Vaxx Failure Thread

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2021 Sep 28, 1:25pm   229,252 views  1,350 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

A thread for obvious failures of the jab.

First one:


A married Michigan couple who were fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 both died of the virus just one minute apart.

Cal Dunham, 59, and wife Linda, 66, ‘gained their angel wings’ Sunday despite taking precautions against the virus and being inoculated against it, relatives said.

The couple, who had undisclosed underlying health conditions, fell ill earlier this month during a family camping trip, the couple's grieving daughter Sarah Dunham said.

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546   Patrick   2022 Apr 11, 10:45pm  

WineHorror1 says
Philadelphia just reinstated indoor masking.

Philadelphia Percent Democrat: 82.3%

547   Patrick   2022 Apr 11, 10:54pm  


covid is becoming increasingly vaccine enabled
each iteration of variant is posing greater infection risk to the vaccinated relative to the unvaxxed. is this becoming vaccine fixation syndrome?

el gato malo
Apr 10

it has long been known that the covid vaccines were non-sterilizing. it has also been known, based on the countries like the UK that report the stats honestly that the vaccinated are at greater risk of contracting covid than the unvaxxed. this has even been known about the boosters.

but where this gets really worrying is this: each new variant is seeing this relative risk rate rise and the rate of rise is accelerating. this is, unfortunately, exactly what one would predict as a leaky vaccine with a strong tendency to antigenically fixate those having received it drives viral evolution to prey upon this vulnerability. herd OAS replaces herd immunity and vaccine driven evolution does the rest.
548   Patrick   2022 Apr 12, 7:13am  

So the vaxx was not a failure from the point of view of organized crime.

The world got screwed, but they made billions.
550   richwicks   2022 Apr 12, 9:06am  

My neighbor, around 70, just went to the hospital to discover he had a blood clot in his lung. He's been vaccinated. Correlation != causation, but I don't recall anybody having problems with bloodclots a few years ago. I never even heard of it.
551   Ceffer   2022 Apr 12, 9:50am  

Four known deaths in my immediate hood in Santa Cruz within weeks/months post vax, including next door neighbor, all over 60. None attributed to vax as far as I know. One older guy I talked with a week before he punted and he seemed fine at the time. He was still working around the development.

I surmise from my microcosm that there are many unattributed deaths from vax, especially in the older population, who people will think just punted.
552   richwicks   2022 Apr 12, 10:34am  

original link

I think we are witnessing the end of the credibility of the establishment, finally.
553   Patrick   2022 Apr 12, 6:24pm  


COVID Vaccines Aren’t Working — And No Amount of Boosting Will Change That
We’ve gone from “two mRNA jabs will ensure you won’t carry the virus or get sick or die of COVID” to “you need a booster every four months and you can still contract, transmit, get sick and die of COVID.” At this rate, we’re looking at three injections per year, and the fully-jabbed and boosted are still getting sick with COVID.
554   Patrick   2022 Apr 14, 10:00am  


It's Official! CDC and UK government data reveal the COVID vaccines do not prevent cases, transmission, severe illness or deaths
So what DO they do, and WHY are we using them? ...

Vaccinated Californians and New Yorkers were three times more likely to develop COVID than those who had prior immunity and were unvaccinated.

Vaccinated Californians had a higher rate of hospitalizations (severe illness) than those who were unvaccinated but had prior immunity. (New York did not provide hospitalization data.)

The vaccine failures in this huge study cannot be blamed on Omicron, because the data were collected during Delta.
555   Patrick   2022 Apr 15, 12:20pm  


AIDS-Like "Chronic Covid" is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ
The Boosted Cannot Clear Covid Easily and Keep Getting Reinfected
556   Patrick   2022 Apr 16, 10:27pm  


Unfortunately, the West chose another route, avoided as much infection as possible, vaccinated its citizens with vaccines that could not stop the virus, and is now paying the price due to having vaccinated people suffering repeat Covid infections. Things could turn out differently: had we tried to get herd immunity, Covid would be almost nonexistent in the entire world.

The Mistake of Vaccination is NOT Reversible. Unfortunately, there is no way to “un-vaccinate” people. The highly vaccinated countries and regions will have to suffer endless Covid infections and reinfections for a long time.

557   Patrick   2022 Apr 16, 11:04pm  


covid is becoming increasingly vaccine enabled
each iteration of variant is posing greater infection risk to the vaccinated relative to the unvaxxed. is this becoming vaccine fixation syndrome?
559   Patrick   2022 Apr 20, 9:15pm  


a funny thing happened on the way to herd immunity
the most vaccinated and boosted groups became the ones heading to the hospital
562   Patrick   2022 Apr 22, 11:09am  


"Not Counted" as Vaccine Deaths - Over 50,000 Americans Aged 65 and Up Died Within the First Two Weeks

Attorney Thomas Renz: "They say, 'Well, we don't count anyone as vaccinated until 14 days after their full vaccination,' so that means until 14 days after your second dose, it's not counted. Well, they did that because they know most reactions occur within 14 days of either your first or second dose... [As of] November/December [2021], there were 52,000ish [people aged 65 and up] who died within 14 days."
563   Onvacation   2022 Apr 22, 11:15am  

Patrick says

Wow! So you are more likely to get the Wuhan if your vaxxed!

My medical insurance just sent me an email that I am eligible for jab four.
564   Patrick   2022 Apr 22, 3:10pm  


are mRNA vaccines causing innate immune suppression?
a look at new work on pathways and proposed areas for research

cliff notes:

mRNA vaccines appear to elicit profound, broad based immune suppression

they are structured very differently than live virus and have the equivalent of a biological passkey allow them to proliferate through the body

they persist in tissues for 60 days or more generating synthetic spike protein which is a toxin

and this likely goes a long way toward explaining why the immune response to them is so much more intense and prone to serious, lasting side effects than other vaccines or live virus
566   Booger   2022 Apr 23, 4:12pm  


Fully vaccinated health care worker catches COVID twice within record 20 days
567   Patrick   2022 Apr 24, 10:16am  


suggests that the fully vaccinated population in England has been suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement since 2022.

The fully jabbed are up to 2x more likely to be hospitalized with Covid-19 and 2x more likely to die of Covid-19.

569   Onvacation   2022 Apr 24, 11:37am  

So one dosed vaxxed children are 10 times more likely to die and two dosed vaxxed children are 52 times more likely to die than the unvaxxed. They know this but continue to push the vax. Fucking murderers!
570   mell   2022 Apr 24, 11:41am  

Patrick says

@Patrick can you post the full link to the data please? Thank you!
571   Patrick   2022 Apr 24, 11:49am  

@mell I think I found that on https://patriots.win/?source=patrick.net without a link to the data.
572   Patrick   2022 Apr 25, 2:14pm  


I don't care who publishes it, ultimately. It's just important that the world find out: the efficacy claims are one giant fraud. ...

The Danish Evaluation of RCTs of COVID-19 Vaccines
It makes me icky writing that article subsection heading. Not all of these so-called vaccines are vaccines, and not all of the self-described RCTs were actually RCTs. Some or all of the mRNA vaccine trials failed (intentionally) to even perform tests on all the subjects who reported COVID symptoms, participation failed to span the vast majority of the categories of people who are at serious risk from COVID, data was falsified, trials were prematurely unblinded, and after 17 months data exclusions that overwhelm effect sizes still haven't been explained. But perhaps the most pernicious fiction that most people fail to note or emphasize is that these quasi-vaccines do not even claim to prevent COVID—they just claim to prevent COVID caused by SARS-CoV-2. This is as close as you're going to get to a direct admission that the developers are perfectly aware that the spike protein is itself a large part—if not the primary source—of the COVID pathogenesis.
573   Patrick   2022 Apr 25, 2:28pm  


essentially, you get some reduction in “covid deaths” but it is offset and a bit more by cardiovascular deaths. this alone should give quite a lot of pause. it’s fairly astonishing that it was so completely ignored around approval as is the fact that something on the order of 27k deaths from these vaccines have been reported to VAERS. in the past, vaccines (like swine flu or h1n1) were pulled form the market for killing single digit numbers of people.

this is something altogether different and is certainly being under-reported because that’s how VAERS works.

taken as a whole, this starts to look like some pretty significant regulatory misbehavior. it seems that none of the normal rules ever applied here. ...

covid is becoming increasingly vaccine enabled
it has long been known that the covid vaccines were non-sterilizing. it has also been known, based on the countries like the UK that report the stats honestly that the vaccinated are at greater risk…
Read more
13 days ago · 750 likes · 478 comments · el gato malo
and it’s spreading to hospitalization and covid mortality, leading to the frightening possibility of mRNA accelerating not just other deaths but covid deaths as well.

and if we have indeed managed to create herd level antigenic fixation, it will keep getting worse.

meanwhile, the side effects from boosters will be cumulative and perhaps even multiplicative.
574   Patrick   2022 Apr 25, 2:31pm  


By this time next year (at the latest), they will admit that their products were insufficiently safety tested. They will have to. It's not deniable.
Because they were insufficiently safety tested.

Jessica Rose
Apr 22
578   Patrick   2022 Apr 27, 8:33pm  


as vaccine failure becomes more and more proven, it's time to pivot to "nothing to see here"
fauci claims we are now "out of the pandemic phase"
580   Patrick   2022 Apr 29, 9:01am  


Using a unique dataset from Israel National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) from 2019 to 2021, the study aims to evaluate the association between the volume of cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome EMS calls in the 16–39-year-old population with potential factors including COVID-19 infection and vaccination rates. An increase of over 25% was detected in both call types during January–May 2021, compared with the years 2019–2020. Using Negative Binomial regression models, the weekly emergency call counts were significantly associated with the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group but were not with COVID-19 infection rates.
581   Patrick   2022 Apr 30, 9:52am  


Edward Dowd
The largest fraud ever is embodied in this simple phrase:

“Safe & Effective”
582   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 30, 10:00am  

Patrick says


Using a unique dataset from Israel National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) from 2019 to 2021, the study aims to evaluate the association between the volume of cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome EMS calls in the 16–39-year-old population with potential factors including COVID-19 infection and vaccination rates. An increase of over 25% was detected in both call types during January–May 2021, compared with the years 2019–2020. Using Negative Binomial regression models, the weekly emergency call counts were significantly associated with the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group but were not with COVID-19 infection rates.
Sadly, just the tip of the iceberg.
583   Hircus   2022 Apr 30, 10:42am  

Patrick says

So they obviously have been told what to say. I think the current choice of propaganda phrasing is very telling - by saying theyre "grateful" it makes no claim about effectiveness or safety, thus avoiding lawsuits and liabilities, while still encouraging it.
584   Patrick   2022 May 1, 12:37pm  


Let me be simple: some senior doctors/CEOs in hospital (s) in various State (s) in US, have come forward to us advising that they decided to find us and come to us to say they are ready to talk. Scared about safety and careers will be destroyed. They were offered vaccine cards (fake) when they told their hospitals that they do not want the vaccine when they were mandated to take it, and the hospital leaders advised this will ensure they will not be suspended or fired. So you and I will ask, why? How come? Is it due to the lack of safety that these people know about? Or only to not fire these valuable doctors? We are told it may be country wide. So this is very very troubling. ...

But we are working on it for this is something the nation needs to know for the underlying reasons may be as disturbing and catastrophic. It could bring this vaccine mandate nightmare to a halt.

But what was shared so far is very disturbing. Is it that they/you know the vax is harmful? Is this the reason? CEOs and senior doctors know this and you, and so agree to give fake cards to ‘keep’ you on strength. To not suspend or fire, so fake cards. So they don’t want to have to suspend you as you are too valuable? Or do you and they know the vaccine is harmful and has huge risks? This is insane for shakes and takes down the entire vaccine mandate insanity. CEOs of major hospitals? Senior doctors, ER etc.?

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