Always use cash from now on, not credit cards

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2021 Sep 4, 4:36pm   60,789 views  414 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

Drove to a restaurant today with my wife and was first of all creeped out to find that they knew my name from my phone number, which I had to give to get on the wait list. They said they use a centralized database of many restaurants for that.

They have a window where you can order a beer while you are waiting. So I ordered a beer and they refused to take cash.

OK, I wanted the beer, so I paid with a credit card. Then the total had an extra $1.50 on it. I asked about that and was told that I added a tip. I specifically did not add a tip because I was pissed that they don't take cash.

I got the manager and made him remove the tip.

We are rapidly approaching the CCP utopia of complete tracking of all citizens at all times.

Lesson: call ahead and make sure a restaurant will take cash. If they will not, don't go there.

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254   Patrick   2023 Apr 9, 1:14pm  

I agree. The worst possible situation is people like Justin Turdeau being able to completely block your purchase of anything rather that just turning off your bank account, like he did to the truckers who were legitimately protesting dangerous forced injections.

I just saw a comment somewhere that a lot of the Amish actually use silver and gold with each other.
255   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 10, 8:35am  

I figured the Amish were mostly barter..
256   Patrick   2023 Apr 19, 7:34pm  


New York City to Track Personal Food Choices Using Credit Card Data
This is needed to fight climate change, NYC mayor says

Remember the crazy right-wing conspiracy theory alleging that our food purchases will be tracked to reduce our CO2 consumption?

That one is turning out to be true!

Yesterday, New York City announced its plan to track the “food choices” of New Yorkers using credit card data from individual store purchases. According to the mayor, tracking individual food choices is a step towards “reducing the CO2 output” of New Yorkers. ...

You would think such a plan would only be made after a conversation with New Yorkers, right? After all, the mayor of New York is supposed to serve New Yorkers, not the other way around.

However, the reality is that there was no consultation and no “conversation” because New York’s mayor Eric Adams is sure that people do not even want to have a “conversation” about interrogating their food choices. ...

Rather than framing this issue as a health matter, I urge you to consider it a question of basic fairness: the unelected, supranational, self-appointed masters of the world are trying to track and influence our behavior without even asking for permission or inquiring about our opinion.

We are being assured that this is done for our good. However, these same people benefit financially from well-placed investments in companies growing fake meat comprised of cancer tumor cells.
258   Onvacation   2023 May 5, 5:16pm  

In regards to the meme above, with a digital currency and the oligarchical control society that comes with it we will have nothing to sell. There will be no waiters or barbers to tip. Buskers, homeless, and grandparents will be eliminated as useless eaters. There will be no privacy whatsoever. Canada's government already tipped their hand when they froze bank accounts for wrong think. They wanted want to eliminate us.

Remember Orwell's telescreen? It's already in your pocket. Let's not lose the coins in our pockets, and our liberty.

Pay with cash whenever you can, especially with small business, big government is trying to suffocate them with taxes and regulation.
259   Patrick   2023 Jun 18, 1:19pm  


United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked to Bank Accounts ...

The UN describes this goal as “an open, free, secure and human-centered digital future.”

The digital future as envisaged by these groups is going to be quite the opposite of open, free, or human-centric, however.

As far as the UN’s “vision” for a future global financial system, it is supposed to be harmonized with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

It would be governed by something called “the apex body” that is yet to be set up.
260   HeadSet   2023 Jun 18, 1:56pm  

If they impose a digital currency, how will the druggies buy their stuff? Maybe the government will hand out "untraceable" EBT cards.
261   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 19, 8:13am  

Every attempt at controlled economy(Communism), always results in a black market. This scheme would be no different.
262   richwicks   2023 Jun 20, 6:25am  

What does it take to get a revolution?

They are trying to transgender kids, they are shoving LGBTQ down our throats, they are handing out pornography to children, they are advertising LGBTQ to children in elementary school and teaching them about sex (both gay and straight) then, they are pushing CRT on kids, our president is openly accepting bribes by selling his crackhead son's "art", our president wasn't elected, our DOJ is engaging in selective prosecution and ignoring BLATANT crimes, we have 800 political prisoners, actual journalists are tortured in prison for over a decade, whistleblowers are placed in exile, we've been lied into 7 wars, our government started a conflict in Ukraine that could lead to thermonuclear war, they lied about a pandemic, they locked down the country for 2 fucking years, and they tried to force the entire country to take experimental injections of god knows what, which we know is causing death for some unluckly people.
263   stereotomy   2023 Jun 20, 6:28am  

richwicks says

What does it take to get a revolution?

They are trying to transgender kids, they are shoving LGBTQ down our throats, they are handing out pornography to children, they are advertising LGBTQ to children in elementary school and teaching them about sex (both gay and straight) then, they are pushing CRT on kids, our president is openly accepting bribes by selling his crackhead son's "art", our president wasn't elected, our DOJ is engaging in selective prosecution and ignoring BLATANT crimes, we have 800 political prisoners, actual journalists are tortured in prison for over a decade, whistleblowers are placed in exile, we've been lied into 7 wars, our government started a conflict in Ukraine that could lead to thermonuclear war, they lied about a pandemic, they locked down the country for 2 fucking years, and they tried to force the entire country to take experimental injections of god knows what, which we know is causing death for some unluckly people.

It will take what's it's always taken. When parents see their children starving to death before their eyes, when families sell daughters into sex slavery to feed the family, when stomachs are empty and the people have nothing left to lose. We got pretty close to that in the early 1930's.
264   richwicks   2023 Jun 20, 6:47am  

stereotomy says

It will take what's it's always taken. When parents see their children starving to death before their eyes, when families sell daughters into sex slavery to feed the family, when stomachs are empty and the people have nothing left to lose. We got pretty close to that in the early 1930's.

Ah, I finally understand. Most "people" around me are just cattle and you can do whatever you want to them, as long as they aren't starving.
265   stereotomy   2023 Jun 20, 6:55am  

richwicks says

Ah, I finally understand. Most "people" around me are just cattle and you can do whatever you want to them, as long as they aren't starving.

When you have completely demoralized and brainwashed a population, the only thing that will break some, possibly enough, of them out of it is the human survival instinct. So many are indeed cattle, and nothing will help them. They will place their necks on the chopping block willingly.

The urge for freedom of any sort has been systematically bred out of the human race for almost 10,000 years. Hypergamy is a great example. All the loyal women were murdered by being raped to death, while the conniving whores survived.
266   WookieMan   2023 Jun 20, 7:08am  

richwicks says

What does it take to get a revolution?

As silly as this sounds, comedians. They're able to tell the woke culture better than anyone and actually make people think. It's like "oh shit, that's actually true." Some people will always be blind, but if you can make a good joke about it, as long as you don't get cancelled it can wake people up.

RIP, but go listen to some Norm McDonald clips. Bad Tube, but not a chance in hell you get away with this now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6aOy1lC3NE
267   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 10:03am  

WookieMan says

As silly as this sounds, comedians. They're able to tell the woke culture better than anyone and actually make people think. It's like "oh shit, that's actually true." Some people will always be blind, but if you can make a good joke about it, as long as you don't get cancelled it can wake people up.

Yes, exactly!

That's my motive with the memes I collect and publish each day.

Elon had a good explanation for why the left can't meme: because they are lying, all the time. It's just not funny to repeat a lie, like "safe and effective".

The right, on the other hand, has wonderful memes because the point of each meme is to expose a lie, and people feel the tension between what their criminal overlords are telling them and the truth. Example: "Safe and effective is not a lie. It's two lies." People laugh because they know it's true but aren't allowed to say it.
268   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 1:28pm  

richwicks says

Ah, I finally understand. Most "people" around me are just cattle and you can do whatever you want to them, as long as they aren't starving.

To be honest, this is exactly what SBF was saying. There's a quote from SBF which seems to be erased from the internet now. "People are stupid. Like really stupid." He uses this to justify ripping them off and to justify the system which will now ensure that absolutely nothing bad happens to him.
269   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 1:34pm  

stereotomy says

When you have completely demoralized and brainwashed a population, the only thing that will break some, possibly enough, of them out of it is the human survival instinct. So many are indeed cattle, and nothing will help them. They will place their necks on the chopping block willingly.

I've read a plausible argument that the Chinese were selected to be genetically more meek and passive because the emperor had every violent criminal executed for something like 3,000 years. All the men with big balls were removed from the population.

Not that violent criminals are a good thing, but the same testosterone which makes men violent also makes men willing to defend themselves and their families.

A good example of a guy that would not have survived in historical China is Roy Larner, who would be considered just a soccer lout except for the fact that he fought back against Muslim terrorists armed with knives:


London attack: Football fan shouted 'F* you, I’m Millwall' and took on knife-wielding terrorists with bare fists

Calls for Roy Larner, the 'Lion of London Bridge', to be given a medal after reportedly saving lives and making Millwall fans popular by single-handedly taking on the three attackers

A football fan reportedly yelled “F**k you, I’m Millwall” as he single-handedly took on the three knife-wielding London terror attackers armed with nothing more than his fists.

Roy Larner has already been hailed a hero, with a petition launched for him to be awarded the George Cross medal for his actions in the Black and Blue steakhouse on Saturday night.

In fighting back, the 47-year-old Millwall fan gave dozens of others who were in the Borough Market restaurant the chance to escape.

Now out of the intensive care ward of St Thomas’ Hospital, where he was treated for knife wounds all over his body including his neck, the father-of-one has told The Sun how he reacted when the killers burst into the restaurant shouting “Islam, Islam” and “This is for Allah”.

“Like an idiot,” he told the newspaper, “I shouted back at them. I thought, ‘I need to take the p out of these b*s’.”

“I took a few steps towards them and said, ‘F* you, I’m Millwall’. So they started attacking me.”

Mr Larner added: “I stood in front of them trying to fight them off. Everyone else ran to the back.

“I was on my own against all three of them, that’s why I got hurt so much.

“It was just me, trying to grab them with my bare hands and hold on. I was swinging.

“I got stabbed and sliced eight times. They got me in my head, chest and both hands. There was blood everywhere.

“They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F* you, I’m Millwall!’

“It was the worst thing I could have done as they carried on attacking me.

“Luckily, none of the blows were straight at me or I’d be dead.”

So we actually do need men like that in society.
270   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 1:37pm  

stereotomy says

The urge for freedom of any sort has been systematically bred out of the human race for almost 10,000 years. Hypergamy is a great example. All the loyal women were murdered by being raped to death, while the conniving whores survived.

Men generally do what's good for women.

Women also generally do what's good for women.
271   richwicks   2023 Jun 21, 1:03am  

Patrick says

richwicks says

Ah, I finally understand. Most "people" around me are just cattle and you can do whatever you want to them, as long as they aren't starving.

To be honest, this is exactly what SBF was saying. There's a quote from SBF which seems to be erased from the internet now. "People are stupid. Like really stupid." He uses this to justify ripping them off and to justify the system which will now ensure that absolutely nothing bad happens to him.

They aren't stupid, they just cannot imagine the level of immorality people can have and they cannot fathom the government will tolerate it.

Our society is breaking down. Supporting our government is detrimental. You're considered a fool if you do it.

I think we are in a societal breakdown. What I'm surprised is the lack of resistance to it.
272   Robert Sproul   2023 Jun 21, 7:05am  

Patrick says

A good example of a guy that would not have survived in historical China is Roy Larner, who would be considered just a soccer lout except for the fact that he fought back against Muslim terrorists armed with knives:

He would likely have been arrested for this in NYC.
273   Patrick   2023 Jul 3, 10:14am  


We’ve seen government’s freeze peoples assets if they went against the lockdown nonsense. We’ve seen companies like PayPal do the same.

How long will it be before people get their assets frozen because they don’t go along with the LGBTQ+ agenda? Or if they say the ‘wrong thing’ about mass immigration?

We are hurtling towards a Chinese-style social credit system whereby good citizens are allowed to receive money and bad ones have it taken off them. It quite literally buys compliance, it buys silence, it buys obedience, it buys…control.

I don’t want to live in a society where you’re one wrong word away from being bankrupt. And I dare say you don’t either.

But this campaign isn’t just about stopping the asphyxiating hand of totalitarian tyranny, it’s also about standing up for the rights of the marginalised.

Cash is a lifeline for the elderly. Many older people struggle with online banking. ...

What about people in rural communities with poor broadband or mobile connectivity? Cash can keep struggling rural communities going, the cogs of the local economy turning, and going digital will put a big spoke in the wheel.

What about the homeless? They survive on people walking past and giving them a bit of spare change, maybe even a note if they’re lucky. If we’re all walking around with digital wallets then what happens to them? Do they just starve or freeze on the streets?
274   HeadSet   2023 Jul 3, 1:59pm  

Patrick says

What about the homeless? They survive on people walking past and giving them a bit of spare change, maybe even a note if they’re lucky. If we’re all walking around with digital wallets then what happens to them?

How will people buy the dope that keeps the CIA going?
275   Patrick   2023 Jul 3, 4:23pm  

Oh damn, hadn't thought about them. Poor CIA, I guess they will have to do without that revenue.
278   Patrick   2023 Jul 31, 11:08am  


Banks trying to drive cash out of society, warns Nigel Farage

Former Ukip leader says he would welcome Royal Commission into sector, with more than 1,000 bank accounts a day being shut

280   HeadSet   2023 Jul 31, 7:32pm  

Legal tender laws?
281   Patrick   2023 Jul 31, 7:40pm  

The way I understand it:

If you have a debt, the store has to take cash. Says so right on the cash, valid for all debts.

But they can refuse to take cash before you incur a debt.

So if you eat at a restaurant, you can in theory always pay cash at the end, because you have a debt.

But if you try to buy something at a cafe, they can refuse cash because you don't have the debt yet.
282   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 1, 8:39am  

I always side with the business in this matter, they can transact however they want. If you don't like it, don't go there. We stopped eating at a couple restaurants that refuse to take cash.
284   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 7, 9:29am  

We've discussed this before, most small business's will discount your bill for cash because it's saves them money.
286   richwicks   2023 Aug 9, 2:24am  

Patrick says

The way I understand it:

If you have a debt, the store has to take cash. Says so right on the cash, valid for all debts.

But they can refuse to take cash before you incur a debt.

So if you eat at a restaurant, you can in theory always pay cash at the end, because you have a debt.

But if you try to buy something at a cafe, they can refuse cash because you don't have the debt yet.

You're so quaint, believing laws matter.

I'm not going to post the picture of him with 1/2 dozen teenage prostitutes.
289   HeadSet   2023 Aug 11, 2:39pm  

Patrick says

Good sentiment, but two ironies:
1. The rich have more "ballots" and can out vote you.
2. The gov can take your "ballots" (taxes) and cast those votes how they like.
291   Patrick   2023 Aug 11, 2:55pm  

HeadSet says

Good sentiment, but two ironies:
1. The rich have more "ballots" and can out vote you.
2. The gov can take your "ballots" (taxes) and cast those votes how they like.

Both true.

I suspect that favored businesses don't care about boycotts because somehow unlimited newly printed money is directed their way.
292   richwicks   2023 Aug 11, 5:04pm  

Patrick says

I suspect that favored businesses don't care about boycotts because somehow unlimited newly printed money is directed their way.

Me too.

I also don't think the writer's strike is going to ever end. My expectation of the future is that we will have personalized AI "entertainers" within 30 years or perhaps only the rich will have access to any entertainment at all, and the poor will have none.

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