Building a Parallel Society

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2021 Sep 10, 12:49pm   1,780 views  73 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

From an email from gab.com:

At the end of July I published religious exemption documents in response to the overwhelming amount of private messages I received on Gab with people telling me that their school, workplace, and even our military would be forcing them to get inject an experimental vaccine into their body or lose everything.

The documents went wildly viral, not only on Gab, but across the entire internet. This caught the attention of the Enemy, who swiftly began their usual tactics of defaming me for reminding people that they have religious liberty, bodily autonomy, and human rights.

The first attack came from the New York Times and a Facebook-funded “research firm.” They claimed that by sharing religious exemption documents that I was spreading “misinformation.” Next the far-left blog New Republic did their best to smear me, but ended up making Gab look pretty based if you ask me. Finally, the far-left establishment activists at Media Matters said I was trying to "sabotage" vaccination efforts. ...

We created the No Vax Job Board group on Gab, which was a massive success and is leading to people finding new jobs without vaccine requirements.

Then I published a religious exemption template for college students as they faced being kicked out of school at the start of the fall semester for refusing to be injected. ...

We must do everything we can right now to peacefully protect our freedom by building a parallel society. It’s baffling to me how people do not recognize the urgency of the situation we are in. We have lost so much over the past 18 months and we will never get it back unless we start taking a stand right this second.

That means putting in the work. You may need to find a new job. You may need to move. You may need to pull your children out of school. You may need to find a new doctor, a new church, a new everything. You may even have to show up at your local city council and school board meetings to let them have a piece of your mind.

What does a parallel society look like?

It looks like homeschooling your kids, turning off the television, deleting your Facebook account, reading your Bible, spending more time with your kids, moving to a better area near people who share your values, getting involved in local instead of national politics, finding a church that isn’t woke, supporting businesses who support your values, consuming content from people who share your values, and radically removing each and every last corrosive system of control and fear of the globohomo society from your life.

It won’t be easy, nothing worthwhile is, but it can and is being done by so many people in your exact position.

Let me ask you something: what is your freedom worth to you?

To me it is worth everything.

The freedom to worship in my church without permission from the State. The freedom to work without being forced to inject myself with a substance that I do not want in my body. The freedom to have a political opinion on the internet without being banned from banks and social networks. The freedom for my children to learn without having a disgusting and unhealthy dirty mask over their faces for eight hours a day and being told they are evil for their skin color.

Are these freedoms worth making an effort to preserve and protect? Absolutely. If they are to you, you better start acting like it because no one is coming to save you. Not politicians. Not Presidents. Only Jesus Christ saves and God helps those who help themselves.

Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor. Proverbs 12:24

We are faced with a choice as we undergo one of the most radical power plays in human history by the global elite. We can shut up, put on the mask, take the 4+ (and counting) vaccines, and be treated like cattle, or we can peacefully take action by exiting their entire system and forging our own path forward in a parallel economy, a parallel internet, and a parallel society.

Vaclav Havel said the same thing and I agree. We must build parallel structures and leave the corrupt corporate leftists behind.

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50   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 23, 12:52am  

NuttBoxer says
In a free market, which is the only place true money has ever existed, every business earns the right to be judged by their actions. No FDIC, no bailouts. The dishonest may profit for a short while, but greed always leads to collapse, and in a free market, jail. The problem is when you make laws forcing inferior money products to be accepted, as we now have with Federal reserve debt notes. Don't force people to take monopoly money, and real money will always win out.

Government sets weights and measures. This is just "You must sell gas by the gallon, and pay wages with metal coins, rounds, or bars: no paper or digital."

There's economic force: Big Employers and Banks get together and agree only to use banknotes to pay employees, never give them the metal. They whack up some of the profits during periodic defaults or devaluations.

I won't accept any currency system without this requirement as law.. Might as well just have the fiat and not bother with the metal. Open up a 19th Century newspaper and check the "Discount Rate" for Metal Banknotes. At least a fiat dollar is a fiat dollar in Cleveland or Boston, unlike 19th Private Metal Banknotes. "Oh, you have 100 ounces of silver on deposit at Cleveland Federal? We here at First Boston will give you 80 ounces for that note."

When metal resides with the individual, and distributed broadly, there will be liberty. If the metal all sticks to the top and everybody mostly has notes instead, Liberty will eventually be taken - or fraud will take place, and the latter will happen very, very quickly.
51   Patrick   2022 Feb 23, 9:48am  

AmericanKulak says
"Oh, you have 100 ounces of silver on deposit at Cleveland Federal? We here at First Boston will give you 80 ounces for that note."

Exactly. They have to adjust for the probability of not getting paid back in real metal.

It can go the other way though. During the long reign of the Wisselbank in Amsterdam, their reputation was so sterling (pun intended) that people would actually pay slightly more for their notes than for the metal, because of the convenience factor. But eventually they defaulted too.
52   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Feb 23, 11:52am  

AmericanKulak says
Government sets weights and measures. This is just "You must sell gas by the gallon, and pay wages with metal coins, rounds, or bars: no paper or digital."

There's economic force: Big Employers and Banks get together and agree only to use banknotes to pay employees, never give them the metal. They whack up some of the profits during periodic defaults or devaluations.

I won't accept any currency system without this requirement as law.. Might as well just have the fiat and not bother with the metal. Open up a 19th Century newspaper and check the "Discount Rate" for Metal Banknotes. At least a fiat dollar is a fiat dollar in Cleveland or Boston, unlike 19th Private Metal Banknotes. "Oh, you have 100 ounces of silver on deposit at Cleveland Federal? We here at First Boston will give you 80 ounces for that note."

When metal resides with the individual, and distributed broadly, there will be liberty. If the metal all sticks to the top and everybody mostly...

The scenario your describing does not follow the Constitution. That is not how weights are set, that is not how money is exchanged. None of that is accurate to the system I described, or the existing laws already in place.

You can currently request to be paid in silver if you want. There's nothing stopping your or your employer from doing so. It's not "only use THIS measure", that's the problem, it's "You MUST accept these worthless fiat notes". That might seem like a fine distinction, but makes a HUGE difference. Forcing economies to accept bad money means the real money will never show it's face, regardless of whether it can be used or not. If I can get something of real value from my employer, but my bills can all be paid in worthless paper, why would I ever pass those coins to anyone else?
53   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Feb 23, 11:56am  

Patrick says
Exactly. They have to adjust for the probability of not getting paid back in real metal.

That only happens if you can be forced to accept an inferior payment. This is the principle that always backs all corrupt financial systems. A law forcing citizens to accept worthless mediums of exchange as payment.

Patrick says
It can go the other way though. During the long reign of the Wisselbank in Amsterdam, their reputation was so sterling (pun intended) that people would actually pay slightly more for their notes than for the metal, because of the convenience factor. But eventually they defaulted too.

Also true of the bank of Florence or Naples. Partly because of how good the bankers were at deciphering the exact value of any coin in circulation. But mainly because the bank always had 100% of depositors funds on hand, ALWAYS. It was not until they engaged in fractional reserve banking that their notes lost stature.
54   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 23, 12:17pm  

NuttBoxer says

The scenario your describing does not follow the Constitution. That is not how weights are set, that is not how money is exchanged. None of that is accurate to the system I described, or the existing laws already in place.

You can currently request to be paid in silver if you want. There's nothing stopping your or your employer from doing so. It's not "only use THIS measure", that's the problem, it's "You MUST accept these worthless fiat notes". That might seem like a fine distinction, but makes a HUGE difference. Forcing economies to accept bad money means the real money will never show it's face, regardless of whether it can be used or not. If I can get something of real value from my employer, but my bills can all be paid in worthless paper, why would I ever pass those coins to anyone else?

Experience has shown Banks or Governments are not to be trusted. And the Founding Fathers made the Constitution Amendable. Just like slavery (except for criminal punishment) can be prohibited, papernotes can be banned in certain circumstances - like for regular wages and small contracts, and metal required to be accepted for any and all purposes, public or private.

Also, why would pure silver coins be bad money? Paper or Digital Banknotes representing silver coins can easily be bad money, and it WILL be made into bad money, either by public or private actors.

Governments or Banks in control of paper or digital representations of the metal can and will devalue, defraud, or simply confiscate it. You'd have to go house to house to confiscate metallic currency, a huge cost in time and expense.

Do you want metallic coinage or not? I'm open to it, but I want the coins. No deal without this caveat. Let Wells Fargo and Lockheed Martin deal with paper.

No metallic based currency unless wages and small contracts must be executed in the actual coinage. Metal for the people! Banknotes for big institutions and overmighty actors (if they want). Let the bigshots only be able to screw over other bigshots.
55   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Feb 23, 12:30pm  

AmericanKulak says
papernotes can be banned in certain circumstances - like for regular wages and small contracts, and metal required to be accepted for any and all purposes, public or private.

That is currently the case. But again you focus on banning the bad money, rather than just not forcing it's acceptance. You over-reach, and ask for more government, that you just said you don't trust, to keep sound policy in place. Think free market, and just eliminate the law that forces accepting Federal debt notes, the rest will work itself out, and quickly.

AmericanKulak says
Also, why would pure silver coins be bad money?

Too malleable? I never said this, so not sure.

AmericanKulak says
Governments or Banks in control of paper or digital representations of the metal can and will devalue, defraud, or simply confiscate it.

Government doesn't have that right. As for the banks, don't use the bad ones.
56   richwicks   2022 Feb 23, 12:43pm  

NuttBoxer says
AmericanKulak says
Governments or Banks in control of paper or digital representations of the metal can and will devalue, defraud, or simply confiscate it.

Government doesn't have that right. As for the banks, don't use the bad ones.

So don't use banks then. Got it.
58   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 4, 10:24am  

NuttBoxer says
Government doesn't have that right. As for the banks, don't use the bad ones.

All banks have pressures they eventually succumb to because of the nature of fractional reserve banking.
60   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Mar 17, 8:55pm  

Parallel economy is way to go. They cannot cancel what they don’t control. McDonalds just learned the hard way
61   Undoctored   2022 Mar 17, 9:22pm  

NuttBoxer says
AmericanKulak says
You can currently request to be paid in silver if you want. There's nothing stopping your or your employer from doing so. It's not "only use THIS measure", that's the problem, it's "You MUST accept these worthless fiat notes".

If you’re thinking of how a dollar bill says “this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private” that means if you’re in debt then your creditor must accept federal reserve notes as payment. But there’s nothing to keep someone from insisting on an arbitrary type of payment up front.
62   Patrick   2022 Mar 17, 10:10pm  

Right, I think it's true that if you get served food and decide to pay with cash, they have to take the cash.

But on the other hand, they could demand your credit card first and refuse to serve you if you don't give it.
63   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 17, 11:27pm  

Latest Torba Tantrum - he's suing Boningo, though apparent Boningo came up with the idea AND the website and copyright to "Parallel Society" months before Torba.
64   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 17, 11:30pm  

Patrick says

So far: Tomatoes, Green Bunching Onions, Sunflowers (oil), Borage, Cukes. Also a cheap seed press is on my list.
65   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Mar 18, 12:22am  

AmericanKulak says
All banks have pressures they eventually succumb to because of the nature of fractional reserve banking.

Yep. The system is skewed to favor leverage over fiscal responsibility. If you are honest, you're penalized, if you're dishonest, you're bailed out. As long as your bank is from New York.
66   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Mar 18, 12:25am  

Undoctored says
If you’re thinking of how a dollar bill says “this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private” that means if you’re in debt then your creditor must accept federal reserve notes as payment. But there’s nothing to keep someone from insisting on an arbitrary type of payment up front.

It has nothing to do with the individual being in debt. It denotes the law that must always accompany bad money. Otherwise no one would ever use or accept them as they're are worthless. Bad money always chases out good.
67   Patrick   2022 Mar 18, 5:13am  

AmericanKulak says
cheap seed press

To make oil I assume. Never used one. Never had borage either.

I just tried buckwheat on the advice of a Russian friend. It's got an odd smell to it, but it's kind of addictive and seems to be very good for you. I might plant some.
69   Patrick   2022 Mar 27, 11:40am  


If the rest of us build a parallel culture that stresses having children, the woke will eventually die out and only sane people will remain.

The Amish and the orthodox Jews are already quite busy at it.

The only risk then being that the woke will keep trying to indoctrinate your children in schools, which is why you should closely monitor the curriculum in your school, and pull your children out if they are doing that.
70   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Mar 28, 9:47am  

Patrick says

If the rest of us build a parallel culture that stresses having children, the woke will eventually die out and only sane people will remain.

The Amish and the orthodox Jews are already quite busy at it.

The only risk then being that the woke will keep trying to indoctrinate your children in schools, which is why you should closely monitor the curriculum in your school, and pull your children out if they are doing that.

i really want to find out who paid for that billboard, money is easy to track down, someone has to make payments and it has to come out of some account. i'm thinking of hiring a private investigator to track that shit down.
71   richwicks   2022 Mar 28, 9:57am  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
i really want to find out who paid for that billboard, money is easy to track down, someone has to make payments and it has to come out of some account. i'm thinking of hiring a private investigator to track that shit down.

Not hard to find them.


The pictures of the people in the org are amusing. Typical woke women and men.
72   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Mar 28, 12:00pm  

richwicks says
FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
i really want to find out who paid for that billboard, money is easy to track down, someone has to make payments and it has to come out of some account. i'm thinking of hiring a private investigator to track that shit down.

Not hard to find them.


The pictures of the people in the org are amusing. Typical woke women and men.

I think those are the front, someone very rich usually funds shit like that from the top. A lot of these groups aren't self funded, that's my point.
73   Patrick   2022 Mar 28, 12:18pm  

richwicks says
Typical woke women and men.

How dare you assume their gender!

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