by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Had a video ever aged so well in modern history?
In May 2020, Chris Sky predicted everything that was going to happen. He was way ahead of most 'conspiracy theorists.' Of course, Twitter suspended his account right after this video went viral.
Maybe they are not omnipotent after all.
Patrick says
Maybe they are not omnipotent after all.
Doesn't matter, the US taxpayer will bail them out.
Larry Fink, chairman and CEO of BlackRock Investment Management Company, has been referred to as the “architect of woke capitalism.” Together in coordination with other financiers, Fink has sought to weaponize pension funds through ESG to make radical changes to our economy that would never be approved in a legislature or ballot box. “Society is increasingly looking to companies, both public and private, to address pressing social and economic issues,” he wrote in a 2019 letter to CEOs. “These issues range from protecting the environment to retirement to gender and racial inequality, among others.”
Conspicuously absent from these priorities is maximizing their clients’ financial investments.
As the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock controls more than $8.5 trillion in assets. Fink and BlackRock leverage this vast pool of money that doesn’t belong to them as a means of compelling companies to fall in line with thier agenda. “Behaviors are going to have to change, and this is one thing we are asking companies, you have to force behaviors and at BlackRock, we are forcing behaviors,” Fink has stated.
BlackRock loses $1.5 trillion, plans 500 layoffs while continuing to embrace leftist agenda
The layoffs will be the first for the major investment firm since 2019.
The world’s top asset manager, BlackRock manages almost $10 trillion in investments. Its holdings include Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Now, an estimated 500 BlackRock employees, representing roughly 3% of the company, are slated to see their jobs on the chopping block.
The Daily Wire cited the firm’s most recent earnings report, noting that BlackRock’s “assets under management declined from $9.5 trillion in the third quarter of 2021 to $8.0 trillion in the third quarter of 2022.”
Rudy Havenstein
This is actual fascism:
“Markets don’t like uncertainty. Markets like actually totalitarian governments where you have an understanding of what’s out there … and democracies are very messy, as we know in the United States — you have opinions changing back and forth.”
- Larry Fink, chairman and CEO of BlackRock; World Economic Forum Board of Trustees
Markets like actually totalitarian governments
OMG targets BlackRock
When you delete the original link, you make it difficult to archive.
richwicks says
why do you delete the "original link"
I don't
If you quote my video you will see the url.
Too messy the other way.
Uncovering the White House’s Secret Meetings With BlackRock
With more than $10 trillion in assets under management, BlackRock is the wealthiest and most powerful investment management firm on Wall Street. Yet newly discovered information reveals that BlackRock’s influence may extend well beyond the financial sphere, all the way to the White House. ...
White House visitor logs show Thomas E. Donilon—chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute (BII), BlackRock’s personal think tank dedicated to assessing geopolitical investment risk—convened with Biden administration officials at least eight times from March 2021 to November 2021. Donilon has been a luminary in U.S. foreign policy for the entirety of his career, most recently serving as national security adviser to President Barack Obama and as foreign policy lead for the 2016 Clinton campaign. He’s a leading member of globally focused organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Strategy Group, and the Trilateral Commission. ...
Fink has also had at least one unpublicized meeting at the White House in the Biden era. On Feb. 8, just two weeks before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Fink met with Steve Ricchetti, counselor to the president and a man dubbed “Biden’s sherpa” by Politico. Again, there are no media reports or acknowledgment of this meeting occurring.
Why are members of the Biden administration meeting frequently with key figures at BlackRock? Have the close relationships between BlackRock executives and the White House impacted public policy? Has BlackRock profited financially from these important relationships? Has BlackRock worked with the White House to influence policy toward Russia or used information gleaned from White House sources to divest themselves from riskier holdings?
BlackRock is the world’s most powerful investment management firm, so it’s essential that these and many other important questions are answered. The American people deserve to know whether their government prioritizes their needs over those of gigantic Wall Street investment firms. But without a more far-reaching investigation by Congress, the answers we seek aren’t likely to fully come to the surface soon.
Donilon has been a luminary in U.S. foreign policy for the entirety of his career, most recently serving as national security adviser to President Barack Obama and as foreign policy lead for the 2016 Clinton campaign.
Here’s something the TV isn’t telling you.
Robert Kennedy Jr. reports that whenever a nation joins NATO, it has to conform its weapon purchases to NATO standards.
This is described as the “trap market” because conforming to NATO standards means buying your weapons from Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing.
And when you look into who owns all of those military contractors, “All of those companies are owned by BlackRock.”
This is described as the “trap market” because conforming to NATO standards means buying your weapons from Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing.
whenever a nation joins NATO, it has to conform its weapon purchases to NATO standards.
The first unanswered question, and the weirdest news so far coming out of the Trump Shooting, was this New York Times headline, which I screenshot so you wouldn’t think I was joking:
"BlackRock removes an ad from 2022 that included images of the gunman."
That’s right. The same Orwellian corporation that is trying to buy up everything in America that the government doesn’t already own —are you using that extra chair? We’ll take that, too. Well, that mega-corporation is bizarrely and unexpectedly linked to the same man who just tried to murder President Trump. The Times’ story explained that the shooter, while still an 18-year-old high school student, appeared briefly as an extra in a Blackrock commercial.
The Times reported that Blackrock pulled the ad, promised to cooperate with law enforcement, and said it will turn over any unpublished video that might still be available, just as you’d hope a responsible corporation would do. So that’s good, nothing to see here.
Now, I’m only asking. But what kind of connections does someone need to score a fun, easy, lucrative temporary job working as an extra in a Blackrock commercial? How did it all come together? How much did the shooter get paid? Was there a contract? Who signed it? The article didn’t say, and the New York Times doesn’t care.
It’s probably nothing. But it’s also sort of like finding out fifty years later that the JFK shooter was on the CIA’s payroll three weeks before the assassination. It’s one of those things that makes you go huh?
Now, I’m only asking. But what kind of connections does someone need to score a fun, easy, lucrative temporary job working as an extra in a Blackrock commercial? How did it all come together? How much did the shooter get paid? Was there a contract? Who signed it? The article didn’t say, and the New York Times doesn’t care.
Patrick says
Now, I’m only asking. But what kind of connections does someone need to score a fun, easy, lucrative temporary job working as an extra in a Blackrock commercial? How did it all come together? How much did the shooter get paid? Was there a contract? Who signed it? The article didn’t say, and the New York Times doesn’t care.
They said it was unpaid.
Eric Holder says
Patrick says
Now, I’m only asking. But what kind of connections does someone need to score a fun, easy, lucrative temporary job working as an extra in a Blackrock commercial? How did it all come together? How much did the shooter get paid? Was there a contract? Who signed it? The article didn’t say, and the New York Times doesn’t care.
They said it was unpaid.
Yeah, but who bought his rifle and ammo? This shit is $$$$$ expensive these days.
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