Vaxx Failure Thread

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2021 Sep 28, 1:25pm   219,226 views  1,257 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

A thread for obvious failures of the jab.

First one:


A married Michigan couple who were fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 both died of the virus just one minute apart.

Cal Dunham, 59, and wife Linda, 66, ‘gained their angel wings’ Sunday despite taking precautions against the virus and being inoculated against it, relatives said.

The couple, who had undisclosed underlying health conditions, fell ill earlier this month during a family camping trip, the couple's grieving daughter Sarah Dunham said.

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248   Patrick   2021 Dec 25, 10:47pm  

Most articles are propaganda these days. But at least there are a few nuggets of truth in that one along with the propaganda.
249   richwicks   2021 Dec 25, 11:01pm  

Patrick says
Most articles are propaganda these days. But at least there are a few nuggets of truth in that one along with the propaganda.

If you're willing to search around in a sewer for a diamond that fell out of a ring, good luck to you.

I don't even consider it worth my time to listen to "mainstream news" at this point. It's at least 99% garbage. I spent years looking for good information on it. You can find a FEW journalists actually doing their job, but when they do, they are fired in short order. Look at what happened to Glenn Greewald? Don't trust Matt Taibi - he's stated very clearly that if ordered to lie, he will.

Even the journalists that went independent, they are reluctant to explain the situation. Aaron Maté still defends Amy Goodman. She's just another fucking liar sellout. You can learn more from a moron like me just filtering out the bullshit I listen to, than you can from 99% of any professional journalists and I'll tell you straight up, I try to be accurate, but ultimately, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I only spot lies, everything beyond that, is speculation that doesn't contradict with what I know to be false.

I don't know, for example, that the US is at war with Syria for Genie Energy, but nothing I know contradicts that, and all the propaganda hides it and supports this hypothesis. I can't be certain I'm correct, it's just an ENORMOUS coincidence that what just happens to help Genie Energy's oil extraction efforts in the Golan is promoted in our "news". I've seen plenty of people talking about this, yet, our media never says "NO, that's not true because of (explanations)" - they just avoid it. It's never discussed except on niche sites:


You can find it, provided you know what you are looking for, but you'll never see it in the NY Times or Washington Post or CNN, or Fox, or NPR, or PBS, etc, etc. They have a reasonable hypothesis, and it's NEVER discussed.
250   GNL   2021 Dec 25, 11:04pm  

Patrick says
Most articles are propaganda these days. But at least there are a few nuggets of truth in that one along with the propaganda.

I really don't know where to go, mentally, from here on out. I still don't know anyone whose been hurt by the vax. I do know 4 people who've been Hospitalized and 2 deaths. 1 of the deaths i don't personally know but a friend of my father does. 1 death was a healthy 60 year old male (vax status unknown) and a 40 year old overweight smoker male (unknownvax status). My father in law is in the hospital now. His condition seems to go up and down. He has been taking a protocol that includes most of Rin's protocol + hydroxycloraquin as a prophylaxis. He took 5 12mg Ivermectins AND the monoclonal antibody infusion.
251   HeadSet   2021 Dec 26, 6:27am  

WineHorror1 says
Patrick says

From the article...

"The vaccine continues to demonstrate effectiveness against serious illness.”

Yes, because they want to justify the jab despite proof the jab does not stop anyone from getting or spreading Covid. There is no way to know if a person's symptoms would have been worse if they did not have the jab. Remember, even with the Alpha Variant, most people had to be tested to even know they had Covid. Omicron is even milder.
252   porkchopXpress   2021 Dec 26, 9:46am  

WineHorror1 says
Patrick says
Most articles are propaganda these days. But at least there are a few nuggets of truth in that one along with the propaganda.

I really don't know where to go, mentally, from here on out. I still don't know anyone whose been hurt by the vax. I do know 4 people who've been Hospitalized and 2 deaths. 1 of the deaths i don't personally know but a friend of my father does. 1 death was a healthy 60 year old male (vax status unknown) and a 40 year old overweight smoker male (unknownvax status). My father in law is in the hospital now. His condition seems to go up and down. He has been taking a protocol that includes most of Rin's protocol + hydroxycloraquin as a prophylaxis. He took 5 12mg Ivermectins AND the monoclonal antibody infusion.
I was explaining this to my son last night because he was asking why I think the jabs aren't safe. This is what I know: since the vaxx campaign started, I've seen an unprecedented # of injuries and deaths in my circle of acquaintances:
- Coworker in his 40s died mysteriously in his sleep. Fully vaxxed.
- Coworker's mother-in-law died while camping on a mountain hike. Appears to be pulmonary embolism. Fit, health and avid hiker. Fully vaxxed.
- Coworker's husband had a random seizure tied to a brain aneurysm. Never happened before. Fully vaxxed.
- Coworker's son (23 y/o) has heart inflammation and needs to see a cardiologist and likely some sort of medication or even surgery. Fully vaxxed.
- Neighbor's daughter (19 y/o) gets sepsis. Unsure of the injury happened but the parents suspect it's related to the jab since it happened recently.
- Friend and coworker says his T has gotten low and his libido has dropped to the point where he needs Viagra to have sex with his wife. Fully vaxxed and this phenomenon happened since (i.e., last 6 months).

253   GNL   2021 Dec 26, 10:53am  

I'm reposting my comment above with some corrections and additional information.

"I really don't know where to go, mentally, from here on out. I still don't know anyone who's been hurt by the vax. I do know 4 people who've been Hospitalized (as well as at least 8 others who were not hospitalized) and 4 deaths. 1 of the deaths I don't personally know but a friend of my father's does know this person. 1 death was a healthy 60 year old male who was put on a vent because of Covid (vax status unknown), 1 was an 80 year old woman, another was my boss's 94 year old father and the last one was a 40 year old overweight smoker male (unknown vax status). My father in law is in the hospital now (unvaxed). His condition seems to go up and down. He has been taking a protocol that includes most of Rin's protocol + hydroxychloroquine as a prophylaxis. He took 5 12mg Ivermectins AND the monoclonal antibody infusion. He is doing well and I was just told he will most likely come home from the hospital this week."
254   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2021 Dec 26, 11:10am  

Don't go on the vent.

256   Patrick   2021 Dec 26, 11:51am  


i think we can say with fairly high confidence that there is nothing in this data that supports the idea that widespread booster usage is stopping spread or contagion of covid.
257   Ceffer   2021 Dec 26, 1:16pm  

Who could have possibly foreseen this? I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked!:
258   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 11:23am  


The results are in and they should give us all pause
A decent-sized study noted over the last two weeks that if you are a male under 40 years old your risk of a serious adverse reaction called myocarditis is much higher from taking the vaccine than what you would experience from just contracting Covid.

Our friend Vinay walks through the details here. The evidence is pretty irrefutable now - there is a significant risk to men under 40 after taking 2 shots of the mRNA vaccine.
259   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 12:01pm  


in the sort of delicious irony we’ve all come to expect from modern day health policy (and doubly so from the boriqua version) we see once more the total faceplant of “jim covid” laws.

MMM is a puerto rico health insurer. (text below is from a guy who works there)

they mandated covid vaccination for employees.

employees sued and won exemptions.

the company responded by segregating them and moving all the unvaxxed into a separate building.

then covid broke out in the vaccinated building (but not the unvaxxed).

you seriously cannot make this stuff up.

i have changed nothing (except for covering the phone numbers)

260   GNL   2021 Dec 27, 12:05pm  

Patrick says
A decent-sized study noted over the last two weeks that if you are a male under 40 years old your risk of a serious adverse reaction called myocarditis is much higher from taking the vaccine than what you would experience from just contracting Covid.

Not sure how I've not heard of this before now...are you saying that Covid can give you myocarditis?
261   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 5:26pm  


On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination

Why the vaccines cannot protect against infection
A fundamental mistake underlying the development of the COVID-19 vaccines was to neglect the functional distinction between the two major categories of antibodies which the body produces in order to protect itself from pathogenic microbes.

The first category (secretory IgA) is produced by immune cells (lymphocytes) which are located directly underneath the mucous membranes that line the respiratory and intestinal tract. The antibodies produced by these lymphocytes are secreted through and to the surface of the mucous membranes. These antibodies are thus on site to meet air-borne viruses, and they may be able to prevent viral binding and infection of the cells.

The second category of antibodies (IgG and circulating IgA) occur in the bloodstream. These antibodies protect the internal organs of the body from infectious agents that try to spread via the bloodstream.

Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2. Thus, the currently observed “breakthrough infections” among vaccinated individuals merely confirm the fundamental design flaws of the vaccines. Measurements of antibodies in the blood can never yield any information on the true status of immunity against infection of the respiratory tract.

The inability of vaccine-induced antibodies to prevent coronavirus infections has been reported in recent scientific publications.
262   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 5:38pm  

For genetics geeks:


Both Moderna and Pfizer Spike Protein Contain the ADE-Related Epitope - and I Found Something Weird Encoded by Pfizer's mRNA
My prior analysis of Pfizer had (mistakenly) used an very large antisense open reading frame that encodes a protein unknown to science.
263   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 5:42pm  


Study Suggests That Moderna and Pfizer Vaccine Selection Triggered Disease Enhancement in Delta and Its Spread
Scientists are careful to hedge on the political ramifications of their findings, but publish anyway
265   EBGuy   2021 Dec 28, 6:35pm  

WineHorror1 says
Not sure how I've not heard of this before now...are you saying that Covid can give you myocarditis?

Yikes. Most definitely. Here's a chart Risks of myocarditis, pericarditis, and cardiac arrhythmias associated with COVID-19 vaccination or SARS-CoV-2 infection to help assess you risks.
HINT: under 40 years old is where the bodies are buried

266   EBGuy   2021 Dec 28, 6:46pm  

And it get's even worse when you break it down by age and sex. See Male Aged < 40 graph where Pfizer 2 & 3 and the second Moderna shot have a greater risk of myocarditis than from COVID.

268   porkchopXpress   2021 Dec 29, 8:46am  

EBGuy says
WineHorror1 says
Not sure how I've not heard of this before now...are you saying that Covid can give you myocarditis?

What I would like to see is if vaccination helps reduce the rate of heart trouble from Covid infection.
271   porkchopXpress   2021 Dec 29, 1:03pm  

Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology, was just permanently banned from Twitter for posting the following bombshell report.

This is a MUST READ
272   Patrick   2021 Dec 30, 7:13am  


the revisionist history around vaccines is getting pretty extreme. let’s be VERY clear:

yes, they were promised to stop spread, contagion, and provide herd immunity.

yes, those promises were made by the same “experts” currently claiming “vaccines were never supposed to stop spread, just reduce severity.”

yes, they were so committed to this that they literally changed the definition of “herd immunity” to EXCLUDE natural immunity.

(of course, they then changed the definition of “vaccine” as well to make this look like less of a failure)

and yes, all the unprecedented lock down and mask up policies were pushed explicitly as “only necessary until we get the vaccines.”

despite the massive PR offensive underway to deny this, these are the facts.

this is what they sold us.

and we have the receipts.
273   Patrick   2021 Dec 30, 11:30am  


Life Under Segregation

It began with fear... then coercion and now we live with "soft" apartheid. Everything looks the same but nothing is really what it used to be.

Over the weekend, I attended another freedom rally in my city. The crowd was a large one and there were many young families present. While I was queuing for some food later, I had an extended exchange with a father in his 70s and his adult daughter about the state of things related to Covid. It was a long wait and there was time to go down a few rabbit holes.I was impressed yet again by how well-informed this new fledgling community is. Again I questioned the effectiveness of these gestures of resistance afterwards but I, in part, like to think I'm doing something to draw the line somewhere. Do I have the courage of my convictions to make the effort? At the very least, I can't be party to the official narrative nor should I resign myself with an attitude of despair and passivity.

The next day at church, someone mentioned that they had gone to the same rally and then later on made their way to restaurants nearby for a bite, two of which refused them entry because they didn't have the "right" documentation.

Now that living under segregation has finally sunk in, I've only just begun to see with my own eyes how insidious it is. It isn't just the messaging and the deception. What's really hit home is how the powers-that-be deploy your community (or the people you thought were your community) to apply peer pressure to achieve conformity. First it's the conversations to make you feel your place as "the outsider". Then comes the gaslighting ("conspiracy theories", "misinformation", "we should just follow the experts"). Finally the threat of being ripped apart from one's nearest, dearest and immediate community can be enough to pressure someone into acting against their conscience. The entire process has undoubtedly subtle and incremental. It's come right out of the totalitarian playbook and it's evil.

Whenever I think of how they've managed to split the Christian community over this, I am ashamed. We haven't learnt anything from history.

I observed something similar while watching Terrence Malik's A Hidden Life (a 3 hour long biopic of Franz Jagerstatter, an Austrian Catholic farmer who became a conscientious objector during WW2). His entire village turned against him first before he ended up in Tegel Prison experiencing routine beatings by his Nazi captors. There's a startling scene in which the audience is positioned in Jagerstatter's point of view as he's receiving blows from the prison guards and witnessing first-hand the inhuman brutality being meted out. One recoils in horror as if one is the target of the attacks.

Until recently I've generally believed in the efficacy of vaccines. I'm more highly vaccinated than most I imagine because I've made trips to remote areas in third world countries. These days, I'm much more sceptical about vaccines in general just because it's been shoved down our proverbial throats with impunity. As a result I've gone to places and read things I didn't used to. Robert F. Kennedy Jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci started that ball rolling and since then I've seen information in various places casting doubt on the glorious history of vaccines as a medical miracle.

Incompetence is no longer a sufficient explanation for what's going. It hasn't for a long time. When the levers of power are actively suppressing useful information and narrowly promoting a single therapeutic without concern for real human lives, this can't be chalked up to stupidity or mere mishandling. There has to be something far more sinister at work.
274   Patrick   2021 Dec 30, 11:37am  


CDC’s studies show that in COVID-19, the vaccinated can transmit just as easily (if not more easily) that the unvaccinated. ...

Expect a Public Backlash to Condescending Vaccine Propaganda and Faux Science
Pharma’s campaign to snuff out states rights in the form of religious and philosophical exemptions - the law in 18 states in 2015 - led to a backlash by informed consent and health freedom groups who educated themselves, developed new media outlets and publicized whistleblowers like Dr. William Thompson of the CDC and two whistleblowers at Merck who, like Dr. Thompson, claimed data fudging for key studies. ...

The Phases of Vaccine Failure

In this section, I review the events that occur when pathogens are targeted by vaccines. These are generalized, are not distinct (overlap in time) and the higher-numbered phases are not dependent on the lower-numbered ones.

Phase 0. Perfect Antigen Match - “Release Transmission Efficacy”
When a vaccine is identical to the pathogenic with respect to the amino acid sequence and structure of the vaccine and pathogen antigen(s), efficacy should be maximized. It may not be perfect; that depends on myriad factors listed above. ...

Phase 1. Early Mismatch - Original Antigenic Sin
As mutations accumulate in the laboratory-sourced antigen source, they also occur in the wild-type viral or bacterial lineages. Initially, the slight mismatch between the vaccine type and the wild type will tend to cause a slight decay in vaccine effectiveness, unless the vaccine is updated to match the circulating wild-type pathogen. This would likely fall into the category of Original Antigenic Sin, which was first noticed in influenza strain infections: patients who had flu from the influenza virus in one year often had a second bout of more severe influenza in the second year. This is relatively weakening of the immune response, enough to cause more viremia or bacteremia.

The same problem will, of course, occur over time as vaccine antigens in the lab and in the wild evolve away from each other.

Phase 2. Mid Mismatch - Antigenic Drift/Antigenic Shift
A more dramatic loss of an effective immune response occurs when an antigenic epitope is lost wholescale, which can occur in viruses that recombine (swap parts), as can occur with influenza virus and with beta coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2. ...

Phase 3. Late Mismatch - Vaccine Failure
Given evolutionary transitions away from the vaccine type, pathogens will eventually escape the vaccine to the point where additional vaccination in the population and repeated vaccination (boosting) in individuals will become ineffective public health measures. Routine outbreaks will occur in fully vaccination populations - sometimes even those with 100% vaccination coverage.

When this occurs, pushing for further vaccination via restrictions of rights such as free, prior and fully informed consent, religious and philosophical exemptions will only serve to antagonize an increasingly distrusting public who can see vaccine failure - and vaccine adverse events - with their own eyes. The public messaging that increased vaccine uptake is the best way to shut down an outbreak, epidemic or pandemic will (correctly) be seen as propaganda, and the vaccination event itself will be seen as taking on individual risk with no personal or collective benefit. ...

Phase 4. Disease Enhancement (Inevitable?)
The inability of vaccine immune defenses to stop or slow an infection is one thing. If mechanisms exist by which the act of vaccination increases the rate of infection in a person, the vaccine will be seen as a risk factor for more serious disease. This outcome is, of course, utterly disastrous, and the scale of damage will be a function of the extent of vaccination.

In SARS-CoV-1, MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) virus and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccination development attempts, disease enhancement was seen (See SARS-COV-2 VACCINE RECOMMENDED READINGS on jameslyonsweiler.com).

I think it is an open question whether fixed vaccines in a world with pathogen evolution will always necessarily lead to disease enhancement of some type.

There is now, unfortunately, mounting evidence that vaccination of individuals using the Wuhan sequence has fostered vaccine escape, and, per my recent article on the work of Jacques Fantini and his team, fostered disease enhancement since the emergence of the Beta variant very early on in the pandemic.

The simplest way to put this: the problem with vaccines is the vaccines. ...

Some think (or hope) that Omicron may be a planted live attenuated virus, made more transmissible and far less lethal to help end the pandemic, e.g., my colleague and friend Dr. Jessica Rose. ...
275   Patrick   2021 Dec 30, 11:42am  


Vaxx not working so well.

Fortunately, deaths did not go up because Omicron (Xi) is a nothingburger, just a cold:

277   Patrick   2021 Dec 30, 12:06pm  

Now one has to wonder if the vaxxed are going to get these new variants over and over while the pure of blood do not get them.

That would definitely cause a shift in politics long-term.
278   joshuatrio   2021 Dec 30, 12:50pm  

Patrick says
Now one has to wonder if the vaxxed are going to get these new variants over and over while the pure of blood do not get them.

That would definitely cause a shift in politics long-term.

No need to wonder. We know it's true.

I think I had omicron/covid/cold the other day. Took 1.5 days to get over. Congestion and drainage. That was about it. That's nothing compared to strep/flu/etc...
279   Patrick   2021 Dec 30, 12:56pm  


The risk of death and disease in children has become even more rare with Omicron. Yet even prior to the advent of Omicron, a peer reviewed study clearly demonstrated (using safety data accumulated during past variant circulation) that the genetic COVID-19 vaccines carry a risk/benefit ratio of five deaths in the older, high risk cohort for every one life saved from COVID-19 (and those data did not account for the reporting bias inherent in US deaths due to COVID consequent to inappropriate use of PCR tests).
280   Patrick   2021 Dec 30, 2:55pm  


Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Two Studies Show New Evidence that Covid-19 Vaccines “Cause More Illness than They Prevent”
282   Patrick   2021 Dec 30, 5:42pm  


ICUs are not “full” of unvaccinated covid patients, they’re not even full of covid cases. In fact, they’re not even full at all.

As of last week, NHS England’s own bed statistics reported that England has 4330 available critical care beds, of which 894 (21%) are being used by Covid patients, 2608 (60%) non-Covid patients and 828 (19%) were empty.

So, England’s critical care beds are not even 90% full, let alone 90% full of unvaccinated covid patients.

But let’s be charitable and assume these people misspoke or communicated their point badly. Let’s assume they meant 90% of covid hospitalisations are unvaccinated.

That, at least, is true right? Wrong.

The actual number is 35.4%

According to the UK’s Health Security Agency data (page 31 of this document) 6639 patients were admitted to hospital “with Covid” in the weeks 44-47 of this year. Of those 6639, 2355 were unvaccinated.

See also: https://nitter.net/statsjamie/status/1467801344245481476
283   Patrick   2021 Dec 30, 8:08pm  


Boosters May Cause 'Immune System Fatigue,' Compromise Ability to Fight Virus

The New York Times reported that experts advised caution before Israel approved a fourth COVID-19 vaccine injection, warning that too many shots might actually harm the body’s ability to fight the virus by causing “immune system fatigue.”
As Israel rolls out a fourth COVID-19 vaccine injection to curb the spread of the Omicron variant, experts are now warning that too many injections may cause “immune system fatigue,” and actually compromise the body’s ability to fight the virus, the New York Times reported.

From the report:

“JERUSALEM — Israel is considering whether to approve a fourth Covid-19 vaccine dose for vulnerable people to contain the fast-spreading Omicron variant, despite debate among scientists and a lack of evidence either for or against another booster.

The panel of experts advising the Israeli government on the pandemic recognized that uncertainty, but on Tuesday it recommended giving a fourth dose, concluding that the potential benefits outweighed the risks. It pointed to signs of waning immunity a few months after the third shot, and said that any delay in additional doses might prove too late to protect those most at risk.

Trending: Politician Who Broke Down Sobbing In Front of Congress Tells Conservatives They 'Are The REAL Snowflakes'
But some scientists warned that the plan could backfire, because too many shots might cause a sort of immune system fatigue, compromising the body’s ability to fight the coronavirus. A few members of the government’s advisory panel raised that concern with respect to the elderly, according to a written summary of the discussion obtained by The New York Times.”

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has signaled his support for the fourth injection.

I think the Israelis are eventually going to hang Bennett for what he has done to them on behalf of Pfizer.
284   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2021 Dec 31, 8:26am  

You know what is going to happen. "Yes, in hindsight, mistakes were made, but we were trying to do the best we could!" even though there is plenty of evidence to demonstrate unethical motivations. It's a big rug. Sweep, sweep.
285   richwicks   2021 Dec 31, 8:44am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
You know what is going to happen. "Yes, in hindsight, mistakes were made, but we were trying to do the best we could!" even though there is plenty of evidence to demonstrate unethical motivations. It's a big rug. Sweep, sweep.

Yep, they always do this when caught, but we can't let people forget the censorship that prevented the truth from coming out much earlier.

I've been reading up on IPFS - with some tweaks to the protocol, it will replace the Internet as we know it today.

Imagine this, you'll upload a video by simply marking it as available to view. That's it.

Now people uploading to YOU - that's a problem I don't think that has been solved - such as uploading a comment on your video, so you can see it. Still, a problem that can be solved.

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