Vaxx Failure Thread

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2021 Sep 28, 1:25pm   229,235 views  1,350 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

A thread for obvious failures of the jab.

First one:


A married Michigan couple who were fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 both died of the virus just one minute apart.

Cal Dunham, 59, and wife Linda, 66, ‘gained their angel wings’ Sunday despite taking precautions against the virus and being inoculated against it, relatives said.

The couple, who had undisclosed underlying health conditions, fell ill earlier this month during a family camping trip, the couple's grieving daughter Sarah Dunham said.

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81   Robert Sproul   2021 Nov 25, 5:47pm  

Did this brave dude get posted somewhere on Pat.net yet?
'They aren't going to publish their findings, they are concerned about losing research money' Dr Aseem Malhotra reveals a cardiology researcher found similar results to a new report showing an increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine."
82   Patrick   2021 Nov 26, 9:48pm  


We are mandating a vaccine where there is no scientific evidence that it has ever saved a single life
As the BMJ noted today, we will NEVER have that evidence because the vaccine makers are structuring the trials to avoid proving an all-cause mortality benefit since they know it is negative.

1 hr ago

If you are are still in doubt as to whether we are being hoodwinked on the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccines, this Editorial in the BMJ today should remove all doubt. We are being hoodwinked. And it’s not going to get better. Ever. So we are stuck with a vaccine that is being mandated where most people have no fu*&($#ing clue as to whether it works or not.

Why? It’s simple. They know full well from the VAERS data that the vaccine kills far more people than it saves (regardless of age) and they want to make sure you will never find out.

Get it?

Those of us who know how to interpret the safety data from VAERS and other similar systems know full well what is going on, but when we try to warn people, we are being marginalized as spreaders of misinformation. Who’s lying? Well, suffice it to say that no self-proclaimed VAERS expert will agree to a debate.

Note: For those of you upset about the headline, sure, they can argue that the COVID vaccines saved people from dying from COVID. I concede that. But the all-cause mortality (ACM) rate (which nobody is looking at), has always been far greater than the COVID lives saved.

And that my friends is the inconvenient truth.
83   Patrick   2021 Nov 26, 10:04pm  


A frightening new potential explanation for vaccine-driven myocarditis and other problems
Researchers in the New England Journal of Medicine raise the possibility of an uncontrolled autoimmune response to the coronavirus spike protein that may last indefinitely
84   Patrick   2021 Nov 26, 10:17pm  


PROOF: COVID vaccines cause prion diseases
Twitter suspended my account (likely forever since there is no appeal) due to one post on prion diseases. Here's the information they wanted to make sure you NEVER find out.

12 hr ago


There is no doubt the mRNA vaccines are causing prion diseases. People didn’t have these diseases before the shot and suddenly they develop them after the shot. There is no other explanation for this. None of the “fact checkers” can explain the cause of the excess rates. Prion diseases are incurable and always fatal. You can die as soon as 6 weeks after COVID vaccination (see within 6 weeks and within 6 months examples).

However, Twitter believes this is not true, but they refuse to tell anyone why they think that. Other fact checkers who have checked this out never did a VAERS query and are unable to explain away the “excess” number of reports other than doing a blanket dismissal that everything in VAERS is fraudulent without providing any evidence of that claim (other than one report out of 1.6M reports).

None of the fact checkers will debate on this to set the record straight.
85   Patrick   2021 Nov 27, 11:17am  


In the analysis by Tracy Hoag and colleagues, her results are clear; that a child is more likely to develop myocarditis and be hospitalized than ever get COVID-19, the respiratory illness, and become hospitalized. So, the vaccination or prevention is far worse than what it's trying to prevent." See mark 4:53
86   Patrick   2021 Nov 28, 10:36am  


A Massive Covid Wave in Germany and Central Europe Despite High Vaccination
By Vasko Kohlmayer

November 27, 2021

... Conclusion

With vaccine uptake in the 60 to 70 percent range, the virus should be – if not banished – then definitely under control. Instead, as we see in a number of countries across Europe, it is out of control.

Watching these numbers, one cannot but feel deeply concerned, especially since the death rates tend to peak in the December-January period. Given the record high case figures in central Europe, these countries may be in for some very dark times in the weeks ahead.

Many European nations, as well as other highly vaccinated countries in other parts of the globe, are sounding the alarm and imposing a new wave of lockdowns.

If the vaccines were even remotely effective, this could have never happened on a continent whose average vaccine uptake is 65 percent.

Given that the exploding case numbers correlate with the high rates of inoculation, one begins to suspect that it may be the vaccines that are responsible for the record-topping case numbers.

The data clearly demonstrates that the vaccines do not have the effect they were supposed to have.

The figures and graphs presented above provide hard evidence of vaccine failure.

I think it's clear that the vaxx itself is creating the wave of cases. It's the same in every vaxxed country.
87   Patrick   2021 Nov 28, 1:31pm  


45% of deaths after COVID vaccination happen in the first 2 weeks
It's 59% at 4 weeks and 63% at 5 weeks. Doing some very conservative estimates on the number of Americans killed by the vaccine leads to the inevitable conclusion that the vaccines should be stopped.

14 hr ago
My friend Albert Benavides (aka WelcomeTheEagle88) did a quick analysis for me on the deaths reported after vaccination in VAERS.

45% of all reported deaths happened within two weeks after vaccination.

Peter Schirmacher, one of the world’s top pathologists, said that 30% to 40% of people who died within 2 weeks after vaccination died were killed by the vaccine. His results were replicated by other German pathologists (since no US pathologist would dare accuse the vaccine of causing death or they would be immediately fired).

If we take the most conservative view possible, the vaccine should be immediately stopped
91   Patrick   2021 Nov 28, 5:43pm  


Dr. Paul Offit is lying to us about myocarditis rates
For teen boys, vaccines are more likely, not less likely, to kill you or give you myocarditis. Here's the proof.

Nov 2

The New York Times recently reported that Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and member of the FDA outside advisory committee for vaccines (VRBPAC), said that COVID-19 is much more likely to cause myocarditis than the vaccine. ...

The bottom line: if you want to protect your kids, you need to stop believing the bullshit advice from the CDC now about the vaccines being safe and effective. You should not vaccinate them. Period. Full stop. Nobody should be taking these vaccines. If you get COVID, treat it with an early treatment protocol like the one developed by Fareed and Tyson. You will avoid hospitalization, death, long-haul COVID. These treatments will not kill or injure you.

Maybe the problem is elderly politicians and billionaires who are think that vaxxing children will do something to slow the spread, even though vaxxing is strongly correlated with increasing case rates in every country. More vaxxing leads to more cases, everywhere.

So they are willing to kill children with the vaxx in a mistaken attempt to prevent themselves from catching it.
92   GNL   2021 Nov 28, 6:28pm  

Patrick says
So they are willing to kill children with the vaxx in a mistaken attempt to prevent themselves from catching it.

I would not doubt this one bit. I've had conversations with Covidiots and they are the ones who most support forcing masks and vaxes on kids. I believe it is because they care only about themselves.
93   zzyzzx   2021 Nov 29, 5:29am  


Aussie Reality TV Star suffers chest pains and lockjaw right after being vαχχed; Ends up in the hospital with heart attack.
94   Robert Sproul   2021 Nov 29, 6:57am  

zzyzzx says
Aussie Reality TV Star

I think we can all agree that misfortune that befalls beautiful women is exponentially more tragic than when it happens to regular schmoes.
95   WookieMan   2021 Nov 29, 6:58am  

Ceffer says

I'd actually say this is a positive of the vaccine in my world. Could never stand her music. She also always had a very creepy vibe about her.
96   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 29, 9:29am  

zzyzzx says

Aussie Reality TV Star suffers chest pains and lockjaw right after being vαχχed; Ends up in the hospital with heart attack.

"The doctor told me if it's not on the website - it's unrelated"

Some "doctor".
97   Patrick   2021 Nov 29, 6:30pm  


COVID Cases Are Surging in the Five Most Vaccinated States
98   Onvacation   2021 Nov 29, 8:12pm  

Patrick says

COVID Cases Are Surging in the Five Most Vaccinated States

Fear Porn. The surge is not greater than previous spikes. Of course this is deaths which lag "cases". Two more weeks to flatten the curve.

99   Patrick   2021 Nov 29, 11:10pm  

Onvacation says
Fear Porn

True. I should never trust the corporate press.
100   Patrick   2021 Nov 30, 9:41pm  


the essence of science and scientific credibility is generating a hypothesis, making forward predictions about outcomes, and then testing them to see if you got it right.

it’s really little more than that, but it’s also certainly nothing less.

so let’s take a look at this set of hypotheses and predictions made by the president on august 3rd 2021.

attribution was crystal clear.

so, let’s see how he did on this claim:

maine is 90% 12 and up vaxxed and more than 99% of the over 65’s . yet it has seen has seen record cases, record hospitalizations and near record deaths despite being nowhere near wheat is usually peak season. that won’t be for 4-6 weeks.

... clearly, brandon was trying to pass off seasonality as vaccine efficacy.

this prediction of a “clear link” between vaccines and lower rates and lower severity looks to have failed utterly.

there is simply no other way to put it.

it was just a cross correlation of vaccine rates and latitude.

seasons shifted, and so did covid expression. and vaccines seem to have done little or nothing to stop it. ...

meanwhile, covid has dropped to the lowest rates since data collection began in the southern states biden and others were so anxious to pillory.

this has been an utter shambles of misinformation and misleading claims coming from DC. the fact that the white house is still getting this this astonishingly wrong when the data is so clear that even internet DOGS much less cats are nailing it is inexcusable.

this is either such rank incompetence or such towering mendacity as to disqualify those promulgating it from any future epidemiological utterances, much less determinations on what constitutes disinformation.
101   richwicks   2021 Nov 30, 10:00pm  

Patrick says
maine is 90% 12 and up vaxxed and more than 99% of the over 65’s . yet it has seen has seen record cases, record hospitalizations and near record deaths despite being nowhere near wheat is usually peak season. that won’t be for 4-6 weeks.

What are you comparing this to?

You need to find a locale with a similar climate which have a lower vaccination rate. If you don't, the response is "if these people weren't vaccinated, it would have been worse!"

I personally regard the vaccinations as worthless at best, and dangerous and/or deadly at worst - but I am still cautious about gathering data to draw a conclusion. Africa basically made me come to my conclusion and Uttar Pradesh although I'm also aware that I have a different genetic makeup, so they may not be comparable. Ivermectin seems to be useful, if I was Indian or African - it's probably useful for my white pasty body but I am aware there are races that cannot tolerate lactose, although I can easily.

We need a serious study where people are given the vaccination and placebos and looking at only the death rate of each group. Each group needs to have an identical makeup. It's so easy though to pervert data. It has to be a double blind study, and there's not been one yet and now that the vaccines have been deployed will NEVER be. The fact that there's been no double blind study - that alone makes my decision.

These vaccinations aren't studied and there is no experimental testing that I know of. Presumably nobody knows what these vaccinations will do in the long term and I would literally rather die than become a test subject for a corporation, for free.
102   Patrick   2021 Dec 1, 9:44am  


In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated).

12 of 31 infections in fully vaccinated household contacts (39%) arose from fully vaccinated epidemiologically linked index cases.

Peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status or variant type

In Germany, the rate of symptomatic COVID-19 cases among the fully vaccinated (“breakthrough infections”) is reported weekly since 21. July 2021 and was 16.9% at that time among patients of 60 years and older [[2]]. This proportion is increasing week by week and was 58.9% on 27.

In Israel a nosocomial outbreak was reported involving 16 healthcare workers, 23 exposed patients and two family members. The source was a fully vaccinated COVID-19 patient. The vaccination rate was 96.2% among all exposed individuals (151 healthcare workers and 97 patients). Fourteen fully vaccinated patients became severely ill or died, the two unvaccinated patients developed mild disease

US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifiesfour of the top five counties with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated population (99.9–84.3%) as “high” transmission counties

A similar situation was described for the UK. Between week 39 and 42, a total of 100.160 COVID-19 cases were reported among citizens of 60 years or older. 89.821 occurred among the fully vaccinated (89.7%), 3.395 among the unvaccinated (3.4%) [[3]].
103   Patrick   2021 Dec 1, 9:45am  

richwicks says
You need to find a locale with a similar climate which have a lower vaccination rate. If you don't, the response is "if these people weren't vaccinated, it would have been worse!"

The sheep will still find some difference between the places and claim that the difference is due to that.
104   Patrick   2021 Dec 1, 9:45am  

richwicks says
I am aware there are races that cannot tolerate lactose, although I can easily.

Reality is racist.
105   Bd6r   2021 Dec 1, 9:50am  

Patrick says
Reality is racist.

It is not race per se, it is specific Indo-European ancestry that prevents lactose intolerance. India is supposedly Asian but they have a fair amount of lactose tolerance. See also pockets of extreme lactose tolerance in Africa, which was developed locally.
106   HeadSet   2021 Dec 1, 11:43am  

My brother's wife got the jab two days ago because it was required by her employer. Late last night, an ambulance took her to the hospital for a stroke and today she is awaiting an MRI to see which part of her brain was affected. Hopefully, doctors are waking up, as my brother said the doctor asked if she had got the jab recently.
107   GNL   2021 Dec 1, 12:29pm  

HeadSet says
My brother's wife got the jab two days ago because it was required by her employer. Late last night, an ambulance took her to the hospital for a stroke and today she is awaiting an MRI to see which part of her brain was affected. Hopefully, doctors are waking up, as my brother said the doctor asked if she had got the jab recently.

Are they going to sue?
108   HeadSet   2021 Dec 1, 12:39pm  

WineHorror1 says
Are they going to sue?

Have not thought about that yet. Just got word that she will be in the hospital until at least Friday. Since the doctor did ask if she got a recent jab, I hope the jab will be listed as the cause. Two other people I know around here who got blood clots right after their jabs had their doctors outright refuse to blame the jabs. Apparently, doctors face consequences for listing the jab as a cause for any illnesses.
109   richwicks   2021 Dec 1, 1:05pm  

WineHorror1 says
Are they going to sue?

Sue whom?

We don't have an operating judicial system anyhow.

I just got a notification from work again advising me to get the jab. I live like a pauper and will never change. I don't need a job. People should never make themselves dependent on other people. If the jab does prove to be deadly, what will be left are the independent people of the world.
110   Ceffer   2021 Dec 1, 1:08pm  

Most doctors are in corporate conformity mode. They are locked in a battle between traditional ethics, various medical briberies, and self interest. Unfortunately, the self interest and briberies are prevailing too often. It is the 'silver or the bullet' choice that is commonly employed by the organized criminals of the state.

There is promotion of denial as to the source and origin of the vax atrocities. Once inflicted, the doctors will do everything to gaslight and deny to keep the blowtorch of blame away from themselves. Once they sold their souls, they also made themselves the sin eaters and guilt proxies for the Globalist psychopaths.
111   Automan Empire   2021 Dec 1, 1:08pm  

HeadSet says
Late last night, an ambulance took her to the hospital for a stroke

On Reddit, they'd classify this post as worth an "angry upvote."
112   Patrick   2021 Dec 1, 1:10pm  

HeadSet says
WineHorror1 says
Are they going to sue?

Have not thought about that yet. Just got word that she will be in the hospital until at least Friday. Since the doctor did ask if she got a recent jab, I hope the jab will be listed as the cause. Two other people I know around here who got blood clots right after their jabs had their doctors outright refuse to blame the jabs. Apparently, doctors face consequences for listing the jab as a cause for any illnesses.

Please tell everyone you know that she got the jab and then got a stroke.

Word of mouth is hard to censor.

And I think some of them will reply with similar stories of their own.
113   GNL   2021 Dec 1, 1:27pm  

HeadSet says
Have not thought about that yet.

I was hesitant to ask that question for fear of coming across as insensitive but, what else can we do?

Patrick, I agree...tell everyone you possibly can about any and all side affects to the stroke jab.
114   GNL   2021 Dec 1, 1:28pm  

richwicks says
Sue whom?

We don't have an operating judicial system anyhow.

Sue the company? Maybe everyone should do like you and I do...live like paupers. Everyone that possibly can should also start their own companies.
115   Ceffer   2021 Dec 1, 1:44pm  

I had my hair cut yesterday. Hairdresser double vaxxed and who was very ill from it is hyper sensitized to any mention of it, or that she may have harmed herself. I don't notice she shrunk, but her upper back is more rounded and stooped, like accelerated aging.

She would take cruises and go a lot to Mexico with her husband. She thought she would have a 'vaccine passport', but a 10 day vacation she took to Cabo turned into two or three days of vacation, with the rest of the time being tested, log jammed in transport and layovers, and in various quarantines without even the slightest privilege from her vax. She said it was an extremely unpleasant trip. So much for the promised 'normalcy' by conforming to vax mandates.

She said her future 'vacations' will only be in US locations, she won't have any more vax or boosters. Basically, she fucked herself up with the vax for no reason and no ostensible gain, she knows it, but she just wants to be in denial over it.

I was wondering if she would be angry over it, but she seems to have deflected the shame onto herself, like it was her fault she believed the government lies. I guess that is what they want.
116   HeadSet   2021 Dec 1, 1:48pm  

WineHorror1 says
I was hesitant to ask that question for fear of coming across as insensitive

No offense taken, nor any idea that anyone was insensitive. Right now, I am wondering since they know about the jab, will they take measures to treat/defend against spike proteins, and not just treat it like a cholesterol issue with cholesterol remedies.
117   Eric Holder   2021 Dec 1, 1:57pm  

HeadSet says
WineHorror1 says
I was hesitant to ask that question for fear of coming across as insensitive

No offense taken, nor any idea that anyone was insensitive. Right now, I am wondering since they know about the jab, will they take measures to treat/defend against spike proteins, and not just treat it like a cholesterol issue with cholesterol remedies.

Do any measures to treat/defend against spike proteins even exist?
118   richwicks   2021 Dec 1, 1:57pm  

WineHorror1 says
richwicks says
Sue whom?

We don't have an operating judicial system anyhow.

Sue the company? Maybe everyone should do like you and I do...live like paupers. Everyone that possibly can should also start their own companies.

I'll tell you this, the less shit you own, the less you have to worry about.

There's no point in materialism. We're going to drive the cost of everything to $0 over time.

Something I've always wanted to get into was construction for living spaces. I wonder if a foam concrete or a foam plastic couldn't be used as a building material? It would be unconventional, but it would be cheap. Housing is the one thing we've not made disgustingly inexpensive.
119   Patrick   2021 Dec 1, 2:35pm  


Evidence of heart disease after COVID shot exists but isn’t published out of fear, cardiologist says
'These researchers at the moment have decided they’re not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money from the drug industry.'
120   Patrick   2021 Dec 1, 2:35pm  


Yesterday’s Conspiracy Is Today’s Medical Journal Headline: NEJM Explains How COVID Vaccines May Produce Spike Proteins that Lead to Myocarditis
By Jim Hoft
Published November 26, 2021

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