantage for having helped them and Mr. Biden an 18-point disadvantage for having hurt them. ...
I'm starting to think there's a reason why the entire deep state dragon has mobilized itself against Donald Trump.
It's way easier to jail the man than to try to "free and fair election" your way into the White House with a little midnight "fortification" in places like Atlanta or Detroit!
Another ominous sign for Democrats is that voters across all income levels felt that Mr. Biden's policies had hurt them personally
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