Vaxx Failure Thread

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2021 Sep 28, 1:25pm   222,205 views  1,290 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

A thread for obvious failures of the jab.

First one:


A married Michigan couple who were fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 both died of the virus just one minute apart.

Cal Dunham, 59, and wife Linda, 66, ‘gained their angel wings’ Sunday despite taking precautions against the virus and being inoculated against it, relatives said.

The couple, who had undisclosed underlying health conditions, fell ill earlier this month during a family camping trip, the couple's grieving daughter Sarah Dunham said.

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403   Patrick   2022 Jan 30, 6:34pm  

checkmate 🍊🗣 🗣 🗣
Want to see something really cool?

Covid deaths before and after vaccination country by country. Shocking!

404   Patrick   2022 Jan 31, 9:31pm  


January 27, 2022

The Pandemic of PCR-Negative COVID-Like Illness

In late October, the CDC had circulated a headline that the COVID vaccines are more than five times as effective as natural immunity. I pointed out that the real story was the hint from this paper that there is a pandemic of PCR-negative “COVID-like illness” hospitalizations that is six times more common in fully vaccinated individuals than in naturally immune individuals.
407   Patrick   2022 Feb 1, 3:40pm  


Real Covid numbers from Australia's largest state. 76 percent of deaths since mid-January are in the vaccinated. Deaths in the boosted are soaring.
408   Robert Sproul   2022 Feb 1, 9:27pm  

Has this website been posted? Testimonies of the injured.
409   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Feb 4, 11:24am  

80% of serious COVID cases are fully vaccinated' says Ichilov hospital director

Are Israeli hospitals really overloaded with unvaccinated COVID patients? According to Prof. Yaakov Jerris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, the situation is completely opposite.

“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” Jerris told Channel 13 News. “They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”

Jerris also revealed some of the confusion in reporting cases. Speaking at a cabinet meeting on Sunday, he told ministers, “Defining a serious patient is problematic. For example, a patient with a chronic lung disease always had a low level of oxygen, but now he has a positive coronavirus test result which technically makes him a ‘serious coronavirus patient,’ but that’s not accurate. The patient is only in a difficult condition because he has a serious underlying illness.”

411   Patrick   2022 Feb 4, 5:53pm  


Covid deaths in Israel have hit an all-time daily high. The mRNA vaccine experiment has failed. IT MUST END NOW.
Alex Berenson 6 hr ago
Remember: Israel was the first country to mass vaccinate with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.

It was the first country to use boosters.

The first to offer a fourth shot.

About 95 percent of adults over 50 are vaccinated. About 85 percent have received a booster.

This is the result.

How can anyone view this chart as evidence of anything except - at best - complete vaccine failure? And at worse evidence that the mRNA vaccines are interacting with Omicron in a way that is worsening outcomes. Spare me the talk of relative risk ratios. SPARE ME. The vast majority of the people dying in Israel are vaccinated.

Something is very wrong and the only rational solution at this point is to pull the vaccines and figure out what.

We are very, very fortunate that Omicron is less dangerous overall. The next variant may not be.
412   Patrick   2022 Feb 5, 1:33pm  


"Israel: The vast majority of the deceased are vaccinated...

They have seemingly gone through 'immune erosion'.

We must gather more data and then decide (what to do).."
413   GNL   2022 Feb 5, 2:54pm  

Patrick says

"Israel: The vast majority of the deceased are vaccinated...

They have seemingly gone through 'immune erosion'.

We must gather more data and then decide (what to do).."

Clown World.
414   Ceffer   2022 Feb 5, 3:08pm  

Benjamin Fulford says the Khazarian Mafia are using the toxic vaccines to weed out the dissidents amongst their vassals. He says the passive obedients are getting a lot of saline.
415   GNL   2022 Feb 5, 3:30pm  

Ceffer says
Benjamin Fulford says the Khazarian Mafia are using the toxic vaccines to weed out the dissidents amongst their vassals. He says the passive obedients are getting a lot of saline.

And how do they know who is who? A list? So, the adminiters of each individual vax has to look at a list to decide which vax they get? And if this is how they are doing it, there are no whistle blowers? Really?
417   Patrick   2022 Feb 6, 7:03pm  


Slides showing the connection of the vaxx to injuries and deaths.
419   Patrick   2022 Feb 6, 8:10pm  


Are Israeli hospitals really overloaded with unvaccinated COVID patients? According to Prof. Yaakov Jerris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, the situation is completely opposite.

“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” Jerris told Channel 13 News. “They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”

now, this alone does not actually tell you anything. 80% are vaxxed might mean vaccines are failing or it might mean they are working. it depends on how many people have been vaccinated.

in israel, that number is 66% fully vaccinated and 72% with at least one dose. 55% are boosted.

so the final tally is 55% boosted, 11% double vaxxed, and 6% single vaxxed. this leaves 28% unvaxxed.

obviously, this data is a total mess of bias and confounds, but it’s more or less consistent on face value with a vaccine efficacy for hospitalization of anywhere from about 0% to negative 56%. that is not a neighborhood you want to be in for a vaccine, especially one with such common and severe side effects. ...

it’s clear that boosters are failing.

and just like lockdowns and masking before them, the new narrative of “severity mitigation” is rapidly falling apart in real time.

more worrying, all cause deaths are up, not down in many highly vaxxed places (2021 vs 2020) and this issue flips right when the vaccination campaigns began. ...

this is an outcome so jarring based on prior cohort depletion as to demand explication and health agencies do not even appear to be working on it (or if they are, they are sure not sharing that work). this may well mean we mistook poison for panacea. (all cause deaths data by vaccination status would be a huge help here) ...

the reason people trust most vaccines is that they are incredibly safe as well as being effective in actually providing sterilizing immunity that prevents infection. this trust was abused by claiming “you trust vaccines. this is a vaccine. so trust it!” and proclaiming any who would not “anti-vaxxers.”

this is akin to branding any who will not take an experimental new kind of fentanyl to cure a sore throat as “anti medicine” and excoriating them as bad parents for not wanting it forced upon their children. ...

the good news is that omicron looks mild.

the bad news is that it increasingly looks like the variant that original antigenic sin (OAS) begot and this means that the vaccinated may be wide open for it in a way they would not have been had these programs not been rolled out. worse, they may NEVER be able to generate sound immunity because that’s what OAS does. ...

if this is what it looks like to me, this is not spreading like wildfire in these groups because omicron is some crazy new superspread variant. it’s spreading because all these people over-trained their immune systems against a specific spike protein pattern and their immune response is now a one trick pony that cannot mount an effective sterilizing resistance against variants and perhaps will NEVER gain this capability.
420   Patrick   2022 Feb 7, 9:27pm  


One reader reports on the Philippines, where all remains fairly grim:

A vaccine mandate has been in force for all workers in private and public sectors since the end of October, and unfortunately the opt-out option of weekly PCR testing is financially impossible for many Filipinos, many of whom are drastically poor. This latest round of insanity brought with it restrictions on the unvaccinated and a de facto vaccine passport system. The president told local officials (‘barangay captains’) to make a list of unvaccinated individuals in their communities and restrict their movements, and the unvaccinated were also banned from public transport (a “no vax card, no ride” policy). Stores, malls, and restaurants--anywhere indoors--also required individuals to show their vax card for entry, and as a result most Filipinos have begun wearing their laminated cards around their necks on a lanyard. Naturally, all of these measures made no difference: "cases" in the metro Manila region reached all-time highs despite the 108% vaccination rate in some areas. Every single person I know here who got the booster got covid immediately after, like clockwork. You already know how they rationalized that.

Right, they always say "It would have been worse without the vaxx."

My wife just ran into a highly vaxxed couple we know who of course got sick and then said exactly that.
421   Patrick   2022 Feb 7, 10:57pm  


But in January, things started unraveling. The first to collapse was test and trace. As cases spiked, it became instantly clear that the tracing infrastructure was completely inadequate for handling the situation. The system was swiftly flooded and backlogs grew to weeks. Quarantines and isolation orders were left unissued (and unenforced). People catching infections and experiencing symptoms were unable to book PCR-tests due to inadequate personnel. (Rapid lateral flow testing never became a thing in Finland.) It became impossible to get official certifications for quarantine pay or sick leave. Uncertainty and frustration followed, coupled with the obvious observation that double- and triple-vaccinees were also catching infections just as easily as the Untouchables.
422   Patrick   2022 Feb 7, 11:27pm  

Patrick says
Right, they always say "It would have been worse without the vaxx."

My wife just ran into a highly vaxxed couple we know who of course got sick and then said exactly that.

Lol, this is almost getting to be a meme. Even in France:

At the same time, they wear the mask more than before because the virus is still circulating a lot and many people are getting sick. Their reaction in this case is to say to themselves: "It's a good thing I got the vaccine because otherwise it would have been worse". They don't even realize that the vaccine may have made their situation worse.

423   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 10:00am  


Brits urged to get HIV tests as heterosexual diagnoses higher for first time in a decade

I sure hope the jab itself is not causing AIDS. Luc Montagnier warned that the jab has sequences in common with HIV. How long does full-blown AIDS take to develop after infection? I looked it up:

About half of the people with HIV develop AIDS within 10 years, but the time between infection with HIV and the onset of AIDS can vary greatly.

Well, it's going to be an interesting 10 years.
424   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 12:25pm  


A Health Public Policy Nightmare
Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for two months in lymph node germinal centers... protein production of spike is higher than those of severely ill COVID-19 patients!
426   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 1:34pm  


mRNA from the Pfizer and Moderna shots can be found in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection.

Free-floating spike proteins circulate at high levels in the blood after vaccination.

Vaccinated people infected with variants of Sars-Cov-2 produce antibodies biased toward the original and now extinct variant - rather than the one that has actually infected them.

Conspiracy theories from Dr. Kennedy-Mercola’s We Hate Vaxxxines Digest?


Findings from a preprint in Cell, among the world’s leading scientific journals. Almost 50 researchers worldwide collaborated on the work, which Cell released online two weeks ago.
429   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Feb 9, 9:35am  

Patrick says
Findings from a preprint in Cell, among the world’s leading scientific journals. Almost 50 researchers worldwide collaborated on the work, which Cell released online two weeks ago.
Yes, this was known even back during the peak of Fauci worship, COVID hysteria, when Trump was in office. There was an earlier study showing that there was detectable soluble spike protein in the blood of the vaccinated. May have been the same authors, because it used a somewhat obscure company's analytical platform, Meso Scale, a survivor of the proteomics bubble. Any reading of the cautionary works of Malone or vanden Bossche would have alerted one to the likelihood.

I posted this earlier study on one of those smarmy I am the doctor, you are a dumb Trumper blog sites. The blogster, an MD I believe, pointed out the relatively low levels of spike protein reported in the earlier study dismissing it as unlikely to have a toxic effect. I pointed out the obvious, that cells and platelets. to which spike protein would bind, were removed from the samples, and so the remaining soluble spike was an under-reporting of what was unleashed. This is pretty basic stuff. The MD blogster, to his credit, did not delete my argument, but sputtered and hemmed and hawed, and offered no meaningful rebuttal.

Which ilustrated:

1. Just cause you have an advanced degree, or perhaps, because of it, you may still be ignorant.

2. If you already have formed a strong opinion, your bias will prevent you from seeing things as they are.

3. If you run a biased, dishonest blog, you will lie, lie, lie.
430   RWSGFY   2022 Feb 9, 4:16pm  

Texas high school basketball player dies after collapsing during game
A Texas high school basketball player died after collapsing during a game Tuesday night, according to the district and local news stations.
The student was a player for Alto High School, located about 140 miles from Dallas. The team was playing against a school from the city of Mount Enterprise.

434   Patrick   2022 Feb 12, 11:32am  


UK Government Data Proves the C0V-19 Injections Cause Damage to the Innate Immune System That Worsens by the Week
February 12, 2022

435   Patrick   2022 Feb 12, 1:55pm  


Realer Verlauf is "real course of events"
Todesfälle is "death cases"
Impfungen is "vaccinations"
437   Patrick   2022 Feb 17, 8:26pm  


No wonder China isn't using mRNA shots
A jaw-dropping, peer-reviewed paper shows China's old-school vaccine produces a far stronger T-cell response to the coronavirus than the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA jab
438   HeadSet   2022 Feb 18, 7:16am  

Patrick says
A jaw-dropping, peer-reviewed paper shows China's old-school vaccine produces a far stronger T-cell response to the coronavirus than the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA jab

What do you mean "far stronger?' That mRNA jab has NO ability to produce T-cell response AT ALL. The mRNA jabs can produce a limited amount of short-lived antibodies, and absolutely NOTHING with cytoplasts of any sort. That means no memory B-cell effects either.
439   richwicks   2022 Feb 18, 8:14am  

Ceffer says
Benjamin Fulford says the Khazarian Mafia are using the toxic vaccines to weed out the dissidents amongst their vassals. He says the passive obedients are getting a lot of saline.

No, it would require the people administering the shots to line up the vaccination with the individual. That would require complete cooperation with the person giving the shot. "These people, they get THIS set of shots - everybody else, whatever".
440   Patrick   2022 Feb 18, 4:29pm  


Biden’s Fully Vaxxed and Boosted Surgeon General Vivek Murthy – and His Entire Family – Test Positive For Covid
By Cristina Laila
Published February 18, 2022 at 10:59am
441   Patrick   2022 Feb 18, 4:30pm  

Let Lindsey Graham know what you think about his failure to show up and vote to defund the vaccine mandates? Office: (202) 224-5972 Press option one.
442   Onvacation   2022 Feb 18, 4:53pm  

Old friend, double vaxxed and boosted, died of the Wuhan yesterday.

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